E Y. Belk WBHBMAND HIS Wm Mary Lee Johnson visited her sister, Mrs Well Crow over the -weekend in Charlotte 1 said in last week's column Miss Hazel Ware visited her sis ter , Mrs. Sue Belk in Nebo Valley, not Hoyle Ware ? I don't know Hoyle Is there be one. Mr. Bill Ross from the Cora vil lage visited your reporter Sun* day. Robert Jones and wife are vis iting in Statesvllle. ' John Starnes joined the Navy last week. Say a he may see the I ??????????Ml NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY world if he gets around. 7 met an old man In Shelby, old and grayed. Said he, I married when I was up In years. 1 had sa ved a small fortune. I had more than 3 could spend; in four years time she spent it all, and sent me adrift. Now what will I do?> Stranger, I said, if I were you, I'd marry again. You might hit, the jackpot and win, but who wants an okl man and him broke? If he has money most any old gal could take him for a spin. Why then do men get in 'love? Cant help It Why do women doll up so? I know, just ho they can fool the men. Why don't men doll up? Shaw, they know they can catch a gal any how. If you don't be lieve what I'm preachln, stop in at one of these Road Houses, where they sell wine and beer af ter dark. .'Jpfaybe the reason so few peo ple divorced in the good old days was that Reno hadn't been found. - r MACK'S^ MENTHOL AT PO . Shaving Cream 14m Mm OlmImi tnuT-fllfc C4iHiM "Hv wwwtW9 ?//TJvVWl Distributed by JU1 Leading Stores Our next Sher iff will be a good man. I cam. not who he may be out of the three. If all were like you and I no Sheriff would we need. Looks like other folks could fly strai ght Mke you and 1 and keep out of Jail. Very few people want in jail after they get In, but why do they work to get in and then work so hard to get out and then get tight back in? The Garden of Eden was a jail house to Adam and Mrs. Eve, but they got out. They sure dbl make a bad trade for themselves and all fnankind. If we hadn't of been born I'm quite sure we wouldn't of known anything about all this mess up. As it is 1 reckon we will have to do as we do, but Why do we do Mke we do do? Disregard lor the SaDabth Day will wreck any nation under the sun. America is fastly going on the rocks. Sunday is the big day of the week. We see people trav eling far and near on the Sab bath Day. Before the coming of This is thetipio of year to put your chicks on a Good Starting Mask node from the best ingredients, carefully balanced. That Starting Mash is PINNACLE . ' - You will also get best results from our PINNACLE special Mixed Feeds. Custom mixing at a reasonable price ? we can furnish most amy protein concentrate or basis grain. SEE TOUR DEALER Ware & Sons KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. the car, people went to church I and stayed home for rest in the 1 evening. Now very little rest do they get. The car has about done away with our home life. People are going to and from all over the earth. We travel so much we hardly know where home is Time changes most every thing. I know it has changed our home life greatly in these past 30 years. We stay home 00 little, we don't know who is our next door neigh bor. Maybe he don't know it. We act like strangers when at home to each other. If they irtiou]d come to see us we wouldn't be home. The collector always finds us. If they don't they come back and charge us for another call. AH the time speaking of high priced eggs If is true the hens that 'lay the eggs can't vote, but their owners can. " 1 asked a small darkey boy why a hen cackled when she lay ed. He said Mr. It seeams to me she's glad she got shut of the egg. He asked me, Why don't a roaster lay, all the time crowing around. I said, see he's not bulli that a way. He's all the time busy entertaining the lady hens. He said, I hadn't thought of dat. That reminds me why eggs are so high. The Government has 90 million dollars worth of dried eggs on hand. Don't know why they will do with all that chicken fruit. The people overseas don't want no more dried eggs. They want whiskey. North tells me the 'Huns don't eat dried eggs any more. They are getting back on their feet. Cursing the U. S. A. for running Hitler oft. If they were to come over to America and run Truman off and take over, we'd stire care, too. We are very peaceable so long as v?c can dominate the world, but all the time looking for old Joe to drop bombs over, when Joe has no bombs to throw. Joe, dear old Joe never saw a bub, unless he met him on the street. We have lots of them on our hands to feed and clothe, but most anyone can bum a cigarette. One by one the Democrats ? Re publicans too, are coming to see that opening diplomatic relations with Russia by F. D. R. was e grave mistake. Its better we have learned by now to be on the right side and love than to be on the wrong side and win. We hate war then why do we agitate war in time of peace, and then have to fight again? It was the old saying about if it rains on the fiTSt day of the year 15 wet days are bound to follow. Whoever invented that old saying was a little touched in the head. According to Radioi Station WTJS it rained 21 days this January and gave a total ol { 15:54 inches. This was over in Tennessee. Since the memory of ; man runneth not , the contrary i and available records show no ; contradiction, in such a deluge in ail for Jackson, Tenn. I got this information from one of our Herald readers over in Tennessee, Mt. R. F. Dover who lives in Me *iVna, Tenn. All his cotton got washed away. 'In 1872 the U. S. Government set up a system of keeping permanent' records con cerning the weather for every town of any size in ;he U. S. A. These records indicate that in no year since has as much as 15 in ches -of rain been measured dur ing any January. The next near- ] est was in January 1898 ' when 11.10 inches of rain fell. Normal average rainfall in that part of Tennessee is in January 4.44 in ches. Taken over a period of. 55 years, it must of been a wet spell ? it rained forty days. There is no long-range meteor ological indication that there will : be any particularly Jong dry pe- 1 riods in 1950. Bu,t We rrvist re member the unexpected always comes, so it >'.s best to always take your coat with you when you go out. Like Monday morning the sixth, it was fair not a skiff of a cloud to be seen before 12 noon folks were running through a down pour of rain hunting shel ter. The radio said no rain in sight. What does man know a bout .the weather any way? We know it rained and we hope it will again, but who can tell, Grady Cole. Some boys in Oklanoma City I were showing a Texas rancher the sights of the town. What do you think of our stock yards asked one. Oh, they are all right, but We have branding carroLs in Texas that are bigger, he said. That night they put some snap ping turtles in his bed. When he turned back the covers he asked what they were. Oklahoma bed bugs, they replied. He looked, at them for a mo ment, so they are, he agreed. Young ones, aren't they?. We have larger onfes in Texas, they sting you too. Sisters, and you brethern too. The real <test of your religion is what happens between Monday a. m. and Sunday night p. m. That's the acid test. Keeping your religion active all through the went. You can't fold It up and put it in your hand bag and find It on Sunday when you start over to the church. It Just won't be ? > Chevrolet alone in the law-price field glVeS yOU all that's thrilling . ? \ all that's beautiful ? ... all that's thrifty! . v' ? ? ' , r . Wmmm FIRST (tnd Finest nnilirn S7/>' Z$ AUTOMATIC * ? FUWEAywZg TRANSMISSION* ? ? and Here b low -cost motoring'* first automatic drive, with Chevrolet's Seller, exchMhw Powerglide Automatic Tranamksioo and 105 -hp. V*hr*-fa-He?l Engine, most powerful in to field 5? first ?Combination of PowerfUde Trantmlmion and 103 h p. Engine optional am Da Luxe model* at extra coat. J^%tJ||?A'f 1151 tuYI findable. You got to cultivate it else it can't grow, People are prone to do a good part by their religion on Sunday, but during the busy week most of us don't take time to cultivate it durina the week. We Jet ger all con taminated with worldly things Believe it or not, sisters. Our American freedom is truth ? the Great Truth. Freedom is the whole truth. When freedom is weakened or destroyed, all freedom Is in danger. The same is true of your Sunday religion. You can't fold it up and hunt it uo on the Sabbath morning. Re ligion is business Just like any other profession. You got it or you not got it. You keep it or lose it. You can t lose it too often and be continually seeking to find it. I rather Jike the idea, some claim we can't fall from grace. I know we can't keep falling else we might not climb back up to a high state of sanctification. What is that? I better change the sub ject right now. 1 don't want to get flabbergasted with no one that knows about the same as I do about these mysterious things, ao I ring off and leave It with the preachers, they know. Right now things may look rosy to the Southern Democrats, but my dear sister, brother, you jwho vote Just wait till Harry starts his next campaign fighting to land the next election by ram ming his Civil Rights measure down the throats of the Southern voters, that is when the fur will begin to fly, and fiery crosses will start to burning. That's when the fir* works will start in Dixie I Land. That will be known as the Knock Down and Drag Out" Campaign the South ever cele brated. Who knows but I might be right. Then they will tell the people, Hush my dupes, lie still <and slumber, Holy men guard our nation. Heavenly blessings | will be falling on their heads .without number. But wait until j he starts spraying you with some Of that colored stuff that he's got in his saddlebags. After the sic kle man declared he would mow em down and give 'em hell. He pleads for cooperation, Hlrah. Can you b<jat that for coopera tion? Now Cleveland county is get ting ready to start a campaign lor a new Sheriff. In our county usually the man who works the hardest gets the most votes. All are married men. All will likely have the same chance with the lady voters. They wont be looking for a husband among the consdtuetns. All these men kijow the sheriff business They grew up that way. They were taught by their fathers the whole-business, so we cant doubt either one of them. So we are in a food man. I care not which wins the office. Now if only two were running then it would be a 50"?? Fa9?- ?*? it is all are going to look for a big majority ? the the .case, you better get out and work to see who wins and winds up with- the shooting arms its a f*ct, th^n too, you mosc spend if you win. tvW of Mrlkes that are tying up the nation, Just look for more and more as the days go crowd carTles on llfrh inc"***d taxes, how n the heck can the people expect to have the taxes reduced. When d^rrf*,dent Ca,led ,or * billion j dollars more to balance the bud get who killed cock robin; It has' never been proved, and you can't ?roye to me where all these tax ^8 go. ^Publican party ' but one thing a bout the so-called negro party, when it finally kicks th? bucket, it will die an honest death, i.ike the old Abe, the Republican rail splitting President died. He died defending the rights of trampled down men of all colors and races. All looked aMke to Old rail split ting Abe when he passed over the rtver. , Let's conclude today's session with facts and fun: This U. S. A. nation would be a better place to live it we'd Just quit throwing bricks at other na tions and tend to our own busi ruvis. Oh HeH, Joe, we can't. John L. Lewis started out this year to coal freeze the nation, but it back-fired on him. The weatherman ordered spring - like weather for the na tion. John got a black out when he found he couldn't rule the nation. : Yes, many a man has lost his life when 7u- lofet'HTff grtp otl ttte steering wheel. With doubt and confusion we have all had quite enough, but ] we keep on hunting discord and more confusion at home and a broad. Love is nothing more than ro ses growing on the end of a gourd vine? when we reach the end off the vine the roses are withered and faded. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom* ?< Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS oot TO EXCESS ACID Must Haip mr K WIN Cost Yn Itothtaw Orar (km million bottles of tha Vouv TutTwirr b*n boon nM for rollaf of ?ymutomaof ctiatoaasarlslnc from I sat) Dh<iimI Ulim 1ue to lim fM Pifstlsn, f HssriKiMM l|?a ? ? ? - dug to faww Ac**. BoM on 15 d?y?' wteM Aj?k for "WMarfl ???????" which foBy oxptaiiui this WvnUncnt f mm tt Kings Mountain Drug Co. Brownie Scouts are seven j through nine years of age. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Pre *ciiptio*? promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. Phones 41?81 Kings Mountain Drag Company THE REXALL STORE We Call For and Deliver Dr. James S. Bailey OPTOMETRIST Examination, Diagnosis, G!asses Fitted Office open each Friday 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. 250 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING OMFORT. CONVENIENCE Maytag Washen Westinghouse Products Electric Ranges # Refrigerators Myers Pomps Piandriiig Installations Logan Supply Co. Cleveland Ave. Phone 317-W DETAILS Your Money Is Worth """ JlE^rL^L YO'", M0NE v AKD KELP Btmj> KU*GS moohtaw at ?? ?" ?F THREE METHODS W ??? WHICH sum! ? Futl-pqid Shares, at $100 each. . Interest paid semi-annualiy. ^ Savings. Invest any amount any time. This new popular savings method is especially good for those who have varying amounts for sav ings. Interest credited semi-annually. Stock matoes^o^U^crid1 s^are^of $1 0$?* W0ek' ? ? KINGS MOUNTAIN B. & L ASSN |M W . . ? _ _ I ? ? ? \ j ? ? f-J\ i > ~T- J. C. KalUr, V1c*-Pim. K ' <T /? ?;

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