R Y. Belk HIS NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY X'll po lor to treat you on the and, over young people as well as square^ if you- will meet me half- older people. All classes love her. way. lShe!s a light and has that vibran Wow, check up: cy about her. In speaking to a for I'm not sure 1 have more than m<-*r college mate of her s, he listen Ahrt* friends; the Medicine man, end, smiled, and said everything cur Editor, Charley Carl>enter, and 'you say about Mary is true, but yoti Gene Man hews ? that is, outside of should of seen her in her college my immediate family. . days. Yes, 1 said, I knew her Quite rocjv.? ? > ..... mi ana ^lu?e t"??. ? nat nappenc-d to there is the? have ^ 1 ??? Binned against me, yet if they pray. * *} M? Belk that is very and confess their sins. I will water >?d> ? H* *aid, ?h. saved t?ie eajlh. We get that contract if dmRfe. Th^.f?ct ls *he e "aiv!v 8,ifpP ^ V You know the people in the Iron ? Iv-J 5 ^ f * h|injr(.H million Curtain nation's of the. earth hate . indee arvinE, for bread ou, way ? me. Bm the, love c, *?.7 ?5E bit * ir^anmVmo% or'uTc,rs.h^ i? - a. ? ??*??? ? ? stuff. ? It may be but its hard to see, that we are heading back to the Hen. A. Wallace pig depression. Killing lit tle pigs to make dear old fatback more delicious, Cotton, plowing up der. Remeipiber, said the Captain's [ befbre we were married, you used to say I had a shapely beautiful form like a ship? Yes, said the sailor, you seem to forget your cargo has ?very third row, so as 'to skin" the lifted. aturt off of a man's back, causing Government spending: Let's take the ladles to have no shorts to dress ^ billions, then divide it by the VP in. 136 million of people in this nation j Speaking about different eharac- we call America, then if you can sur j ters 1 have had the pleasure to v*ve the shock of such a situation ? j meet. I'm^now thinking of a girl hut shucks, no sensible man can. j jfter she finished i" The wastAul Trumanites New Deal high school. This treasury raiders are not scattering girl had a deierm- ! sunshine, far from it. They are scat- 1 ined will to enter' tering the taxpayers money. Unless college. Tho' very somebody puts the brakes on and little money had stops this wasteful waste, they will she. I thought her have u* eating grasshopper soup stupid, slow in her for breakfast, using vanishing cream for our coffee and a low grade bunch of spuds for supper. 1 have had more than two critics classes. Today aft er three years in college working her way through. She now has a particularly attrac to come to me and ask me to quit ; writing that bloody column. 1 told, tlve personality. She is filled with [ this hot shot of a wortifn that 1 dis- ! vitality and energy, and takes a liked everything about the scatter real delight in the better things of: brained mess, but write or bust. 1 life She has a marked power with ! said, Madame, my fair lady love. I'm going to keep on keeping on wrjting his colmn 'til my toes are turned up and the undertaker i PlJKt VANILLA EX IR A,Ve to fight but we do fight. Genera] Eisenhower will fight, but he's no Democrat, nor is he a Republican. He is* an American statesman. Fighting with him com es very natural when they call fhe cards. ' The Bible is ever telling tig to be have our selves, not to son by cheat- J lng our fellowman. Not to steal, notj to lie. Not to bear false accusation against other nations or our fellow man that we mix and mingle w ith every day, A man, a woman ?ihat steals my name-plate commits the most damnable dam sin of all dam nab1, sins. A man that steals my pocketbook with a roll is a gentle man by the side of he who steals my heritage, my good name. Talk about the unpardonable sin? 1 believe we have it right here in a nut shel,J. , CHILDHOOD DAYS Childhood days and youth, Loves the winter with its snow, Old folks have a different view, Their affections difference show, They hug the fire, And from day to day, Sit ?nd bemoan .. , The fish that -got away. Youth witty happier thoughts, Remember one or two They caught, I do. This year .the Piedmont Branch Experiment Station at StatesT>ille broke all its previous records in wheat, oats, and barfy yields. New Buick Special introduced | NEW styling throughout, many engineering improvements and a completely and bumper design are incorporated in the new Buick Special. With Dynaflow optional equipment, the low-priced Buick is long and sleek in appearance but th shorter over-all. Shown above is the four door six-passenger sedan. new grille offered a * fee incht?s Coo), damp weather in recent weeks has been very favorable lor the development of boll weevils in North Carolina. Two-thirds of farm dwellings in j British chemists are making n<& the United States do not have run- , table advances with penicillin in v?~ ning water, while only 4.5 per cent terniary practice, particularly in the of city dwellings are wtihou; it. ?) treatment of mastUis. FOR BEST RESULTS - ' ,i , ? ... w ' J -\ . ; ' ^ ?? ? ' . . ' . " ? Use ? ? ; '".*** * ' , # Pinnacle -Laying Mash Also specify Pinnacle Big Hog Feed and other mixed Feeds tor any purpose. SEE YOUR DEALER Manufactured By WARE & SONS ?? ? t ?? -v* ? Kings Mountain* N. C. 1 most 1Beauf//u/ of a///" Of course you picked the car you like best? it's Chevrolet, the car America likes best. So stick to your guns! Don't accept a car that gives you lesss Surely, you 11 agree it would be foolish to pass up all those years and miles of driving pleasure , . . all those fine car features ... alt the power and economy that comes with Chevrolet ownership. So hold out for the best and get your sure reward of unmatched driving Mttafaction. Make America's choice your choice. .... Choose Chevrolet for the most beautiful buy of *3! $$$??$: mm