c. If-: POPULATION City Limits (1949 Census) 6.574 Immolate Trading Area 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) VOL. 60 NO. 3 16 Pages Today Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday. January 21. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENT!} Pioneer Area Council x ? ; . . , - : Meets Here Monday i ? ? . ? ? ? BANQUET SPEAKER ? Iter. Walter Dickson. of Belmont will address members and guests at the annual dinner meeting el the Pioneer Girl Scout area council to be held at ?'ne V< oman's Club here Monday night. Local News I Bulletins < - : . ' .: v--; v CLUB DIRECTORS Directors of the Kings Moun tain Country Club, Inc., will hold their regular January * directors meeting at the club Friday night 'at 1 o'clock. It wtj! be a supper meeting, according to announce ? ijr.em by Secretary E. Abbott. V, .. . J^ill ' IllM. f - J Hev. R. C. Muliinax, president ctf Wesleyan 'Methodist college at Central, S. C., will speak ?t;l?e* ond Wealeyari Method 1st chutch here Saturday night at ? o'clock, It was announced ^his week. Spe cial singing by a quartet will also b* a feature of the service. j METER RECEIPTS Parking 'meter receipia for the J 36th week of operations, which ended Wednesday noon, totaled SI 44. 18 according ito a report by 3. A. Crouse, city clerk. , ? . City's Bnilding j Code Amended Hie City of Kings Mountain is publishing notice this week of changes in the city's building code, ft* amended at the meeting of De cember 14, 1948, which changes the fee basis on building permits, and on inspection of electrical and plum blr.g in&a'llatloita. ' ' i New fees tor ouiidlng permits are aa follow*: up to &QO0 of coriatrtic tlon coat*, a fee of 93.00; from 93,000 to $2,500, a fee o* $3.00; from 12,500 to $5,000, a fee of H<*>; a rtd for all construction (or repairs) costing ov er $5,000, a flat fee of $5.00. ! The ordinance amendment, pub lished In full on page 2, Section l, of today's issue, sets sn inspection fee of $2,00 for inspection of a hot water heater, $2.00 lor inspection of a septic ftanft or sewer connection, $2.00 for inspection. ?#t an electric range connection, an oil furnace ^o.ineciion, electric sign, floor -sand- I ing machine or other electrical in s'rurnent. Also set up are motor in spection fees, based on the horse power of the motor.' Cltizans Reminded Oi Listing Deadline City arid county tax listers were busy this week, but they thought they should be kept busier? In or der to complete the fttwro til task tit, t?x ]leting4>y the January 31 dead* line. ? ' . Both ft. D. Ratterree, county list taker, and-^larenoe Carpenter, city list tafc?r. estimated they weren't more t.\an half done with only 10 days left before .the deadline. Penalties are provided for failure to Hat property far taxes during. the moflfilt of January. ?Both Mr. &rpenter and Mr. Battef ree are at the City Hall dally from ; 3:90 a. m. to 5 p. m Mr. Rauerre* ' will beat Herndon's Store in Grover on Monday. ' ? ? ' 4,'-, .< Gizl Scout Area Group To Hear Belmont Pastor Rev. Walter Dickson. Jr.. pastor of Fitst Presbyterian church ot Bc-i mont, will be the chief speaker at the annual dinner meeting ot the | Pioneer Girl Scout Area council, to ( be held here Monday evening at' 7 o'clock at the Woman's Club. The Pioneer Area council.includea | Cleveland, Gaston, and Lincoln counties, and a capacity attendance is expected. Miss Edna Rankin, council prest i dent, will preside. Election of officers and board j members will be a feature of the annual meeting. Miss Rankin, who i has served as president the past year, will continue in this capacity during 1949. Oirl Scout Troop n of Kings Moun tain, under the leadership of Misses Elizabeth Hunt and Thelma Pay seur, will hold a Court cf Awards as part of the prograsi. Girl Scouts will serve at the banquet. The committee on arrangements for the meeting includes Mrs. T. C. j Stamey, Cleveland county, board j chairman; Mrs. W. H. Stender and i Mrs. Luther Canaler, Kings Moun tain; Mrs. S. A. BUrts, board chair man of Gaston county; and Mrs. James Abernathy, Lincoln county tH^rd chairman. The guest speaker for the banquet Rev. Mr. Dickson, is a native of An derson, S. C., a graduate of Davidson college and Union Theological Sem inary. While at the seminary hf ser ved as pastor of Cenral Presbyterian church In Washington. He serv*j as minister of GaAun Union Chureh in Presbyterla^hurc^ln Sherby.Da'r ing the war.Ttev. Mr. Dickson was a chaplain in tHfe U. S. Air Coops. He wae director, of student activities at the University of Georgia and eame to the Belmont church in Oitober, 1948. Actively interested In Scouting for many years, Rev. Mr. Dickson assist ed many In organizing and main I taining troops in the Panama Canal j Zone. Shelby and Knoxville, Tenn. A I splendid inspirational speaker, he I has been heard by a number or groups in this area ?tnd the council feels very fortunate in securing him as^speaker for their annual meeting. AUTO TAG DEADLINE Deadline for purchase of city auto licenses, as well as state auto ' t tagsi'is Monday, January 31. City Clerk S. A. C rouse repotted Wed nesday sale of 550, only about half the number sold during 1948. -He reminded local motorists that pen alties are provided for failure to , purchase tags by th January 31 dfe*4line. t BAPTrST SPEAKER ? A. V. Wash burn, head of the Sunday School de partment of the Baptist Sunday i School board. Nashville. Tenn.. will apeak at regular Sunday evening services at the First Baptist church here Sunday night at 7:30. Mr. Washburn will take a leading role , in the state wide Baptist Sunday i School clinic to be held in Shelby all next week. Baptists Ready For SS Clinic Approximately 1,000. Baptists from j a I! over Norrh Carolina are expect I ed to attend a state wide Sunday j School clinic at F*ir*t Baptist church ! in Shelby next week, it was announ ced this week by Rev. Lewis E. Lud lum. associations I missionary of the Kings Mountain Baptist asso ciation. The clinic will convene from Mon day through Friday will lull daily t programs and alt local Sunday School officers and teachers are be ing urged to attend. The dally program outline is as follows: 9 a. m. "Fundamentals for Sun day School Growth." v t 10 a. m. "Viewing Our Task by Age Groups." 11 4. n?. "Sunday School Leader ship and Promotion." ,v; nv. Og^p. Afternoon work on church censuses, under .the direction ot L. L. Morgan, of Raleigh, and D. P. BrOOka, trf Lexington, cli nicians, and visitation of absent members. Baptist leaders attending the cil j nic will include A. V. Washburn, ! Baptist Sunday school board, .Nash* I vtlle.Tenn., W. A. Harrill, secretary ! of the architectural department of the Baptist church, Rev. Sibley Bar nett, secretary of the vacation Bible department, Nashville, and Miss Evelyn Hamitton, manager of the Baptist BookStore, of Charlotte, who will display * book exhibit aty the clinic. STOCKXOLDKBS TO MXKT Annual stockholders meeting of the Home Building and Loan Asso ciation will be helo at City Mall, next Thursday afternoon at 5:30. The meeting will feature reports for the association's year which ended December 31, and election of Officer* for th? coming year, ac cording to announcement by A. Patterson, seoetary treasurer. A??? ? i? ? ? 1948 Postoffice Receipts Show Large Increase Receipts at the Kings Mountain postoffice during 1918 tota.ed ^>, 237.32. according to report yesterda} of ?o.?; master \V. E. Biakely. Tina! tor tho year represented an t increase of $4.061. 14 over the total [ i ox 19 4*. , \ J The postoffice . thus neared first - ] class us, which it hold tor two ; years dliring 19-15 and 194?>. Re , ceipts of $40,000 annuaiiy arc re quired for first-class status The postoffice showed a gain' for each quarter- of 1948, with the ex ception of the fourth ? this in spile i of the December Christmas rush. However, Mr. Btakely 'aid the four j th quarter receipts in 1917. were ma | teriaiiy aided by a large sale of I stamped envoiopes. Total receipts by quarters were: i March S8.554.48. 1 June S8. 788.42. September S8, 917.05. I December $9 981.57. i- The comparable figures for 1947 i were: March 57,383.16. \ June S7.558.44. September 57,169.32. December $10,085.46. Some postal rates have already advanced over those prevailing iast year. It now requires six cents to send a letter by air mail, and two cents for third class mail. Last year air mail rates were five cents, third class mail one and one- ha If. Mr. Blakely said the price of stam ped envelopes would advance Feb ruary 1. Education Report To Be Explained f Under th? auspices of the United -Education a film dtrip pgWfttlnf a^aummary of the^ge. ^SW^&fiok whTih was appoSBIWF In l?*f by Governor Cherry to make y introduced Dr. Chas. H. Pugh Grand Steward of Gastonia who in troduced Dr. M. E. Hofman, Grand Master of Masons of North Carolina. Dr. Hoffman made a very timely and inspiring talk on Masonry, par ticularly stressing Character, honor and undetstaqding. Rev. L. C. Plnnix pronounced the benediction. A well prepared turkey dinner with all accessories Was served by the ladles of the Grace Methodist church. Mis. Mauney Committee Head Mrs. Paul Mauney will head a j Kings Mountain committee which will sell tickets for three spring con certs sponsored by the Shelby Com- i munity Concert association, it was announced yesterday. The Shelby Concert association, a war casualty, is being reorganized! It wa? annnounced by A. A Powell, Shelby attorney, and the associa j. tlon wtty bring to thor> of i r;or.> ? ? v. N'u.novr I (?nvibl: ,f> -amp ; fir; is : , fig},- inijn'ii.> purulysM tolled $939.62 Chairman Oi!iu? Harris announced Wedttesd i> rin> 'Ola! did no; include any re turn* ftotrt i Me industrial or scn>>J divisions. I ho .alter did nor begin Work tin | til Tuesday, and all school children seemed to bo serving on a eomrhtt .tee to secure funds for the March ; of Dimes. Doorbells in *11. neighbor hoods were being rung, with the concurrent request for dimes, and the results were proving succeiisful. Also calling attention to the cam-' paign was a March of Dimes "wish 'nK weJI placed at the corner of Battleground avenue and Mountain street in front of the First National Bank. A big barrel I. with .t rop eov 1 ered by chicken wire, was ready tx? ; receive donations to the March" of i Dimes fund. Chairman Harris expressed pleas ure at the way the drive is going, and repeated confidence that Num ber 4 township would reach its $5. 000 goal. ' ; Mr. Harris pointed out that the goal for the campaign this year ia J largest in history, brought about by the polio epidemic of last summer, which resulted in mOte than 2,000 : cases in North Carolina alone. Cal ifornia and Texas were almost e : qually hard-hit. while incidence of ; polio was scattered all over the na tion. j Fund| from {he March of Dltr.e^ campaign are used <#? city property taxes will apply on all tax bills not paid by the close of business January 31, according to announcement by City Clerk S. A. Crouse. . Mr. Crouse said that state law pro vides for penalties of one per cent to be added in February, an addi tional one percent in March, an one half of one percent ? each month thereafter. Mr. Crouse is urging citizens to pay their tax bills before the pen alty period arrives. Mcraney Will Head Red Cross Drive Qmmt H- Moumt. p*o?ia?n> Kln^TS Mountain citizen. W1U iirti as cbatnnaa of tho annual ?Ml Ciom fund campaign. to be conducted la Maich, accwdinf to auMOcMBtni yttlwdar by J. L. McOiU. chapter chairman. Oo?d ?i the campaign wlU be NiM of which tl.7 p*rc**t will remain la Kiagi Mountain for to cal dm bf tho local chapter. 11 was announced Of the total quota. ISXIM Is bud ? 9* tod for Kings Mountain. With Sl.m to 90 to th? national Mod Cross organization Last ym't quota was budg?* sd on tho basis of (3 perceht tor tbo local organisation. and 37 pot) wat for tbo national organisation.