v&p-t ifMp: * ' ' i ' "*.'* "f % f . ' ; * ' . " POPULATION ' * . . City Limits (1940 Census) 6.574 Immediate Trading Area 15,000 / Air ?> ? - ? - nanoa noara figures) ?_*_ ' VOL.59 NO. 47 Enginee Eight^ Loses Life J Local News Bulletins * . METER RRECEIPTS Parking meter receipts for the 28th week of operations which end-. ed at noon Wednesday, totaled ^155.52 according to a report from >lhe office of S. A. Crouse, city clerk. BUILDING PERMITS Building permit was issued Wednesday to D. F. Hord fbr authorization to remodel an office building in the Professional Build- j Ing, estimated cost 'isied at $800. j .On Monday permit was issued to ; H. T. Fulton for construction of a shed onto a barn on Fulton street, 1 cost $50. ' Guard Strength Hike Authorized " V I Capt. Humes Houston, commanding officer of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 120th Infantry, North Carolina National Guard, - announced this i week that the authorized strength p of the local guard Unit had been increased 67 men and 11 offivers,1 creating a number of vacancies, i"**""* Capt, Houston also reported that the company has been issued weapons, all new clothing, arid one Vehicle ? a ton-and-a-haif weapons carrier.Though a number of .vacancies exist,,Capt. Houston issued a particular request for enlistment to radio operators. He also pointed out that mote ratings are available than ever before, and that young men between the ages of 17 and 18 years six months may join the national guard and be exempt from'the draft. , iFull information may be obtained from Captk Houston: Lions Wedding ' To Be Womanless ' ' ' The Kings Mountain Lions club will present a womanless wedding at the high school auditorium on Friday night, November 26, according to an announcement this week by Paul McGinnis, chairman of the club committee handling the project. Mr. McGinnis said proceeds from the show would go to the Lions Christmas Fund far the Underprivileged. i He announced that Glee A. Bridges had signed a contract to serve as the bride and that other arrangements would be completed at the regular meeting of the Lions club, which will be held Tuesday night the,Woman's Club at ^ o'clock. He sai dclub members not partici patlng In the wedding would use the buddy system in attending the "wedding", but refused to divulge any further details. Admission will be 30 cents for children.. 60 cents for adults, tax Included. No formal program will be given at the Tuesday night meeting, with the full time being devoted to arrangements for the show, program chairman Dan Huffstetler said. r- <y f Halliburton Opens Bookkeeping Service William H. Halliburton, of Charlotto, announced thi* week opening of the Kings Mountain Bookkeeping Service, wtth office at 11 Profession? al BulMtng. Mr. Halliburton mid his firm Is prepared to handle bookkeeping work of business firms on a parttlme or full time basis. The service Includes tax reports, regular statements of conditions, cost accountancy and other bookkeeplnk work. Mr. Halliburton was formerly associated with Mill Power Supply company, Goodyear Tire company, and recently was auditor for the Bland Hotel chain. V. J ^ V fit " ' '?* :: K- - - - ' ! t > . ~ H ??B 3S ' 1 I ringFiri -Old Youth In Pool William Burnett, Second Gzader, Drowning Victim I ' A proposed "fishing trip" which * ended in a swimming party result j ed in death by drowning Wednesj day afternoon fro William Harold 5 (Billy) Burnett, eight-year-oid son i of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burnett, or 1 216 Fulton street. The second-grade school child, in j company with his school friend Hamlrf Rp 1 lr cfrinrwi/l U t _ - - ? ?-??. ?? -?? pviippvu un ins ciuinea ! in the warm Wednesday aiierndon | sun to float around in the private swimming pool off E. Gold street owned by W. K. Mauney,.Jr. The Belk child found the water too cold but the Burnett boy floated out into the pool on a board. He fell off and drowned, Police Chief N. M. Farr said the Belk boy told him Thursday morning. ' The body of the drowned youth was recovered from the pool about 8:30 Thursday morning by a group including Chief Farr, Fire Chief Grady King, Mr. Mauney" and city employees. The parents had reported their chiltj missing to police at 9 o'clcok Wednesday night, and Joe Gamble, colored man who lives om East Gold street, reported finding the boy's clothes on the steps into the pool early Thursday; morning. TbgfcBalk youth, when first apprehended by police, first denied any 'knowledge of the incident, stating that he "had left Billy at the posfoffice corner" and had gone to a movie. After questioning he was allowed to return to his classroom, and he later "confessed" to his teacher, Mrs. Catherine Palmer Young Belk told Mrs. Palmer, Chief Farr reported, that.the boys had gone to the pool after school was out. The water proved colder than he liked and he decided not toj enter the pool. Burnett, however,, floatde out on the board, fell off, and went down. The Belk youth said he first tried to reach htm with a stick, then with a wire, but could not. He then became frightened, put on his clothes and went home. He told his mother, police said, that he j had left his friend who was "going fishing" and gone to the movie. Police said the boy was afraid he would be punished if he admitted being at the pool. Neither boy could swim. The Belk youth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Belk. Coroner J. Ollie Harris said there was no evidence of foul play and that he deemed an inquest unnec-j essary; Surviving the Burnett boy are his parents and two younger brothers, Larry Gene and Jerry Burnett. Funeral rites will be held at Tertipie Baptist Church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. W. F. Monroe, officiating. Interment will be at Mountain Rest. Bolwinkle Says Ii Danger In Addles Congressman A. L. Bulwinkle, of the 11th district, told members of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night that finding a means for preserving and establishing Deac* In th* worlrf and finding an avenue to prevent inflation would be the prime problems facing the 81st Congress. The Congressman's address featured the regular meeting of the ori gantzation held at the Woman's Club. Jacob Cooper, a past president, welcomed CI a von Kelly as a new member of the organization, and Joe Hedden gave reports on the progress of the X-Ray Fund campaign and on the quarterly board of directors meeting of the state organization held in Raleigh the past weekend. Building his address around upcoming problems facing the new Congress which convenes in January Major Bulwinkle refused to predict 'fVMther the Taft-Hartley Act would be repealed or what changes, if any, : will be made tn the tkx laws. Tax law changes, he indicated; would depend on the budget which he said j would probably total about 941 bU.. .. < : ' V J -4 - " , <\ , / ' - : >*/' ' ... *".V: * >' Kings Mountain, N. C.. Fil n Is Ret] ;.^j wi |HmHR > jtjM KMSWC PRESIDENT ? Harry Page, above, was elected president ol the Kings Mountain Sportsmens Wild* life Club at the annual meeting of 1 the organisation held at the Wo- J man's club Monday night. ? Page Elected j: Wildlife Head I.. .. ; i a Harry Page, prominent Kings 3 Mountain-aportsman, was elected J president of the* i<twpi ptaiar ; Sportenums Wildlife Cl>ih,.at<hean.- \ nual meeting of the organization 3 held Monday night at the Woman's 1 club building. He succeeded Sam O. Davis. . * -. . Other officers elected included J. i D. Bridges, vice president and Co* < mart Falls, three-year director. C. T. ' Carpenter, jr., was re-elected secre- I tary treasurer. Holdover directors 1 are H. R. Neisler (one-year) and T. l C. McKee (two-year). j 1 ( Ross Stevens and Win Donat, both ( of Raleigh, made a short talks to the j group, stressing need of better land-1 owner-sportsman relations. Several farmers and sportsmen were guests 1 of the club. < The club voted to have six meetings a year, three in the fall and | three in the spring. Tentative plans were made to hold the next meeting { Jointly with the Beth-Ware Progressive club at Beth-Ware school on December 15. J j jl EXECUTIVES CLUB i | Judge Harold C. Kesslnger, na- i tive of Egypt, III., a former editor, < publisher, and business executive, will address the Cleveland 1 ! County Executives club at the reg- !1 ular dinner meeting at Hotel Char- ' les, Shelby, Friday night at seven i I o'clock. The subject of his address will be "Can Man Save Himself" 1 .from His Own Inventions?" Din- j ner reservations are required to 1 >e in the hands of Secretary W. { M. Ficklen by noon Friday. nflation Big s To Jaycees lions. Tax revenue would have to be J sufficient, he opined, to pay the ' year's expenses including interest ! on the national debt and some pay, ment on the debt. | "The international situation," he ( declared in his opening remarks, "is : ! so intertwined wt*K ? i??*: uvnir9UV Kit* 1 I uatton that one'depends on the other." \ J Illustrating the dangers of inflation, Major Bui winkle produced rwo bills which totaled $25,000 in Chinese gold certificate currency. He added that these, bills would purchad? about oris penny's worth of goods "There are two .methods to con-' : trol inflation," the Congressman I said. "One is by a restrictive act of Congress, the other by a restrictive act which would not become opera- j .'tlve unless and until the President invoked It." Mr. Bulwinkle added. I that he will vote for some kind of I controls, should they be offered. Discussing the constant clamor for reduction of government expen ditures. Major Bulwinkle defended; the expected $41-bil)ion budget. He. pointed out that national defense a-1 lone will require $14- billion, while (Cont'd on back page) '" ' ' ' v" ?> J =?, " ''' V"- ~ i I ?i _ id ay, November 19.1943 lined F c Grace M. Dedicatioiix ' Special Services Aire To Feature Dedication The new $55,664 Grace Methodist church, replacing the edifice dek.. t ouvjcu kjj nitr on rt*uiudry 1 (, J will be dedicated at special services at the church on Sunday At 11 o'clock Bishop Costen J. Harreii and Dr. W. A. Stanbury will dedicate the churchf in formal services. This service will be followed by a picnic dinner at 12:30 and all former pastors attending the services will pnake brier talks at the special 2:30 p. m. service. Rev. B. A. Culp, former pactor of the church, will preach at 7 o'clock in the evening. Beginning Monday evening Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Houss, well-known e/angelists and musicians, will begin a revival series. The dinner at the church will, of :ourse, be free, with members, former members and friends of. the :hilrch being invited to attend with >vell-filled baskets, according (o an announcement by the pastor Rev. 3. W. Fink. Grace Methodist church stands on lis formCr site, a new modern building of brick,construction. The main auttlyHiiro- seats 320 person*,'while buiJding Uas li rooms ana a weu-iurnished pastor's study. The entire cost of construction, in spite' of the fact that the church vhich was burned was covered with >nly a small amount of insurance, vas paid for within a year after uiilding began. In .addition, all urnishings were paid for through, :he pastor says, "the sadrificial and aifhful labor of the entire congregation by aid of many friends in he* different churches of Kings Mountain and'other places." All members, former members and Iriends of the church are being cor- ] iially invited to attend the dedlca- j rory services. Communion Service At Central Methodist A special Thanksgiving Candlelght Communion service will be teld at Central Methodist church text Wednesday evening at 7:30,-It vas announced by Rev. J. H. Breniall, the pastor. # An offering will be placed on the iltar by the communicants, Mr. Breri daII said, and it will go toward alleviating critical conditions locally. The public is invited to attend the terviee. Neill County Scout Chairman '* > B. S. Neill, executive vice-president of the First National Bank, was looted vice-president for Cleveland county of the Piedmont Council, Boy Scouts of America, at the annual meeting of the council at GardnerWebb college Tuesday. Other Kings Mountain men named to important posts were Aubrey Vfauney. council commissioner, and Henry McKelvie, honorary president. Ladd W. Hamrlck, a former Kings Mountain citizen, was named vicepresident of the council and mem-, ber of the national council. The council re-elected Knox G. Winget, of Gastonia, as president. ... i. . ? ARP Thanksgiving Service At 7 JL M. The annual early-morning Thanksgiving service and breakfast will again feature the Thanksgiving services of Boyce Memorial ARP church. The hatf-hour Thanksgiving service will begin at 7 o'clock, and the breakfast will be served by the men of the church at 7:30. Th? earlier hour is being used this year In order that school children may attend without being late fot achool, ft was announced. |. _____ ' V . * .V C-'1 " " 1 ' ' i - , f ' >r Sewer E. Church " Sunday ' < ,'.y . DRIVE CHAIRMAN ? OUl? Harris 1 has boon appointed Kings Mountain . chairman of the annual March of j Dimes campaign, according to an announcement yesterday by Carlos ' Young, of Shelby, county chairman. , Harris To Head :j| March Of Dimes ; 1 > i J. Ollie Harris, prominent Kings t Mountain- business man and ??^' 1 American Legion, will head the t March of Dim?. i- ?- ' ... ?- , * ? ?v an >vutga i Mountain, It was announced 'rtjurs- c day by Carlos Young) county chairman. c Other area chairmen annburjeed f by Mr. Young fncluded Mrs. Frank- ,t lin Harry, Grover, H. M. Cash, 6eth- i ware, and W. H. (Coot) Lutz, Waco. C The campaign is conducted in 1 January, with proceeds going to the r National Fqpndation for Infantile 1 Paralysis, which in turn gives aid d to epidemic areas. The Foundation c spent $200,000 in North Carolina dur 1 ing the polio ^pidemlc this year. ? Chairman Ypung himself suffered , an attack of polio during the recent 11 epdidemic. || ! j Turkey Shoot Set' Monday Afternoon , Every sportsman In the Kings ' Mountain area is Invited to attend . the Kings Moutain SSportsmens Wildlife club "old-fashioned Thank j sgiving turkey shoot" to be field at ' the old quarry on Lake Montonia ' road Monday afternoon beginning ' at 2 p. m. according to an announce, ment by Harry Page, president. ^ Participants are requested to t bring their own guns and ammiini- i I tion, Mr. Page said, and are invited r to come anytime during the after-1 ! noon. Shooting is set to end at 5 p.m. 11 Five turkeys are on the prize list ? i along with a number of other prizes, j I Rigles and shotgun "shoots" will be i held and skeet-shhoting is also on j \ the progtam. ' i Kinas Mountain Is For Annual Thank Kings Mountain will observe jl Thanksgiving next Thursday In the t ^ customary manner with the exoep- ) 1 tJon of school children. j i City school officials announced ; yesterday that no holidays will be I observed this year, due to the late ' i start or school. The two day* will be. i used to make up time lost due to j the polio epidemic, which caused t school to begin several weeks after < the customary date. i Majority of retail merchants will j close for the day, in accordn&ce with ! i past custom and the by-laws of the; Merchants association. Drug stores 1 will reserve Sunday hours, and ser- t vice stations will observe regular < schedules. 1 Majority of churches are holding their Thanksgiving services oti Wbd- j nesday evening, In place of regular mid-week meetings. The Central i Methodist church will have a Thanksgiving Eve communion eer' vice, while Boyce Memorial ARP church is holding its annual Ibanks giving service and breakfast on , : . f t 1 C Pages I (J Today .?-I PRICE FIVE CENTS ' - 1 t ' ' .. ? ' Survey Commissioners j Enact Zoning f Ordinance The city board of commissioners, at its meeting November 11, authorized retention of-W. K. Dickson Company ot Charlotte, water and sewer engineers, for a preliminary survey and recommendations for improvements in the city sewer system. The hoard also formally passed the city zoning ordinance, which was irawn up by the city planning hoard, and passed an ordinance regulating curbs and driveways irt the ity- .. . Retention of the Charlotte engineering firm was a preliminary step in possible offering of a bond issue o improve the city se war age sysem, including replacement of the iefective McGill tank which'is now >ver-loaded to the point that secions of the tjity served by this outet can get no additional sewer service. The board passed the zoning ordinance with no changes, and Mayor s I. Tom Fulton stated appreciation ;o Chairman J. Byron Keeter and the Manning board, "for an exceptionaly good Job." The ordinance-(published in full n today's edition of the Herald, Secion 2, pages four and five) sets up 'our types of zones in the city, a jusiness zone, industrial zone, neirhborhood trading area, and rest lentlal-zones. Also regulated th? fle amount of yard space required, telght of buildings, and related mat era. The ordinance provides for a >oard ot adjustment t6 consider peitions for exemptions from the ordiia nee where hardship# occurs. The board also discussed several changes In the city's building code, tut tabled the matter until the December meeting. The curb-and-dr'veway ordinance requires obtaining of permits rom the city before construction of he driveway is begun'forb oth resdential and commercial building, 'ommercial building driveways are imlted to 30 feet in width, while esidential driveways are limited to 2-feet in length. No more than two Iriveways are allowed for residences. (The ordinance is published In ifll in today's edition of the Herald Section 2, page five.) Club Stockholders Meeting Friday . a Annual stockholders' meeting of he Kings Mountain Country Club, nc., will be held at the club dining oom Friday night at 7 o'clock. The meeting, which will be a Jutch Supper, will feature reports >n the past year's activities by Presdent F. W. Plonk, Secretary-Treas irer Carl F. Mauney, and from chair nen of the committees, including louse, grounds, social, and member thip. * The stockholderswill also elect 12 It rectors to serve for the forthcommi? -?? - * "is jT?r, me airectors, in turn, iame their officers. Members of the nominating comnittee include Joe A. Neisler, F. R. iummers and John L. McGill. Members expecting to attend are irged to make dinner reservations vlth Secretary Carl Mauney, if they tave not already. Getting Ready sgiving Holiday Thanksgiving morning. The service vlll begin at 1 o'clock, with the ireakfast in the Educational buildng to follow. Local grocers are raking orders for :urkeys and the demand may outrun the supply, Grocers and market nen report a shortage in the gobbler crop this year, and it is possible hAt onmA mnv haua ohKs?u.??a - w..?, - ??~jr * v IV/ OMa/OllVUlC chicken on rhe Thanksgiving dinner menu. This situation, however, is not likely to create any undue consternation. S basest dish on the Thanksgiving Football jnenu will be at Charlotte, / where Davidson and Furman will clash In Memorial Stadium. Many fans, accustomed ' to seeing the Wake Forest-South Carolina Thanks giving Day game, will make the ^ longer trip to Columbia for this game, which is annuaHv a freescoring, exciting affair. Other gam- t . es scheduled for Tnanksgiving Day include: Lenoir-Rhyne vs. Catawba at Salisbury, and Guilford vs. EUrn at Greensboro. ^ .4^* rV' -> /, / <ff. - - ?

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