Eight Mountain .-* < RIV^'J" Hbfl 3|F ?E*iOH TACKLES IN ACTION?Tc Ml* J*ck Camp In the action shot a msifeark, dashes by. Mauney and < <-fjll i? playing theie last football g might when the Mountaineers tang . OTJter seniors are Jack Ruth, Boyce barkfield; Garland Still. Jack Ledfc m. levkle; Bill Amos, end; and He ij3f Aujody.) Inspection Lane Xetarns Tuesday Mtarur vehicle inspection lam ;fttiaber 4 will return to Kings Mour mm v>n Tuesday and will again b< *i*r op lor operation on Tracy stree w?wrn Mountain and Gold street^ ; ;t will remain here through Satur 0 ury. invemmr "?l. Motorists having their ears in sperte-d will use the Gild street en rr?tr*r. ATS motor vehicles of the year mo< <*ris 13^40 and 1942 aye required ro b< itnifecied by November 30, while al avMieles of the year models 1941 ant iJ&B #n* required to be inspected b; \ .Vrenaber 11. 'Tea Defendants Tried In Recorder Session "Ten eases were tried in regulai session of City Recorder! , uaurr held at City Hall Monday aft ? rrftotm, Judge E. A. Harrill, presi i lint ? +fd. ~i .r !-.,5 t.?'- w . \ V f '1, , Vv ' ' ' ^1 V V* V: % fli .> '. Vr>'V * I r , V , -t' "?W" * " .-V.-.i'?.? I <1., . .1 s>> : 4Mai , ' \ ... ' ,,-y ' : 1 - 41 ??? , , . - V . . ' *- . ' ' ' a , ! \ f ' \ ?'. . 4-" , . \ ? . * v" ' f X*1YI O 1 1 I Vt ?11 CI 1J *' , ... rcent IOBE) ction 3* /"' * ' very re Sell * ' * . .' * * < , I. rtment fcond Floor .c Seal Sale Drive To Start Monday . Kings Mountain business and industrial firms have purchased $615.05 in "bonds" as a preliminary to the annual cdunty-wide T-B Christmas Seal Sale, It was announced this week by Mrs. L. E. Abbott, Kings Mountain chairman* of the campaign. i The annual seal sale will get underway Monday and will be handled in the customary way, with the familiar seals being mailed to almost evpry citizen of the county. Funds from the annual campaign go to the Cleveland County Tuberculosis association and are used in stamping o'itt the disease in Cleveland county, by preventive education and by treatment of the indigent who contract the disease. > > i Total for the county to date r -/ : . Friday. November 19.1948 j less than 22 victories In a row.Those reasons, plus a recommeni dation by all-time pro star Clark | Hinkle, were enough to convince the . v ; Clippers management that they had i found a team capable of staying on * ; even terhis with the Charlotte club. So McKeesport replaced the York, Pa., Rosese on the schedule for Sun day. Starting with McKeesport, the Clippers close their campaign with their three most capable foes since , September. Next week comes Hinkle's Welrton, W. Va., team, and the ? - ?- -t . . . i. y-% _ 11 _ ?. 'ill weex aner mat me v-onege **uStars 5u the second annual Variety club charity classic. The Clippers to date have compiled the most impreisslve scoring record itf Charlotte's football history, 395 points in nine games, or an average of 43.8 points per outing. End Rocco Spadacini is currently leading the, way with 84 points. BY 1 The pollsters and columnists ' are still trying to explain "Wha' hoppen" with their election forei casts. Two months before electinn Hair TT1 mo Unnnr uiiuu ucv iuch , Dewey was so far ahead that it was a waste of time to ask any ' more questions. On November 1 1 the Gallup Poll had Dewey 5 per cent ahead of Trnman and the Crossley Poll gave the G. O. , P.\and 8 percent margin. Appar, ently they asked the wrong peo. pie. The electorate trimmed the pollsters and columnists like a " city slicker taking his country cousin. It was a self-funding de' bade that caught the experts . peeking the other way. Looks as though their next question is, "What now?" _ Remember to give for the Kid5 dies ? the Library book fund drive, the Little Symphony drive, and other drives for underprivileged children. At Tanforan race track a horse 1 named Pea Soup won. the race 1 and paid $216 for a $2 ticket . which is a quick way to make s "gravy" out of Pea Soup. You'll 0 be "winner," too, if you patron- ? ize the spot that serves your? needs best .. and that spot isl * WESTERN AOTO ASSOCIATE? i?. STORE! If you're planning on ta-l i king a trip on Thanksgiving Day,! . make sure your battery.ls In topi . condition ... if you find you need! a new one. stop in for a Wizzard!! * Phone: 92. I ; . .. , . I " ' . J ' mmmmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmrnmmmk . lend for all who r what yon want, f shoos, blanket, weater, macki>r anything else, from the regular those yon save a irchase yon save ?4 ' 1