HERALD PERSONALS . " * "Toll Society Editor . Phone 167 Bill Throneburg of State "ColJege xpent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goforth, Mr. *%/id Mrs. David Saunders were vis itors at Chimney Rock Si^iay. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Willis and C. A. Butferworth were spend the day guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Willis, Jr., of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Bob A"ran and son, Michael, of Mount Airy, werp Sun' cay guests of his toother, Mrs. A. L. Allran. Walter Harmon of Gardner Webb College spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. B. F. Beam. ?Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Smathers of , Charlotte were dinner guests Satur- . day nig*ht of Mr. and 'Mrs. F. M. Fry Johnnie Kerns and guest, Henry Odom and Bi 1 lie Farrington of Slate College were weekend guests of Mr. pent Sunday in the home of Mr. ] and Mrs. M. C. Amos. Dink King underwent an opera ion las; week in the Presbyterian hospital, Charlotte. Ben ;F. Bridges of Catawba college , visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Philips continues very i ill at her home on Waco road, j- ? o ? Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hasty and family of Charlotte visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'J. R. Roberts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Navy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lattimore in Charlotte. Mrs. W. O. w7kT*Irs. M. H. Biser, Mrs. James (Roberts, Misses Pinkie Randal), Margaret Cornwell and An nie Mae Ware were dinner guests last Wednesday of Mr. and (Mrs. Dix on i.esl'ie of 'Fort Mill, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney leave Sunday night for New York City, they "will sail frofn there Wed neS day on tbeWeendam for a week's visit in Bermuda. Miss Marilyn Biggers of Charlotte was a weekend guest of Mr. and ?Mrs. P.M. Neisier. Miss Frances White of Gastonia spent the weekend with Miss Cyn thia IPlott. 24 Pounds ? Plain or Salf-Rising MOTHER S BEST FLOUB ...... S1.89 TALL CANS PET MILK? 3 lor. 40c 4 LB. Carton JEWEL SHORTENING 89c QT. CAM JEWEL OIL 55c 3 LB. Can LUZIANNE COFFEE $U5 MORREI'L'S BACON? lb. 49c Barkley Brothers Plant? of Fro? Parking Space. Front or Boar MG ST* 50?.E.KZM< Robert Hall Gcrforih, SK2-C, A. A. t)rk. A. f?ava) -Air. Station, ? Norfolk. Va., spent the weekend with RuiUs Hall Goforih. Mi? Pinkie Randall, spent the ' weekend in Shelby guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roberts. M1s Jean McCIain of Mars Hill college spent the weekend with .her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McClain. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Norman have re turned from a two weeks visit in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cornwelf re turned Saturday from a month's atay In Florida. , ' Pfc. Peris C. Humphries has re turned to Fori Belvoir, Va., after a furlough 1n Kings Mountain. Com pany C of which Pfc. Humphries is a member marched in the inaugural parade for President Truman. Throneburg In Duke Glee Club Concert ? ' * ? . - James C. Throneburg of Kings Mountain will take an active part in the annual mid-winter concert given at Duke University by the Men's Glee Club On February 11, un der the direction of J. Foster Barnes. Two Victor Herbert songs, March of the Toys from "Babes in Toy iand," and Tramp, Tramp, Tramp from ''Naughty Marietta," will be presented with incidental solo by Throneburg. The Glee Club will sing "On The Road To Mandaiay," with one of the baritone obligatos by Throneburg. He is also a member of the Triple Quartet. Tho program at Duke will consist STAMP PADS I Carter Size O GUARANTEED FOB 100.000 IMPRESSIONS 30c per pad HERALD Publishing House Phone 167 and 283 f of classical and popular numbers by the entifoe club af 14j0 student ling ers, the TnpW Quartet, and' In duet and solo presentation. The concert will be the first of a series of 16 ap pearances; one to be a broadcast ov- ? ver NBC in New York City. Throne'burg is ttie son of Mr. and Mrs. Yates F. Throneburg of 9Q0 W. Mountain street, Kings Mountain. During more than -JO years as a J manufacturer of motor trucks GMC j has pioneered and introduced many of the features and developments j now common to all truck.-*. CMC was ! first to offer six cylinder gasoline en j Kines and 2-cycle Diesel engines, in \ trucks, first with four wheel brakes two-speed rear axlts, and full pres sure engine lubrication. No! No! LET US. FIX .THAT OLD WATCH There is probably many years of good service in it ii repaired by an expert craftsman AND THEN ELECTRONICALLY TESTED ON A We no) only employ watchmakers, who are skilled and long experienced on problem watches, but we use quality replacement parte. ? then test all- o! our work electronically on our' WATCHM ASTER, a Scien tific inrtrument which PRINTS a record. ? PROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE REPAIRS Demand thit protection. wi??wnw #n?# fft VCVI'VH* GRAYSON'S JEWELRY ? HOME -OWNED ? Four- Day Guaranteed Watch Repair Service For a lovely coat, choose this graceful length, where Swansdown interprets a French fashion by Robert Piquet . . . if s a coat of pure wool suede at ?