? .i .1 I I Population City Limit* (1940 Census) 6.574. Immediate Trading Area 15400 (1945 Ration Board Figures) 14 Pages Today VOL. 61 NO. 17 Sixty-First Year Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday. April 2C. 1950 Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News Bulletins STOBY HOUB Regular Friday afternoon story hour will begin at Jacob Mauney Library at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Luther Oansler will serve as story toller, with Mrs. E. T. Plott as hostess. The story this week will be for children from the first - through the fourth grades. BUILDING PERMITS Building permit was issued to First Baptist church last Fri day for construction of a three story brick add*' on to the edu cational plant. Oost of tiie pro* iject was estimated at $30,000 , and the fee collected 'by the city was five dollars. TO 8UZLD HOUSE Construction is scheduled to oegin soon on a summer house a* Bon darken, ARP church as sembly grounds, which is being built by Boyce Memorial ARP church. Decision to build the house was made oh April 16. - to attend Convention Dr. Nathan Reed, Kings Moun tain optometrist, will attend the annual convention of the North Carolina Optometrlc so ciety to be held at Asheville .from Sunday through Tuesday.. Dr. Reed said his office would be closed on Monday and Tues day at next week, while he Is An Asheville, AT MMSMACY MEETING C. D. Blanton, of Kings Moun tain Drug Company, end Wil son .Griffin, of Griffin Drug ? Company, attended the annual. couvedHlii^w - tb t ? North Caro lina Pharmaceutical associa tion held at Asheville this week. Mjr ? Blanttal ??!?-?*?. <5 ' 'jr ????' i - . - 1; *uct director Miss Nancy Dickey, daughter of Mrs. Paul Beam of Kings Mountain, -is director of a play "They Call It Nowhere," recent ly presented at Aycock auditor ium in Raleigh by students of Wormfw'a College, University ot North Carolina. SERIOUSLY ILL - The condition of Grady Wat terson, Well-known Kings Mountain citizen, who has been seriously 111 for the paat two weeks with a heart ailment, was described as unchanged Thursday afternoon. WINS PHOTO PRIZE Tim Hord, of Kings Mountain, owner of Hord Studio, Shelby, ?was named winner of the best all around portrait of any sub ject award and winner of the Brewer award for the best por trait of a child under six years of age at the North s Carolina Photographers convention last weekend at Winston-Salem af ter the annual exhibit. SYMPHONY CONCERTS Schedule of the North Caro lina Symphony, dkected by Dr. Benjamin Sw&Hn, calls for con certs in Gastoitia on May 4 and in Shelby on May $0, it was an nounced this week "by Mrs. Paul Mauney, oh air man of the Kings. Mountain Symphony Society. Mm. Mauney reminded Kings Mountain membem that their ? membership tickets are good for admission at these concerts, ap well as others in the Mate. Bites Conducted For SL E. White Funeral services for Henry E. White, 75, of route one. Kings Mtoimabi, who died of a heart ataek Sunday around 8:30 p. m. at us home, were held at Trini ty Baptist church between Boil ing Springs and CllfMde Tue* day afternoon at 2 o'clock. - Rev. ft. O. Gore and Rev. C. <6. Crowe assisted the Trinity pastor Burial was in the Mr. White was a farmer and had been in ^-saith ' for two months. He Was M native of Cle veland county and Was the son at the fate Richard end LavinU Dobbins White. Survivors include Ma former Miss Lsla * Hal Ward To Manage Smith Campaign ^ SMITH MANAGER ? Hal D. Ward tb? city's mayor pro tempore cowl well-known business man. Will manage the Smith- for -Senate campaign in Number 4 Township, according to announcement this week from Smith campaign head lions Honored Ladies Tuesday Fun and frolic was the keynote Tuesday night at the Woman's Club, as the Kings' Mountain Ldons club held its twelfth an nual Ladies' Night banquet. There was seldom a dull ? or quiet ? moment during the three-hour banquet gathering at which the Lions honored their ladies; in a program featured by A side-splitting, humorous ad dress hy H. F. Seaweli, of Car thage, special entertainment. oL several kinds, plus. the. feature unique to Lions clubs called "tai^-twisting.,, Mr, Seaweli, a Carthage lawyer, drew from a full stock of anec dotes and humorous stories in de veloping an address on "Four Things I'm Not Going to Talk A bout" He then proceeded to make fun of (1) the Scott "Go Forward" program, (2) speeches on "World Federation and Ever lasting Peace," (3) "Socialism," and (4) "The Potentialities of A tomic Energy." Talk about them, he did, however, as he laughted ?t four subjects 'I'm sure all you Lions and all other civic club members have been too steadily dieted on." The Speaker closed with his only serious note. He reminded his Ue*ener>7 that aH persons are Mhuihan beings," and he pointed oat the teason people don't like their neighbors is because they don't know them. "It's hard to diSHke someone you know." he concluded, and he suggested that people reserve judgment on 4>ersons until they did know them, quoting passages of the Bttb'e to support his state meats. , The "tail -twisting " was handl ed in deluxe style by John Ed Davis, tail -twister of the Shelby Lions club, who was presented as Mini Susie Brown, and Hal Ward. "Miss Brown" was dressed in (Cont'd on page eight) ' - Mayor Pro Tem Is To Direct Work For Votes Hal D. Ward, well-known Klng^ Mountain businessman and member of the city board of com mission era, will manage the Smith -for-Sena tor campaign in Number 4 Township, according to announcement Wednesday by Willis Smith campaign head quarters. As manager here, Mr. Ward will superintend the Smith drive lor votes in this township, In close cooperation with the Cleveland oounty Smith organization, which is headed by Carlos Young of Shelby. Willis Smith, Raleigh lawyer end -iormer president of the A merlcan Bar association, is a niong three candidates for the SSSI Broughton. He opposes Incum Frank P. Graham and form er Senator Robert R. Reynolds. Mr. Ward, proprietor of Ward's Seed .*?d Peed Store, is a former menber of the North Carolina Highway patrol. He was elected *_city commissioner last May and ? the city's mayor pro tempore. "I ?e?l that Willis Smith is the kind of a man the people of Nor th Carolina want to represent them in the United States Sen ate, .'Mr. Ward said, commenting on the campaign. "He has a good recoid as a member of the North Carolina General Assembly and is one of the state's outstanding ??&S\t.Kinw Mou? ?ld WD! accord Mr. Smith a heavy majority." ? Patton To Speak ' At laycee Fete The Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will he 13 ita annual Ladies Night banquet at the Kings Mountain Country Club on Tuesday night at 7:30. Robert L. Patton, well ? known humorist and a superintendent of Burke County schools, will make the featured address of the ev ?ttjng. Mr. Patton has many times addressed Kings Mountain audi ences and is in constant demand as a speaker. He last spoke in Kings Mountain some three years ago when he was the featured speaker at the Annual Merchants Association banquet. of the program wiW include Installation of the organization's officers for 1950-51. Syd Sheppard, of Charlotte, Jay oee national director, win con duct the installation.. Announcement concerning the program was made by Charles P. Thomtaason, chairman of the committee on arrangements. Oth lr*hid? J. T^McGlnnis, Martin Harmon, Drace Peeler and Bill Lindsay 1950 Population MMfgnt 7,000, CrewLeadex Says Indications were this week that Kings Mountain's population growth during the past 10 year* will not prove out a? much qp some optiirists had thought. *1 Dorus Blalock, No. 4 Township crew leader, expressed k this way: 'ft begins to look like it might push Kings Mountain to reach 7,000." He reported that lour of the fix censos-tsts^i working within the City of Kings Mountain had completed their work and that only two, Mrs. Virginia Harris and Mmc Grady McCartn-, were yet to make final reports. The )eb should be done in King. Mountain within *eW* few e^*e, he added. LB of April 2>, th? Job < taki the eeaeus in rh# 1m? , college last Friday night. Her reading, with which she won the annual Fulton Reading Medal here on March 24th, was 'The Show Must Go On and On." Mias Cash became the 18th Kings Mountain student to win the annual county-wide award; in the past 23 years. Jean Lynch won the medal In 1949. Key Club Group Off To ComronHon JtfS Hedden, faculty adviser and Kiwanlan, left for Columbus, Ohio. Thursday rooming, where Will attend the bMernatJon Clubs. WINS HOST MEDAL ? Harold England, wn of Mr. and Mrs. W. f. England, Is 111* 1950 winner of tha Rooy Declamation modaL gi ven annually by Senator Clyde It Boor to the Cleveland County high school boy adjudged the boat dsda tam in tto annnol Bib Praised Member! of the Kings Moun tain citizen's committee for the teaching of Bfbfe in the public schools met at Central school at a luncheon meeting on Monday, heard a report on the past year's work by Miss Laura Bell, Bible teaches, unanimously commend ed the report and went on record for continuance of the program. Dlscusskfh on continuance of the program followed announce ment that Miss Bell, who has con ducted Bible courses at Bast, Cen tral, West, and Hark Grace ele mentary schools, and at Central tvigh school during the past two yMMy tUd tendered her reslgna- 1 Ctodn effective at the end of the present Ochool term. committee, representing al matt all Churches and cMc or ganlrations, which provide fl nancial SOpport for the program, discussed possibility of filling the forthcoming vacancy with a view toward making recommendations tn the near future In tier report. Miss Bell said that 300 elementary students are currently enrolled for courses in Bible, While 47 high school stu dents are currCtnly enrolled 'for the course. The courses are offered as elec tees aad include instruction In Bible history and literature. Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of rust Presbyterian, church, Is chairman <4 the com nut Mo*, and B. a Nettl aerves as OBSaaurar. Registration Books To Open Saturday For May 27 Primary Franklin Greet Dies Following Accident Monday Franklin Clay Greer, 20, of route 3, Kings Mountain, was al most instantly killed near the gate to Elmer Lumber Co. and J. E. Herndon Co., Monday morning around 9:30 o'clock when a 6,000 pound hydraulic cotton lift fell from a -truck, and crushed his head. Cleveland County Coroner J. Ollie Harris, of Kings Mountain, ruled the death accidental and said that no inquest was neces sary. Harris said that the dead man was seated on the lift hold ing the brakes on the machine when the slowly moving truck went up a slight Incline and tilt- 1 ed, throwing the lift off the bed of the vehicle. Gi-eer, Jumped, witnesses said, but fell' Into the path o( the ma- ; chine. His head w as crushed by' the weight of the lift and he died enroute to Shelby hospital. He was employed at J. E. Hern don Co., Kings Mountain cotton merchant. Coroner Harris said ! that the lift had been placed on ' the truck to be taken from the* firm's warehouse to a garage for repair. The truck was being op erated by Willie Smith. A native of Grant, Virginia, Greer had been employed for sev eral years by Mr. Herndon nad before his mariage to the former Miss Geraldlne Kinley, of Kings Mountain, had made his home here withr an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carroll. He was a member of First Wesleyan Me thodist church and was a former member of the U. S. air force. Survivocs include his wife, one son, F. C., Jr., age five months, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Greer, of Grant, Va., and four j brothers, Isaac, Bryant, Marvin and G. K. Greer, all of Grant: Va. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at First Wesleyan Methodist church, oonduoted by Rev. J. W. Phillips and Rev. Yancey Carter. The body was taken (b Bartons Crossroad Baptist church near Grant, Va., for burial. Cancer Fond Nears $500 The Kings Mountain financial campaign for funds to fight can cer n eared the $500 mark this week, and Mrs. J. H. Arthur, drive chairman, expressed confidence that the Kings Mountain quota would be reached. She asked that campaign work ers make their reports as quick ly as possible, In order that a fi nal check-up may be made. "Kings Mountain citizens have been most liberal in their support of this campaign," Mrs. Arthur said. The funds a#e used for re search to determine means to fight the dftaj disease Conducting of the drive is an annual project of the Kings Mountain Woman's Club. WINS CONTEST? Harvey Bum gardner, ton of Mr. and Mis. Ha ul B. Bumgardner, recently won I Individual honors lor poultry Judging In the Southern Colle giate contosti held at Memphis. ; Tenn. He was a member of the I N. C. State tecfim which copped the team contest. Bumgardnei Wins Contest ' ? t ? .* - j * Harvey Bumgardner, student at N. C. State college and son of Mr. and Mrs. Hazel B. Bumgard ner, of Kings Mountain, was high individual scorer at the Southern Collegiate Poultry Judging con test held recently at Memphis, j Tenn. Mr. Bumgardner scored 1,289 | out of a -possible 1,500 points. He placed first In judging in the ex hibition division, second in the production division, and first In breed selection, as fhe State team scored h'igh to defeat teams repre sentlng eight other land-grant colleges. Mr. Bumgardner is a Dean's List student at State, and he is secretary - treasurer of the school's Poultry Science club. Mullinax Rites Friday At 4 P. M. Funeral services for Noah Thomas Mullinax, 64, of 25 Elm street, who . died Wednesday morning around 9 o'clock of a heart attack, will be held Friday at 4 p. m. at the home. ? , , Elder E. H. Simpson, pastor of Corinth Primitive Baptist church, of Which he was a member, will Officiate and burial will be at El Bethel Methodist church ceme tery. A native of South Carolina, he was the son of the late Joe and Martha Peterson Mullinax. He was formerly employed by M?u ney Mill. He Is survived by his wife, the former Miss Florence Davis, three daughter, Mrs. Edley Eldridge, Mrs. Alex Eubank* and Mrs. Cor bie Henson, all of Belmoivt, one brother, Will Mullinax, and one rfister, Mrs. Bessie Philips, both of Kings Mountain. Ernest and Miles Mauney, duo- - ^l!tli8UK3W| pianists, presented a Concert f> The twin* were enthurtaetlcal- W I y acclaimed In their first '.ro jfl fea>ional appearance here. strated the flawless technique 1 ' j and sensitive musicianship of MfH the young Kings Mountain ar- HI My tists, opened with the bright and II |. r interesting "Concerto in C Minor" I if 1. S. Bach. That their playing a : V was relaxed and effort lens was ^Bp seen In this classical number Hon of phrasing and expression. mer Night's Dream" by Mendel* ssohn was a masterpiece of dell- I o?cy with dynamims ranging | ? from pianissimo to fortissimo. ? ?*_?#. It would be difficult to ?el^t f .T?. I-|,, one selection as the most bril- ?2S?.? -My, ?V llant but the "Suite No. 2 Op, IT ? wseya ssnas oiipec by Rachmaninoff inlfrnt fir this . . ? ? cLnin!^^ description. The Russian com- :r~~7'tr" 7^7*^*' ifi'mij^ni poser's suite in divided Into four _.TL* ,, T?! .? .- in thT^rn movements: March, Walft, Ro 5lz frf* .,..*7^, mance, and Tarantella. The Mar- ^ - _J eh is la u-adlttonal form with ON DEAN'S JUST a heavy opening, trio, and quiet E G. Plonk, Jr., son of Mr. ending dtacriptive of the proces- and Mrs. Grier Plonk of King* rton in the distance. The watt* Is Mountain, made the dean's list gay with modern harmonlMtlon. tor the second semester at the The beautifully melodious Ro- University of North Carolina. Books "Clean" In Beth- Ware, Local Boxes _Kof3tratlon for the May ,>Ti,nar>' w''ll open for the first time on Saturday at the various precinct iK>llinK pla t-CT. Busings for the registrars is ^ to ^ brisk in Klngs Mountain and at the new Beth . f,1!0 Precinct, where new regis trations have been ordered by the county elections board h It was pointed out by elections ?52S& as T" as b>' lhe several ndidates, that no citizen. ef is currently reg istered and that, unless registra Mon Is accomplished during die the< books arc ?Pen- the fnftri?^0' ? ?*? The new registration was order V0asons' acxwding. to Elections Board. ?ha*?nan C ? . Hendrix, (1) to "ciekn" the books JS^Sid ' % f 1 tK> votin? P?" cess*, and (2) because of creation ? Beth-Ware precinct, which w^Tih1J> Jflpal,y trom th? 2L? 8 Mo"ntain precinct. Registrars will be at the poll MouMata area^irc." K,n ?* East Kings Mountain Citv Hall ST' Mr? ??:S?a2 rv,^681, K,nS? Mountain, Victory ? zsssiJSssr- ?s? mar Herndon, registrar. ],vin{? ln the new Berti ed btSr are ^nfi remind ed by election* officials to note 2XmT r'i.'"8 BounSar low Beth Ware precinct fol BEGINNING wjth United Statea Highway No. 74 at the Bridge over Buffalo Creek ; then<* Fork* X*?"* Vreek to Muddy up Mudd> Fork to Earn rr? mrn PPok; ' ^nce e2 wi,i?V?atS ,hence u/? i Kings Mountain and th^L^??d uto Ebenezer School; thence South to Putnam's Store thence South to R. F. Klam's Rock House; thence Southeast to O A Ruin FPk'?T; ?"** sShiS to ' to Si ?i Vhenc? Southwest ver mJh 88 fountain and Gro ver Highway; thence with this ?fy uSouthwe? to Long thence West with Ix>ng wk? B^^a^n s creek. af>d C'Sk aT?h to Buffalo 52'^ up Buffalo SSf?~?H,ghw "? ?* *>? West Students Win Contests Anita McGlnnU, seventh grade fflfin !!!*' * school, is the of the Bak<'r ?*ad i?xth Ji and Jerry McCarter, sixth grade student at West NelS' 1950 wl??? of -the Nsisler Declamation medal, rne students were declared winners following holding of the annual contests at West tx?hooi auditorium Wednesday after MrASMMinniJ daughter of ~arf -nL ^ PaUJ McGinn!*, ? at Came Back", an5 McCarter, son of Mr. and JS?"** McCarter gave the de clamation Jefferson Davis." kJrtZf?nteaUnU {or ,he Ba tter medal were Peggy Fisher East school eighth grade who firaJe' J?""" ^f1"01 TCvcn'h E! ?E* 10 reafl J hc Home TaJ ent Reherasal." 1-555^ ??ntestants for ,he Nels i?r medal and their declamations were David Baity, East school flf ^?ra^- "We. Too, Were There." and Kenneth Roberts, Central *rade. "Here's To Judges for the contest were J - ' Mlss Lu,a Mae Teague an-m. S Lawrence Patrick. The Baker medal is given toy tH'.L . Baker, veteran .member nLi-i^ y hearu. and the p 1? ?^,medal Ls *iv?n by Mrs. C. - K. Neisler., ' Power To Be Of i i Sunday Afternoon 1 Cltlsnu who live on the west rtdee* Kings Mountain wlU be ^ wMltoat electrical aervlce en Sunday afternoon from 2 in ???"it announced v thAeweek by tho city electrical doportment ^TUjje-o., Is in ?*M?kf Tinclrt. CT*Wi" C<,n