Population City Limits (1940 Census) 6.574. Immediato Trading Aim 15,000 v (1945 Ration Board Figursa) VOL.61 NO. 4 Kings Mountain. N. C. Sixty-First Year Local News Bulletins FLOWST CLOSED Traub Mickler, owner of Wal ter* Flowers, has cloved his bus iness here and returned to Ta vares, Fla., to re-enter t'-o fern growing ibutriness, it was learn ed this week. Mr. Mickler pur chased the local florist busi ness from C. H. Walter snarly In 1949. HATES ELECTED E. F. Hayes, Kings Mountain native, Was elected last week to the presidency of the Char leston, S. C., Central Labor Un < ion. Mr. Hayes Is business man ager of the Electrical Workers union with headquarters at Charleston. * GOING TO JAPAN Mrs. Hark H. Williams, the former Miss Pauline Ballard, left Thursday for San Francisco, Calif., where she will sail for ? Tachikawa, Japan," to join her husband, Staff -Sergertt " Wil liams, now stationed there with the army. LEGION SQUARE DANCE Regular Friday night square* dance of Otis D? Green Post 155, American Legitm, wtti be held at the Legion Building Friday night, beginning at 8 o'clock, with Hamrfck's String Band furnishing the music. The pub lic is invited to attend. legion pish pry A fish supper will be served menofbers and prospective mem. bets of- Otis D. Green Post 155, American Legion, at (he Legion Building off York Road Satur- - day night from 6:30 to 9 o'clock according to announcement this week by Commander Paul Mauney. ?'???< ? .1 POND DRIVE DATE Date for the fond drive for the Fi?t Baptist church educa plans for building of the $40,000 addition to the educational building. The Herald Is glad to correct this inadvertent error. Bequests Accepted % For Tourney Ducats Reserved seat tickets for the Western division junior college basketball tournament, to be held at Central gymnasium February 16-0.7-18, are expected to be ready for sale at an early date but, due to the fact than many tans have already been inquiring about the ducats, the committee has decid ed to take reservations now in on der to better accommodate per sons wishing to purchase reserv ed tickets. David Neill, chairman of the group, made the announcement and urged citizens wishing tick ets to contact him or Charles Nelsler. Reserved tickets far (he 8 games of ,_ f, nationally- advertised prod itm. ' UBKABT STOHT HOUB Regular weekly story hour for children from grade* one through eight will be held at Jacob S. Mauney Memorial Li brary Friday at 4 o'clock. Mrs. W. B. Shnpeon and Mrs. Frank Hoyle will serve as story-tell- , era and co -hostesses. Last FVi dsy'e attendance reached the I over flow point, and this week arrangements have been made to entertain two groups, it was ' announced. Crawford Is Elected President Ot Merchants Group For 'Sfl-'Sl t I| I i' . u nlA ? - . V ? s TiA1.ii. UK v.. en*ii*> 1 axing 100 ? Applicants Songhi Wilson Crawford, prominent King* Mountain tfroe5ped Info room occupied by a woman." Highlighted case of the Mon day session was the one against Conley Newton Allman, 42, of route on*, which was dismissed Allman was charged with dri ving drunk and was arrested a round 11:20 a. m. January 14 on "highway 29" according to court records. Witnesses listed on the docket included Officers J. D. Andrews and G. K. Camp of the police department and Deputies P. A, Hawkins and P. R. Sanders of the Sheriff's department. It was reported that the city policemen gave chase to Mr. All man but did not catch him until they got outside the city limits. They then called in the deputies to make the arrest it was under (Cont'd on page twelve) Race For Sheriff Is Already Hot; Cline Running, Logan Announces ? 5.V ' ' * . ?. of flmlaad Coonlf ahsrift Sheriff of tho M T*w< h? did not i LECMOM MSSTfttO Regular meting o< Otis. D. Green Boot 155, American Le gion, wtll bf held Tueoday night at 7:30 at The Legion Building o? York Bood. Mr. and Mrs. ftafcert WhM* have purchased the J*ck Day residence In Creacent HU1 to Haywood E. Lyn Politics in that voter's favorite, the county sheriffs race, speed ed up considerably Thursday with announcement by Former Sheriff Raymond Cline that he would again seek that office. Mr. Cline's announcement fol lowed by two day* announce ment by Incumbent Hugh A. Lo gan, Jr., that he would week re election. Thus, with the filing deadline almost three month* a way the Democratic primary sheriffs race la already a three man affair, featuring, in addi tion,' Former Deputy Heywood Allen. Another development in the sheriffs race was announcement toy Hal Ward that he would not he a candidate for sheriff. Mr. Ward sald he "could not run from a business standpoint." He said his ???* ?nd feed business herd keeps nuil "too tied down" to make the race. Other political announcements thus far (all for the several De mocrat to nominations) include: _FotJ lei* of court. Incumbent Everett A, Hoyser, Jr. For Recorder, Reuben Elam. Otherwise, the scene was still auket in Kings Mountain. Ollle arris, virtually a sure candi date for re -election as county coroner, has made no official an nouncements, and Falson Barnes, toying with the possibility of running for county solicitor efr tor the North Carolina House of Rf?[>re*entatlves also told the Her old he was not yet ready to make any announcements. Th-> rumor mill Indicated, however, that tf Mr. Barnes runs, he /Will likely make the race for the house seat. Some talk was going the' rounds on a county commissioner can didate from this sector of the Ha mi being prominently men (Cont'd on page twelve) SEEKS RE-ELECTION - Hu^h A Logos. Jim : A graduate of Western Reserve -University, Cleveland, Ohio, Mis* Morse has been assocated with, the 6irl Soout movement in a number of capacities. Beginning as a camp director and executive of a local Girl Scout council she has served as a regional director and camping adviser. In the lat ter office, she became one of the recognized authortfes on camp programs. An organ prelude was present ed by Franklin P turn iptroduoed Miss France? Morse, speaker of the evening. IS*? Morse congratulated IClngs Mountain upon the gromr th of rhe Girl Scout organization and the Scouts for their splendid (Cont'd on page twelve) , " Polio Goiter Expected To Sink j final Pott Here Friday At 4 pjn. Arrival time Friday afternoon Of Galther McComha, goU pro at Shebby's Country Club, at the 18th hole ? the manhole at the Corn er of Railroad and Mountain Street here between Victory Chev rolet Company and the toy Thea tre ? i? expected to be arourid 4 o'clock. ff? al a stum to ralae funds for the March of Dimes. Mr. Mc Combs is driving a golf ball over a 12-mile cross country oourae from Shelby, beginning at 10 a. m. there. 'A large crowd la expected to be on hand here to Me MoCombe sink the final putt. Special oollection points have been designated in Kin#* Moun tain, db well as In Shelby, in or der that peroens may guesa the nuiriber of stroke* McCombs will require In covering the marathon course. Meantime, Kings Mountain's drive was going very well, with slightly more than one-fifth of the city's $5,000 quota listed as "cash-in-hand," and with reports from several other soliciting com mit fees expected to swell the to tal considerably. W. K. Mauney, Jr., chairman of the fund campaign here, said Thursday hp hoped to clean up the campaign by noon Monday, and he asked all soliciting groups to report their totals srf. ; v ; urn in funds to him or Treasure 1. C, McKinney by that deadline. [ "We oan ill afford to fall down on our quota, nor do we expect to," Mr. Mauney pointed oat. "While UMldenoe of polio in Nor th Carolina during 1949 was not heavy, greet expetuHteres are still being made to rehabilitate the many victim* ot infantile pa. ralasltf during the 1MB epidemic."