SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL HAPPENINGS oi INTEREST to WOMEN, MBS. P. D. HERN DON. Editor PHONE 167 Bridal Courtesy Shown Miss Griiiin Miss Je'Anne Griffin, wrfde-elect of April was accorded a lovely cour tesy on Monday night when Mrs. L. E. Abbott and Mrs. James McKin ney entertained at the hutre of the former. Three tables for bridge were plac ed in the living room amid bowls of spring flowers and potted azaleas. A dessert course was served be fore the progressions started. After four progressions Miss Grif fin, the honoree, captured high score and the floating prize| Miss Nancy Nickles received second high. The hostesses presented MJsb Grif fin a teaspoon in her silver pattern. Mrs. J. E. Anthony Hostess To Circle The Macie Stevenson circle of the A. R. P. Church met at the home of Mrs. J. E. Anthony on Monday after noon. Mrs. Earl Carpenter had charge of the devotional and the program. . A very interesting discussion on "Stewardship" was given. Mrs. McFadden read an article on "How Christ Suffered." Mrs. N. F. McGftl, leader for the year, had charge of the business session. This being the first meet ing of the year plans were made for the Mission work' for this year. Circle Meets With Mrs. H. B. Jones The Mary Kennedy Circle of the A. R. P. church met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Tom Crawford. Mrs. John McGill opened the meet Ing with prayer. Mrs. M. A. Ware was in charge of the program, and an Interesting discussion on "Stew ardship was enjoyed by all. Twelve members were present. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Don ald Crawford served a delicious plate of chocolate eclairs, angel food cake and hot tea. Drive-In Theatre Kings Mtn.-Gastonia Highway Box office opens 6:30 p. m. Frl. & Sat-, Match 25 & 26 Double Feature "LITTLE IODINE" Jo Ann Marlowe "SANTA FE UPRISING" Cartoon Sunday, March 27 "DESIRE ME" Greer G arson News and Cartoon MON. & TUES.. Mar. 2? &29 "HIGH WALL" Robert Taylor Herbert Marshwll Comedy WED. & THURS.. Max. 30 & 31 in color "THREE DARING DAUGHTERS" Jeanette MacDonald Jane Powell News FRI. & SAT? April 1 & 2 Double Feature "HAIL CALIFORNIA* FIREBRANDS" Adrain Booth - Monte Hale "MADONA OF THE DESERT" ' Cartoon This Is A Family Theatre All Children Under IS ADMITTED FREE - Equipped with Heater* Speaker Units for "Home Comfort" Dixie FRIDAT . Double Feature Program "Saxon Charm" Robert Montgomery John Payne - Susan Hayward also "Fighting Seebe*>s" Susan Hayward . John Wayne Cartoon Late Show 10:30 SATURDAY Double Feature Program "El Dorado Pass" Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette also "Blondie's Big Deal" Penny Singleton Arthur Lake Cartoon MONDAY & TUESDAY "South of St. Louis" Joel McCrea - Alexis Smith News Late Show Monday 10:30 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY "Kiss in the Dark" David Niven . Jane Wyman Cartoon Hews Late Shew Wed. 10:30 Miss Plonk Reveals Her Wedding Plans Plans have been completed and are announced lox the wedding of j Miss Lenora Plonk* /daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Grier Plonk and Mr. Austin Alexander Lackey, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs- Austin Alexander Lackey of Fa) 1st on. The wedding will take place Sat urday evening at eight o'clock in the First Presbyterian church. Rev. P. D. PatTick, pastor of the bride, will officiate using the double ring cere mony. A program of wedding music will be presented by Mrs. N. F. McGill, organist, and JamesThroneburg and Billie Gene Amos, soloists. The bride will be given in nrarri- | age by her father. "Dr. Lackey, father of the bridegroom, will be best man. Miss Dorcas Caipenter will be maid of honor, bridesmaids will be ' Miss Jean Webb, Miss Peggy Arthur, Miss Bobbie Simons, of Kings Moun tain and Miss 'Jean Falls of Fallston, cousin of the groom. Ushers will be R. G. Plonk Jr., John Butler Plonk of Kings Moun- ; tain, Bobert Cline and Jim Cline of FaJLstOn. Immediately after the ceremony Saturday evening, Mr. and . Mrs. Plonk, parents of the bride, will en tertain at a reception at the Wo man's Club house. Miss Plonk has been Shown num erous pre-nUptial courtesies since announcement of her egagement. |_several weeks ago and will be honor ed at additional parties this week. Friday night after the rehearsal Miss Jett Plonk, aunt of the bride, will entertain at a cake cutting at the Country Club. Miss Plonk Given A Lovely Luncheon Miss Lenora Plonk, charming bride-elect of the week was enter-, tained at a Bridge luncheon on Sat urday given ty Mrs. Robert Cline at her home 'r> t allston. The dining i .ole was covered with a snowy white linen cloth centered with a large bowl of white carna tions and ferns. The luncheon was served' buffet style. Miss Plonk was given a corsage of white carnations. (?uests found their places at small tables placed in the living room ar.d ilcn. Bridal place cards were . used. ' The rooms were made attractive with white carnations, gladioli, tu lips and azaleas. After a delicious luncheon bridge tallies in a bridal design were given out and bridge was enjoyed at four tables. Ice colas ] were served during the afternoon. Mrs. A. A. Lackey received high score prize. The hostess presented Miss Plonk a cup and saucer in her China as an honor gift. Miss Constance Champion, a bride elect of April 30, was remembered with a set of embroidered towels. Attending from Kings Mountain other than the honoree were Miss J Louann Herndon, Miss Betty Hoid and Miss Frances Payne. Tuesday Bridge Club With Mrs. Lattimore Members of the Tuesday Afernoon Bridge club held a pleasant meeting this week with Mrs| George Latti more as hostess ah her home on Piedmont avenue. After the games Mrs. Hunter Neis ler was found to be winnei of the high score prize. The hostess served a very tasty i salad course. W. K. Mauneys Visit Orton Gardens Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney went to Winston-Salem on Tuesday to at- . tend the reckal of Miss Frances! Summers. From there they went to Wilmington to visit the famous Or ton Gardens returning home on Fri day. 1 MPERIA | * THEATRE *"1 We invite you to visit our new ly renovated Theatre for top* in COMPOST and ENTER TAINMENT. Non. A Tueft~ Mar. 28 & 29 "TARZAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" Lex Barker - Brando Joyce , Cartoon ? Shorts WED. & THURS.. Mar. 30 * .31 "KILLER McCOY' Mickey "SIN TOWN" Brod Crawford CoD?tance Bennett Cartoon: No. 1 "King on the Jangle Land" Coming Soon: -JOJW OF Admission ? Adults. 75c ' 'til 5 p. m., SU5 after 5p,n. Chil dren. 90c anytime. (Tax in cluded in ail prters) Coca-Cola Party On Saint Patrick's Day Highlighting the social activities for Saint Patrick's Day was the Co ca-Cola party given by Mrs. C. T. Carpenter and Mrs. O. P. Lewis at the Woman's Club on Thursday, March 17th. Greeting the guests at the door was Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Carpenter in vited them into the club lounge which Was very attractive with Saint Patrick's decorations of green and white A long table was placed at one side of the room this was covered with a white linen cloth and held for its central decoration a silved bowl with an all white flower arrange ment. Green candles in silver hold ers. silver trays of assorted sand wiches, nut fingers, green and white mints and potato chips were placed on the table. On one end of the ta ble was an antique silver English bowl with iced coca-colas. Guest6 found their places at auxiliary ta bles which were scattered through out the lounge. On each of these tables were a miniature arrange ment of Shamrock leaves afid tear drops. Green candles and a very artistic bowl of snap dragons were used on the mantle, azaleas and green can dles in silver holders were used ot> the desk. The hostesses were assisted in ser ving by Mrs. Frank Hoyle, Mrs. Gra dy King, Mrs. J. C. Williams of Bes semer City, Mrs. Dan Thompson of Lincolnton and Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr. Soft music was played and a fes tive atmosphere prevailed. More than a hundred ladies called during the hours of the party. ? 1 Circle Meets With Mrs. T. H. Crawford Monday evening of this week Mrs. Henry Jones with Miss Lois Beatty as co-hostess, most graciously enter tained the Frances Garrison circle of the A. R. P. church at the home of Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Orr Weir, assisted by Mrs. Dean McDaniel, and Miss Pearl Hicks, gave a very helpful program on "Stewardship." After the business session, a social hour was enjoyed, at the close of which delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. Social Calendar Friday 8:00 ? The Couples Club Will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Finger. 9:00 ? Mi.?s Jett Plonk is entertain ing at a cake cutting at the Country Club after the Plonk Lackey rehearsal. Saturday 11:00 ? Miss Dorcas Carpenter and Miss Bobbie Simons are giving a wedding breakfast at the New South complimenting Miss Lenora Plonk. 1:00? Mrs. Norman Morrow and Miss Caroline Morrow are hon oring Miss Je'Anhe Griffin( bride-elect with a luncheon in Gastonia. 7:30 ? Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Abbott are entertaining the Bid and Bye Club at the Country Club. Tuesday 3:00 ? The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Club meets with Mrs. H. R. Neisler. 7:00? The Junior Y. W. A. of the First Baptist Church will meet in the Berean Room. 7:30 ? Miss Helen Hay will be hos te&s to the Tuesday Night Bridge Club at the Country Club. 4 8:00 ? Mrs. Marshall Heavener and Mrs. Lynwood Parton are giv ing a bridge party at the Wo man's Club. Thursday 8:00? Twin Table Bridge Club will meet with Mrs. Claud Ham bright. Birth Announcement . i Mr. and Mrs. Silas Couick an nounce the birth of a 'son Saturday, March 19, in the Shelby hospital. Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Anderson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Fri day March 18, in the Shelby hospi tal. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Self announ ce the birth of a son, Monday Mar ch 21, in the Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marriott Phifer an nounce the birth of a son, Doyt But ler, Tuesday, March' 22, in Gaston Memorial hospital. I Griff in -Bar gar Invitations Issued . The following invitations have] jgg uec[ * Mi. and Mrs. Ellerbe Wilson Griffin 1 request the honour of your presence | at the marriage of their daughter | Mable Je'Anne to Mr. Robert Sell Strom Bargar on Saturday, the nihth of April at eight o'clock in the evening Central Methodist Church Kings Mountain, North Carolina At Home Jamestown, New York Reception immediately fo lowing the ceremony The Womans Club Study Club Meets With Mrs. J. R. Davis The members of Ihe Study Club and invited guests were delightful ly entertained by Mrs .11. R. Davis at her attractive home Tuesday night. The rooms were given a spring like almojsphere by the clever use of spring flowefs. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Clar ence Jolly and Mrs. P. D. Herndon, served a frozen fruit salad, sand wiches, pickles, hot ham biscuits and coffee orange fruit cake topped with whipped cream and candy IJas tef eggs a"nd nuts were passed. Mrs. B. N. Barnes, president, pre sided. Roll was called and minutes of] last meeting read. Mesdames Grady Patterson, H. C. Mayes and Jay Pat terson were appointed on a book committee for this year. Mts. Aubrey Mauney assisted by Mrs. Paul Mauney gave a very in teresting and informative program on numbers that will be given by The Little Symphony concert to be held here Thursday night. B. M. Ormand Notes 80th Birthday Mr. B. M. Ormand was given a surprise birthday party at his home Sunday afternoon; Members of his family and a number of friends call ed to wish him birthday felicitations on his 80th anniversary. A large cake with c&ncles was pia ced before him. This was later cut and served with assorted sandwich es, mints and Russian tea. Circle No. 3 Meets In Gault Home Circle No. 3 WSCS, Central Meth odist church, met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. C. J. Gault, Jr., with Mia Oliver Falls as assistant host ess. There were 22 present, including two new members, Mrs. Pink Ware and Mrs. Jake James. Mrs; Otto Hehn presented a pro gram on "Human Values in Labor Quesions." After Mrs. Holand Dix on read the scripture, Mrs. Hehn read the poem, "The Village Black smith," and commented on it. Mrs. Ben Bundy talked on 'The Horse and Buggy Days," and Mrs. Sam Howell discussed "Changes in the Industrial System." Grace Davis then talked about "Unions," .v?v -M -iSii "*?.'? ' , ?? ... ' ?