Negio Newt: ~ By Mem. Cannle Gordon 106 Carpenter Street Kings Mountain, N. a Turn In News Item* at above address Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MKchem had ?a their dinner guest, Sunday Mr. Mitchem's sister, Mrs. Jennie Mae Crawford of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Mollie Smith of Sta tesvllle, and Master Mile* Rich ard Boyd. . Mrs. Earlene Adams and son of Clover, S. C0 spent the weekend with her mother ard slstct, Mrs. Mamie Quinn and Mrs. Eunice Hickman. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of St. Paul Methodist church met Sunday evening at 4 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Eugen ia Brown. Worship service was led by Mrs. Effie Means. Topic: "Our Christian Brothers Over seas." Program topic: "Christian Advance in Japan," presented by Mesdames Carrie Ashly, Cath erine Arrington, Eugenia Brown, Miao M. V. James. Miss Mary Lee Pope, of the Davidson high school faculty. Others present were Mrs. Sicily Kibler, Mrs. Pearl Gould lock, Mrs. Cannle Gordon. A deli cious course of ice cream and oaks was served. The musical choir of Mt. Zion Baptist church will sing at Wash ington church Sunday night Mar* ch 13. There will be a plate supper Friday evening March 10 at the parsonage, 223 Cansler street You are cordially Invited to come and be served. Sponsored by Mrs. Sarah Clark and Mrs. D. S. Hark nes?. Davidson High School Km Friday night, March 10, will be a big night for the Brownies, Girl Scouts and Leaders of Davidson school. They will celebrate the birthday of Juliette Low, founder of the Girl Scouts in the United States of America, along with cel ebrating Girl Scouts birthday. All Scouts ?uid Leaders are ex pected to attend. We plan to have a very enjoyable time. To all Parents and 'Friends ? 1 There will be a Gkl Scout cookie sale on starting March 13 and will continue for two weeks. The cookies are delicious and health ful. We are asking that you coop erate and buy as many boxes as possible so that we might get a good sum of profit to be used for our scouting or camping expan ses. 'You will see the Scouts as they attend Service ir ?'.? Age...... | City " J; . .. . >'? U ??. . , k . A -96 _J SOCIAL SECURITY NOTES ?; ttc Utf Moddox 8,170 persons availed themsel ves of the service* of the Gaston - la office of the Social Security Administration during 1949 ? the busiest year in the history of this office. 1,175 individuals were assisted during 1949 in claiming their retirement or family insurance benefits. By January, 1960, an es timated 3,132 persons in Gosto nim. and the surrounding three counties were receiving about $49,300 in monthly payments. 2,747 social security accounts were established for persons go ing into covered employment for the first time. 4,248 duplicate so cial security cards were furnish ed to persons who had changed their names or misplaced their' cards. 15,408 inquiries were answered in providing the public informa tion on social security. To inform the public of their rights and re sponsibilities under the old-age and survivors insurance program, talks were made to civic clubs, student bodies, employer groups, employee groups, women's organ Morning Worship 12:00 a. m Evening Worship 1:30 p. m. Second and fourth Sunday*. MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST CHUBCH Itev. J. A. White, Pastor Sunday hmooL 10 a. ui. J. A. Ross, Supt Morning Worship 11.00 a. m Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Second and fourth Sundays. MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHUBCH Rev R. L. Garvin, Pastor Preaching every first and third Sunday*. Sunday school 10 a. m. * W."St ffftggs, Supt Morning worship 11 a. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. ST. *AUX. METHODIST CHUBCH Rev. D. S. Harkness, Pastor Church school 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Daisy L. Smith, Sapt Morning worship U a. m. Evening worship 7.-90 p. m. Second and fourth Sundays BTWUM CHAWUL A. M. E. SON Rev) M. C. Waltln ? Sunday school 10:0t a. m. R. J. Brown, Sunt. Morning Wertklp 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:00 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. izations, etc. Weekly radio broad- 1 casts were made in addition to Information provided .through the newspapers and other publica tions. The Gaston la otuce serves the Counties of Gaston, Cleveland and Lincoln. During 1949 regular monthly visits were made in each of these Counties to serve real- , dents <00 far away to visit the field office. The Gastonia office offers the following services: (1) assists workers and their Xamili es in claiming old-age and sur vivors Insurance benefits; (2) furnishes social security cards; 1 (S) assists persons in checking their social security wage rec-j ords; (4) furnishes Information] to the public concerning the so- 1 elal aeci^hy prc?r^r ~~~~ ~ The old-age and srurv Ivors In sunance program began January 1, 1937. The plan is a method by which, wage earners and their em ploy era contribute to make ad vance provision for {Maintaining at least a part of the family's in come lost by termination of -work in old age or because of death of the wage earner at any age. The partial replacement of in come -loss is in proportion to the wages recorded in the worker's social security acoount and the contributions he has paid into the fund. ?'* The Gastonla offioe is located in the Post Office building. Offi ce hours are from 9 a. nj. 'The Straw berry Spider Mite." 336 (E) "The Strawberry Rootworm," 336 (F), "Land Preparation and Fertiliza tion for Strawberries," 336 (G) "Scorch and Leaf Spot of Straw berries." Full-color protographs are used on the cover of each bulletin to facilitate Identification of insects and diseases. Concise treatment of the subject mater makes the bulletin ideal for rcferece use. Fersonsdeairing copies should should see their local county a gent or write the Agricultural Ed itor, State College, Raleigh, speci fying the number and title of each circular desired. North Carolina's 4:H Club en rollment In 1949 totaled neatly 123,000 boys and girls. s Canned Meats CORNED Beef Hash ICO*. Can 33c VIENNA Sausage 4& 17c Corned Beef 12 Os. Can 49c '.^c ???' ; .1. ? - - . ... . - ? ? Freeh, T-nder CARROTS? 2 bunches 15c Florida Large Size GRAPEFRUIT- for 27c .V* 'i'; '"V ?' 1 ' > ' " ? - - '? " ' Juicy Florida, Mesh Bag ORANGES? 5 lbs 43c ?? * ?? Jfellow ONIONS? 2 lbs. ..................... 9c U. S. Jto. 1 White POTATOES? 10 lbs. ..... ... 35c Firm Slicing TOMATOES-lb.cta. 17c New 'Red Bliss POTATOES-SUM. 29c LoChoy Chinese Style Foods Bean Sprouts 2 SJ 29c Chop Suoy . . . Meatless .... ? *&>' 35c Brown Gravy Sauca . Mr 15c Chow Main Noodles ? 18c Chinese Dinners 53c MnrshmoHows ***** ltSt 17c Crackef Jacks 4c Hamburner. Swifts . 'Sf 41c i#-o?. _ t-. Kg. *wirr meats for iaiid ?un.,B,9c DgB, 27c Outstanding Values Everyday! DOLLY MADISON SLICED FREESTONE . i Peaches - - - - 3 29c JUDGE RITE GOLDEN Corn ------ COLDSTREAM PINK Salmon BOLES Pineapple Chunks - c??a OOLDEN MAID WHITE ' . * - ' ? i Margarine - - - ? 20c PACKERS LABEL STANDARD Tomatoes - - - - - - 'am 11c 25c 37c No. 1 Tall Can MILD AMERICAN Cheese 4JC Apple Sauce - - 2 cSm 25c PACKERS LABEL ? STANDARD PACK Green Beans - - - % SUNNYFIELD SELT-RISINQ Flour - - - - - - - A&P S PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING ?? 21c 10-Lb. Bag 75c dexo ? - - - ? - - - u*. Can MILD & MELLOW ' COFFEE 8 O'CLOCK 37c bm SI .95 RICH & FULL BODIED RED CIRCLE l-Lb. Bag /UC Bag 0. VIGOROUS & WINEY BOKAR l-Lb. -/-J _ 3-Lb. lM| / IX. Bag 70c ij2.04 $2.10 Home*tyle or Sandwich MARVEL BREAD $Br 18c Jane Parker Spanish Bar Coke 29c Marvel Brawn 'n Serve Rolls "t- 15c m. 'f-s r.y ? >4 4 t . o ? CAMAY SOAP Bath Bar 1 to FLAKES , LAVA SOAP Hi LUX TOIL** SOAP Bath Bar Itc umuoy SOAP . Bath Bai l to PALMOL4VI Bath Bar lto LUX FLAKES n ??:'?" ? sural SUDS ? tSe ^SJc CASHMERE BOUQUR SOAP ?v\ ; SNOWDRIFT I StkcanTTc WESSON OH. m ?? S3c SOAP 2