POPULATION City Limit* (1940 Ccnaoi) 6.574 Immodiat* Trading Ana 154)00 (1945 Ration Board Figures) ?*.?. 1 * *; ?' jra i VOL. 60 NO. 52 Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday. December 30. 1949 1 P Pages I 0 Today PRICE FIVE CENTS local News Bulletins METER RECEIPTS Parking meter receipts lor the week which ended at noon Wed nesday totaled $193.88 according to a report from CHy Hail. BUILDING PERMITS Building permit was issued C. J. Splvey at City Hall December 22nd for construction of a five room house on Cherryvilje road. Construction cost was listed at 53,500. COMMUNION SERVICE Members of Boyoe Memorial ARP church will observe the Sac rament of the Lord's Supper st the ?11 o'clock service Sunday morn ing, according to announcement by the Rastor, Rev. W. L. Pressly. CITY TAGS SALES Sale of city vehicle license pla tes totaled 308 Thursday, some 66. sales ahe^d of last year's total of 242 on December 29, 1948. Law re quires that, motorists purchase and display city tags by January 1. NO HOUDAY MONDAY The Flm National Bank will not observe Monday, January 2nd, as a holida. , B, S. Neill. executive vice-president said yesterday. He stated that, though some banks in the state will close, the local bank will be open for business as usual on Monday. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Beginning Monday the office of tile North Carolina Employment Security Commission, located on Cherokee street, will be open from 8 a. to. until 5 p. m. Mondays through Fridays in accordance with the new five-day work week for state employees, Mrs. Mary ? mc* 7; .. S. A. Crouse, city clerk, waif book on the job Thursday morning, following an injury at his "home On December 23. Mr. Orouse, ..-ho ?wallgi with crutches since a leg injury 'several years' a 90, ?ell wtoen he slipped ou t throw rug, rc-inJurlng his Jeg. Examination revealed no broken bones, It was reported. . . ... . .. ? i Rev. W. H. Slender Was painfully injured Monday afternoon when hjs automobile over-turned hear York, 8, C. ?> ???>. ^ ? Taken to the hospital for exami nation, he returned to Ma home here Che following day. Other oocupants at the car were not injured with the exception of Anne Blise Stender, who sustained a bruised nose. , 4 The accident occurred when the StertdOr car, a "50 Ford, skidded on t ha We t pavement as Mr. Stender, who was driving tried to avoid hit ?ti?aplg. The oar was badly smashed. Bloodmobiie ToReturn j ir . 1 . ? . ".. . * ? /" ? *?'; ' Here Next Wednesday Jaycees Sponsor Visit, Seek 100 Pints Of Blood The Red Cross bloodrrobile from the Charlotte regional center is ?che duled to be at the Woman's club -Wednesday and officials of the Kings Mountain area program have issued an appeal for donors, regard less of whether they failed to make an appointment for the visit, to drop <by the center at their convenience for the very short time that is re quired to give a pint of blood. f" 'Hours the center will be In oper ation are from 10:30 a. m. until 4 .p. m.. according to Harold Hunnicutt, chairman of the Kings Mountain (Red Cross chapter blood service pro gram. Blood donor lapel pins are to 1>e given donors to signify that they ?have contributed to the program and Mrs. Ruth Gamble, office secretary, reported thta pins and a letter from the chalrmain are to be mailed to all prior donors.. Mrs. Mary B. Goforth is recruit ment chairman of the program here and she is being assisted by mem 'bers of the Junior Chamber of Com merce, citizen grdps from Grover, I Patterson Grove, Beth-Ware, several industrial plants and many other people. One of the most active" recruiters for the program is Mrs. Mary How- j ell, of Lackey street. Mrs. Gamble j said that Mrs. Howell had two se- 1 rloua kidney operations several j months ago and required around 9 pints of blood which came from the Charlotte center. Mrs Howell has stated deep appreciation Mr the" ser vice and Is set on recruiting more than enough donors to replace the quantity of .blood she used, Mrs. Griffin ta chairman of the cantee committee and Mr*. Rob ert MiHer heads the volunteer serv ices committee. All volunteer work ers are . urged to be at this Woman's club at 9 .'00 a. m. Wednesday, Mrs Miller announced. "Bed Cross bipod, obtained through (Cont'd on page eight) Body Of Sgt Long To Airfrt Thursday *Body of Staff Sergeant Wlnfiled V. Long was to arrive. In Kings Mountain yesterday (Thursday)' from Europe tor final interment. Sgt, Long, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cle tus Long, of Floyd street, was killed in action while- serving as a tail gunner Jn the air force. He was ba sed in Aleandrla, Egypt, and died of wounds received on a raid over Pol estl oil fields In Romania. Plans for the final rites are to be announced later. JOINS HAT AGENCY ? David M. NeilL well-known Kings Mountain man. has purchased an interest in The Arthur Hay Agency, and becom. es Junior partner in the firm effec tive January *? Neill To Join Insurance Firm David M. Neill has purchased an interest in The Arthur Hay Agency, and becomes a Junior partner In the local insurance firm effective Jan uary 1, it was announced this week. Mr. Neill has been unofficially connected with the firm for the past several weeks and recently comple ted successfully agent's examina tions of the state's insurance com mission. Sale of an Interest in the firm to Mr. Neill was made In anticipation of retire ment of Mrs. Arthur Hay, the firm's senior partner, within the next few months. The Hay Agency is Kings Moun taln'a OHlSl Insurance ajreircy and one of the oldest in North Carolina. It was founded in 103 by the late L. O. Hay, grandfather of Mias Hel en Hay, who tnll become the firm's senior partner on retirement of her mother. Agency was later sold to P. R. Hay, brother of the founder, andit was purchased by the late Atk thur Hay In \9\A. We eorttlued to operate the business until his death in 1944, and the business has con* tlnued with the same firm name since, being operated by his wife and daughter. The firm offers a complete insurance service. Mr. Nekll, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Neill of Kings Mountain, was graduated from Davidson College in 1918 with a degree of B. S. in bus iness and accounting, Following graduation, he became an examiner for the North Carolina banking com mission and served in this position for 18 months. He is a member of Central Methodist church, and his wife is the former Miss Jean Cannon Webb. 'Another rumor th*t the DuCourt Mills flam wMtWut *> resume op erations came to nothing Thursday at ? New York meeting of creditors of the bankrupt firm. 'Attorney J. R. Davis, In a tele phone conversation wteh a represen tstive in New York, said he was told that attorneys for the bankrupt firm again asked more time, stating that a- new application for a Reconstruc tion (Finance Corporation loan had {been-help up dueto "Christmas hoH Hjt." Information obtained by the Her ald from a source close to the Char lotte RI*C office did not bear out the hopeful claims of the DuCourt at torneys. Mr, Davis said his representative informed him that lawyers for Pi lot Ltfe Insurance Company, which holds tint (mortgage on the DuCourt property, told the court ft wanted payment and immediately. "Previous efforts to get the plant bade into operation have hinged on obtaining a loan from RFC, several times refused. and the Herald learn ed from a source it considers moat reliable that no loan has been ap proved, A loan had been recommended by the examiner, it waa stated, but the RFC board in Charlotte, did not ap MOVe the recommenddttoitf . Uhd?r RFC procedure, the Charlotte office either makes a loan of sepda it on to Washington for final action. The application was forwarded law week. "V. ' ? : * ?' Aooordlng to the rumors concern ing the situation, the RFC was sup posed to have approved a loan to Holtwook Mills, with mortgage oov (Cont'd on page eight) i Headlines Of 49 Heralds Report Busy Year Here Kings Mountain closes ouj 1949 Saturday night at 11:39 to begin a new half-century. As usual the news of Kings Moun tain during the year included some in the bad category and some in the good, but the good was {"redomi nant. - A review of Herald headlines dur ing the past 12 months gives a birds eye view of Kings .Mountain during the past year, and it was a. news filled year, proving that 7,500 people can hardly live together without do ing things ? in business, in society, In charitable and religious work. The first Herald of 1949 contain ed some bad ntryvs, reporting the ru mor that DuCouri Mills, Inc., was a bout to become a bankrupt. It point ed up a big slump in textiles that wasito>make the spring and sum mer months economically unpleas ant for all the city and a.-ca. But j textiles snapped back in September, : and the year Is ending on a prosper | ous, optimistic note. It was another year of building, j growth and expansion, though rhe rate of expansion was not as heavy as in the banner year of 1948. Tragedy got its share of the head lines, with at least six persons dy ing violent deaths. These included the death in an airplane crash of Ed W. Bridges, the shooting of Ne gro Frank Burris by Deputies War ren Ellison and P. A. Hawkins; the death of Michael Gremillion in an auto accident ; the death of Claude Byers. Negro, following an accident at KlngB Mountain Foundry, and the death of a Negro boy, Joe Falls Rus sell, who was killed by a playmate. Another tragedy was the Jatal shoot. Ing of R, B. Fraier in a fracas at Mar ?grace boarding house. Another death which interested Kings Mounain was that of Rale King, who died in prison. King had served 20 years for the murder of Faye Wilson. King. , At least 13 prominent citizens were removed from tjte community by death during the year. They were: 3, Boyce Simonton, Miss Gertrude ware, Mrs. Wr a' Rtdenbour, j. m. Williams, William F. Goforth, Z. F. Cranford, James A. Lybrand, R. C. Gold, Mrs. W. O. Falls, Mb. A. E. Cline and three -former mayors, W. H. McGinnis, J. B. Thoraasson and W. A. Ware. %;lptUkj S*k a good share of the news as tlte c?V elec^fJim Werri iorv, mayor for a fourth team. It Joined the cotlrtty majority in voting out legal sales of beer and wine, and split on the state bond issue questions. Local bond proposals were soundly defeated. Politics was responsible for the first Herald >xtraM since 1940, the "extra" carry ing results of the city election. ?Miss Bessie Simonton was award ed the Kftyanls club's "unself *h ci- 1 tizen" honor, and Kings Mountain again proved Its liberality by sup- 1 porting a large number of charitable programs. Big community news of the year was progress toward ob taining a hospital. New businesses opened during the year included: Weir's Coal, Dean Buick Company, Henry ? Heavner Company; Kings Mountain Florists, 8oy Theatre, Lindsay's Florists, and Marlowe's Home and Auto Supply. One addition was noted in the city's professional corps, as Dr. "Nathan Reed opened offices for the prac tice of optometry. A review of the major headlines of 19*9 follow: Site for National Guard Motor Shed Being Purchased by City; County To Vote on Legal Sale of Beer, Wine; M. L. Harmon, Veteran Grocer, Retires; $175,000 Sewerage Disposal Plant Immediate Need, En gineer Reports; rv>!io Fund Cam Takers Are Busy; Bridges * Ham* rickDa#i*ged -by Pli?;Masons Ob. ?erve 75th Anniversary; Postoffi ce Receipt* Show Large Increase- Bus CateaiUfM' Axe Makiftf Effort TV> S*vuro New Terminal Vr Ctty. ? Enjoyed Record fear; Bond Issue* Top City Board's (Com'd on page eight) ? Annual Tax Listing To Begin On Monday 1 ?PHHMH ! FILES FOR CONGRESS ? Charles E. Hamilton, above, Gastonia law yer. became the first official candi I date for the Democratic nomination for eleventh district congressman this week, when he paid his filing fee to th? state board of elections In t Raleigh. Several ether candidates have announced for the race, but i Hamilton is the first to file formal >? - Marlowe Concern ' | Jack Arnette, lor the past 10 years bus terminal manager in Kings j Mountain, has Joined Marlowe's Center Service as service manager it was announced this week. Mr. Arnette thus returns to a business with which he was form erly associated as a partner. Last week Mr. Arnette completed transfer of rhe Purol station on W. King rftreen, whieh he had also op erated since 1941, to Paul Byers. E. E. Marlowe, owner of Center Service, said Mr. Arnette would be In charge of the service station part of the business, while he would de vote his time to operation of the wholesale and retail departments 'Of' hla auto acwssAtV arfd appliance business. Mr. Arnette has lived In Kings Mountain since 1923. He is the son of late John C. and Marie Simon ton Arnette. From 1944 to 1916 he served in the army. He recently re< signed as bus station manager fol lowing a long series of difficulties in obtaining a suitable site. "We are very happy to have Mr. Arnette with us once more and will now be in position to offer even bet ter service to the motoring public," Mr. Marlowe said. Legion Square Dance Set For Friday Otis D. Green Post 135, American Legion, will sponsor a New Year's Square Dance at the Legion Build ing off Yorti Road on 'Friday night, it was announced yesterday. Mutric will be furntohed by Ham rick's String Band, and (he dance will begin at 9 o'clock. The public 1* Invited to attend. Club's New Year's Dance Saturday Annual New Year's Eve dance will j be held at the Kings Mountain ?Country Club Saturday evening, with muaic to be furnished by Sam my Caufble and His Statesmen. The club will be open at ^ o'clock and dinner wJH <be served at eight o'clock. Dancing is scheduled to be gin at 9. ?Dress for the affair is optional.] Members desiring dinner should make their reservations as quickly as possible, it was announced. Sarly Listing {Uiged By City. County listers ? ? ? Annual city and county tax list ing will begin Monday morning at 8:30 a. m., and all persons who own property are required to list it for j taxes during the month of January. ' In Kings Mountain. Clarence Car penter, city lister, and B. D. Ratter' ree, No. 4 township lister-taker, will be at City Hall courtroom dally from 1 8:30 to 5 p. m., with the exception of -January 12 and 23 when Mr. Rat. terree will be at Herrtdon's Store In Ci rover. The list-takers are urging all ci tizens to visit them as early as pas isib'e. Tax listing continues through ! January 31, but they point out that I there is always a last-minute rush land that those who list early can jsave themselves much time. Citizens are required to list all ! real property, all personal property i including cars, dogs, inventory, jew i clry, and household furnishings <fr ! er the standard exemptions. Men between the ages of 21 and 50 are required to list for poll tax Yaiboio Raises Heindon Bid 4 ? m J" A. E. Yarboro has raised the bid on the Cranford property to $18,375 and the property will be re-sold at public auction on ThursTay, Janu ary 12. According to law, a bid must be raised five percent to re- open sale o < the property, and Mr. Yarboro ac complished this by raising the $17, 000 bid of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Hern don by $1,375. Accord ins to a notice of resale placed by A. H. Patterson, commie sloner, and appearing in today'* is sue p1 the Herald, the re-sale will be conducted at 10 a. m. or within le gal hours on January 12 and the property will be offered as a whole. The purchaser will be required ? to pay a deposit in amount of 10 per cent of his bid. Bidding will besrln at $18,375, amount of the Yarboro bid. Sale Is made subject to con firmation of the court. The Cranford property, located on Highway 74, includes about 29 acres and the home site of the late Z. F. Cranford. Social Security. Gas Taxes Go Up At least three groups ef flip Moaatola eitisen* will beyta pay lag mere taxes. effective Sunday. They iaeludot (1) all *m??oya? ef bullae? and Industrial Unas; (2) all baslaess and t*du*X*< firmer aad (3) all moterteta. The first two yreupe will ktffei pa flay an* social security tea. a the rat* jumps from eae te mm aad -one - half p*re*at *a ? mouat paid and tetal payroll, to ether cbaaye la the eecial secustty V law will raise the Uatft ea aa fta dttttdoal'i payroll, be lor* ousaspt tea from paying the to*, te V1.MlL k *p to^ls roar. * social si.s?i . teas** Weil paftf after SSXMt. Tba othof tax increase oNiidili [ Saaday 1* a eae -cent hike oa ?*o aline tax. to pay lor the state's HOOMOMO rural read pwfra*. Saturday ntyht will (lad the prtea of yoe advanced eae cent. mwfflmm&wmmmm Tba* motorists who fill op

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