1L Y. Belk : ? rriT" -r-f 1 Tin AND HIS NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY A. . 2 i. H. Beddlx from the Navy is on shore leave, visiting his mother and sister Eastend. t George Belk and wife from High Shoals and Hail Belk from church street visited your report er Sunday. How long will hte war last is a question being asked on the streets. So long as they can find Devils to run it ? is my answer. ! What you say Joe? I hope it . snows the Russians under this winter. ?, | To ^rage a strike in times likes thees is Uttle short of treason. Looks like Harry could switch IX off. Man Is born free but he gets a way from in as fast as his legs will move him. About the only > freedom you get is work, pay tax ei and keep your mouth shut. ( In the horse and buggy days scoffed at by so many, we taught our children 1t was wrong to stunt their bodies by the use of cigarettes, snuff or tobacco in any form. Children were taught to go to church and Sunday ? school. Now they go fishing on * Sunday Had a very nice letter today from my good fried Sgt. Wray Stewart somewhere in- the Far East. He says he's glad he has always been able to get the Her ald anywhere he's been yet. He says if Uncle Sam keeps send ? Ing him to new places hi* will likely make an air field on the moon. He is now on a little island north of Japan. The way it is torn up war has been here before. The people are black what few we have found, Wray says, and It is very hot like Alaska ? snow ing all the time. " ... I never have any respect lor any of. thosehigh ? browed low scheming citizens who sneak a round and pUe up all.klnws of goods while tlw war is on. Hoard ing war material, cement, nails, lime. These dirty rascals are at it again, offering cement at $2.00 per sack and .son on. We got plen ty of Joes all about us ? worse than Stalin. Not all hoarding su gar. They may get by for a while but when the Government gets them ? 20 years In the pen may ?eem a long time just for oval ing your Uncle Sam. We commence to wonder once In a while if tt does any good to help thos? I warring nations who scorn the hand that does does the helping after they get all they can from your Uncle Sam? They don't give a hell damn. If that ain't plain English DR. NATHAN H. REED * Optometrist Professional Bldg. ? Over Home Building & Loan Eyes Examined Visual Care" Glasses Fitted Hours ? 9 to 5 p. m. daily Wednesday and RvontngSby^AppoIritnient Phone 492 Kings Mountain, N. C, CllEKUWINE Is f.ir vou . tor the kiddies! OriKt l.itl tlayor ... full of /.ip . . thrilling to your taste! Next time and every time, go . for a frosty buttle of tasty, rner *l/.ln* CHKERWlNK! C.heerivine in in tune with the 1 inert rait tunic! DRINK Keep a supply at home. Buy a ti- Hot lie carton or a case today! rs ON ALL OCCASIONS & i vi Mr " ? h. rf Ht mm 'TMfiwrS ip 'dffl EsMKAif*. .AL- Y\? mmm tell me what to say f you can. I I care not if you 2 re a Republican ; or a Demdamnorat, if you are stealing from the nation those things that is needed for the war, you should be in RUssia whore you can't steal. Weberter said to filch is to steal. Better quit filching from Uncle Sam and fly Straight, Evil results from ' too close association with the Devil. I heard a preacher say one time ? evil corrupts good morals. I say so too. Let me say furthermore, if you take off in your car and drive like the Devil you may soon be with him. Don't get mad at me for being plain and telling the truth. I was not talking about you We J wouldn't do nothing like that but some do. It's been proved many times. The American way of life is the only sound and sensible way ?Let's fightfof It. ?The tragedy of tragedies is that America has become a soft spintess, selfish money mad, pleasure ? loving people. The average person Is no longer in terested in maintaining the prin ciples that have made America the greatest nation on the face of the earth or any where else. I don't object to the President staying in bed as late as he Rlea- 1 ses. Lots of 'em officice holders could do it and savethe country money. You see too many Byrds in Washington. We sleep late when we feel iike it. I heard they were going to tax a man if they found him sleeping over a hours and a woman over six. Six hours is plenty of sleep for any woman. About all the freedom a man gets worth mentioning is when he's sleeping orf ishing. One thing we should like a bout trouble is it teaches you how many friends you got. Joe Stalin boasts there are 7, 700 newspapers in Russia. We wouldn't give the Herald for all ' of them. ? Lying and deception are a ba sic part of the Communistic creed. They will wish they had never met a Yank before their _f[ght is over. Look out Joe: May Cod nave sftthe inercy otf those of us in this nation who are too selfish, too cowardly, too indifferent and too blind to take an intelligent interest in the issues of these fearful days we face ? the flood gates of Commu nism ? Socialism with Russia. Our Republic was built upon the rock-ribbed foundation of truth. Justice and Liberty. Our forefathers were men of faith, courage and conviction. Were of | SMALL IN SIZE ft\G in H(4f . I i, SEMI-RADIANT and CIRCULATING Domestic Furnace Let a* ?how you thi? compact Kretky Oil Burning iptcc heater that* i big enough in capacity to heat a house - ye', caice* *o little (pace (only 21" wide, 19" deep. 38" high). Can be connected to fireplace or any flue. Easily light ad aod regulated. Quick, clean, dependable, aod ratremely eco nomical . ) m Thermostat Control Automatic Heat Cheshire & Patterson PATTERSON OIL CO. City St Phone 22 FOR RESULTS FEED Pinnacle Laying Mash We also manufacture: THESE PINNACLE FEEDS: ? Starting Mash ? Hi-Energy Broiler Mash ? 167. Dairy Feed ? Pig Starter & Grower ? Big Hog Feed ? Mix Feed Your needs with regard to custom mixing will have our most careful attention. # We can furnish most any protein concentrate such as Fish Meal and Meat Meal. Ask Your Dealer Ware Sons KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. v OR I E NT YOl cm l(Tf (a* Axarlnx oat Tmmr mrmmmm* Iraa ikt Orl?>t kr aa? of tkla plraaaat llitl* lettrr aaaalr. II tka untfi at k?tta la roar (m aamr la 5 ar l?u. aablrarl Iraai T. If awn tkaa 8 IHtara la roar ant .aaaaa, aablrart froaa IS. Haw tako tkla rtaalt ami Hod r?av kf; ItHtf la tka waH ORIENT at tkc tat of tkla punlr. Tkra, atartlaai at tka apprr left rorarr. 'k'fk rack nar af ynar large ktr lattria aa It aptfan froaa left ?a rtakt. Brian Ikr key Irttrra la a (*<? araaagr far yaa. By 4-H, Home Demonstration Clubs A United Nations Flag in ev ery community is the goal of a new state-wide project to be star ted soon by North Carolina's, thousands of home demonstra tion club members and 4-H club girls. This announcement is made by . Miss Ruth Current, State home' demonstration agent for- the State College Extension Service,! following he return from a con- I ference in Washington. Extension agents from throughout the coun j try have been asked to lead in' developing the program. Club women and girls will do the work free for interested groups and organizations that a- { gree to provide the material. ? The flaps- are true-Wite fii or, With white figures. They are 1 to be three by five feet In size. The material for one flag costs approximately $3. Poles for flying the flags will be provided by 4-H Club 'boys un sterling character who counted it a privilege to suffer want, to en- ' dure to the end in order that 1 they could leave for us our price less government in a Constitu- J Republic. That w? could live the Great American Way of Life and , not be molested by other powers and Isms. If America succumbs to tototaliarism. Communism, So cialism or some other alien ideology. It won't be enemy bombefs or subversive propagan das ? then who will be respon sible? The responsibility will rest on you and me and our next door neighbors who have been too busy or too indifferent to take an active interest in public af fairs. Those whose opinions are j based upon ignorance. Wash ington, D. C.. ha.-? been the Na tions Capitol for 138 years. Ie has only been invaded once ? by the Brltsh troops during the War of 1812. We trust never again by a foreign enemy. Old Hitler af firmed he would eat dinner in | the Presidential Kitchen. Christ mas day 1945. Joe could be pack ing up to spend Christmas in the j Capitol. Is Joe married? I heard he got married to Hitler's sister. They say Mrs. Stalin does Joe's fighting. I guess Uncle Harry sees whata mess Dear Uncle Joe got us into again. It won't do to. mess up and get too thinck with your neighbors if they do live a cross the stream: We tickled Old Joe's taste when we sent him a head into Berlin and he. with out gun.i. bombs and stuff made Mr. Adolph simmy. Now we must fight Russia while they fight us hack with the war materials we loaned them to whip Germany. Did our folks act the fool? I guess they known by now Harry, j bBrother. Sister, when patriotism ' can be bought for a price the j hope of human freedom has gone j with the wind ? fled. We claim to be riding on the ' Salvation Train, but many of us are riding in the sleeper. A quick way to lose friends la to announce you are out of mo j ney. So many people today are like i hogs under a tree eating acorns, neverd looking up to see where our blessings come from. By all account^ the Truman' Administration is getting ready to fight it out if it takes all sum Getting rid of bad habits ? like ! lequor and tobacco ? we keep put i ,tlng it off until tomorrow. WALL TILE ? Pittsburgh Interlock ? Wilton Lookback Mo lost than 28 color* to chooao froml NOVEUTE Venetian Blind Co* York Bd. .. ?4K v. ? der the supervision of farm a gents. Along with the flag -making, home demonstrations and 4-H groups will conduct an educa tional campaign concerning the I purposes, organizations, and functioning of the United Na tions. This will be a phase of the home demonstration citizeznship program. An effort will be made to have a flag available in every commu nity for flying on United Nations Day, October 24. In many cases flags will be made and presented to city and county officials for lbcal use. \ The Extension Service was ask ed to lead the program with all because it has agenu iaj every county experienced in spreading and demonstrating ?better farming, homemaking, -j clothing, and other information. The agents are educational work ers employed jointly by the coun ty, the State College Extension Service and the U. S. Department Take Samples Now For Small Grains Farmers planting small grain this /all are urged to take a soil sample immediately from each field where small grain is to be seeded, according to Dr. F. J. Bell, seed and small grain specialist for the State College Extension Service. The soil itself should help planters decide the grade of fertilizer and rate of application to be used, he added. Dr. Bell suggests that samples ? of soil be sent to the Soil Testing 1 Division, North Carolina Depart- 1 ment of Agriculture, Raleigh, j which will analyze the soil and make recommendations for lim- j ing and fertilizing. At present, recommendations are being mail ed out one week after the sam ples are received in the la bora] tory. To receive maximum returns from money spent on fertilizer for small grain, it is essential that the fertilizer .fit the soil, says Dr. Bell, for example, soil low in potash needs a fertlizer j fairly high in this element, such as 5-10-10 or 2-12-12. A soil test will help to show what is n^eded. Proper liming of the soil is im portant at small grain seeding time, particularly because of the legumes such as lespedeza or other crops to be seeded in the small grain next spring, the State Collerje specialist points out. Les pedeza responds to lime and cannot produce its best growth on acid soils. A soil test will show how much lime is needed. No charge is made for testing soil samples for North Carolina of Agriculture. Commenting on the flag-mak-' ing effort, Federal Extension Di rector J(f. L. Wilson said: "The war in Korea is a United Nations war. The United Nations flag is flying beside our flag and the flags of other countries. It stands for a great hope ay our flag did in Betsy Ross' time. People who help make and fly United Na^ lions flags will -he doing pa ? triotic service as well as widen ing their understanding of the present march of events." Tall fescue is well adapted to alL sections of No.^h Carolina as a companion grass for Ladino cloved. iANNYRQSS TELLS YOU WHY HE SMOKES ONLY CAMELS m BEING A SINGER, I SMOKE CAMELS. THE 30 -DAY MILDNESS TESTPROVED CAMELS AGREE WITH MY THROAT! YES, CAMELS ARB SO MILD that in a coast-to-coast test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels? and only Camels ? for 30 days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported Not one single case of throat irritation due to smoking CAMELS farmera. Containers for samples, together with instructions for ta king samples, may be obtained from county agents, vocational agriculture teayhgrs, the Soil Conservation Service. JOB PRINTING ? Phones 283-167 The Hou&ing Act recently sign ed by President Truman will au thorize, during a four-year period government loans to help farm ers construct or repair existing houses and other farm buildings, according to Secretary of Agricul ture Charles F. Brannari. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST IN KINGS MOUNTAIN IN SHELBY On Each Tuesday and Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons SATURDAY Hoars 1 to 5 P. M. 8 A . M . to 5 P . M . MORRISON BUILDING Tuesday and Friday Telephone 316-J 8 A. M. to 12 Noon EVENINGS BY Royster Building , APPOINTMENT Dial 5981 FLOOR COVERINGS ? Rubber Tile & VINYL ? Inlaid Linoleum ? Plariic Tile ? Congowall ? For any room in the house Kings Mtn. Floor Covering Co. W. F. (Bill) Osborne, Special Representative V Phone 287-W A TRIBUTE TO OUR MILKMEN! Those cfeeery. white-clad men who deliver your milk every day ... do you ever consider the part that they play in your family life? Dependable as the rosy morning, at your door daily 365 times a year, eager to please you . . . does ANYONE give you more important service? Next time you see YOUR Milk man. give him a friendly slap on the back and tell him what a grand job he's doing. Hell beam with happiness and tell his boss what swell folks you are. And. incidentally, on Christmas morning, you COULD put out a nice gift forh im. You always do? Fine. We Salate The Milkmen! eJfo&Utn BAKING CO. GASTONIA. N. C. \ W?///4M ////ft/St WMMW\ ^ W-W///' \ v *xmw-S< \ WSJ/AUAMi >J^^v/////A nKK-.G^XSoopo^O cost of ownership, operation, and vpkoop ?Of for high ratal* valuo. Chovrda* truck* Advance Chevrolet' i Voivo*in-Mood onginet eon do work por gallon of gotolino eon tumtd thou any other make of thoir ca pacity. Yoo con'* boot Chevrolet for low opkoop " - - &MB& .'???? ?.v

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