of INTEREST to WOMEN SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL HAPPENINGS MRS. P. D. HERNDON. Editor PHONE 167 1 11 1 ? Social Calendar. rviday 4:00-6:00? 'Mrs. P. F. Dilling is g*v- j irtg a coca-cola party as a pre- i nuptial courtesy to Mtai Jean Webb, brldeelect. Saturday ' . . fe:30? The W. O. W. is fct<.n?oring' u , a fish fry and square dance Bridges Airport. Monday 2:30? 'i'he L>uplU;ate Bridge club meets with Mrs. Paul E. Hen- ; dricka. TuMdOf 10:00-12:00 ? 'Mrs, Hugh Oranand and Mia. LH?n Blanton are honoring Miss Jean Weblb with a coca- j cola party at the Woman's club. 8:00 ? Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Page are entertaining at an informal dance at the Country Club , complimenting Miss Audrey 1 May, BiH Page and M5ss Jean Webb and David Neill. Thursday 2:30 ? Mrs. F. L. Plonk wil) entertain the Ace of Olirtxs, Friday M:00 ? Hi-bo Bridge club meets wrth Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stalling*. G. E. Bridges Hosts To Hi-Lo Club Mr. and Mrs! G. E. Brxlgee, were hosts to the Hi-Lo bridge ?iub Fri day night. White gladioli and red roses, were j^rut to charming use in decorating ?the playing rooms. After four progressions ot bridge, scores were counted. High store v i ward went to 'Mrs, C. T. Oarperaer, Jr., for ladies, Sam Stalling? receiv ed high foT men. A tempting sweet course was seiv ed. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr., were invited guests. Mrs. Jay Patterson Gives Bridge Party i Charming in all its appointments) was the bridge -party giiven by Wis. , Jay Patterson on Wednesday after noon at her home on Parker street. ^ Grouped amid a setting of beauti fully arranged gladioli, shasta dair ies and canenduas bridge was play ed progressively at six tabfPes with Mrs. E. A Smith winding high score at the conclusion of the progressions Mrs. G. H. Mauncy, second high. For tt*e refreshment hour the hoe- ' test; a?fikiii?d by Mrs. Aubrey Mauney Mrs. H. C. Mayes and Mrs. W. K. i Houser served a frozen saiad course with aiisoru-d sandwiches, cakes and punch. ? . Mrs. Jay Patterson Fetes Study Club : . . * A at i Mrs. Jay Patterson /vas hostess to the June meeting of the- Study club apd a number of invited guests. The living room was attractive with bow Us off Shasta daisies, calen dula, red and whit? glads, mixed giads'Afcere used in the dining room. 3, N. Bar/iee. tile president, presided over the routine business. A note from Mrs. L. A. Hoke was read thanking ihe members for the flowers sent her. h. the absence of the secretary Mrs. P. D. Hemdon call ed the roll- and read the minutes of the (May meeting. Mrs. Jay Patterson, program chair, ma-n for the evening presented Miss Peggy LeGrand, of Shelby who spoke most interestingly of a recent trip she made to "Mexico. At the conclu sion of her talk she Showed quite a collection of souvenirs, including baskets. Jewelry, silver trays, pot tery bowls, leather bags, 'belts, hats, shoes, luncheon sets, scarfs artd oth er novelties. The hostess assisted by Mrs. H. C. Mayes, "Mrs. B. N. Barnes and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney, served a frozen salad, course with accessories. Takes Up New Duties Miss Thelma Payseur, who has been a memiber of the Jiigh school faculty left last week W> Fnmt-M . . ? fM >>1 A*N ? Cw Hw htlh T??H|? ? M5%fl *4 SMf ItH ? 4 btfAd k? Itlfi ? SMiaf M'?w ? S-Tmi h4HHM Ha COOPERS. Inc. THE PLACE TO BUY FINE FURNITURE PHONE 93 SEE NORGE BEFORE YOU BUY I RECENTLY MARRIED Juns 10 In First Baptist Hord is the former Miss Psggy Smith. Mr. Hold is the son of Mr. shortly after their marriage on and Mrs. Jos Lawrence Hoit. Mi*, daughter of Ms. and Mrs. A. Bay Mr*. 'Bryan HordL Eunice Bible Class Enjoy Social The Eunice Bible class of the First Baptist church met a*t rhe home of Mrs. E. C. McCtein for their June meeting. Co- hostesses were Mrs. W. M. Moorhead and Mrs. George Allen. The most outstanding work of the class for the month was contribut ing $25 to help support a missionary al?u contributing $25 to help defray expenses of sending a group at young pecpl? to Ridgecre?t. (Mrs. Earl Ledford wai in charge of the program. ? ' . V-. During the social hour the host esses served ice cre