MRS. P. D. HERNDON, Editor Phone 167 Junior G. A.'s Meet In Logan Home The Junior G. A.'s of the First Baptist church met Thursday af ternoon with Misses Lynda arid Judy Logan. I Mrs. D. F. Hord, Jr., leader, as- ) sisted by Judy Logan and Diane Henderson gave a program on "Out Missionaries". The meeting was closed with sentence prayers. After the program hot choco late and cookies Were served by the hostesses. KEETER'S Suns: fiabardine's Great . . . especially In V SPORT SKIRTS . ' When it comes to sport shirts, gabardine is fashion's middle name this season. \ Looking at these Wings beauties, it's easy to see why. The supple feel, the easy going smartness of gabardine show up at their best in Wings sport shirts. Carefully tailored, with all the styling details you've envied in much more expensive shirts. A cinch to wash. $195 and 195 Keeter's Job Printing # Phones 167 and 283 MYF Opposes Cheating The Senior Methodist Youth Fellowship began a campaign to lessen'ng ii? our schools by pledging last Sunday morning to refuse personally to cheat, refuse to help others cheat, and to en courage others to join in this campaign. Over twenty young people signed personal pledges to this effect. The Community Ser vice Commission of the MYF in stigated this project, realizing jthdtr cheating is dishonest and defrauding, and that the Chris tian will "study to show himself approved unto God" and accept his grades, whether he passes or fails, as his. own. A few of the class members who work also signed pledges to practice hones ty in their dealings In life, and to render full service for pay receiv ed, thus not cheating their em ployers-. Following a program led by Nan Jean Gantt, the project was introduced by Don Patterson, co chairman of Community Service, and pledge cards were distribute ed by Phillip Dye, chairman of Community Service. ' It is hoped that other young people of the community will join the Methodist youth in their stand against cheating. The Sam Dyes Note 30th Anniversary " . / - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dye celebra ted their 30 th wedding anniver sary Sunday at their home. Their children, brothers, sisters, their children and a few close friends gathered to share the happy occasion with them. At the noon hour a picnic dinner was served. MYF To Attend AA Meeting The Senior MYF plana to at tend the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting Sunday night at Centra! ; Methodist church, as a propeci' backed by the Community Serv ice Commission to learn more a bo'ut the alcohol problem. j ? - ?? ? ?c ? Youth Rally In Asheville ' : The Western N. C- Youth Rally will be held in the City Auditori um in Asheville on Saturday night, Sept. 23, at 8 o'clock. Bus es will be chartered toy the Gas tonia Sub-District, and young people planning to attend are asked to bring their fare Sunday in order to have a seat reserved. Buses will leave Saturday after noon and return Saturday night after the meeting. Harris-Collins Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Harris an nounce the marriage of their dau ghter, Nora (Mae, to Billie Dean Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Collins. The marriage took place in Gaffney, S. C., Sunday, Sep tember 10. They were accompa nied by Mr. -and Mrs. Emery Mur ray. MAM I Jodix* As featured in VOOUfi % 4 $1635 NAN TAILOR dresses you in a slim young charmer. Leather belt indents the waist ... A wealth of welt stitching decorates the bodice, smart pointed collar and flare-back cuffs. Handmade buttonhole is a feature. In Chapella* . . . a fine new quality ? , ' rayon gabardine. Sixes iiVi to 22 Yi. In Fall's newest shades. SUPERLATIVE FALL "SLIMMER" FOR HALF-SIZES! MRS. DONALD WEBSTER BLANTON Miss Helen Ramsey Married To Donald Blanton On Sunday Miss Helen Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Logan Ram sey and Donald Webster Blan ton, son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph C. Blanfon of Gastonia were marri ed Sunday morning in a candle- { light ceremony of beauty and j charm at. Saint Matthew's Lufh- _ eranchurehv 'Rev. -51. T Fisher of Kpiridalc i officiated using iiie double ring ?erc'rjio:iy. Palms, "schtfflaria, white f irw?r baskets of gisrnt chrysanthemums" and seven branched candelabras arr^od in i>rvamjd_fashian et.r , responding wfffv tlio arehltecturti! lines orf th? church formed t-h?4 Setting fqr the vows. Before the* ceremony Miss Vir ginia Sumfners, organ-ist, played: "Poeme" Sy Zibrlch, "Intermez zo," from Cazabria Rusticana, by Mascagni; ?Vliss Frances Sum mers sang "Lord Who At Cana's Wedding Feast" by William Gam ble after the?vows were spoken, "O Perfect Love", Barhby. The wedding march from the third act of "Lohengrin" by Wagner PERSONALS Eugene Allen who underwent an operation in the Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte last Wed nesday is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Turner of Charlotte were Monday night guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Ba ker. Mrs. Charles Sams, nee Virgin ia. Logan, and two children . of Washington, D. C., are guests of Mrs. Sam's brother, Lawrence Lo gan and Mrs. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murray of Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mur ray of Maiden were Sunday guests of their sister, Mrs. Y. F. Throneburg. Mrs. Will Allen spent several daya last week with her son, Hal Allen, and family of Charlotte. ? 0? Rev. Harold Yoder of Liberty is visiting Dick Baker this week. Mrs. J. M Moore and daughter Miss Eva Moore, were guests Sat urday of Miss Jane Dover in Shejby. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gamble and ( family* attended the funeral of j Herbert Miller in Lincolnton. Mr. Miller was an uncle of Mr. Gam ble. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ware return ed Sunday night from a trip to Omaha, Neb. Mrs. R. H. Webb is visiting* her sister, Mrs. J. Cannon in Concord. j W. L. Grist, son of Mrs. George ; Allen has returned ito Clemson ! College where he is a member of j the Senior class. I Thomas P. Baker, son of Dr. I and (Mrs. L. P. Baker, enlisted in J the Air Corps and left for San An tonio, Texas, last week. | Mrs. Robert Alhran and chiid j ren of Mt. Airy were guests of i Mrs. A. L. Allran for several days j last week. Pfc. WilHam W. Prince arrived , last week in Victorville, Calif., ; I from Fort Bragg, N. C? and is to t be sent overseas from there. Mrs. Floyd Payne and Miss! Daisy Payne spent last week vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Avery, in Dubach, La. Mrs. Payne return ed this week. Mrs. Frank Thomson of Tampa, W*., will arrive Monday to spend several days with Mrsf B. W. Gil lespie, after having accompanied her daughter, Ann, to Agnes Scott College. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Prince, and daughter, "Jenny,", Mrs. A. B. Prince, and daughter, Betty, spent last weekend hi Chapel Hill visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Al ston and daughter, "Kathy." Mrs. Prince remained for a vl 0* the** ! this week. 7y was played for the processional : and Mendelssohn's march from ' "A Midsummer. Night's Dream" i was played for the recessional. | Joljhnje McGinhis lighted the candles. The.- bride and groom entered j the church toge'her. The ushers .were Charles' Ram- | i6y. brother Of#|he bride, and Hu- ' bext Pi an! on, brother of the groom. ? , The bride wore a I.arry. Aidrld- | ge gray suit \yith black accessor- t ied. She carried a white .prayer j book topped with orchid s. and ; tin ribbon. ? MftJr-Ramsey, -mother of the bride,, wore a navy suit - with black accessories and a shoulder corsage of pink rose buds. Mrs. Blanton chose an aqua suit with black accessories arid a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton left im*. mediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip. Upon their re turn they will be at home In Gaa tonla. Margrace Club Met Friday Evening The Margraco Woman's club met at the club house for its Sep tember meeting last Friday ev ening- Mrs. C. W. Kails presided over the meeting: . Mrs. Walter Gamble had charge c?? the devo tional period. Plans were made to have a cov ered dish supper Saturday even ing, Sept. 23. .Mrs. Clarrie Jones and Mrs. Grady Rhea were ap pointed to make ajanr^ments for "a. trip the club plans to make In the near future. The C. D. Blantons Bridge Hosts Mr. and Mrs 0. P. Blanton were [delightful hosts Thursday even ing-entertaining at the Country Club, with a dessert bridge party. Lovely bouquets fit gladioli, mar During the social period the hostesses, Mrs. Floyd Gates, Mrs. Marshall Gor^ and Mrs. Paul Maunoy. 'served a pretty party plate consisting of potato salad, sandwiches, peach-a-la-mode, home, made cake and an -iced drink. i igolds, zinnias and \>t her mixed cut flowers in harmonizing fait shades were used for decoration in the lower flo?>r of the club. Twelve tables of bridge were In play during 'the evening with Mrs. Paul Neisler and L,. E. Ab bott winning high score prizes, Mrs. Tolly Shuford and Arnold Kiser winning second high, and Martin' Harmon winning the tra veling prize. ? , New varieties of strawberries I ' are being tested in 10 demon strations on jfarms in Duplin, Pender, and Columbus cotinties. burnt for ho?m en o cup of fuel ?jtcxamrzr- ?r?^mai^jrv?i^; un.i t A Burner torn, in oil b*nfini ? 4 'Low-Boy *r Console Style blend* with home fumithinqi Tpffre^offlitize. full 45,000 B.f.u. copoct!' COOPER'S, Inc. THE PLACE TO BUY GOOD FURNITURE PHONE 93 WHITE CLOVERSME Brand SALVE Soo'^ing Rali?f for Chop?, Skirt liritatiant la peace aad ia war. in boom times and bad times, we have always done our level best to bring you your favorite na tionally advertised health and beauty aids at the lowest possible prices. We will continue to do so in the present sit uation. We will resist with all out might all unjustifiable price increases. We will keep prices low? no doublt about that? and you'll profit here because we never profiteer. KLEENEX JOOSOfT. SMOOTH TISSUES m p:-? m m m ?&-s r.ny.C m .'??A tm ii ?i* IV -:<* >???: Wl m M for?. . o:-:-h KEK m m W m S.a used. At Kings Moun tain Drug Company, yon are assured that the highest iml of professional skill is exercised in every step of the compounding process. . Pin, Mill C ?? fZ> LonTi CASTILE SHAMPOO ANAHIST ATOMIZER ro* w mm ok svmtK cms tm'Snv, $|J0 SQUIBB. ASPIRIN BOTTLE OF 200 You Save .19 WhSn You Buy 7l The Large Slie To serve effectively the health needs of the community, we are entrusted with the keeping and dtapensing of barbitu rates, sleeping pills, and other sedatives. These drugs, when properly used according to the physicians directions, can be a boon to suffering mankind. Unfortunately, how ever. the layman hears and reads much more about their abuse than their use. As a part of oun responsibility to the public, we will never, under any circumstance, dispense barbiturates without a prescription from a physician known to us. These prescriptions can not be re- filled and am so labeled before they leave our prescription labora tory. COMPLETELY and HEALTHILY AIR - CONDITIONED KINGS MOUNTAIN TH ? GZ--3 Srof*E DRUG COMPANY PHONE 41 & 61 THE CITV'S MODERN STORE