POPULATION CUT Umita (i440 C*dmi) S-S74 Imnadlata Trading Atta 15.000 ; (1945 Hatioa Board figure* ) VOX. SO NO. 29 16 Pages T oday PRICE FIVE CENTS Local Citizens Keep . r , '? * ?".*.* ? * :* ?' ' V- - '* * ' . "? , 5 ' * " ? ' . ' - . X-Ray Machine Busy Local News Bulletins s AT UOXS CONVENTION E. E. Marlowe aitd Harold i'lonk are in New York this week, where, they are attending the annual in ternational convention of Lions Clubs. , * . i ? ' i ? . i. . . FOX HERE SUNDAY ?Rev. E. W. Fox, former pastor, will deliver the sermon at the 11 j o'clock hour Sunday at Central Methodist <?hurch. Rev. J. H. Brendall, jr., pastor, Is on vaca tion. EVANS MOVES Cily Engineer J. S. Evans, Jr. and his family have moved into (he apartment at 314 E. King street, Which is owned by B. S. Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and ' their children moved here Wed nesday. MOUNTAINEER CLUB Officers and directors at the Mountaineer Club, Inc., arte sche-i ?duled to meet in the office of At torney Faison Barnes Monday night at 8 p. m. All directors are urged to make plan# to attend the meeting. TAX ADVERTISING The City of Kings Mountain will advertise property for sale for delinquent 1948 tax bills begin ning August 12, it was announc ed ye*terday by S. A. C rouse, city Clerk. Persons who have not paid . their 1W8 taxes* are being urged to Attend o the oatter at once to avoid the additional expense in- j volved, ' . , j KIWANIS PROGRAM Members of the Kings Moun tain Kiwanis club were to hear an address by John R. Faison, of Shellby, county farm security ad ministrator, at the 'regular meet- I ing Thursday night at 7 o'clock at the Woman's Club. Mr. Faison was to speak on the subject "D|g- . . placed Persons," on a program ar ranged by B. N. Barnes. During the latter part of the war, Mr. Fafson I served as superintendent of a dis placed persons camp in Europe. Patteison Rites Set Foi Friday Funeral services will.be held Fri day at 3 otlock at Befthlehem Bap- 1 dst church for Mrs. Mary Delia Pat terson^ 66, native of Cleveland coun ty who died at her home on route 2 Wednes?dky night around 11 o-' olock of a heart attack. Rev. T. W. Fogieman, pastor, will Officiate, assisted by Rev. W. G. Camp. The body will lie In state! for one hour prior to the service, j Burial will be in the church ceme- j tery. She had been in HI health for s?v eral years. v Widow of the late William Sims j Patterson, she was a daughter of , the late Sara'h Ann and .William A., Md>anlel. She was a member of j Bethlehem Baptist church. Survivors Include one ton, El dred Patterson, 'of Kings Moun tain, one daughter, Mrs. J. C, Car roll, of Kings Mountain, a brother, J. P. McDanlel, of Grover, a sister Mrs. Essie . Mas Whlttington, of KlngS Mountain, and five grand children. .t , 7 Black Sex Face Waco Here Saturday Night The 'fcfi Mouataia ' Black BtadUaa Sotarday nifht la ? ?fiaip Ma| aponaorad fry the Kl WBM elnb, Coma (ttM U I p. Local Average Daily Pictures Ron 150-200 If there is one sec&ion of Cleveland ! county taking advantage of the pro j tective benefits of the T-B X-Ray machine. given the county through! the cooperative efforts of Shelby j and Kings Mountain Jayvees and generosity of business and Indus trial firms, it is Kings Mountain. Mrs. Jack Raymer, county health department nurse, said Thursday morning, "We. get a better response In Kings Mountain than in any oth 'er part of the county." Evidence was apparent, with thei X-Ray machine doing a rushing business Thursday morning. ' Mrs. Raymer said that .ITS per sons had received free X-Rays on Monday and 165 on Wednesday. On Tuesday, only 17 pictures were made due toa mechanical difficulty. Daily average in Kings Mountain has been between 150 and 200, since the machine went itno operation. Prime use ofthe X-Ray machine is the jJrevention of Tuberculosis toy ferreting out suspected cases be fore the germs have a chance to take full control. However, other chest diseases and ailments are al so frequently revealed by the pictu res. Operating the machine here this week were Mrs. Raymer and Mrs. B. M. Jarred, executive secretary of the Cleveland County Tuberculosis association. Mrs. Grler, of Shelby, Is a volunteer worker who has been assisting in filling out name cards. Mrs, Raymer said that the ma chine win visit large industrial plants In the fall. She also issued wonls of praise to Hunter Allen, city electrician, for Ms cooperation in helping set up the X-Ray machine, and a request to the ladies. "If possible." she said, "ladles coming for X-ray pictures should wear dresses without but tons or zippers on the front." Deadline Saturday For Messenger Bids ? ?Notice appearing on the postof fice bulletin board is inviting bids for the job of mail messenger. Deadline for filing bids Is Satur day at 1 o'clock. According to the notice, persons interested in the poskion are re quired to "file bids on special forms obtainable $rom the postmaster, and they are to be addressed "Proposal for Mall Messenger," with the name of the bidder on the outside. The bidder will be required to furnish his own truck, enclosed for protection of mail matter, and to carry all ma-il to and from dispat ch stations; According to Postmaster W. E. Blakely, the contract is let on the basis of lowest bid. The sealed pro posals are forwarded to the Postof fice Department, In Washington, for acrion. Several bids for the position have already been filed, Mr. Blakely said. Miss Pearl Little Writes Composition Premiere presentation of "Roan oke", composition by Miss Pearl Little, of Hickory, -will be played at Manteo Saturday night during a' performance of 'The lost Colony." Mias Little, a former teacher of music, is well-known in Kings Mountain. She wrote the composi tion after visiting Manteo and see ing the Paul Oreen pageant last year. Payne. Cornwell On Postoffioe Jobs it Otto B. Payne has been named temporary substttut* olerk at ?he (Lings Mountain postoffioe ?nd Jiles Cornwell has been named tempor ary charman, It was announced by W. E. Blakely, postmaster. ' . , < Mr. Blakely sald he expected civ il service e*aminaftkms t p ta#'.JWl4. soon for the portions of custodian and for substitute clerk -carrier, Mr. Cornwell is a former tempor ary employe of the postoffioe, hav ing filler; the cusfod tan's position while Tate# Gordon was in ths arm. ed force*. L" Austrian boy U a picture of Joy with his gift from the American Junior Red Crow. Other millions of children now receive adequate clothing Only through U-N.'s International Children's Emergency Fund. Legion Post To. Discuss Building.' -At Special Meeting Friday Night Privilege License Deadline July 31 Penalty of five percent lor late purchase ol privilege licensee will apply, beginning August 1. Remainder of the deadline (or purchase of llcenaes without pen alty was made yesterday by 9. A. Grouse, city clerk and Ueasur Mr. Crou^j pointed out ';hat, beginning Auguat 1. the penalty for delinquent payment is five j percent per month up to a maxi mum penalty of 20 percent. . Mr. Crouse ?=id a "good por tion" of local ^-tslness firms have already pArc..~.jd their license.-.. Woodmen To Give i . > Square Dance Camp 15, Woodmen of the Wortd, will sponsor a public square dance at the high schoql gymnasium Sat urday night, beginning at 8 o'clock. Admission to the dance will be 60 cents, Including federal tax, and a large crowd is expected to attend. "We will have a good band on hand,", a spokesman for the organi zation said. Connty Tax Rate To Drop Slightly Kings Mountain school district residents will pay county taxes on the basis of S1.25 per SIM val- j i u at ion. according to the tentative budget and tax rate set by the county boatd of commissioners in special session last week. The tax rate represents a de cline of seven cents from last year's levy for general pur poses. The SI -25 includes SI .02 for general purposes, plus 23 cents for the Kings Mountain school district. Three cents Is for debt service. Plans for building a Memorial Building will be discussed at a ape cial called meeting of Otis D. Green Post 155, American Legion, to be field at City Hall Friday night at 7:30. Announcement of the ' meeting went to post members ? this week from Adjutant David J. Delevie, and .4 (UU attendance is being urged by members of the building committee. ? ?Hal W?rd, coftwwl?t& chairman, said blueprints' and complete specj. flcations have been received from the architect and ate now in the hanxfti of contractors for estimates. He said the committee hoped to be able to present the plans at Friday night's meeting. Effort will be made at the meet' ing to ascertain amount of funds oh tainable from the Lojion post and membership, as the first step to ward fruition of plans for building the Legion Memorial .Mr. Ward said. Football Drills Start August 15 ? Coach Everette Carlton Announc ed plana for pre-jjeason training for Kings Mountain high school foot ball team candidates this week, with the* drill sessions to begin on ? August 15. "Candidates for the team are urg- ; ed to make plans now to be ready to start full-swing on Monday Au gust 15th. That's over three, weeks away and plenty of time to plan to be available for every training pe riod," Coach Carlton said. Present plans call for uniform and i equipment issue at the gymnasium j on the morning of August 15. Train ing program for the week will in-; elude two drill periods daily. The leading candidates for the team ate scheduled to Journey to Brevard College for the second week of drills. Plans have been made to leave Kings' Mountain on August 21 and return tfce following Friday. Some 3$ player*, are scheduled tp make the trip, Wing sporawred by 1 The MotUftaineer Club, Inc. Human tUgfa* ^ntmUihg^^^^j^gqin Nations CmwWm to fanutn Itlfbt* its Mtk imiIh ?t Lake Bmcm, ImU a* Mm caeetinr* UK to rifhi: Dr. CbMtev rtew; Fwf. Kta* Cwn, <rf Fimm; ?? <1, ulrauw. TIm Omwitston b*iu draft sg to'llnpi'fnent th? i:nlv?T**l Ortlira'i-n Mt year 1* Parte by Vb? GtoiNtJUWtiaMjr. West School Addition % --4 * Bids A re Advertised Howell He-Captured In Iredell County Robert Howell, who escaped from Ashe county prison camp Sunday night, was re captprtd near Statesville about 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Cleveland County Sheriff H. A. Logan, Jr.. ?aid Thursday. Howell, serving a five-year term for second degree murder in the Shady Rest shooting of Betty Smith last August was apprehen ded along with Homer Johnson, convicted murderer from Wilkes county, with whom he escaped from the Ashe county camp. Both Howell and Johnson had been rated "AA" prisoners, and Howell was serving as u camp cook. Howell wv>'jld have been eligible for parole in another year, it was stated. Sheriff Logan said he did not have full details 'of the capture of the two escaped prisoners, and efforts by the Herald to contact Sheriff W. D. Morrison of Iredell county were unsuccessful. "Cline" House To Be Auctioned The city .school board will soil at auction on Saturday jhe eight-room, two-story frame dwelling on Wat lerson street adjoining West school. The house, known as the J. R. Cline house, was offered for .sale onoe previously, but the bid was re fused by the school board as insuf ficient. Under the terms of the sale, the purchaser will be required to re 'move the building by August IS. The school board expects to use the lot now occupied by the house to expand the West school play ground area. The auction -,vlll begin at 10 o'clock. Several Vacancies For Girl ScouS Camp Vacancies still ex'st for Girl Scouts and non ScoutR at Camp Ro tary In Gaston county and girls' In terested in attending may still reg ister for the last two sessions. It was announced today. The camp season ends August 14 and two more sessions wihl be con ducted before then ? from August 1 through 7 and August '8 through 14. To register for any of these re maining sessions girls should write Miss Fannie FundcrbUrke, Camp Ro tary, Gastonfa, route 1. Campers are engaging In such ac tivities as primitive camping, hikes, mountain climbing, overnight trips, ?ars, crafts and swimming Foui Elected To Faculty Posts ElecMon of four teachers to posi tions In the city school -system by the school board was announced this week by B. N. Barnes, superin tendent of schools. ? * ; They include: Mi*. Dan M. Fing er, eighth grade: Mrs. C. F. Thom asson. Jr., grammar grades; Mrs. Grady Howard, high school commer cial teacher: and Mrs. Ruby White Putnam, at Waco, third grade. According to present planis, city schools will open for the 1949,**) term on September 1, Mr. Barnea Mid. Contractors Invited To Bid On School Job Tile till}' school board Is advtTbt lng' fhis week" for bids for renova tions and additions to West ele ' men tary .school. According to advertisement pub lished in today's edition of the Her- ? aid. the bi-ls will be opened at the office of B. N. Barnes, superintend ent of schools, or. August 2. The school board seeks bids for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and appliances called for by the plans and specifications and will receive separate bids for generat contract, plum'bing, hearing and e I lectrical contracts. Plans, specifications and contract documents are open to public in spection at the office of Mr. Barnes or may be otKalned from V. W. Breeze and Associates, architect* ! and engineers, of Shelby. Hie board requires a deposit of i $25 for each set of plans obtained > by bidders, and will also require posting of performance bonds. It la stipulated that no bid may be with drawn for a period- of 15 days after receipt of bids, and the school board reserves the right to reject all bids. Plans for the addition to West school call for addition of two class rooms to the from of the building, a ndw entrance lobby, h first aid room, office and music rojm. The > building is al?p to be competely re decorated throughout. , The board does not antlci^.i.e, Mr. Barnes said, compietion'ol (. e work by The tupe -school is scneduled to open. However, he added,- die aic.n tk'Ois have made arrangements f.jr the new conetruction to bo com pletely blocked off irom the present building td preclude interference from building activities and noi.v;, Two Are Attending Brevard Music Camp ; TNvq Kings Mountain high scl-.'??l sfudents are attending the anrn ?1 ! summer Transylvania- Music at Brevard. ; Timothy Gladden, swn of Mr. an -4 ; Mrs. John Gladden,, has been . i wardc# a scholarship for the re ! tnaining period at camp to study \ percussion instruments under War ren Benson, nationally known mu sician with the Detroit Symphony. Barbara "Bobbie" Grantham, dau ghter of Mr. .and Mrs. W. G. Gran theam, is studying piano Under RJ ! bert Smith, native of Scotland and now instructor of m*trlc at * the public schools of Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Grantham was chosen to play one one of the student recitals held during Federation Music Week, which began Wednesday. On Wednesday ndfht, Carroll Glenn, violinist, presented a violin recital, acoompanicd by the Trans ylvania Symphony, ntvl on Friday night, her husband Fhitjene List, juung American pianist, is to pre sent a piano recital, accompanied by the Transylvania Concert Band. SHOW HELD OVER ?Holiday on Ice, now playing a week's engagement at Charlotte's Memorial Stadium, has beetv held over for a "Sunday night engage menu according to telegram tram Bob Allen, of the Queen Citv \th-. .letic Club, deceived Thursday aft ernoon. Raleigh Rumoi: Dr. lacob Maianey May Get Important A ppointment ' I Among t*he rumor* of forthcoming ' appointment* going the round* in Raleigh currently 'it that Dr. Jacob P. Mauney, King* Mountain veter inarian, may be named to a high post in the Agriculture Department, the HeraM learned this week. 1 Dr. Mauney himself, declined to comment on the matter, but it was understood that L. Y. (Stag) \Bal lentine, commlwiioner of agriculture ' might tender the King* Mountain I man the post of state veterinarian. I a position whkfti would place Dr. ; Mauney high in the department's j administrative corps. J A veteran o>f World War H,' Dr Mauney h*s been ?practlcinf? his profession here since his discharge from the a#my. He was educated at Ohio State university a ml holds a major's commrbwlon In the army re? serve corps. Dr. Muun'ey was a supporter of W. Kerr Scott in test spring's guberna torial campaign, and a supporter of ; the rosd bonds in the special elec tion held In* month. In addition, he Is a friend of George Coble, alxth. district highway commissioner, as well as Mr. Ballentine. * ' Dr. Mauney is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mauney. ^ ^

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