1 C Pages ID Today. " ' ' ' ' * 1 ? ? - ? :b?? of the Kings Mountain Key Club, high school service organlzatfbn, formed last fall under auspices of the Kings Mountain Klwanls club. The dab will bo formally awarded its certificate Thursday night, March 2. by Dr.' Charles W. Armstrong, past-president of Kiwanls International. Standing, loft to right Gordon Beatty, Houston Smith. Banco HandenoO. Johnny Kiser, Jack Still, Ivan Wearer. Paul McCinnis. Bill Alton, Delvin Huf fstetler. and Richard White, front row, loft to right Billy Shytto, Gone Maanoy, Charles Maaney. Dickie Webb. Har old England and Carl Moot. ;j' fl-f '? -'2 J" . ' '* . KIWAWIS SPEAKEB *- Dr. Char lea W, Armstrong. pafi% of Kiwania International. win bo the principal speaker at a special yllnj of the Kings Mountain Kiwania club noxt Thursday night whon tho high school Kay Funeral iwvfcM for Clarence b. (BOOM) Atkins, 60, whi died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. L. L. Franks, In Kings Mountain, Wed rtea day morning after a short HI' ness, win be Hekl at Macedonia Baptist church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Bev. E. A. Gore officiate and burial will he in Aakhutd cemetery, Oaffney, S. C. Survivors In addition to Mrs. Frank* Include his wife, Mrs. Lila Alhson Atkins, one daught ter, Mrs. E. B. Horton, hie mother, rs. Thomas Atkins, of Gafoey, C., two sisters, Mit M, G. Smith, of SpanantHuv. S. C., and Mrs. Jsmee Cash, of Gaffney, and four brothers, John and Thomas Atkins, of Latidrum, S. C, Floyd Atkins, of Ooldsrvifte, S. C., and James Atkins, of Oaffney, S. C. Ohioan To Speak Al Grace Methodist Bev. F. W. Wilklneon, of Olms tead, Okie. wHl deWcer a special nirsenrr at 11 o'clock MCvfcfllE Sunday morning at Grace Meth ddtst chueeh, according to an nouncement by the paetor, Rev. The Kings Mountain Key Club, an organization, of hifeh school boys under sponsorship of the King* Mountain Kiwanft Ctolto, wiil receive its Key Clun college was the featured speaker -at a nf??eLmeTtins at the Country Club Monday night df Davidson fr?ini?i?.aIli,*veral former Cen tral high athletes. Some 31 Kings Mountain: P^J*?enI*ttfn<*ed the meeting. Coach Little -talked to the 9" P?*ns for the Davidson football team this year. He will use the eplit-T system, h e slS! (but XiSJ?Zd ** ?* pa*?*r? "but wlil be weak at end. ** th? Uni* ' verstty of North Carolina, he coasted here one year and enter e Ieturn?*> to coach the Davidson freshman team went to Chapel Hill after as hackfleld ooach ?nd Z been coaching the Carolina fresh* man tnmi for the past several. - He was coach here in 1938 * - ? r ; BaUantine Speaker At Farmers' Bouquet L. r. Boiientin*. forth Care* ^Wmllstonar of ayrlcul* will aiaks the principal . ? ?t the animal Tana- ' *H?ht banqvof of ths Sings Mountain Uooi slab to be heftl * '1 according to an- ? ?MMiutuI this week by Hal 1 *>. Ward, chairman of th* Fat. 1 *Hrht coamittM. j *he annual banquet. at which fanners ef the area *hs Hens. win b* held at the Wmmb'i Club. It Is one of the Mom dob's Jet miitiBp of the ym.