' r'.' " . %. ' .*. Page Two " Effort To Protect N. C. Livestock :v RALKIGH ? In an effort to pro teet North Carolina livestock a gainst Bang's disease, bovine tuber eulosis and other infectious diseas es, Dr. L. J. Faulhaber, chief of :h< State Department of Agriculiure'i veterinary division, has instructed livestock inspectors to enforct strictly a regulation aimed at p s venting the entry of diseased cattii from other states. ? Me said recent reports from in spectOrs indicate that a consider able number of cattle from neigh boring states are being brought North Carolina auctiop markets ir violation of a regulation requiring compliance with minimum health sianciarus. mis regulation stipulates that cattle entering the state, ex cept for immediate slaughter, ?hal , be accompanied by a proper Health certificate signed by an aereditec - V; * 'it'.'. : ...i Lews J. G. DJIRRACOTT Doctors have just woTked out a new kind of brain operation called "frontal lobotomy." (Anything to confuse the issue,, eh, Doc?) The operation takes about eight minutes and consists of poking a "refined" ice pick into the frontal lobe. The idea is to puncture your "worry ability." ' Eight minutes with the ice pick" and you're as relaxed as a oucket ol ashes. You ? don't care if.school keeps or not, and the mention of income taxes . sends you into gales of laughter. You couldn't worry if there was money in it! Perhaps this will soon become a regular home service from your local ice-fnan? Don't forget that hilarious DonLr r> 1 ?-V, I I ~ ?? _ * - nv? ^rijue rriucty n.jjni between the Lions and Kiwanians. It's been rumored thai iome of the donkeys are a bit on the muiish side and it'll be quite a test for the rider*. . In Kansas City, Orville L. Stone took out a license- to marry Mary Jane Moss. Apparently that was one stone that had stopped rolling. We don't-know much atcilt rolling-atones, but we do know plentv about Friendly Service, at the WESTERN AUTO ASSOCI ATE STORE. Courteous, friendly Service really means something with us 'We want you to be satisfied, that's why we ins-ist on doing everything possible to giye you the finest, most personalized service in town. Tn^w^Ptmn^EjjL ., . ,V yt>' ' f,'jPIBI Any time r rr^i- n %t t> ? * j j i?m! jo.t.u, rtrarui wherever you are . < locker room, or tn I designed for all-p luxurious wrmkle-r 1 and long for maxi time! Built like y< ahoulders. You'll ji get from B.V.D.'s f . , I MYERS'DEPA1 Drau Shop< . '.--v " -M ' - ? y - -r-r .v-. M ' ' * :4 i\? ' ? ' y. . ? . . . , . . . . * I veterinarian approved toy the liv (stock sanitary official of the sta i of origin. | Two convictions for violation * , r this regulation were recently obta: . I ed in Mecklenburg county. Dr. Fau . ' ha her said. In both instances tfu< . drivers for cattle dealers were four a ' guilty of bringing cattle to a Cha j j Jotte livestock auction market, wit I j out. having obtained health certil , .cates, Y "The purpose of this regulation ? j the veterinarian said, "is to saf< guard our livestock industry . ! gainst the spread of the dreadt /'j Bang's disease and other infectiot j maladies. We have spent many the ,, sands of dollars to eradicate Bang j | and tuberculosis in North Caiolir f and we now have the finest recoi \ of any state in the union in the coi trol ol Bang's disease. Our dairy ar . beef cattle herds represent an inve 1 ment of millions of dollars and v , I cannot afford to jeopardize the I j by permitting the entry from oth states of unauthorized animals tto may be diseased. "Most of those in the Uvesto< business are cooperating, whol heariedly with us by scrupulous observing the regulations. Th< j realize the importance of adeoua control measures as a means of pr< iCcting a gfowirrg industry. Son violations occur, however, and v are determined to stamp them oi in the interest of ail concerned." Dr. Faulhaber suggested thj livestock dealers and shippers -o tain a copy of "Health Regulatioi Governing Admission of Live Sum and Poultry into North Carolina" I writing the Veterinary Divisio North Carolina Department of Agi culture, Raleigh, N. C. Most veter narians in other states shipping e tie to North Carolina, he said, a familiar with these regulations ar are supplied with the proper forn for the execution of animal heaii certificates. Tracy's Racer Finishes Seventh J. Tracy McGinnis, local autom bile dealer and garage man, had racer entered in the dirt track ra es at Southern States Fairground i Charlotte last SundayFred Bailes, of Beckley, West Vi ginia, driving the local sportsman racer, stuck with the leaders to fit Jlsh seventh in the 25-Jap. main < ; vent. ! Bailes ran 2nd and 4th in qualif; ing runs, with a large number < I; iecai racing ians maKing me IT. ' to watch the races. tj ? obe-for you! ? r robe sparks your leisure hours ' .. at home, on the beech, at the ivelinz far from the fireside. It's " A jrpote wear, carefully made of V eaisting all rayon fabric, cut full mum comfort, top style all the )ur suit with handsome set-in imp for joy at the pleasure you'll >erfec? all-purpose robe! B.Y. D. enjog MHO HiXVU.Hl dlUXU ?Second Hoti ' k ' ' v.- - ' -v * " ^ I ,' , I ' r '?-fTtf/tv. '. , V* . V r>; ' -~i _ ' ' V J ^ ,? THE EHVC8 MOUNTAIN HEBALS ' 11 N i 1 i i i I f: Beer Taxes Increase; m Local Unite Benefit 4 "Raleigh. ? Beer taxes collected fey 'n the State In May totaled $381,057.51, ,/ a sizeable increase over the $347,id collected in May of 1947, ac(cording to figures released hv the * North Carolina Department ot Revij enue.. ? . In the first five' months of 1948, ? the State has collected a total of ' $2,095,658.55 in beer taxes, an increase of nearly a half million dol, lars over the $1,530,436.92 collected ' in tfee first five monthjs of last year. u These figures dp not include beer :'s taxes collected by local and Federal ta ' government units, rd rj. Waif of the beer revenue collected ltj by the State is being set aside for st distribution on a per capita basis to ze counties and municipalities in m which beer is Jicensed to be sold, er The local government units will reat-i ceive their share- of the money next fall for the year ending September 31. rk . e. The year's share going to local jy governments is expected conserva;y tively to total well over $3,000,000, te with the estimate based on the cyrp. rent trend in collections..None of ie the money goes to counties and mu?e I nielpaJities in which beer is not 11 ut censed tote sold. The new- beer money was made aat vaiiable to local government units b- when the 1947 General Assembly ns doubled the crown tax oh beer, efjk fective last July 1. Many local units )y used their first quarter's share to n, pay for needed services and e^uipmerit. In some places the new revenue permitted tax reductions or re prevented increases in local taxes. \ mmmmmmmm?mammmmmmm* "i ?FOR SALE? Recently built 5-roora# house, full-size basen^ent with garage. Large lot 0. with garden. Ready for oca j cupancy July 1. C- f in | f. E. Huneycutt 803 W. Gold Phone 106-J j 'S : ^? ? 1- . e S / . * Sport Shirts . $7.25 ti Dad will like the cool comf style these VAN HEUSENS ' ' ' Shoes . i.. $13.95 to Does he wear Nunn-Bush? 1 not you should treat him to Ill comfort. All the summer s1 Shoes ...... $8.95 to Edgerton, by the makers < Bush. A fine shoe buy for Kings Men Toiletries A full line of toiletries wh provide that "extra" for a < |j Ties .... $1.80?$1.50 Just right for Pop. By Vai III and Botany. II Shirts ...... $2.95 t< These VAlf HTUSENS will ly please him. Whites or ec I Pajamas $158 t( Another VAN HEUSEN e: Dad. || Sods All descriptions, at variety Paris Belts. Suspender I tors . . . . . $1.08?o$1.5 II I 1 V t < r'' > ' > 'v v. k>. ' .- "'/. fj) ... ..* v I. KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. '. , . r7- t_ ' ' * ' } .!. '. SJ , 4 % r . / ' . % . '* , - Belk's Deps Remember?Yoi I " 1 ^IPI I < '* ' ' . ' '? i ... - '.' 9 $4.95 ort and . I provide. ich will gift. ?$2.00 M ? Heusen mm ?JHg M >ttra for 0 each .1j .-.: i. / -. ' A,: ' \ :i - . v .V. .. . mmmm NESB NL jfe FINEST IN MEN'S V . ; ' ' : j ' Vi ' ft * V ;? . **'-?. ? "" . "<4;'s'? Friday. June 18. l?4ff M onal Purchase t Summer Bags yles Galore for i Suinmer Wear : REALLY WORTH ^ MUCH MORE II For the Girl ^ !? For the Co^d " ' B For Mother I i ? '' lSHABLE plastic v%: i ^ Calf and Pique Grain* ' l- I ' AU White ! Tan and White Gold and White a multitude of styles \ jfjPPi ? Underarm ^ 11 1 iff I- . Stylet -1 ' 0 Should*ft , J ^ Handle ft irtment Store 1 Always Serve At Belle's n 9 \ ? .. '? ' . . - "* > ' . * . * V.-V'" | Jji'' J ^ -n C yQH& JEtw^l fWi rrSff m vr 'QwwP^ &?/ ' Give Him A Fine Gift On Father's Day Ghre Dad something he veaDy wonts Ms |C yeas, something he con use. Hot* are Jast vr a few suggestions specially assembled for 1 yiE