The Kings Mountain Hexald Established 18?9 A weakly newspaper devoted to the promotion of the f?aertl welfare and published for wte enlightenment, entertainment and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and Ita vicinity, published every Friday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second -'laas matter at poatofflce at Kings Mountain. N. Ct under Aot at Congress of March 3, 1873. Editorial Department Harmon Editor- Publisher Cbartes T. Carpenter, Jr Sports, Circulation, News Mia P. D. Herndon v- Society Mechanical Department ' Regene Matthews Horace Walker Ivan Weaver Paul Jackson . Charles Odems TELEPHONES: Society. 167; Other. 283 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE OWE YEAR? f2.00 SIX MONTHS ? $1.10 THREE MONTHS? .60 TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, bat inwardly they' are ravening wolves. St. Matthew 7:15. -? The Big News There arc many happenings in the news of current days that, ordinarily, would not. only get the big streamer headlines, but would attract the interest of the people, only to be over-shadowed by the big news of the day, the war in Korea. ~ i '? r'V. There's an off-presidential year elec tion coming up in November, which cus tomarily would be in the "biggest" news category, and the major league baseball seasons are coming to a close, with any one of three teams a possible winner in the American League, and with no dead .certainty as to the winner yet in the Na tional League. Football season is getting underway too, and, though the "big _p?ncri" are reproaching sell-outs, there tomcirily shown at the start of another football season. The news making the real headlines ? is again direct reports from battle zones' and reports out of Washington and Lake Success on the latest developments. The situation is natural, but most un fortunate. Five years ago most people thought there would be at least a decade or two of relative peace, where people could de vote their energies to civilian pursuit's and the business of enjoying living, whatever that, nebulous state may be. War has been a tragedy of virtually every age since man. It is pure waste for the winner, not to mention the loser. Yet one cannot afford to lose. In contrast to the post- World War I period, this nation is now following a pol icy of strength, rather than weakness. The world can only hope that this role will limit armed fighting to relatively minor outbreaks. .Farmer Bob Doughten, the veteran North Carolina Congressman who. at S6, is still the active hard-working chair man of the House of Representatives Ways and Means committee, has "closed the door .again on efforts of some politi cal leaders of his district to get him to retire. Talk of retirement for Farmer Bob has been regular for the past several bienniums. prior in the spring primaries. Usual pattern has been for a number of would-be successors )n argue among themselves' for a while, thus getting up an "1 11 run again" statement from Mr. Hough ton. This time it was different. Some thought they had the Congress man talked into retiring before the No vember elections, which Would allow the district Democratic executive committee to hand-pick his successor. Rut 1" armer Bob closed (he door again Monday when' he said he would serve through I9r>2, at least. A public meeting of Alcoholics A non \ inous is to be held on Sunday evening at the Central Methodist church, and ci tizens interested in coping with the ever-present problem of alcohol will wjint to attend. Alcoholics Anonymous is credited with considerable success in re habilitating alcoholics, a very, wort h u hile work. . Barring war stoppages and interfer ence, it ippears that the day is not toe. far -off when I". S. Highway 74. between Clastonia and Kings Mountain, will be a quadruple lane boulevard, with two >anes for- westbound traffic and two anes for- east bound traffic. This is a most hazardous siretch of road, made more hazardous by the heavy traffic plying it daily, and the addition of ano ther double lane should materially elim inate the majority of the physical haz ards. Of course, elimination of driver lapses is .still another matter. Credit Controls Effective on Monday, it will take a bigger down payment to purchase stov es, refrigerators, television sets, radios, and other so-called durable goods. For Monday is the day that the. new ? Federal Reserve Board restrictions on consumer credit become effective. They nre similar In design to the old Regula tion W controls made effective prior to Wcrld War II. When the old controls were rescinded after World War II, many people regret ted to see them go. Heavier down pay ments had meant a virtual end to repos session duties on the part of dealers and merchants, and it was an- aid to both consumer ar.d seller, for repossessed goods caUse losses to both. But the controls went off, -and in +he= past two years it has been possible to purchase goods at virtually nothing down, a boon to sales, but also a boost to the repossession business, too. Thus far, it appears the restrictions aren't too harsh, and they are hardly likely to prove too great a difficulty in the purchase of, or the selling of, goods, j depending on the point of view. To' those folk who find it difficult to save up for larger down payments, the suggestion would be to start a savings account at the bank or building and loan and add to it regularly. Most folk find that a plain checking account gets away from them too fast. i Belt-Tightening President Truman told the nation Sat urday night it would have to tighten its belt, probably for the ensuing several years, to fight the threat of Communist aggression. There was nothing shocking about the speech, for the prospective belt-tighten ing has been a fort*- coming reality since June 25, when Noi tn Korea invaded the South Korean Republic. Memories of the past war were still not too dim to prevent recalling of ra tioning. shortages, and cuff-less pants. The question of how much belt-tight ening will be required was, and still is, a matter of, and none can answer :f to the full. Much depends on how U. N. troops fare in Karea and, more important, on whether Russia has been shaken by the fact that, this nation has called her bluff. The fact remains that the people of this nation are not going to be Content to go along with a small army, navy and marine corps as long as Russia contin ues her aggressive course. At the mo ment, it appears that several more divis ions will be sent to Europe, as fast as they can be trained. Most people agree with the position. of the military in this nation: No war was ever prevented through weakness. International relations are not as sim ple as business relations. When two per sons or business firms fail to get along, satisfactorily, they usually suspend re lations and ignore each other. One na-. t ion may suspend relations with Russia, but she cannot ignore her. Odds are that the belt will get rather tight before, the national worry of the United States turns aside from the Com munist menace. First-day enrolbuent at Kings Moun tain schools was somewhat surprising in that 1950 was supposed to be the first school year for a bumper crop of young sters born in the mid-war years. In Kings Mountain, the biggest enrollment gain was, in the high school. Perhaps Kings Mountain merely had an early harvest. You'.ll want to attend the Third Anrtu 1 Beth-Ware Fair this weekend. 10 YEARS AGO Items of newt taken from the 1940 files of the| THIS W E E K Rings Mountain Herald. R. N. Mines, vho was employ ?'d as (Jeneral Superintendent, for the town of Kings Mountain, July 1st, has resigned to accept a position with the town of Eden ton, N. C. , Mr. Mines came to Kings Mountain about two mon ths ago from Hertford where he was in charge of the street and light departments. Messrs. E. E. Marlowe and Jack Arnett have assumed co-mana- ! pership of the Center Service Sta tion, located in the heart of the business district. The two part- j ners previously operated the beautiful tile station when it was i built. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The first fall meeting of the ?Colonel Frederick llambright ?Chapter DAR was held at the j home of Mrs. D. C Mauney" on last Wednesday afternoon. Mr.*?. J. E. Anthony was hostess to members of the Social Club j and a number of invited guests at her home on Piedmoni avenue Thursday afternoon. Friday afternoon, Sept 6, Miss Louise Gamble, daughter of Mr. and Mfs. H. W Gamble, of Kings Mountain, became the bride of Charles M. FUher, Jr., son of Mfs. I Charles M. Fisher. 1244 S. W. 13th | Court, Miami, Fla. The marriage took place In the Riverside Bap tist church. Mrs. V. C. Schley of Fredericks burg. Va., was a guest of Mrs. Grady King for a few days this week. * . Harry Falls of Asheville was a business visitor in Kings Moun tain recently. Mr. and Mrs W. K. Mauney and Mrs. Billy Mauney accompa nied George Mauney to Raleigh this week where he is a student a; State College. martin's medicine By Martin, Harmon (Containing bits o! am wis tlonx. humor, and rommwit To bo takon wooUy. Avoid oTM-dosago.) September Pick-Ups Old Home Week: Lot week. I'm lure, was "old home week" (or the medicinal department with a number of visitors in the "old school friend" category, and. though 1 may be kidding myself like Walt and Doc in a recent Gasoline Alley comic strip, the ravages of 10 years on friends hasn't been too bad. Most of 'em looked just like they always did. barring a few gray hairs or a little extra broadness on the beam. But. al most without exception, each had done a lot of moving a round in the past 10 years, and some are in occupations they hardly dreamed about 10 years ago. ??PrU On Friday, Jesse and Lan Caldwell, formerly of Cramer ton dropped into the office for' a short visit Dr. Jesse is now a Gastonia physician who speci alises in stork assistance, and he was aiming at this when I first met him. Lan is an engi neer for Capitol Airlines. liv ing in Washington, but spend much time at way stations such as Los Angeles. New York and other points where Capitol planes set down. Re might have had this particular occu pation in mind when he trans ferred to Georgia Tech from Carolina, but I doubt it. o-p-u -? One good friend I didn't see. but Faison Barnes did. His name is Bill Ogburn and he's gone a long way from the to bacco farms of San ford and Lee county, both literally and figu ratively. Though a business administration student in school aft d~ advertising mana - ger on the school paper, ' Bill got side-tracked, several times. Once was when he strayed from home to marry an Okla homa girl, and second was when he took a job with a to bacco company in Nicaragua. His business training and to bacco growing background came in quKe handy, and he has done quite well with the company. At the moment he was driving back to Nicaragua, via Oklahoma, and is schedul ed for general managership of the company. However, what impressed Faison most about Bill's work, I think, was the fact that Bill's monthly pay check is not subject to the rig ors of income tax deductions. s-p-u On Saturday night, the medi cinal family had dinner with Rush Hamrick and wife in Shelby, who had another old friend as weekend guest. Bill Stauber (plus his fairly recent ly acquired wife.) Bill sells ad vertising for Harvey-Massen gale Agency in Durham, fol lowing tenures of duty on the USS Tuscoloosa in World War II, and a stint or two at Radio Station WPTF in Raleigh In the script- writing department. Bill is a natural-born comic, and I always wondered why he did not get on the Godfrey end of radio. He said he did once, and that was alL plagued with a flat voice. The petticoat inter ests will take encouragement from the fact that, of all the long-lost friends returned home, he Is the most recently hitched, looked the youngest after 10 years of the rigors of living. Something New Under the Sun: It is hard to find any thing new undor the sun, par ticularly since the Russians hare started claiming credit (or all major inventions of the past 200 years, but 1 believe there is something new in Sternly county. I picked up the Albe marle paper over the weekend and was frankly quite shocked to find a headline which read; "Dog-Hog Chase Slated Satur day Afternoon." I've heard a bout fox chases, rabbit chases, possum hunts, deer hunts, and several other kinds of chases involving dog*, but never a dog-hog chase. Lacy Cranford. e brother of the late Z. F. Cran ford, of Kings Mountain, did the story, and I read it very carefully. But 1 never found any evidence of the tongue-in cheek attitude. It seemed a man had two right mean sows, which were always getting out. so finally he bought some spe cial wire and charged his fence with electricity. This seemed to be working very well, until the two sows in question backed up against It one day. Accord ing to the report both took oil through the charged wire at the othes side of the pen. and the last seen of them they were making about 50 miles per hoar and squealing at every Jump. The dog-hog chase Idea came following efforts of a mean bull dog to capture one of the sows. The dog grabbed an ear and hung on while the sow ran through the woods, seemingly taking pains to brush the bulldog against ev ery - available sapling. Of cousse. the dog finally turned looee and will never be the! same again, but the sow own er thought maybe some dog owners might have some real tough once which needed ex ercise. Re offered cash prises for capture of the sews, bat do CROSSWORD + By A. C. Cordon | ACROSS I Something printed for , public reading 1 I ? Clownish 13 ? Circular corrent of water IS- - A minute object 17 ? Anger IS ? To pat 2 1 '?Unrefined miner*! 22 Talked persuasively 2f> Man** nickname . 17 Printer'* measure 19 - Roman 990 30- Syatem of printing for the blind 34 -Adjective *ufTi* denoting belonging to" 36 ? Like 37? Dry Mid of wine ? 38 Affirmed 4 I? Spanish affirmative 4 J ? Latin connective 44? Chemical symbol for . tantalum 4 5? /To make uniform 48? To Vft t 50 ? A ruler oi Tunis * This and Thai 51 ? Time past ? 53- -Suffix denoting cdnditvun . 56-? To make *en*ele*s 57? -Without a point 6 1 ?Calculation* DOWN J- Beneath 3 Measure of weight i abbrev ) 4 ?Very small quantities * S ? Prefi* denoting f?- "joined" 6 ?Skill * . 7 ?Syllabic applied la ~ a musical note 8- Distinctive doctrine 9? A U. S state 10? Act ?I repeating 1 2 ~SUte of having been chosen again <pi > 14 ? A medical man Jjf ? (abbrev ) 16? !r??h district 1 8 ? Causes loss due to Ste The Want Ad injury 18 ? To movt with ? ilwit, J?rky motion Section Foe Th'? Week's Completed Puule 20? To examine ar ;ri 23 ? Prefix denoting "for merly, but not now" 24 ? National Recovery Administration (abbrev.) 25 ? Prefix denoting separation 28? teeth 31? Legal Society (abbrev) J3~iPublir Conveyance (colloq ) - , . 35 ? A limb 39 ? Comparative suffix 40 ? -A bomb that fail* to ?*- explode (colloq.) 42 ? Pronoun . 46 ? Most unimportant 4 7 ? Consumed .. -If ? Bag* II ? Geographical Union > ( abbrev ) 14? Xo rest ?I? A tree' M? -Greek letter If ? Everyone individually (abbrev ) 4# ? Chemu a) symbol I or silicon Other Editor's Viewpoints A BLESSING IN DISCtnSE T (Forest City Courier) Secretary of Agriculture Char les F. Brannan predicted, in an interview to a Shelby newspaper Thursday morning, that the boll I weevil will prove a blessing in disguise to the farmers Qf Ruth*- f erford-Cleveland-Gaston area.i and to other spots. He, said of the area that "it j seems destined to bedBme again a key area in the nation's agri- j cultural map." He observed that in his native 'state of Colorado that it required from 4Vi'to five acres of perma nent pasture to carry an animal six months, while this area carri es one animal to the acre. He sees the day coming when the gravity of cattle raising, as well as hbgs, will be moving from the western plain states to this area. In the great beef and pork pro duction states, the winters are so severe that many animals die. In addition, permanent pastures will not stay green in sub-zero weather. In North Carolina we clined to be responsible for par ticipating pups. s-p-u Dotted notes: Speaking of "old home week." last week must bare been '"old home week in Kings Mountain for television salesmen. The Stromberg-Carl son man was at Marlowe's, the Admiral salesman at McCinnis Furniture, and another (Phllco, I believe) ? at Baird's .... which reminds that it's not long until the network pro | grams begin over WBTV, and j more and more 'oiks are get ting excited ^b?ut television . . 1 just as credit controls go back on again . . . most discouraging ... Calvin Plonk writes that the big county election, when ; Kings Mountain voted to join I Cleveland, was either in 191 S or 1916, but another informant says 1913 . . . when was it? i are ywy-fantttHtt?~flr Graving <4 climate in which many types of ! grasses and clovers will grow ! the year-around, affording for- j age for the cattle. In many west- j em states, where the bulk of the meat production today centers, it j is possible to keep animals on permanent pastures about six months out of the year. If the boll weevil ? will . force more Rutherford and Cleveland farmers to turn to livestock in stead of cotton, then the lesson will be well learned.' POSTAL ERRORI (Lamar, Mo., Democrat) The postmaster of a small town received the following letter from a lady In the community: "Dear Sir: Your clerks do not have their minds on their business. My husband is attending a business conference in Detroit, and nin let ter to me is postmarked Florida. Kindly investigate this inaccura cy." Some 4,000 farmers received loans to construct or repair hou ses and other farm buildings dur ing the first year's operation of the farm housing program, the U. S. Department of Agriculture has announced. Food consumption in the U. S. rose about 15 percent during World War II. The 1950 Rational cotton crop is estimated at 10.3 million bales, about 5,8 million bales less than | last year's production. Supplies of food for civilians are expected to continue a I about the same high level as in the past two years, even after allow ing for increases for the military, j A total of 3.369,000 chicks weTe produced by commercial hatch eries in North Carolina during July. SOMETHING POT ASIDE FOR TOMORROW Dollars on deposit in a savings account come in mighty handy later on. Start your account with us ? add to it just as often as you can. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member FDIC Five Cafes Get "A" Ratings Five eating establishments in the Kings Mountain area have received Grade A ratings from the county health department. Inspections in this area were made by Thomas Strickland, county sanitarian. Establishments with Grade A ratings are B & B Soda Shop, 93.0; Buffalo Fish Lodge, 93.0; Crafispun Lunch Bar, 94.5; The Kitchenette, in Gtover, 90.5; and Silver Dollar Grill, 93.0. Those places receiving Grade B ratings Include Central Grill, 80.5; Edward's Cafe, 87.0; Griffin Drug Co., 87.0; Hill Top Grill, 82.0; Midway Service Station, 38.0; Piedmont Lunch Company, 84.5; Quality Cafe, 85.0; Quality Sandwich Co., 85.0; Silver Villa, 86.5; Trout Club, 87.0; Edwards Sandwich Co., 87.0; Buffalo Fish Camp, 85.5. HARRIS FUNERAL HOME ? Ambulance Service ? Phone 118 Kings Mountain, N. C. i " n. i ? ? ? ? COMFORT. CONVENIENCE # Maytag Washers # Westmghoose Products $ Electric Ranges # Refrigerators ? Myers Pumps . # Plumbing installations Logan Supply Co. , Phone 317-W Cleveland Ave. V Watches Repaired V Watches V Rings Remowatedi y/ Beods iMkwng V C( fUol Btftoiring Expert workmanship, prompt ?errloe and reasonable prices. All work Guaranteed. Crystals fitted while yon wait.. ? Crystals Fitted While You Wait ? BELLINGERS JEWEL SHOP Kings Mountain. N. C. TMi CHlPfENOAli ? Graceful console with full length door*. Big -as -life picture on 16- inch "black" tube. True- to-life too?. Esclmtve long life has that'* anturpaued for clearest, steadiest pictures. Built-in antennas. Phonograph Jack. Ex quisite period cabinet, decorator-designed. You can own a Stromberg-Carlson Television Sot for as Little as *"1* No Screen Smaller than 16- in- 1 MARLOWE'S Cinil SERVICE rnBMFR ? PHOWE 62 OH THE BUST COBWEB I I Job Printing # Phones 167 and 283

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