Population City Limits (1940 Cmwu) 6.574. Immediate Trading Aiea 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) Established 1889 1 A Pages 14 Today PRICE FIVE CENTS ? Local News Bulletins . FjjIOLY OAT Sunday will be Family t>ay at. the First Baptist church. In , .cooperation with the the^e .JSP,;, the month o f March, all mettl' jj toers are being urged to bring the family to Sunday school and church on Sunday. , LEGION SQUARE DANCE Regular Friday night square dance sponsored by Otis D. Green Poet 155, American Le gion, will begin at the Legion building at ? o'clock, con tin ?uing until midnight. The dan ce is open to the public. . KIWAN13 MEETING Rev. J. C. Cornette, of oolnton, was to address mem ber# of the Kings Mountain Kl wanls club ^fttipfular tog Thursday night The {%, gram was arranged by L. EL' . .V^STOEY HOUR ? Regular Friday afternoon story hour will begin at Jacob 6. Mauney Library at 4 o'clock. Mrs. P. D. Patrick will serve a* story -teller, with Mrs. t{ G. Oarracott as hostess. The story this week Witt be for all child ren. - " '".'/r"';" ? ""*?> BUILDING PERMITS Building permits were issued this week to J.- Earl Seism, on Tuesday, for construction of a new tour-room dwelling on East Gold sheet, $2,000, and to E. S. Medlin, on Monday, for construction of a new three room dwelling on Canaler street. *1*00. , LEGION SUTTER Bill uf fare for the regular Saturday night supper of Otis D. Green Post 195, American Legion, will he "hamburgers and 'taters," according to an* nouncement by David Delevie, peat adjutant. The supper will he served at the LegJOn build ' FILM AT AW CHtJftCH Hie conversion of St. Paul wW he *hown at Boyce Memo rial ARP church at 7:30 Saba bth night. This film shows the per mutton of the followers of Christ by Saul of Tarsus In his determination to stamp out the ?movement, .This Is a "faithful. . account of his cdnverskm .as. given In Acts 9." The public Is cordially invited. BUILDING BEGUN The congregation of Pint Baptist church voted Sunday to accept recommendations of the church building committee fea the three-story addition to the educational building, and Clyde T. Bennett, general con tractor, was already at work on the project Thursday. ON BONOS ROLL Sue Seism, of Kings Moun tain, was among the 88 Gard ner-Webb college students who ; '-jOfBd e the scholastic honor roll tor (he first six weeks of ths current semester, according to announcement from Mrs. Doro thy Hamriek, registrar. LODGE MEETING Falrview Lodge, 339, A. F. & A. M., will hold an emergent communication at the Masonic Hall Saturday night at 7:30 for work In the third degree, It was announced by Paul Walker. All Master Masons are Invited to DIVISION MEETING Representatives from all clubs of Ki wants Division I are pi expected to attend a meeting of the Kings Mountain Ktwants olub next Thursday night, Mar ch 30. Also expected to atiend are district officials Or in Crowe and Hubert Hennlg, according to announcement in the "Sin awlk", cluto bulletin, More Activity Being Noted For County Posts As was anticipated, local level poltlcs began to move at a faster pace this week, following the close last Saturday noon of fil ing time for district and state of fices. Though filing deadline for, candidates who seek county and township offices does not fall un til April IS, there was an evident quickening of the pace during the past week, with several tangible evidences. They included: CI) Announcement Wednesday by Incumbent County Commis sioner Zeb V. Cline, A. C. Brack* ett and Henry W. McKinney that they would seek re-election. ?2) Annuoncement here by Ol* lie Harris that tie would week re election as county coroner. (3) Expressed Interest by sev eral local citizens that they would seek nomination and elec tion as Number 4 Township con stable. (4) Announcement by A. 'Mi barker, route 1, Casar, that he will seek nomination for the county school board. (5) Announcement by R/ fcl" Plonk, veteran Kings Mountain members, that he will not seek re-nomlnatlon to the county school board. (tfhder the school board set-up, the state legislature appoints members of the county school board. With a large Democratic majority in all "General Assem blys of recent vintage, it has been practice to appoint Democratic nominees. Announcement of candidacy by the Incumbent commissioners and by Mr. Harris had been antic ipated, as was the announcement toy Mr. Plonk that he would not ?fer again. Mr. Plonk had indi cated to friends and to county school officials several months ago that he would not seek re nomination. Since Mr. Plonk was the only the^e^'lt **** bowii wl*? W?* 1,1 j^whettser some osodtda te fronf BP** section would announce. Considered as a possible school board candidate was Whitney Well* of the Dixon community. Other possibilities of Candida (Cont'd on page eight) Band Campaign | Work Underway I A solicitation organization tor the Band Fund campaign was set Mf *** ***** Work this week, though Dr. Paul E. Hendricks, chairman sakl he -as yet had no thlTdrive m ?a th* of The steering committee for the fund campaign, augmented toy a large number of Band -Parent as social Ion members and interested dtizeiw, includes W. K. iSun^ Jr., Industrial, Mrs. Hunter Neis tor- uptown business, Mr?. Hal D. Ward and Mrs. W. G. Gran them, outlying tousktess, and John h. McCill. civic clubs of the fund drive is $1,800. (The figure was inadvertently gi the Herald last week at &500.) The money is used for the pur chase of uniforms, equipment, fcU*^Jlndw far north oC Ae Mason-Dixon Hue that 1 never nw ? stalk of cotton." That WM the mbws ? Paul Bid Clx and hoy Costner ? ?were eSoomed into the club by Bill Fulton, membership chairman. The club voted to present the "minstrel" show again at a date end place to be announced. Dr. lldllw Moves HU Local Office J $18,000 City Bond Issue Sells At Record