. V',.; ' v s -'* 4 : '* V'* ' POPULATION I City Limits (1940 Census) S.S74 Immediate Trading Area 15,000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) VOL. 59 NO. 41 Immedic local News Bulletins BUILDING PERMITS Tfcree building permits were issued at City Hall during the past week, with total estimated costs at 515,100. On Monday permit was issued to. Marie Whitesides lor construction of a new thrrc-room dwelling on Deal street, $1,000. On last Friday permits were issued to R. L. MauiTey, to re-roof residence, $400, and to Crescent Hill Development Company, for construction of a new six-room brick veneer dwelling on West King street, $13,700. TO PREACH HERE Rev. C. C. Benton, assistant pastor of Main Street Methodist church of Charlotte, will deliver the morning sermon at Central "ethodist church here Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. H. Brenriall. MASONIC MEETING Fairvlew Lodge No. 339, AF * ; AM, will hold a special communication on Monday night at 7:30 at Che Dodge Hall to give work in the first degree, according to an announcement made this week. JAYCEEi : 7EET TUESDAY Ju:: 1 - ( -. %.ber of Commerce will meet at the Womans club Tuesday night at 7 o'clock acoord Ing to an announcement from the , club; It will be the second regular October meeting br the oVgantra'tion. _? NO POLIO REPORTED Na cases of polio were reported this week by Kings Mountain doc- j tors in a check made by the Herald Thursday morning. negisimuuns Light Saturday Registrars at Kings Mountain precincts read magazines, chatted with occasional visitors, and otherwise spent most of the first registration day killing time last Saturday as business was hardly rushing. Only a small number of citizens put their names on the books to qual ify for the November 2 general elec tion, and a few others arranged for transfers. : The registration books will be open'again this Saturday and on Saturday October 23. Persons not registered will have to accomplish registration on one of these days in order to vote in November. East Kings Mountain precinct citizens should register at City Hall and West Kings Mountain precinct citizens at Victory Chevrolet Co. Saturday, October 30, will be chal ienge day. ^ ___ Kiwanis Square Dance Saturday First Klwanis sponsored square dance of the current season wSJ! be presented Saturday night at eight o'clock at the high school gymnast- . um. Hamrick's string band of Shelby Will be on hand to furnish the music ' and Ray Smith will call the turns. ."We are looking forward to a big turnout Saturday night," a spokesman for the organization said. "Thes dances proved very popular j last year and provide wholesome en tertainment for young and old alike. H's art evening's entertainment for the whole family." Red Cross Officials Attend Group Meetings Mrs. J. N. Gamble, executive secretary, and Mr*. Pride Ratterree, treasurer, of the Kings Mountain, ft. Red Cross chapter, attended two meetings this week to map plans for Red Cross activities. , The k>cal officials went to Hickory Monday, where W. D. Dibrell, of the Atlanta regional office, led a discussion on. budgets for 1948-49. and they attended a . meeting in Gaffney, S. C., on Tuesday where details of the Red Crass home service program was outlined and dls | cussed. ' N Kinrt'6 "\r ite Capit Bethware Fall Opens; Crowds Are Expected Bethware Communtty Fair officials opened up for business Thursday afternoon and the prospects of clear, autumn weather indicated the Fair would be highly successful. Children were counting on .at least one visit to the Bethware swboolfgrounds for a whirl through the Midway. The BethWare Fair?oldest fair in the county ? was resumed this year as a project of the Bethware Progressive club and was previously scheduled for September. However, the polio epidemic forced ' a cancellation. f_I J I 1 I L. ?_?_ . . , rriuay win lit", me Dig day at tne fair for children, with reduced rates on rides and amusements fTom noon until 6 p. m. No admission fee i9 required for j entrance to the grounds. Also on Friday the Judging will be held as well as a farm machinery display and demonstration at 2 p. m. The Midway features the J. M. McIntyre shows and rides. The Bethware fair dates back to 1920. It joined the county fair when it was started in 1923. Boyce To Preach At ABP Services A week's series of special services conducted by Dr. W. M. Boy'ce, of Charlotte, will begin Monday rtfght at Boyce Membrial ABP church. The services will be held each evening at 7:30 from Monday through .Friday, and Dr. Boyce will preach twice at the church On Sunday, October 24, at both morning and evening services. "Dr. Boyce is an interesting and inspiring speaker," said the pastor, Rev. W. L. Pressly, "and we extend a cordial invitation to {he whole com munity to worship with us." Dr. Boyce is a former pastor of the Boyce Memorial church, having ser- j ved as a Kings Mountain minister for several years, prior to going to Charlotte In 1940. Mrs. P. D. Hentdon Is Society Editor Mrs. P. D. Herndon Is assuming the duties of society editor of the Herald this week, succeeding Mrs.'C. j C. Oates, who has resigned to ac- ' cept a position with the Kings Moun tain Laundry. Mrs. Oates has been the efficient society editor of the Herald' since October 31, 1946. i Mrs. Herndon will observe the same office schedule as formerly used. She will be in the office on Monday afternoons, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays mornings and ; Friday mornings. Persons having so. ; ciety news are requested to contact ' her at thees times. AW society news should be in the office as early as possible and not later than Wednesday afternoon, with' ^he exception of Wednesday night events. Absolute deadline for society news is Thursday morning at 9:30. The society department telephone number | is 167. The society department this week has been handled jointly by Mrs. Herndon and Mrs. Humes Houston, former Herald society editor. , - . ' | Bridges Brothers OH To Pie. In aw a awaa ? WW|f|reiHTOti Glee A. Bridgets, former command - } er of Oris D. Green Post 155, Amer-! lean Legion, and his brother Elmo : Bridges, of Bessemer City, left early ; Thursday morning for Miami, Fla., | and the Ametican Legion national convention via Elmo Bridges' 1912 model ' copperhead" Ford. The vintage Model T, which has beebme well-known throughout this area, vfras being counted on to get the Bridges Brothers to Miami in sufficient time tor the 40 A 8 convention beginning.Saturday and it' was also counted on for participation in the annual convention parade. J The travelers estimated that safe cruising speed would be about 25 miles per hour. . ^ tungf. Mountain. It. CM Frida a! Needs Red Cross i Blood Bank Keeter Will Head Library Fund Drive J. Byron Kooier, prominent Xing* Mountain businessman and dole leader. w}l| conduct the second annual financial campaign for the Jacob S. Mauney Memorial Library book fund, according to an announcement this week by the library committee. Goal of the fund dries will be 12,000, and It will be conducted during the remainder of October and November. "An expanding library is a necessity for the community." Mr. Keeter stated, "and 1 am sure the campaign committee will have little difficulty raising this amount. All the funds go for one purpose and that Is for the purchase of additional books." Drag Company Is Remodeling Work was underway this week on a complete remodeling of Kings Mountain'Drug Company, according to an announcement by the owners. C. D. Blanton and J. L. McGill. Extensive plans call for a complete face-lifting of the firm, ,jnelutling a new front, new floor, modern acoustic ceiling and all-new floor and-wall fixtures. In addition to riiodernizlng the firm, the remodeling is designed to provide better space utilization. The owners announced that work uncompleted by December 1 would be interrupted t'e prevent interference with holiday* shoppers. "We feel that Kings Mountain deserves a modern, uo-to-date drue store." the owners .stated, "and our plan is to fill that need." KIWAN1S PROGRAM Horace <Irigg. superintendent of Cleveland county schools, was to address the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club at the regular meeting at the Woman's Club Thursday night on a program arranged by B. S. Peeler. The club now meets Thursdays at 6:30 p. m. H FIRST WEEK'S COURTESY C bown above receiving S5.00 cl courtesy campaign committee, I looks oa. Mr. Walker and Mrs. I ending October I. Mr. Walker it a member of the clerical depart secret Judging committee's ben Mies Evelyn Pearson. Eagle 5 by Sandy. . 'v . I.5 ; ' r ' '<>' ?vftSL'V .. vtatr? ' * * ; .*?y7,"3w .. ... . /. -V ' * I t' '.. jt \ ^"'V;w /X, $r~ ^ ^ ty. October 15. 1948 $253,1 Is Mapping z Campaign jCampaign ! #1^ vumnuuees Being Named Red Crow officiate arid commit- ^ tee members were to meet Thursday night at City Hall to further plans for the blood program drive, to be held in Kings Mountain, Gro-'j ver, and Number 4 Township in the | near future. Meatime additional 1 committee appointments were announced this week. 1 Mrs. Gordon RiRley, chairman of j the publicity and information com- j mittee for the Kings Mountain chap ter blood program, announced appointment of three co-chairmen: Mrs. James Simpson, posters; Rev. VV. L. Pressly. speakers; and Martin Harmon, editorials. Co-chairmen of sub-committees under Dan Huffsftetler, chairman of donor recruitment, were listed as follows: . ' . 1 Business ? Joe Lee Woodward. Kings Mountain, and Franklin Harry, Grover. Industry?Mike Milam. Civic organizations?Boyer Mur! ray. Schedule committee (blood donor ! appointments) ? Mfs. W. B. Thomjson. I ..Resldcnscrr-Mrs. Phillip Baker... . j Harold Hunnicutt, over-all chair- j luonia on page eigntt Anthony Will Join Pharmaceutical Firm William Anthony, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Anthony, will leave this weekend for Kalamazoo, Mich., where he has accepted a position in the research department of Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company. Mr. Anthony received the degree of Master of Science in chemistry at the University of Iowa in June. Prior to that time he had held a position with DuPont & Comapny at its Deep Water, N. J., plant. He is a veteran ' of World War II, having served as' a first lieutenant in the army air; forces. . ?? ' yf; ? KAMPIONS?Paul Walker, extreme 1< tracks from Htlton Ruth, chairman oi While James B. Simpson, executive Martin finished in a tie for "most cou i assistant manager of Myers' Dopartn ment of Kings Mountain Building 4 I arable mention lor last week, were I gad IB Stores, and Miss Martha Cox. 1 ' ' ' Icrald v ' ; < ->' I >0 Says E i wv*^m 5 i i H I i i i 11 i1 NEW METHODIST PASTOR ? Rev.! I J. H. Brendall, ihown above, is the ' now paator of Central Methodist > church. Mr. Brendall succeeds Rev. J. C. Winkler who was assigned to ' the pastorate of Central church .in 1 Asheboro. Mr. Brendall, who conies ' to Kings Mountain from Franklin, preached his first sormon here Sun- 1 dag morning before a large crowd. c (Cut courtesy Stanly News and ' P-.M - ' ...y ; : Tax Valuations . Show Big Hike j J The city hoard of commissioners handled a large number of routine.' matters at the reeular 0<-tnh,?r ' ing at City Hail Tuesday night. Major actions were: <1) Passed a resolution prevent- J ing parking on the South side of : King street from Battleground av- j* enue to Oriental avenue and on both j . North and South sides from Cleve- " land avenue to Oriental avenue. ( (2( Adopted a policy to furnish j power at 110. 220, and 2300 volts, with customers requiring other loads I to .furnish their own transformers. The board heard a report from J City Engineer E. C. Brandon. Jr.,, which noted that the 1948-19 budget; was 23 percent expended, and a re- c port from City Clerk ?. A. Crouse showing that 1948-49 taxable prop- r erty in Kings Mountain is valued at $5,742,579, which would make the e total tax levy jS5.72O.09. t The 1947-48 valuation represents a an increase over the previous year j r of $827,581. The .1947 taxable valua- j tion wps $4,914,998 and the tax | t (Cont'd on page eight) i t Hp^H ;] m V S t ri V V I a 1 v c h I E ( ! s i > . h * Hwm e 1 s r ' j . ft. and Mis. Abie Martin, are ! the Merchants Association's i secretary of the association rteoue salesman for the week s tent Store, while Mr*. Martin Is eas Association. Receiving the Henderson Hesndon. Slerchi's. elk's Department Store. (Photo \ c '** . . / " ' " . V 4 A Panftf . m ** y v a Iy Today PRICE FIVE CENTS ngpieer Brandon Survey On Capital Needs Presented To City City Engineer E. C. Brandon, Jr., presented the city board ol commissioners a preliminary survey Tues lay night showing an immediate iced tor capital expenditure of 5252,850, with this total not includ mg any expenditures for recreotionil racilines or provision lor a Na:ional Guard Armory site. Mr. Brandon warned at rhe same lime in his survey that a "safe" debt i in i r urmf M ?IU?' ' ? - f vuiu nvi aiiun u^umiuv oi onds tor more ihan $250,000 and lie Climated that the bond issue wouul lecessitate raising ot uie tax rate jy 25 cents per $100 valuation if the mprovements were financed by this net hod. Major portion of the estimated teeded outlay was in the sewer ind water department, totaling >216,350, and lor the following: Replacement of the McGill sewer ank, increasing capacity of two there and preliminary survey, $90,100. Sewer extensions, 4.2 miles $S7, 100. , Water line extensions, 2.5 miles >40,000. hire hydrants, $5,000. Replacement oi truck, $1,600. Fence for filter plant property, 11,750. Other needs .reported immediate ncluded: Light and Power Department? a. Survey and Extension plan $5,W0. J b. Replacement of Truck $2,500. c. Street Signals $1,000. .Sartiiary Depart men t-1a. Replacernem of Equipment 110,000. Fire Department?. a. Equipment $2,000. Police Department? a. Radio $1,750. .. > b. Automobile $2,250. Administrative Department ? a. Billing Machine $4,000. General? a. Equipment Shed and Shop $8,100. The remainder of Mr. Brapdon'a eport follows: "In addition to the above capital xpendhures, certain reorgani/.a ion of departments and functions tre needed to better serve the peo tie. Suggested requirements are: 1. Health Officer and City Inspector?$2,100 plus 1*2 fees per year. 2. Motorcycle and Patrolman ? 11,000 capital expenditure and $2,00 year. 3. Additional Clerk and Stenogra ther $2,100 year-. 4. Superintendent Streets and San tary Departments $3,000 year. 5. Additional Street Crew?4 men (Cont'd on page eight) Mis. Bany Buys Piedmont Drug Mrs. C. P. Barry announced this feek purchase of Piedmont Drug itore from William O t Billy) Weir, he transaction taking place several lays ago. The Ndrth Piedmont avenue firm vill be open from 8 a. m. to 10:30 ?. m. from Monday through Friday nd until 11 p. m. on Saturdays, it i>as announced. The firm will he losed on Sundays. Mrs. Barry has been associated vith the firm for the past 14 months, he announced rfiat Mr. Weir will e connected with the firm until . , anuary 1. j Mr. Weir puichased the business rom Mrs. J. L. McGill and Mrs. C. D. tlflntnn laut voar Miss Payseur Joins City School Faculty N. Barnes, superintendent of chools,. announced Thursday that rliss Thetma Payseur, of Gastonia, las assumed the duties of eighth trade teacher at Central school replacing Miss Jane Hill, who resign (I shortly before the beginning of ehool. Mrs. J. K. Willis has been caching the class pending obtainng a regular teacher. Mr. Barnes said that Miss Payicur came "highly recommended" tnd that he felt fortunate thai she ould accept the work here. She is a graduate of Woman's College at Ireenrfboro, and has three years tea thing experience in gramn.ar grade verk. .

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