TQutetOH V t* flic Alt /4Ua s4&te Co Say *'7KciKf "S Rojdestvom X.istovynv" & Ttye> s. Vkh'it a K::; ?>? 1 would say v; "? ? you wpr? in tlus.>ia on J Christmas ->nd he wi.- m .i ip ox tend the .scu^oii'.N greetings.' The phrase is the Russian's way of sayjng: "Merry Christmas.'1 In the past, tiie RtUvSian's Christ- ! mas was closely associated with j his cluirch ; but how the day is ot> ' Served now that the religious li-fe j has be n subjugated in the Soviet, j one w iuld have io be behind thf ? !**irCTi < urtain" to know! But it was not always like that. | !ln Other days, the Russian Christ- 1 ;mas was much like the Ukrainian. !There was a Santa Claus known as l^'DedUshka Morox'' and there wore traditional gu'ts of red boots fcr Children and golden slippers fo> young girls. i In certain parts of the country the "baboushka" (grandmother) 'was the legendary dispenser c gifts. According to one story, she repented of unkindness and evrr since has tried to make amends ,'by distributing gifts to children at Christmas. GAULTS SELF SERVICE May the joys of the season be completely PLAY IT SAFE ? ? " , Don't Mix Gaiety With Dunger When Celebrating Christmcs While Christmas is the merriest. of aU seasons of thi> ' year ? it can, al o b ? .a time trf tragedy ii certain hazards aren't avoided 'and some particular precautions taken. - Tito National Safety Go'.tneil an nuailv poir.t; ? that the Chri'-.t > ii ?<:: Ikj' 'days . arc' the n'.cst difn.'er lius ol the usually r