POPULATION j City Limit. (1S40 Cwmi) %ST4 I immediate Trading Asm 11000 'IMS Rauoa Soaid P>quiM) 14 Pages Today VOL.6C NO. 27 King* Mountain. If. CN Friday. July 8, 194) I PRICE FIVE CENT.! 4 Local News Bulletins XIWAKIS MEETING Merooer?of cite Kings Mountain Kiwanis club were to hear a re port on the recent Kiwans Inter national convention, held a, At lantic City, by President Byron SCeeter at the Thursday night meeting of the organization. Pres ident Keeter represented the Kings Mountain club at the convention. LIONS TO BETHANY , I Members of Beihany ARP chur- j ?ch will be hosts to the Kings | Mountain Lions club members, j itheir wives and gue^a at a pic- j nic style sapper to be held at the i church Tuesday evening, at 7 OVtock. Lions members wishing j extra reservations are being asked i to contact W. L. Plonk. . . 1 . CLUB NIGHT Regular Club Night will be ob- j served at the Kings Mountain | Country Club Saturday night at 8 ; ?o'clock, It was announcvd this "Week by the club social commit- < tee. A buffet dinner will be serv- j ed and the entertainment of the evening will include dancing and bridge, if desired. ONION SERVICE " Sunday night's union service will be held at Boyce Memorial ARP church, with Rev. W. H. Sten der, pastor of St. Matthew's Luth eran church, delivering the ser mon. A cordial welcome to attend the service has been extended by Bw. W L. Pressly, Boyce Memori al pastor. PREPAID TAXES Pre paid city taxes through June 29 totaled Sl2.7ft4.54, H was announced yesterday by 8. A. Crouse, city clerk. Figures were pot available on June 30 receipts jbiit Ch?y were considerable, Mr. Arouse said. The two percent dis count period ended June 30. Dis count tor payment during the montft of- July U one and one-half EA1ULY TO NATS -=#ake Early, Kings Mountain baseball pluyer, has been recall ed by the Washington Senators according to word received here yesterday. Early has been with ; the Chattanooga lookouts in the Southern Association- where he led the league in hitting for several weeks after h? reported. He had been released by tne Nats in April. Beth-Wore FT A Group Aft White Lake Camp Seventeen members of the Beth Ware Future Farmers of America club left Monday for a week's rec reation trip to White Lake FFA Camp. The group la scheduled to return Saturday. ? Menf&re making the trip Included Burnie Allen. Carroll D. Costner. Al ton Dover, Char lea Dover, Dale ?ixon, Carol Ledford, John McKin ney, Joe Ware, Billy Bell, Boh Hus key. Newell Thorn burg, Bobby Ware, W. U Ooforth, Jack Ware, Joe Bell, Billy Spencer and Dwight Ware. Curtis Bell and Howard Champion ntade the trip as drivers. Mr. and Mrs..Amo0 Beat accom panied the group as counselors. Inly Is Popular Anniversary Month (July Is a popular opening month for Kings Mountain business firms, And wvera) are currently observ ing anniversaries, or have in the past few days. 'Among the business firms observ ing anniversaries this month are Plonk Brothers, 90 years, Dixie Bar gain Store, 10 yearn, Delllnger's Jewel Shop, 5 years, and B. *. B. Food Stores. Inc., 2 years. Red Cross Office Hoar Flan at cwr How wtu b* ... Urn, 'SmmSM ??be ! City Engineer Evans i ^ * - ? - Arrived Here Monday Sarasota Man Begins Dalies As City Official j. S> Evans, Jr., arrived here from j Sarasota. Fla.. Monday afternoon. | and began his duties as city engi- . i neer Tuesday morning - j The first two days of his work ? | were well-filled, as he tried to ga ther in a short spac<" of time gen 1 enal knowledge about city business, as particularly applied to Kings Mountain, and specific knowledge , I about the city itself. j ' Both days ? and Thursday was scheduled- for the same ? >vere fea- ! tured by conferences with Mayor J. E. Herndon and members of the ; city board of commissioners, and by j get -acquainted talk.; wlrh heads of : city departments and ofher employ- , i ees- ' . , I Wednesday afternoon included a j "sight -seeing" tour, as members of ! the board and Mayor Herndon con ducted their new executive officer around the city by auto. Mr. Evans*, married and the fath-J, er of two children, also had some house hunting on the agenda. At the moment, he is living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. 3. Peeler, pending finding of suitable quarters for his family, now at Mrs. Evans' home in Hllesvllle, CJa. The new city engineer, graduate of Purdue University, class of '38, and an' army veteran, merely . set forth "Protestant" in outlining fac tual information in his applicat'o'i for the city position. He turns out to be a Presbyterian. Tail and whh grey streaks ap- ? peering in a head of bhack hair, the , new city administrative officer ex- [ pressed himself as "very pleaded to be in the Piedmont section of North Carolina." It happens that in his ap plication for the Kings Mountain . post and Jn a subsequent interview , with the city board. Mr. Evans told 1 the board of a long-time desire to come to the Piedmont -section to ? work and live. He was "sold," he said, by a close friend in the army who was from] Shelby. The friend was Rev. Walter DIokson, now a Belmont minister. Mr. Evans is a native of Ohio, and former assistant city manager of Sarasota. His war experience ir" a ded several assignments in v. h he supervised major construction of pubHc service Installations. " "I am Indeed looking forward to living and working in Kings Moun tain," Mr. Evans said. "I have al* ready been impressed with the ob vious friendliness of those citizens whom I have met and of their will- , ingness to help. I shall do my best j to discharge the duties of city engl- 1 neer to the best of my ability." Hospital Oiler* Free Nursing Course Kings Mountain area citizens were " reminded this week by Jo< Hawick, Shefby hospHal superin tendent, that the Shelby hospital of fers a tuition-free course of nursing which Includes complete ma-inte Trance, uniforms and books during the three-year course of instruc tion. Persons Interested should write for Information and application ?blanks to: Director of Nurses, Shelby Hospital, Shelby. N. C. CITY ENGINEER ? J. S. Etom. Jr. arrived here July 4th to assume his new d???; as city engineer, suc ceeding E. C. Brandon. Jr.. now city manager of Asheboro. Recommend Hord For Rural Carrier Bryn Hord, regular city carrier, has been recommended for appoint- i ment as regular rural carrier to sue. j ceed Boyd Harreteon, who retired on June 30, after almost thr.ee decades; of delivering mail to rural Kings Mountain. Announcement of the recommen dation of Mr. Hord was made by Postmaster W. E. Blakely, who said j that Howard S. Wright, under post- | office personnel set-up now listed as a "regular substitute carrier," had been recommended tor regular carrier, and would take over Mr. Hord'* city K?ute the. appoint mfeirtr fw? -arppfvrd in -W-awhthgtoa. Recom menda t ion of the postmas ter is customarily tantamount to appointments Mr. Blakely said a temporary ap- j pointment would be made to fill the vacancy created by the Wright %ap- ; pointment until a civil service ex amination can be held. Paul Bell, Route 2 substitute for the . past several years, is currently : carrying the mail to citizens who j live on Route 2. Brazilian To Speak Here Twice Sunday Tsmael Ondrade, citizen of Brazil1 and student at folumnla "^eoto*! cal Seminary, Decatur, Ga., wi!! preach at the Dixon Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at four o'clock to the Youth Fellowship at the First Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock Sunday evening. Mr. Andrade is much in demand as a preacher. -At present he is tea ching Portugese to foreign mission candidates at Montreat and address Ing most of the bonference which are being held there, this summer. He plans to return to Brazil upon the completion of his study here in ?he United States. He plans to de ote must of his time to the work of he University at Garahuns. SERIOUSLY IU Mrs. J. S. Norman is In a seri ous condition at Duke hospital, j Durham, where she underwent a throat operation Wednesday. Mrs Norman had been a patient In Me morial hospital, Charlotte, for a week, prior to her transfer to Duke. Veterans Administration Approves Textile School Fo,r Kings Mountain Blacfc Sox -Sluggers To Tangle Saturday Ki??l Itautali Mack Sox. Ke VM k? kcttl toan. will play On Ornikx l>ua?i? from Macks 1MU0, L C, bM? km a?f Stadium Saturday at S ? au amri< te? to ??tin iit? nil fcf Hugh Mind, of th? Klwati dub. The XI wmia club gpak?wfl a lfegio ffON k*? ?" !??? M. With 0M Kiv?i Mountain t?ara wlnnlnq ? to a. Admission (or tl? fan* will 1m tt amd AO Mc. Mind mM. Nffu Msoifn Parklnj meter receipt* for the week which ended- at n*x>n Wed nesday totaled 1138.98 according to a report from the oHce of 3. A. Crouskt, dor clerk. * ? - :*3 1*1. :* .. ^ ?? JL ?*-? '? >*4 ? . ' -v-> ? * ,*? .v. V : Opening date tor a veteran* school In ootton manufacturing Is awaiting approval by the Veteran* , Administration of application* of j some 25-odd atudenrts who have en- 1 rolled for the part-time course ac cording to announcement this week by B* N. Barnea, superintendent Of city school#. The textile school will be admin istered by the dty schools. It was approved this week by VA officials. Class periods will be three houtfc a j day, 13 hours a week. Two classes , ace planned and will be taught by Booth Gillespie and John Floyd. <Mr. Barnes sstd ye*terd?y that the Vrima-Craft building on York road has been ranted for the school. Veterans who are ell?fble under the tSI bill" may enroll in the oourse by contacting Mr, Barnes or one of the instructor*. ' ? ? ^ Board Expected To Adopt Budget At July Meeting The city board i>x commissioners | will hald its regular July nn>etin^ next Tuesday night at 7:30 at City i Hall, wifh principal item on the j .agenda formal adoption of ihe 1949? 50 budget. | The board tentatively net the bud get in May , palling for approximate- I ly $301,000 expenditures during the next fiscal year, and tentatively set I the tax rate at $f.85 per $100 valu ation. it is expected that the tentative budget and tax rate will be adopted as the final budgej. Only change would come from increase In the tocal taxable valuation over the es timated figure of $5,500,000. City Clerk $. A. Crouse reported Thurs day morning that figures had been received from, the county but had not been totaled. Also awaited are 1 figures from the state on certain properties which are valued by the | state for tax purp oses (including Southern Railway, Duke Power and similar properties.* Also on the docket La a public hearing on a minor change in the [zoning ordinance transferring a lot on the York road into the industrial zone. The board has already appro : ved the change, barring objections. I Other matters on the agenda are j also routine, including formal au j thorization to allow the city treas j urer to proceed with advertising I property for sale for delinquent tax J en, and presentation of regular mon thly repcrts. Micklei Buys i Walters Finn : \i . ; I ;t " >*' ? . I Walters Flowers is now being op erated under the ownership and j management of TYoup Mickler, (pro i nounoed Mike-Ier), until recently of Tavarei Fla., following an ex 1 change of businesses between Mr. : Mickksr and CL. iL Walter*, former | owner of Walters Flowers. . Under the exchange agreement, | Mr. Mickler became owner of Wal j ters Flowers and Mr. Walters be-, came owner of -Mr. Mickler's whole i sale and retail establishment in Ta vaies. * . The firm will continue to operate under the same tTade name of Wal ters Flowers, Mr. Mickler said, and will specialize in supplying floral I decorations and fltrvers .for wed j dings, funerals and other special occasions. In addition, the firm will stock at all times corsages and pot I ted plants. Mr. Mickler has spent 15 years in the floi-al business, beginning work with flowers before he had finished high school. He is married and is the father of two boys age seven and four. City Delivers Water To Thirsty Campers Chief of Police N. M. Fair and L. C. Parsons and Kim Stepp, city em ployees, received a letter of thanks this week from a group tnat was j supplied Water at Camp Cherokee; through efforts of the three men. 'Jimmy Johtison, of Raleigh, di rector of the Kings Mountain Camp Conferefice, signed the letter, as did scrrve -160children and adults .Who were. Ramping in tHe South Carolina State Park when pumps failed, lea ving them without water. Mr. Johnson came into Kings Mountain around 7:30 p. m. June 16th and requested help for - the gToup, Chief Parr said. The police chief contacted Mr. Parsons and Mr. Stepp arrived at the camp with a tank of water around 9 p. m. Water was also delivered to the camp the following day until the pumps had been repaired, lite, city street sprinkler truck was tis&tf to deliver the precious commodity. Morrison's Guess Wins Him A Tire Luther Morrison, who Is a speci al!* in cutting steaks and other meats, also knows Ms rubber, Mr. Morrison's estimate of the number of miles run on a Lee tire was closest to the actual number and won for him the free new tire offered at an opening promotion by Marlowe's Home and Auto Supply. Mr. Morrison's guess was 33,100. "the tire had actually been run 33, 462 miles. ; r ' e. E. Marlowe, owner of the new e*a*bliahment said no leas than five persons guessed 33,000 miles to mriss by a short margin. More than 300 persons entered estimates, ran ging from 3,000 miles to 60,000 miles, i Citizens Enjoy Hot , Happy 4 th Holiday ffM ~ .w< K " '' "^ ' ' ' ' ' iT** ??X*. ?^v:' 4? if? fevv?.*?->j g??$ ?^tej lili STATE GRADUATE ? Jones For tun?. above. ton of Mrv W. L For tune, graduated from N. C. State college In June with bacehtor of ! science in textile chemistry and dye in?- He Is employed by Tennes- 1 see Eastman Corp.. Xing sport. Tenn. in the chemical sales department. Belk's Installing New Wall Fixtures Belk's Department Store is con tinuing a two-year remodeling pro- ' gram this week, as it installs com- I plete new wall fixtures on the main I floor. The new wall fixtures, erf modern j design and finished in light brown ! veneer, will completely change the interior departmental arrangement. \ "The change will mean a consoli dation of departments to provide more ease in shopping for custo- ! mers, irt addition to the improved appearance." said H. L. Ruth, man- j ager. During the past two years the firm has installed a central heating plant, fluroesoent lights, a sprinkler system, Marflex floor and a terra zzo lobby. The wall fixtures were manufac tured by Young Manufacturing Com pany, of Norwood. Bakex Wins Detroit Trip ? ? i Tommy Baker, Kings Mountain j model plane expert, will go to De- ! trodt for the second consecutive year j to participate in the International i Model Plane contest. On Wednesday, Baker and Roger LiPtle, of Charlotte, were named to i represent the Charlotte area at the contests, following the second annu al Model Air Circus held in Char lotte Monday. Baker entered planes in each se- , nior event of the Charlotte contest j and captured two first places in ! control- line flying, one second place and one third place in control line oom petit ion, a fourth place In con trol line stunting, and a third place in control line Jet flying. In addi tion, he was awared the special Ed- 1 die Rickenbacker award. t The son of Dr. ared Mrs. L. P. Ba- j rker, young Baker has been a leader in model plane competitions throu- { ghout the South for th? past several , years. In the Detroit events last | year, he captured two second place I and one fifth place awards. CHURCH HOMECOMING Annual homecoming will be held at Love Valley Baptist chur ch, route 2, Kings Mountain, on Sunday, it was announced yester day by the pastor, Rev. E. M. Red ing. Theatres, Soda i Fountains Did Rushing Business ho'tiy* aS'huJSlLy' ffjX f ' T1 Jority of Kings Mountain citizens'*" .No serious, accidents wereSt e<1io mar the holiday, and som^ fiPX "iTf ??HJ at beaches and mountain through the end ?"hewJZ ? s a number of industrial plant* n^' * 4. eS *^ly"h7h '''on ?""e y?ar? past. M??y "arias S, ?pS; 7,?r; h?LUes<,ay- to?- wa? brisk from the rushorf*5 ma"dpoirrt- wUh grocers ," . d as the citizens re-stocked spi?eeof^hfrhth! l0ng Weekend- In spite or the heat, many *n. t usiasts took advantage of the Monday holiday to spend a Say on the fairways, both in nearby towns and on -the Country Club course dideu?L h ??mplaine<l that he over and came close to sunstroke Pl^eVM?r^Lh*d,' ? -???? landed ?am. hZhln^rr,aUeXti,e P,am* whl<^ a running m pan ^mr e Week wpre J?ln^ th? r? ? e ?Pera*,ons Tuesday by the Bonnie and Sadie Mills. A Charln??f WTeC^ wer? reported. W' M^Haa'flCab fOUnd ha brak"* gone Monday morning and Jam 0 e rear ot J?e Lee Wood. bv"^ m03'' and a ratt|e trap driven by a man under the influence of rink rammed into Hugh Ballard's Da m*? 3t a South Caro|ina beaoh Damage was not severe in elth? A number, with holidays ow sunburn." nUrSi"g P3lnful ca~s * zss&. the Independence day holiday. Postal Receipts Up Over 1948 ??"*h *lifo?tly below first quar S thfSfn^ l?M 1 9ale" of P?s?a^ d!ir?na *" Mountain postoffice showed qiUnarter endod Jur* 30 l^ l?l Increase of S855 over cSSmT^.n/1.211i^rter ar bTw f Bj?u^roCTn'rrt V r1.: Sk^' postmaster. Receipts are based on safes of (or flrst. and fourth class "??.?# re<"elpt? from second-cla* and thlrd-clas* mail. * defer do not inc,ude ?* Money order sales showed a dron ot ?Smo * ye" "*??? Famed Cramerton Square Dance Team To Appear Here Inly 15th 1 The Cramerton Gingham Team will give an exhibition of folk danc Ing at the high school gymnasium on Friday, July IS. according to a spokesman of The Mountaineer Club, Inc., sponsors of the event. Also on the evening's program is ?square dancing and the premier tel evision showing direct from Station WBTV, Charlotte. ' Members of the famous dance team, from nearby Cramerton, are scheduled to dance ?vfth patron* ?? instructors, after their exhfbltions. Some twelve couples make up the da nop team, which was featured in an article in The Charlotte "News several week* ago. The team is ra ted as one of the best in this section of the state. The da new event is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p. m. ' The television showing is schedul. ed to go on the air at the gymnasi um at 7 p. m. It -will be the opening showing of Station- WBTV and will be presented through the coopera tion of local firms selling the new radio sets. The television *how will be on the air until the dance begins, ac cording to Dan Hufstet'-ir, chairman of the committee directing the event Music for the danoe will be furn ished by Arthur Sprouse and hi* Melody Drifters, local square dance band. Admission will be 30 and 00 cents, > general, and 25 and 30 cents far dancing _?

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