' i '' ;v ' POPULATION (n City Corporate Limits 6.574 Immediate Trading Area 15.000 VOL. 59 HO. 15 ? i" *19 ! 1 ' " ' 9 r f M 1' - ; v. L|M 1 *3qH^IH y - .^B5PSfl v MEDALS PRESENTED IN AR? is showp. above presenting an mei WAC. in Army Day cerenu lookers. Master Sergeant M. D Corps, and Mayor Pro Tern Caul Col. Mormon McNeill, of Balei^ medals to the following Vetera East campaign medal; Charier Pacific; Lt Promt WalL left T. Carpenter. Ir. local 325th C I " 1 Local News Bulletins SYMPHONY CONCERTS FuU-iWW&tule or the N*th Carolina Symphony's spring.tout.WSks ^ announced this week. The full W symphony-will play In Charlotte April 27, Shelby May 3 and In Gastonla May 8. Kings Mountain members5==8Tthe society are entitled to free admission to any. of . * the full symphony concerts on presentation of membership cards. ft HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM Members of the Kings Mountain Lions club were to hear an address by Mr. HoIIis. of the state highway department, at the meeting of the dlub at the high school cafeteria Thursday night at 7 o'clock. ' . COURT OF HONOR Regular meeting of the Boy Scout Court of Honor for the Kings Mountain district Was to be held at City Halt Thursday night at 7:45. Rev. J. W. Phillips, district chairman, had called art executive committee meeting immediaately following the adjournment of the court. EXECUTIVES C 1MB MemBers of the Cleveland county Executives Club will hear Robert Kazmayer, radio and platform lecturer, at the dinner meeting of the organization at Hotel Charles, Shelby, Friday night at 7 o'clock. He will discuss "New International Frontiers for Americans." MERCHANTS DIRECTORS L, Officers and directors of the WfJL Kings Mountain .Merchants AssoBk' elation will hold their regular April meetjng at Kings Mountain Drug Company Monday evening at 7:15, it was anounced by Ned McGiil, secretary. Mr. McGill said the meeting is an important one and urged a fulj attendance. ^ KIWANIS MEETING Robert Aldrlch, of Greenville, 5. C., will address members of the Kings Mountain Kiwanls club at their April 15 meeting at the Wo/*Ma?Aa uAnnertino 1a Bn Art. man o viwvi avwiwiiig %v ? ? > IS nouncement In the club bulletin. Rev. W. L. Pressly has arranged the program. . ; Church Constructing Educational Building K ?. w.i ? i . Work is ndw underway, on a new 10-room educational building for K First Wesleyan Methodist church. Rev. J. W. Phillips. pastor of the 1 church, said the anticipated cost of the expansion program would be K $8,000, and that the church hoped to k he able to begin using the new ads' d it ion sometime in May. Telly Dixon is contractor on the budding program. ' r 1 v'' ' 'mm? I Kings -1 ' ' ' 1 L , '' ^ a-: * ' . I SBSw ^^Blfl IT OAT CEREMONIES ? Captain Gee American Defense campaign medal >nies Tuesday afternoon at City HalL ! . Rents, instructor of the 32Sth Compo F. Mauney. both of Kings Mountain. C jh, commanding officer of the N. C. N ns: Ollie Harris, on Mrs. Mttcham's li r HarrilL A static-Pacific campaign n background, local National Guard off omp. Gp. officer. American Defense i Jaycees Schedule Paper CoUection j. Get your waste paper together! The Kings Mountain-Junior Cham her of,Commerce has scheduled anrvf Vine urdctn nanos ninlr.im f/ir Ian of collection will be as previously used. Citizens are asked to place their paper on the curb in front of their homes or on the porch and a crew of Jaycees will emove it on the pick-up day. Business and industrial firms, ordinarily closed on Sundays, should contact the club secretary Ned McGill or President Jacob Cooper if they have waste paper for coliection. Arrangements will be made for pick ing it up in advance of the collection day. "There should be a lot of waste 1 pa pet," President Cooper remarked, "for it has been several months since a pick-up was conducted. Paper ha* the habit of collecting fast, and we hope everyone will clear out hisr magazine racks, shelves, and rtfKAr rvl 0000 U/horo uroctA honor to |r>?tvv? ? rg? L Morelock. of Charlotte, to Mrs. Fay C. Mitcham. forShown at the left are two onsite Croup. Organised Reserve apt. Morelock, who represented [ilitary district, also presented pft, European-African-Middle redal; Jack Crawley. Asiaticicer. EAME medal; and Lt C. medal.?Photo by Bundy. Legion Will See Movies Monday Night 1 i Member,i of Otis D. Green Post, j 155, American Legion, will see two motion pictures at the regular monthly meeting to be held Monday aight at 7:30 at City HalL War movies furnished by the ! - - -# A see _e? ? - I ww ucpvu lutem win oo mown as . | will movies of th* l?4T .Wptld S?tie>, it was agnourtoed. Miwfcwrft being asked to note the change in meeting night The post has formerly met on first Tuesdays, and in the future will meet on second Mondays in the | month. C. T. Carpenter. Jr.. has also called a meeting of the post ath- I letic committee immediately following the regular meeting. Funeral Rites Held For Dr. A. S. Cover Funeral rites lor Dr. A. S. Cover, of Straasburg, Va., brother-in-low of the late Mrs. E. A. Snenk, were held in Straasburg Thursday afternoon, following his deatn Tuesday. He had been in failing health for more than a year ana suffered a relapse last week while Mrs. Cover was attending Mrs. Shenk's funeral here. Dr. Cover was well-known in Kings Mountain, he and his wife having spent several months here visiting Mrs. Shenk. Harold England Top Declauner Harold England, 10th grade contestant for the Davis Declamation medal, was winner with the speech, "The American Constitution" by Frank E. Gannett. On Saturday, April 3, he was one of the six boys selected to enter the Pino ID nf kK ' itain I Friday. April 9, 1948 Margaret Goforth Named President 01 NCEA Group Miss Margaret Goforth, Kings Mountain school teacher, was elected 1948-49 president of the local unit, North Carolina Education Association at a recent mooting of the grOup it was announced this week. Don Parker is out-going president. Other officers elected were: Miss Annie Roberts, vice-president; and Miss Betty Hoyle, secretary. ' The new officers, along with delegates, Miss Mitchell Williams, Mrs. John Gamble, J. E. Huneycutt, arid Mr. Parker, are to attend the 6ith annual state convention of th