POPULATION City Limits (1940 Census) 6.574 Imrredicrte Trading Area 15,000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) 16 Pages Today VOL. 60 NO. 43 Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday. October 28. 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News Bulletins IN HOSPITAL Warren Reynolds left last Thurs day for Winston-Salem, where he ?ntered the hospital for treatment -and observation. " KIWAN1S MEETING Members of the Kihgs Mountain Ktwanis club wer*to hear an ad dress by Dr. v Benjamin Swalln, conductor of the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra, at teh regu lar meeting of the organization at the Woman's Club Thursday night ?t 6:45. . BUILDING PERMITS Building permit was issued Hal D. Ward on October 19 for c&n struotion of a shed at residence on West Mountain street, estimated cost $50, according to records on file at City Hall. IN GLEE CLUB MARS 8aJ? Miss Jean Mc Claln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. li C. McClain 307 King street, Kings Mountain, N. C., has been selected as a member of the Mars Hilf College glee club ? for the school year 1949-50. The glee club, J under the direction of Miss Eliz abeth Souther, is composed of 124 students. In addition to perform ing numerous times on the col- j lege campus, -the Mars Hill Col- > lege glee club will appear in con- | certs at various places through- I out the year.' : > ' Drunks Dominate Court Session Ten cases were heard by Recorder Court Judge W. Faison Barnes in regular weekly session at Cky Hall Monday afternoon, wWi 8 defend ants drawing fines upon convict ion on charges <rf public drunken ness. ? .. .J One case, against James C. Gam ble, who was charged with "defec tive brakes," resulted in a not guil ty verdict for the defendant. In the other cat*' heard Junior Canoll. local colored man, also knxwn aa Junior Leech, was given a behavior and oredred not to vtoiate ?1s6?i*tale ST #lx " au'?' <he previous night. Wb*n+J<*ed up ?he car had been damaged to h. ?xtem of about $150 damage, police said. Boscoe Lewis, of Gasttonia, was driving the auto *t the time and he ?ated that the police officer in Mecklenburg county who had ar retted Oarroll had released the car to him. Officers J. D. Andrews and S.-S,mvtdeon made tfttuiwt Man*. The case here against Carroll had been pending since August. Directors of the Home Building It Loan Association this week elected B. S. Peeler and B. D. Ratterree as director*, co succeed the late J. B. Thomasson and Z. t. C ran ford. - The newly elected directors will setve until the next annual Wing at the Association to i>e hekl in 1950. ^Mr^Peeter is an o^^lmer l ? v" mW K ItaTWn. *f\ * Also at the taaetlacb the directors named G. Ji. Bridges as fkst vice UlUllH to fill the office held by filling the vacancy elected by the death of Mr. Cranford. - OHmm 'laffHylWe Or. I. jfe Alt* ' r.<>ny , pr. |lgilg|> bM/ B IbttSI son, secretarv-treaiMMk. rectors, in addkiea to the officers and new directors, ate 1. G. Patter - son, L. t. Alajittdet, and Jahn Bids Are Advertised For Local Hospital Contractors Invited To Bid On Local Plant ! .The Cleveland County Board of Hospital Trustees advertised this week for bids for conki-uction of ?a j general, hospital At 'Kings Mountain, j ! The advertisement has appeared in the Charlotte Observer, the Shel by Dally Star and appears on page two of today's edition of the Herald. According to the formal adver tisement, the board of trustees will accept separate bids for the gener al contract, .the electrical contract, the plumbing contract and for the heating and ventilating contract. j Deadline for filing the bids is Tuesday, November 18, at 2 p. m. at the Shelby hospital. Complete plans and specif ica-' tions are available for inspection at the Shelby hospital, or at the office of Walter . W. Hook, Charlotte archi tect. Copies may -be obtained provl- J ded deposits are made. The plans call for construction of a 24- bed hospital here on a site i near the Kings. Mountain Country,) Club and Black mer & Company pur chased by the trustees for the pur pose several months ago. According to the advertisement for bids, the trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to Waive informalities. The advertisement for bids fol- ' lows by something more than four! years >the action of citizens of the county in voting a $400,000 bond is- , sue for additions to tlj^e Shelby hop- j pita I and construction of a hospital: here. 1 body *hich handles hospital mat ters, ftftVe seen construction oosts mount to new heights. During that period, however, the state has em barked on a medical care program which includes aid to local govern mental units in building hospitals and clinics,, ahd .the locai hospital is to be buiVt with both state- an* fed eral aid. ';j, ^ .; JATCKE rMOMM Members of the Kings Mountain (Junior Chamber of Coromeeo* will hear a program of music toy Veka listers, Latvian concert ptynift, now of Shelby, at the meeting of : the orfanlzatlon at the Woman's Club Tuesday night. The program wi arranged by F. R. MoCuxdy . NEW PASTOR ? Rev. Cloy Childr ess, abort, is the new pastor of Park Grace Church of the Nasarone, suc ceeding Rev. Paul Home. He an noynced this week a two-week spe cial sermon series by Rev. Elgin Do by. of Thomasville. beginning at his church on Sunday* Grace Nazarene Services To Begin "? j ReV.uElgln Doby, of Thomasrville, will pteach a two-weeks series of sermons at Park Grace Church of the Nazarene beginning Sunday morning 11 o'clock, it was an nounced this week toy the pastor, Rev. Clay Childress. Following the opening service Sunday, services will be conducted ait ?he chureh each evening at 7, o'clock. .."We feel quite fortunate in being able to bring Rev. Mr. Doby to Kings Mountain,'-' Mr. Childress said, "and ? We extend an lnvkatWm to the com munfty.'id join vrtth as tn the spe* ' cial two- weeks series of services. ,r Names Of Gold Star Mothers Are Sought Officials of the Kings Mountain American Legion Post are still seek ing the, names and addresses of a number of Gold Star mothers of the Kings Mountain area, it was an nounced tWsweek. The posts of Kings Mountain and Shelby are collaborating in s huge Armistice Day celebration at which mothers ef men who lost their lives in World War I and II will be hon Service Of Jacob MaunePjobrary Triples In Peri9d Of iwlvs Ispm V ; ? v . ' -t'. ; v * v >J :. *1 ? : ^ v P \ > -i. " X ' Than more and more King* Moun tain citizens aw using and enjoying their beautiful Jacob 8. Mauney ! Memorial Library is attested by the increase in the circulation of books from 5*4 in November, 1947, the month the building was opened, to 1697 to August, 1949. WRh the exception ot the Christ mas season, the months of the polio quarantine, and the Opening ol schools which brings to the children Che use of the school libraries, the increase han been steady. Each year the thflee summer months have had the largest circulation etf the twelve, indicating (that the children I of the community ere using tthelr li brary privilege more then the adults. Records show they have read more than twice as many books as the grown-ups. > / - equally gratifying is the increase in the number of volumes, ? grow th made possible fey the ?l*s of lo cal citizens and business firms. The f- 1 lowing *h/>w pr.?Kr^ ward the goal of supplying *de l quate Will If martial for cHy: ! WiitftMbei 5, lXfr,440fvo]umes on recor# Added in 1MB. 850 Molurtwe. Ad4ed in IMS, 1348 volume, 3498 volume* on record Oct. 1818. In addition to these there are on the sheiV0S 100 used donated hooka t aoossskmed. _ MoetftalU , Hera ki and editfc^ m ?JUc.^ew YoS mi the newspaper racks anw twentwy -three magazines ate j in the tending room. A patron may borrow the Times a week or more |a4t?r publication, or he may bor row any if the magazines after the next issue >ss been received. I Although %he book collection if ?till week Hi information books, any patron can secure without coat in two or three days any material he needs by asking the librarian to order it for him from the State li brary Commission. ' : * . v Among the 405 books receiced since August, 1949, are all types of children's ?books, mystery, detective, adventure, and love stories and 4 number of more sertsii s books. The following are a few off the titles: Arrow, Hunter's Horn; BsrUch, New Ways in DtocipHne; Cole, Arts in the classroom; Davis, General ViseAhower; Everson, Story of Tele vision; Gardner, The D. aJMMH An Egg; Gunther, Behind The Cur tain; Hemmingway, Men Without Women; Hill, Morning la For Joy; Huggins, The Red Chair Waits; Keyes, Dinner at Airtoinatv Mar qusrd. Point of Wo Return; Mang ham, Catalina; Morley, The Man Who Made Friends Wkh Himself; O'Oasey, Irishfallen Fare Thee Well; Buttedge, The Angel Standing; Seh walbach, Funtlme Crafts; Stanley, The Bock Cried Out; Street, Tofnor raw We Reap; Tatoer, Especially F* Cher ; Taylor, Come Clean, ffy WeJraan, The ChMr: WUHBtt* cyclopedia of WK, Humor, j?nd Wla dom; Wolfe, took Homeward, An gal; Yarly, Pride's Castle. The miwmjtom*. drive forf ****** which co pu* County Concert Group Member Drive Underway Sale of memberships in the Shel by Community Concert association began this week, with some 100 vol unteer worker? throughout the coun ty conducting the sale. The association, beginning its sec ond season, expects to offer a max imum of three concerts featuring some of the nation's top musical en tertainment. Kings Mountain citizens may ob- 1 tain memberships, at $6.00 for adults and 53.00 for students, from Mrs. Paul Mauney, Miss Luia Mae Teague, Miss Bonnie Mcintosh, or Mrs. George Houser. A banquet for officers, directors and campaign workers at the Char- ' les Hotel on Monday night officially launched the drive and a special program is being arranged fox this occasion. An indication of the excellent sup port and enthusiasm of Cleveland County for good music was the al most capacity attendance at the three community concerts during the past season. 'Judging from ad vance reports, concert officials feel this season's campaign will be a sell-out, with every seat in the Shel by High School auditorium being subscribed. The Community Concert plan, which is also known as the "Orga nized Audience Plan" is now opera ting successfully in more than 1100 towns and cities throughout the country. Through these facilities some of the smallest and even iso lated communities are able to pre sent world-famous artists to -their citizens. Under (this plan no one is subject to any financial risk since the attractions to be presented are not chsaen until -the close of the campaign, at Which time the exact amount of funds realized for that purpose are known. "The Revelers," nationally known ma 1? quarts*, heads the-s?*ie* this year with other concert attractions announced at the close of hhe cam paign. Wildlife Cluh Fish Fry Monday Kings Mountain Sportsman's Wildlife Club is scheduled to hold a fish fry at Lake Montonta Mon day night a* which time officers for the coming year will be elected ac cording to announcemeiit by Harry Page, president. j The supper la set to begin at ?* o'clock. Scout Loaders Laney Dettmar and C. C (Shorty) Edens, who cooked up ft mess off fsh at a supper at Carl Davidson Boy Scout Camp recently for the KlwanW club, wtll have charge of feeding the group. Pres ident Page said. r. i- dominating committee report will ?pieced Che annual election, he said. Members of the committee include Cofnan FaUvBill Osborne and C. D. <*ed)W3?* U. D. Bridges is vice-president of the olwb and C. T. Carpenter, 'Jr., sec. retary-treasuier. Directors include Mr. Palls, Hunter R. IfeUMr, and T. C. McKee. The election will <be held to fill the one retiring directorship and the three offices of the dob. - The local club was intrumental ' in aiding the North Carolina Wild life Federation, ofw trtch * is ?seo ciated, in seDrir.g up the Wildlife (Cont'd on back page) Annual Woman9 s Club Floral Fair Is Friday Hall-Holidays End After Yule Opening W^C^U~T^ not suspend a*,ern?on half-hoU - , U? "lt#r th? Christmas opening, according to o poll of ^ Mountain M.rchgnu association, it was an Kssvas? 61 w- Fai-n The Kings Mountain Christmas 22SK ,M "?*?**? 17. and ^r^raUaltt- ?? now <* worn making arrangements for the promotion. plan mer chants would begin full six-day- | NoVSl5^duU- th? W^k 0' J School Groups To Give Operetta KilS* *ram*?? depart hrvent of Kings Mountain high school will "wi?frtRZ"W0Sh0VTings neXt week Chaita^rgl TOmed> r>fT\\e ?PfJetta> under the direction Mary 861,6 Toa8ue, high school dramatics instructor will hp 31 ^ ^P*0'3' Performance tor students on Wednesday after noon. November 2, at 3 o'clock, and a showing for the public on Thurs day evening. November 3, at 8 o clock. Emission for the student show mg will be 15 cents, while admis ?EJ5 adul* **? high school th* ni*ht Performance win be 3o cents.. Mias Bonnie Mcintosh, music in structor, will direct music by the f,ee. "r1"1* J?r the performance and I 'C? "IfMchool dramatics class will make up the stagecrew. I The operetta portrays gypsy life as intermingled with stately people. k S- V*I*ntin?. * wealthy j ??,uP'e' have a daughter, Rose, who when * baby was taken by gypsies Gv<L acel wlTh a ?yp?y baby. Gyp?ies make their campground $?? #ach year, and 2?* w,th Jo*' a hand ^man Sufloid, a aPn 01 Mm. StaffoM, falls in lov* with Rose Valentijte (actually Rose Malena, The cast includes: Mrs. ?*** Valentine ? Clariase omftn. Lutjwr VaJentine ? Willati Up chufrtt r Pat Netsl*r. Norartn Stafford?Bill Alien. Brenda Stafford ? Betty Cash. <*>?*? Malana ? Jeannene Hall man. Ifcee Maieoa Betty falls. Joe ? Richard White. Theode*. WiHingham ? Harold England. Lenott Hastings ? Ruth Dettmar. <^*9*11 -r Pototte Smith. Keene ? Bobby Crawford. ClarabeUe ? Evelyn Cline. trnogene ? Joann ftritt. Zelana ? JCkty Fall*. Florett* ?? Shirley Arthur. Valentine ? Jean Cash. - . i - WOOTOr DV RAXJBICH Wooten, highway pa ?rolmM la in Raleigh thUs week attending the Patrol School. ..A Record Crowd 4 Is Anticipated For Floral Event Everything was pronounced in readiness yesterday for Kings Mountain's annual Woman's Club Flofal Fair. Competition for the more than 100 prizes in the various divisions ? in cluding floral displays, candy-mak ing, baking, etc ? was expected <to be unusually keen, and floral fair di rectors were also anticipating record breaking crowds for the event. As has been the custom in the past, dinner will be served at the Woman's Club 'both at noon and in the evening. The dining room will open at 11:30 a. m. for the noon meal, and it will remain open until 2 o'clock. It will open at 5:30 for the evening meal and is to remain open until 7:30. Turkey dinner will be served for $1.25,, with a special children's plate available at 75 cents. It was al9o announced that a chicken salad plate will be served. Out-of-town Judges will choose the winning entries in the various division:!. Mrs. H. C. Mayes, chairman of thw flower division, said yesterday that she anticipated an unusually large display of fall flowers from the citiy's gardens. ? ? Chairman of the evCnt is Mrs. E. W. Griffin with Mrs. M. A. Ware co chairman. Mercnants have supplied an im posing prize list, and the Woman's Club, sponsor, ot the event, expects the Fair to be "bigger and better than ever.". The Floral Fair annually attracts not onfy many Kings Mountain peo ? P i?t but in*t*y citizens A3 wellv ' "Pieces For PMCt" Being Swght Her* Kings Mountain church women are being urgad this week com plete packaging "Pieces for Peace", for collection on World Community Day Noimber 4. The "Pieces for Peace" drive, spon sored throughout the nation ?by tho United Council of Church Women, is under sponsorship locally by mis sionary societies of the churches. In the campaign, fabrics are sought for shtpmasi to needy peo ples overseas, though good gar - ments are not being excluded from the collection. Particularly desired are cotton, woolen, and print yard goods. The fabrics should be packed in a cardboard oo retainer 15 x 24 Inches (to fit the balers which pack the material for overseas shipment) and wrapped in a yard and a half' of blue denim. Also desired are eew ing tools, such as needles, thread, tape, etc. KETSH RECEIPTS A total of *145.14 was collected from parking meters Wedesday., according to a report from the of ? ftce of City Clerk S. A. Crouae. Money is collected from the me ters each Wednesday afternoon 1 and $145.56 wa^r collected the pre vious week. Majority of the week ly collection goes toward pay ment of the meters. Spooks And Goblins To Convene flit Schools For Hallowe'en Antics r Monday rrigfct is Hallowe'en, the \M\gtx. ch? vetches, spooks, and gob lint prowl ... 1 In Kings Mountain, special Hal lowe'en programs have been plan ned at minority of the schools, with cartriveta scheduled at fisat and We* schools and with the Student Participation Organization at the high school presenting a costume square dance at the high school gjpMNMg pfc.'?: At the aquare dance, prises will go to the Ctwee participants ehMri rtng moat uiuiaual ooatumea. Hie dance begins at 0 o'clock. Seat school Faiem - TVacher as eochition 4s sponsoring a Hallowe'en carnival, beginning at 6:30. A full evpfdag's entertainment is planned, With proceeds from patrons to he toed Jot the purchase of playground equipment for school. The Weat scnool Hallowe'en Carn ival begins at 6 o'clock. The follow ing schedule of events has been an nounced by the West School Parent Teacher association : 6:00 Supper in the cafeteria (ham burgers, hot dogs, slaw, cake, cof fee and other drinks). 7:00 Entertainment in auditorium by Jack and Jill Kindergarten. 7:15 Judging of costumes and crowning of Carnival. King and QlMNENl. 7:35 Cake Auction, Mud Poston, auctioneer. , 8:00 Oake Walk (tickets five carts). \ 8:90 Hallowe'en dance group per formance. The rooms are to he opened at 6 o'clock to feature flatting pomla. grab bags and otfwr Hallowe'en, stunts, and candy and cooicles wil* be on sale at a special booth. ,

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