PAGEANT SCENE ? Shown above is a scene from the famous Wichita Mountain Easter Sunrise pageant service, "The Prince of Peace," which is scheduled to show at Gastonia Dr^ve-In Theatre, located on the Gastonia highway, on September 14-18. "Prince Of Peace" To Be Shown Here "The Prince of "Peace," motion pic ture filming of 'The Lawton Story," including the famed Wichita Moun tain Easter Pageant, i9 scheduled for the Gastonia Drive-In Theatre on September 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, according to announcement by thea tre officials. A two-hour picture in cinecolor, *he story is centered around the pa geant "The Prince of Peace." annu al Easrter Sunrise Service started by Rev. A. Mark Wallock, Lawton, Ok lahoma, minister. The picture was filmed in 1948 and took around eight months to complete. Much of the shooting was done on location at Lawton.* Rev. Wallock died in December, 1948, shortly after completion of the film. The picture stars Ginger Prince, as a Lawton choirgirl, and Millard Coody, a Lawton ex-GI and bank teller, as Jesus. Admission for the picture will be 60 cents according to the announce ment Children under 12 will be ad mitted free of charge, it was stated. The city of Omaha, Neb., Is the country's fourth rail center. On August *8 the Bureau of Agri cultural Economics forecast a 1949 cotton crop of 14.6 million bales. ***** How to Build Your Dream Home... * (1) Save Regularly Savings accounts grow surprisingly when you save REGULARLY. We suggest our optional savings plan which pays interest at three per cent compounded semi-annually. The first thing you know, youH have the money to pur . chase your lot, or to make the down-payment on your new home. (This Association also offers lump sum inves tors a savings-income plan. Full-paid stock is available from S100 to $5,000.) (2) Build With a Home Loan ' . Build a home on a hone loan repayable in con venient monthly payments on our direct re duction loan plan. Every payment (often no higher than rent) increases your equity in your Come in today ? ? ? . -I ASSOCIATION JL H. Patterson. SecwTreas. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member F D I C Here are the reasons: the cost is low uo hidden charges . . . you can place your car insurance wherever you please . . . and you build bank credit for the ( future. Arrange a bank auto loan now ? be a cash buyer when your next car is delivered. ,-.?.??? Wade Footbafl~Hapdnls Began ftacBce Grind On Monday Some 176 boys from the sixth, sev enth and eighth grades of East, West, Central and Park-Grace grammar schools turned our this week for initial football drills in the grammar grade athletic program. First game has been set for October 1, The program, started by the Moun taineer Club, Kings Mountain athle. tic boosters organization, was made possible by donation of uniforms for the four teams by Mauney Mills, Neisler Mills, Victory Chevrolet Company, and Keeter's Department store;*, A physical examination was given the group Tuesday afternoon at the high school gymnasium by three lo j cal. doctors. Dr. W. L. Ramseur, Dr P. G, Padgett, and P. E. Hendricks. ! Boys must be in good physical con dition and must have permission of their parents in order to partic-l ipate in the program activities. Items ol uniform purchased by the four business establishments in- j elude helmets, shoulder pads, jer- 1 soys, and pants. Initial plans were to use tennis shoes but a movement is on foot to purchase light-weight ; football shoes for the teams. Each team will be cut to 22 play- | ers before the fifst game. Game . plans call for a double. header each playing night, with games on Sat urdays in order to give more people! a chance to turnout. length of | games will be shortened and each program is expected to last around j two hours. Coaches for the teams include: West school ? Bob Weill and Pink Ware. Central school ? Bill Harmon and! Bob Huffstetler. Park-Grace school ? Red Fulker- j son and Jim Gibson. East school? (Not known Mon- ! day.) The schedule as drawn up by Commissioner Dan Huffstetler is ?S follows: October 1 Park- Grace vs. Central. East vs. West. T October 8 P&rk-Grace vs. East. Central vs. West. October 15 Park- Grace vs. West. Central vs. East. October 22 West vs. East. Central vs. Park Grace. October 29 West vs. Central. East vs. Park-Grace. November 5 East Vs. Central. West vs. Park-Grace. November 12 or 19 All-Star Game. Dr. J. L. Allison has joined the staff of the 'North Carolina Agricul tural "Experiment Station to investi gate diseases of pasture and forage ? crops. Fire Danger Is Less At School Rural youngsters letuming to school this month' may not appro elate it, but they have something special to he thankful for, County 1 Agent Ben Jenkins of the State Col lege Extension Service pointed out ! f hlt< U onb ? ? - j/viuwvi uui 1 this week. These children, according to Mr. Jenkins, will be several times safer from fire in school than in their own homes. 1 \ "If parents took the same precau tions to prevent fire th'at are tak- j en in our1 schools, thousands of chil dren's lives could be saved every year," the county agent pointed out. He cited figures released by Fire Protection Institute, national fire safety organization, which show that more than 11,000 persons, many i of them young children, lose their i lives as a result of fire each year, j Conceding that not all schools^ have perfect fire prevention pro grams, the county agent declared that the average school is superior j to the average home in fire precau tion programs. He cited three spe- ; cific factors: > 1. Schools conduct regular fire drills which minimize panic in the went of a small fire which could! create mass hysteria. 2. From a fire safety viewpoint, i schools are usually structurally su- j perior to the average farm dwelling \ in that they have adequate exits. ' 3. Schools are well stocked with j dependable first aid equipment in ' the form of Underwriters' approved j lire extinguishers. "Not every home can he built to ' be as fire-resistant as a school," the agent said, "but all parents can I become more fire -conscious. They] can conduct home fire drills and 1 they can make sure that they have dependable Underwriters' approved equipment on every floor." - AM All NO! Vn. *1 rttity mitimt mi ????? art* UwW tmm >?!?*! Vm mm. CmMIm*! I? ?*!??? dliMh#-e* ruty U ami tri?lM ???? C m? 4 m* cool tin four t?t#E BTEERING-Eaetor UNIT-DESIGN BODIBS-PreeWon built PREFERRED IT MORE USERS THAN THE MBT VW HAKES COMB INTO I VICTORY CHEVROLET COMPANY Railroad Ay. at Mountain ? Phone 49 ? Kings Mountain, N. C.