Costumes Uniqne As Civic Clubs Battle In "Old Woman's" Encountei The Kings Mountain Kiwanis club and the Kings Mountain Lions club clashed in an "old women's" aofftballgame at City Stadium Mon day night, in what proveduio be] eon^e hilariou* entertainiient tor J the participants and spectators, and < which resulted in several charley j horses, sore necks, bruises and oth- j er minor ailments. The result of the game was rath- i er questionablei The Herald storekeeper tallied up 16 runs for each at the end of the regulation seven innings of play. But there was some divergence of opinion. The Kiwanians claimed thei victjory by 17-14, and the Lions, in) turn, claimed the victory by 18-17. There was some question as to whether these divergent claims were caused by club loyalty, or be cause neither aggregation feit phy Btoally able to continue an extra in ning of play. The clubs more or less agreed at the end of The fifth inning thai the score was a 13-13 tie, and the Ki wan>s outfit added four runs in the ?Kth. Determined to win the game, the Kiwanians placed a double quota of outfielders in the field dur ing the seventh. U"nable to' get ef fective cooperation from the urn- 1 pires, the Lions, not to be dismay- j ed, tallied their claimed four runs via certain questionable sneaks. At lea?n two Lions stealthily stole their ways to. a base and proceeded to cross home plate. The costumes of the participants ffhowed considerable planning and effort and no little ingenuity, though some suspected that the sev eral wives did some remote control ' work. Rarthex generally conceded ty be sporting the most unique costumes were Harold (Hula) Hunnicutt.w ho appeared in full hula skirl and the litthe bit else connected with the Hawaiian costume, and Carl (.Car loua) Mauney, who .appeared in a flaming red sun suij. Best stunt of the game was pulled hy Oscar Mc Carter, who, tripping on undergar ments, removed them in full view view, of the audience while resting on third base. Sam Stallings was credited "with being among the prettiest perform ers, sport' ng a rather vivid blonde wig. Charlie Mos* started on the mound for the Lions ?>ut took to the show ers under !>;i 11-run Kiwanis bar rage in the second inning. Charlie WarJick, dressed like a gypsy, fol lowed aiui pitched with a general degree of success. J. C. Bridges start ed tor the Kiwanians, with Amos Dean following. Harold Coggins, Bunny Abbott, Arnold Kiser, Drate Peeler and Bil ly Fulton lashed out several long hits for the Kiwanis entry, while J. W. Webster, Can Mauney, Jimmy Harris and Ertle Powers were heavy hitters for the Lions. "At Jeast one permanent pasture on every farm in North Carolina is now the goal of the State College Extension Service" say s S. H. Dob son, extension pasture specialist. R. S. Dearstyne, hea dof the Poul- { try Department at State College, say s' North ' Carolina poultxymen could save thousands of dolla.s each year if they would do a care ful and conslsten job of culling their lading fiocks. HERALD PERSONAIS Tall Society Editor Pbcne 167 s ' " 7 ... FT . ? r Ensign J. H. Pressley, of Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, left by plane Monday night for Key West, Fla., after a visit with his parent^, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pressley. Mr. and Mrs.- Bird Herndon of Co lumbia. S. C., were wekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.. J. E. Herndon. ? ? O? ? ; Mrs. C. A, Pigott and daughter, Betty, have returned to their home in Charleston, S. C., after a visit with Mrs. A. H. Herndon and other relative?. '.'?*? Mrs. E. W. Neal returned last week from an extended visit with her sis- ; ',er i n Due West. After a visit with relatives and friends William Anthony left Fri-'j day for his home in Kalamazoo, Mich. Leon Wolfe who is with the Mer- 1 chant M?tnes and stationed in Trinidad, is visiting his mother, ( Airs. Nina Wolfe. Mrs. Martin Harmon spent the ; weekend with her mother, Mrs. H. i K. James in Woodruff, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Blowers and . daughter, Miss Aileen Blowers, were I guests over the weekend of Mr. and ! Mrs. M. A. Ware. Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg and son, ! BilHe, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. W. B. Murray during | the holidays. They were Sunda'y guesits of her brother, Rev. C. E. Mur 1 ray of Winston-Salem. I I II i M | WARM MORNING How At 1 y Sunder Price FOR Housing Project* H ?*ting -fishing Locoes Small OllicM Lunch Room! Paint Store* Foot Hall. Priat Shop* FOR Rodio SKopt Railroad Station* & Bltfg*. Residence* Shoe Shine Parlor* Real E*t ate Offices Mr. and Mrs. W K Sinur Jea^cs Men ] day to enter WCITNC. - Miss Sue Ruddock has returned ! to Charlotte where she is a member i of the First Ward' School faculty, j W. B. Matthews of Oriando, Fla.,< is visiting liis sister, Mrs. J H. j Presley and Mr. Pressley. ^ r ? Mrs. Paul Mauney attended a meeting of the District Chairmen of the Kings Mountain Presbyterial in Forest City on Wednesday. Mrs. , Mauney is chairman of the Central i District. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ware and guests Mr. and Mrs. B.owers and , Miss Ajleen Blowers were Charlotte visitors Sunday. Miles Mauney leaves Saturday lor 1 New York City to resume his study ! in music. Mr. and Mrs. Brattor Heindon of preensboro have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxfc Hern don ? ' fundoy put* t> < f Mr fir. -a Mrs Mr. and Mm. (Vr.c Gtdorih and Fix-" Alitor w<'-\ Mr. . n Mr-. Kti Mr. and Mrs. 0;i \ jk1v!? and chvirirrr holi lays in Gaf! !i|"iblirg 'and at'. M.' iiTjcI , J Mr?, .'" M.'Daiu^j ci runiana lUm . (;i*.SU ' ?!. (?!, ?< k Cliaritituf \v?fr?* Sunday i;u?.sts of ??% wivufiii i v is-i ^ 'i .IWK,- j'.i?,! .. ., All. and vjjH\ Tvnn ? / . , : ? A. H . Paiivrion. j ? ' ' Q r I -MNCKOvi^^u, ha* r. ;i?rn ? Mr;\ A !- S:.'j^y t>) to ht-i; tK>'rne WinMon-Saio-r. hos ?i?w{ Mm. WlHh OHv* itfw-r a vii4t;Wich Miss lVyjiy Anhur vv,1,i i?. ?? PMiieni in Men^orij h>V_ Mi.-'.k T<-ag"Jt- and Miss Arthur wcr?- Pdal, *? HarU>He. . , j ruL>:r. n:d\e& :a *?; v?'ar at WCUNC. J ? o? J Mr. and Mrs. Tod i;.irkl,-v 11-4 Jackie Gambit- speht iht- woekond Nli-..-: Ann BarkVy of u.ih Mr and Mrs. Charles Williams, ton. in.; Mr. and Mr?? in Laurens, S. C. Phillip Padgett. ASK YOUR GREYHOUND AGENT ABOUtI THRILLING EXPENSE-PAID TOURS ALMOST j ANYWHERE IN THE U. S. A., CANADA, MEXICO At STERCHI'S ? A Cool ? ATTENTION FOR? q FWmrtV Shop* Ftour end Feed rwci Ante Repair Shop* fcflittr Shopi ti er Pa Hon Compi Country Churchct C???tty School* Doctors' OHicet Drug Store* Small Factorie* Implement Stortt Farm Hornet Filling Stotioni Fir* ond Polico ' Stotioni FOR Cwiojet General Store* Colt and Country Club* |D?lfl &e//ye/>sr 7%/# I m *1 4 ? FOR Grocery Store* Hardware Store* Home* WARM MORNING COAL HEATER I SHOP ANP ? COMPARE! #0#? THAN A MitjjQ + FOR HOME AND BUSINESS U StwuMi Cortege* Tracking OHicM Voritty Store* '?) Inicat OHit?* Taurict Cabin* Waiting Room* if> Tire Siltfi Towrnt Room* Warehouse* Jtfjl V i owrMt Kaon** WarchouM* ?- :? f -4; ,, ' ? >*? " ' - ? ? if? 2f?* . i 'Jt * ' ' '??'? ; fs y.% ? $: ' -> 'The South' k Largeti Home Furnisher t" mlkm' ? -* ?JL _ . .v-'vV -,s ' *? - Other Steiefcl StorM to Sew? von it Shelby , 'Udot.Ua, Cltr Hondrrr*--- "~o? ?an\a c ^ axuS '* ?? .