Population City Limits 7.193 (Final Unofficial Census 195S) Immediate Trading Area 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) VOL. 61 NO. 39 12 Pages T oday Sixty-First Year ' Kings Mountain, N. C.. Friday. September 29. 1950 Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS Organization Given For 1950 Floral Fair Local News Bulletins LEGION SUPPER A hamburger supper will be served at the Legion Building Saturday night from 6:30 to. 5 p. m. for all members of Otis D. Green Post 155 according to announcement by James Ben nett, Adjutant. FAIR JUDGES Mrs. M. A. Ware and Mrs. W. L. Pressly were judges at the Cleveland County Fair last ?week. They judged the flowers, antiques, handcrafts, and old China departments. . SUBSTITUTE MANAGE Bill Foy, of Llncolnton, is serving as substitute manager at A & P Super Market while Manager T. if. Davidson is on a two-week vacation. VT, ,t ttOBEBTS REONIOjt ^ The annual reunion of the late H. K. Roberts descendants ?will convene Sunday, Oct. 1, at the old Antioch Baptist chur ch, 1 1/2 miles east of Grover, N. C. Picnic lunch will be ser ved after which a business ses sion will be held. BRIDGES HERE SUNDAY Rev. Joe Jasper Bridges will preach at Temule Baptist chur ch on Sunday morning accord ing to announcement by Rev. W. F. Monroe, pastor. A native of Cleveland County and a member of Ne wHope church at Earl, Rev. Bridges is a senior at Limestone College, Gaffney, SC. BREAKS LEG C. C. Whisnant was in Shel by hospital Wednesday after an accident which took place on his farm on Shelby road on Tuesday in which he suffered a broken leg. Mr. Whisnant wa3 un hitching a trailer from a tractor when the accident oc curred. FINGERS HERE First Lt. and Mrs. Fred E. Finger arrived in Kings Moun tain from New York City over the weekend. Lt. Finger, who was to have reported to Ft. Jackson, S. C., on Wednesday fo? a tour of duty in the Army Reserve, has received a 30-day .delay enroute. . . STILL CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. William Lawrence Mau ney continues in a crhtlcal con dition at Memorial hospital, Charlotte. Members of her fam ily said physicians detected very * slight Improvement in Wednesday, but that no change in her condition had been re ported Thursday. ' JAYCEE MEETING Bill Merrltt, of Shelby, will discuss the work of Alcoholics Anonymous at teh regular meeting; of the Junior Chamber of Commerce next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock at the Wo man's Club, according to an nouncement by President Fai son Barnes. Churches To loin In World Communion Ma)?ritr of Xingt Mountain cbnicbM wilt Jola with other Christian church** around tho 9 lob* Sunday la olissiilng Wodd Communion Sunday. Chushaw oaUdpato that coaun union ?MTtcee will bo bold at virtually *wy hour of tho day on Sunday, beginning with Maw Toalaad. first coun try on. tho othor ildo of tb* la tornatlonal data lino, where church services cuatomcndty bo fiia at 10:30 a. m. Whoa It U 10:90 & m. Suaday la Now 7nland. it will bo 0 o'clock Saturday oTMiaf la King* Mountain. Ministers bar* or* urging full attendance at Suaday morntag actricM. and maay ban writ ten spatial letters to thete ean at tho communloa aii ilua. Mrs. Griffin Is Chairman; Date Tentative Mrs. E. W. Griffin, chairrian of the 1950 Woman's Club Floral Fair, which has been tentatively scheduled for October 27, this week named committees for the annual event. General plana for the event are similar to those for former years, with the Fair to feature a number of compeitive events, and j with dinner to be served at the club both at noon and in the ev ening. Organization for the event an nounced by Mrs. .Griffin follows: Kitchen, general chairman, Mrs. I. G. Patterson. Noon meal, kit chen, Mrs. J. H. Arthur, Mrs. R. G. Plonk, Mrs. D. G. Littlejohn, Mrs. J. G. Darracott, Mrs. E. T. Plott, Mrs. J. K. Willis, Mrs. L. L. Benson. Noon meal, dining room, Mrs. W. G. Grantham and Mrs. L. E. Abbott, hostesses, Mrs. Hay* ne Biackmer, Mrs, Robert Miller, Mauney, Mrs. P. D. Patrick, Mrs. J. N. Gamble, Mrs. George Hous er, Mrs. Ben H. Goforth. Evening meal, kitchen, Mrs. Cjy.de Kerns, Miss Marjorie Hord, Mrs. W. T. Weir, Mrs. Eugene Matthews, Miss Carlyle Ware, Mrs. W, M. Moorhead, Mrs. Earle Ledford, MrsvPaul Beam. Dining room, Mrs. Bill Page, Mrs. Don Blanton and Mrs. W. L. Ramseur, hostesses, and high school home economics department. Table decorations contest, o pen to high school girls, will bring a five dollar prize for first 4>lace and three dollar prize for second place. Prize soliciting committee, Mrs. Paul Mauney, Mrs. Milton Fryer and Mrs. Ollle Harris. Kitchen supplies solicitation ? Mrs. B. N. Barnes and Mrs. Au brey Maiiney, co-chairmen, Mrs. M. H. Biser, Gold street, Mrs. Hal bert Webb and Mrs. W. L. Ram seur, Mountain street; Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell and Mrs. M. L. Houser, King street; Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Mauney, Gaston street; Mrs. W. M. Gantt and Mrs. Hunter Allen, Piedmont avenue; Mrs. H. N. Moss, Mrs. J. E. Herndon and Mrs. E. B. Ellerbe, Battleground aven ue; Mrs. Bill Houser, Parker street? Mrs. Byroh Keeter, Ridge street; and Mrs. A. W. Kincald, East Kings Mountain. Cashiers, noon, Mrs. A. H. Pat terson,. evening, Mrs. E. W. Neal. Flower division, Mrs. J. E. Hern don, general chairman. Mrs. By. ron Keeter, roses, Mrs. P. M. Neisler, arrangements (all class es), Mrs. N. F. McGill, mixed bowls, Mrs. Carl Mayes, chrysan themums, Mrs. I. B: Goforth, mis cellaneous, Mrs. M. A. Ware, hol iday table and other special oc casion arrangements. Miss Ava Ware, dahlias, Mrs. O. W. Myers, miniatures. Reception committee, Mrs. E. W. Griffin ahd Mrs. Jacob Maun ey. Floral department hostesses, Mrs. J. L. McGill and Mrs. W. L. Pressly. Decorating committee, Mrs. Lu ther Cansler, chairman, Mrs. Carl ' . (Cont'd on page eight) lions Clnb Sponsoring Annual White Cane Sale; Roth Chairman ' Members of the Kings Mourv tain Lions club are actively par ticipating this week in the an nual state-wide White Cane Sale ami membership enrollment Campaign of the North Carolina State Association for the Blind in its efforts to raise $25,000 to aid the blind and to prevent- un necessary blinvliltM. Members of the1 Lions club pur chased memberships to launch the drive here on Tuesday night, and the White Cane button sale will be conducted on tM streets of the bvfslneM section in Satur day. Hilton Ruth is chairman <tf the project and urged full coopera tion by the public in supporting the -work of the Association for th? blind. Of the funds collected from the White Cane button sale Saturday (purchasable at 10 cents up), one-third of the total will be re tained by the local club for use in blind -a id -work and the pre vention of blindness in Kings Moutaln. The annual campaign is the fourth consecutive one to be con ducted, with the 250 Lions clubs of the state spearheading the drive. , Mr. Ruth said memberships in the association are being sought at $1.00 Vach, and he expects both the membership campaign and the White Cane sale <o top lsst year's record. The funds collected are used by both the state association and by the local club to pay for eye ex aminations, operations, hospital ization and glasses for needy per sons. Another function is the re habilitation of persons already blind to make them self-support ing. i ?! <t> tiff . I JKKt?^SK^Se!m ' PRESSLEYS RECEIVED AWARD ? James V. Pressley, Kings Mountain farmer, is shown above receiving a SI, 000 check from the Cleveland County Fair association as a reward for his winning the 1949- SO Bet tee Acres competition. Mrs. Pressley looks on as Rev. John W. Suttle makes the presentation. Stand ing at right is Louis Aull, chairman of the Agricul turo Workers council. Local Family Winner Of Better Acres Prize a < Piessley Finds $1,000 Check Real Surprise "You just can't say how you feel." James V. Pressley, was talking about his winning the $1,000 grand prize from, the Cleveland County Pair association, in the Better Acres program guided by ' the Agriculture Workers council. "I hadn't seen but one or two of the other 10 farms entered In I the Better Acres contest and hop ed we'd place maybe as high as fourth, but I had no idea we'd get the grand prize." he continued. . The award to Mr. and Mrs. Pressley, who live at the farm formerly known as the Herndon place near Kings Mountain air port, was a victory over adversi ty, as well as over the elements and other competitors. The Pressleys began work last autumn and by January had con verted the rambling old house in to a modern,' we 11 -furnished home, completely refinlshed in side and out. Lawn and shrub bery were planted and work be gun on the building of a new barn and machimj shed. Only a short time later, the Pressleys awakened one night to find the house in flames, and the (Cont'd on page eight) Bloodmobile Visit Set For October 17 Next visit o! the Charlotte re gional center bloodmobile to Kings Mountain is scheduled for October 17 at Margrace Mill clubhouse according to an an nouncement by Mrs. Paul Mau ney. Employees of the Margrace and Park Yard mills, citizens of the two communities, and all citizens of the Kings Mountain area are urged to support the effort. The Charlotte center hafe been asked to supply blood for use in the Korean war and shipped 200 pints to the war theatre this week, Mrs. Mauney said. Presbyterian Women To Meet Central district Women of <the Church of Kings Mountain Pres bytery will meet at Shlloh Pres byterian church In Grover for an all-day session next Wednesday,, according to announcement this week by Mrs. Paul Mauney of Kings Mountain, district chair man. Theme of the meeting is "Let Us Go Forth from Our Knees for Christ." Registration begins at 9:30 Wednesday morning, with the program beginning at 10 o'clock. After a call to order by Mrs. Mau ney, Rev. Park Moore, Shlloh pas tor, will conduct a worship ser vice and Mrs. W. B. Harry, of the host caurch, will Welcome , the guests. At 10:30, local presidents will participate in a round-table discussion, and at 10:45, Mrs. George Riddle of C*wryville will speak on the subject "Go Forth ? At Home." Featured speaker of the day will be Miss Mable Hail, a Pres byterian home mtaerloTvary from Kentucky, who speaks on "Home Missions" at 10:90. At 11:30, a conference of pres byterial chairmen 4s scheduled wkh adjournment for dinner at noon. The afternoon session, begin ning at 1:15, will be featured by a series of speaker* including Mrs. John K. Knight, O?*onia, Mrs. E. V. Kiser, Grover* Mrs. Hugh Query, GasMmia, Mrs. John Cannon, Shelby, and Mrs. J. G. Walker, Forest City. Funeral Held For W. 0. Falls Funeral services were held at Central Methodist <>hurch Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock for William 0. Falls, 78, lifelong res ident of Kings Mountain who died at Shelby hospital Wednes day morning around 7 o'clock of a heart attack. Rev. J. H. Brendall, pastor, of ficiated and burial was in Moun tain Rest cemetery. He had been in ill health for three weeks. A retired brick mason and far mer, Mr. Falls was the son of the late Robert and Regina Goforth Falls. His wife, the former Wy ? nona Sanders, died in April 1949. He was a member of Central Methodist church. Survivors Include five sons, D. G. Falls, of Winston -Salem, and Herman, Otis C., Austin and Paul Kirk Falls, of Kings Mountain, three daughters, Mrs. Floyd Falls, of Shelby, and Mrs. Sam Howell and Mrs. George Blalock, of Kings Mountain, one brother, Phillip Falls, of Bessemer City, 15 grand children and one great-grand child. . City io Note NEPH Week Kings Mountain Joins with Nor th Carolina and the other 47 states next week in observing , "National Employ the Physical ly Handicapped Week," a special effort to emphasize the benefits of utilizing the skills and capa bilities of those partially handi capped by physical defects. Constant efforts to place in pro ductive employment physically handicapped persons is the year round Job of t ehseveral state Employment Security commis sions. In North Carolina, 2,625 men ?and women with physical hando cap-i have been placed on J Jobs and have made good during the curretn year. In Kings Mountain, Mrs. Mary B. Goforth, head of the local em ployment security office, reports 12 physically handicapped per sons for whom employment is curremly bought. One is a women and 11 are men, five of them ser vice veterans. Mrs Goforth emphasized that the 12 are employable for a nun* ber of specific tasks. She and the special commltee appointed to conduct the local observance oi NEPH week are urging employers to give consid eration to the employment of j Handicapped persons. - r ? . 1 ' ' /? Local Manual Telephone Service m Good As Dial, Says Engineer Fink To Give Final Sermon As Grace Pastor Rev. W. Fink, assigned as J pastor of the Llhcriy-Con^rd i charge in Davie county by ihc .Western Nor! It Carolina Metho djst Conference, win complete lour years of service ioGr;rco M,-. thodisr .church Sunday morning, ? as he preaches his final sermon at 11 o'clock services tr ' J : ? ' ' ' ?' , . ' j Mr. Hnk wi|J he succeeded here by Rev. T. VV. llager. who. comes 'o Kings Mountain following his service as pastor of Carawav Me morial church a i Greensboro. Mr. I jnk has enjoyed ? success ful four years in Kings Mountain, marked by the re building of the church edifice following its de struction by fire, a net increase in membership of some GO mem ) bers. after correcting the church roll for deaths and transfer*? of membership, and an increase of l1.l,^>ast0rW sa,ar> $1,900 to Mr. and Mrs. Fink expect to move to their new home next v^eek, a new nine room brick structure at the community of Kpresus, near Moeksviliei The Finks mailing address wilt' be Route -I, MocksviHe. The Liber ty-Concord charge is jn the Thomasville district. Mi;. Fink's change of assign metn was the only one made in the Kings Mountain aroa by the annual conference. Rev. J, H. Brendall has returned for hts third year at Central Methodist church, and Rev. R. F. Swlnk was returned fo the EI Bethel - Con cord charge. Mr. Brendall was a gain named director of evange* I lism for the Gastonia district. I Bank Deposits' Insurance Doubled Deposits in the Fir.-?t National ! Bank are now insured up to $10,- ! 1 000 b>' 'ho Federal Deposit In ! ; syrance Corporation, .it was an i nounced this week by Frank R Summers, president. Maximum amount previously, covered was $5,000. I "This increase Is made possi- 1 | ole largely by the excellent safe-' | ty record of banks since the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corpora tion was formed in 1933," Mr Summers said. He pointed out that the insur- ! ance is purchased by the bank for added protection to Its depositors | and that more than 98 percent of the bank's depositors are current ly covered. Macedonia Revival Services Underway Revival, services are currently ?underway at Macedonia Baptist church, with preaching by the pastor, Rev. Robert L. Hardin, and ! special singing under the dircc | tion of Carl Allen, of Spindale. The special services, which be gan Sunday, are being conduct-, fed each evening at 7 o'clock. To fMkACH HERE ? Rev. W. P. Grler, Jr.. of Rock Hill, S. C., will conduct a series ol services at Boyc? Memorial ARP church bo ginning October 8; Grier To Conduct ARP Services the ' Associate Reformed Presby terian church at Rock Hill, S. C., will speak at a series of evange listic services at Boyce Memorial ARP church here beginning Oc tober 8 and ecintinufng through October 13. Announcement was made by I Rev. W. L. Pressly, pastor of the | local church. i Services will be held each ev ening at 7:30 p. m. ! "Rev. Mr, Qrier Is one of our most able ministers," Mr. Press ly said, "and we extend a cordial welcome to the citizen# of the community to- hear him." First Wesleyan . ? Rally Day Sunday Members of the First "Wesley an Methodist Sunday School will ob serve their annual Rally Day Sunday beginning at 9:45. Enoch Welch, Cherokee Indian, who liv es on the Cherokee Reservation in Western North Carolina will be present1 to j;;eak, and a ladies' trio from Wesleyan Methodist college, Central, S. C., will render special music throughout the service, according to announce ment by Rev. J. W. Phillips, pas tor of the church. The goal for attendance has been set at 500, a gain of 100 ov er the number present last year. N. II. Kelly is superintendent of the Sunday school. ? Jackson Mauney Frosh Group Leader AMES, Iowa. ? Jackson Maun ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mau ney, of Kings Mountain, N. C? is one of 150 Iowa State College students who will act as group leaders for jncofning freshmen. Group leaders also aTe availa ble to tseshmen students in the capacity of advisors. Fresh men discuss problems or questions whieh arise with the group lead er. The plan has been in opera* tion at Iowa State College during Freshman Days to make the new student feel more at home throu gh his first days at college. Utilities Body Engineer Replies To Complaints K is I he opinion, <>{ V. W. Chase, telephone engager (or the North Carolina I'UUties commission. that ih?' Southern Bell telephone exchange here has facilities "for providing a good class of tele phone service" and. he doubts that Kiiigs Mountain would find dial service much better than the manual service, now- in operation. These opinions Mr. -Chase ex ? pressed in a letter to W. Fatson Barnes, secretary of the Kirlgtt Mountain Merchants association, and made public by Mr. Barnes. The Merchants Association, in op posing a request by Southern Bell for rate increases here, has com plained of deficient service and, in turn, asked lor installation of dial equipment. It was the feeling of the iner chants' group that, cer'afn fea tures of the manually - operated equipment prevent an improve men t ifluh (^sctv icc Mallcnl p'UHIJ Ill (tto ! ( ? 1 1 e f !?>!? ?= tow: . "While in Kings Mountain, I looked into the telephone situa tion and found that Kings Moun- ? | tain has telephone facilities for I providing a good class of tele phone service, in my opinion. In J my opinion, the equipment, as equipment goes, is practically new ? all "f it has been install* ed since 1011 ? and it is of the latest type manuel equipment and should provide very good tel ephone service. "It is my understanding that your group is particularly inter ested in dial service. You no doubt have your reason for want ing dial service but I doubt seri j ously tf you would find it much I better than the manue! service you have. It has certain advanta- ? . I ges over manuel service, but then [on tlie other hand, manuel ser 'vice lias certain advantages over dial service. For one thing, if dial service was provided at Kings Mountain, it would mean that this reasonably new equipment would haTe to be abandoned and it would also mean that a num ber of people now employed at Kings Mountain would not be needed after the dial conversion, for no doubt, the Bell Company will eliminate all operators at Kings Mountain and provide In formation service, etc., at one of its nearby larger exchanges. "For your further information, , (Cont'd on page eight) ? Fourteen Kings Mountain Azea Men In County Induction Group Fourteen Kings Mountain area men, including four from Graver, were among the 66 Cleveland County men to be inducted into the army on Wednesday at the Charlotte induction center. It was the first group sent for induction since the Korean fight ing began. Carl Richard (Dickie) McGin nta, of Kings Mountain, was named group leader. He had been registered with the Catawba The Cleveland County selec tive ????lce beard has been or. doted to furnish 114 men for pro-induction physical exami nations at the Charlotte station on October 6. county board and was transfer J red to the Cleveland board. The group from Kings Moun 1 fain included, in addition to Mr. McGinnis: Ralph Adams, Jr., Ernest Ever ett Ramseur, Elbert Hendersop, Robert Gerald Wilson, Albert Vic tor Ray Yarboro, Martin Andrew Ethers, Christopher C. Edens, Jr., Lawrence Eugene Bennett, Char les Frartklin Arrowood. The four men from Grover sent for induction were Charles Ed wark Roark, Clyde Lamar Owens by, Curlee Ross and Ralph Allen Parker. ... I' Nine men ordered up for In duction failed to Teport, and their names are to be turned over to the United States district attorney for prosecutloh, They are Judge Junior Borders, William Bownc, Albert J. C. Martin, John Frank lin Varner, Boyce Moises, Cliff Moses, George Perry McAllister, Wilbert Jean Gillespie, Orvell WHrtams. W. K. Mauney At Ghuich Meet PHILADELPHIA. ? William Kemp Maurtey, 115 Piedmont Avenue, Kings Mountain, textile executive and president of Mau ney Mills. Inc., will be an offi cially elocted delegate to the 17th beiennfnl convention of the UnL ted Luthcrah Church jn Americ That body will meet in the KRNT Radio Theatre, Des Moinea, Iowa, October 412, a' which time time the Rev. brj Franklin Clark Fry, will conduct the business sessions. Mr. Mauney, a native of Kings Mountaih, has for years taken an active part in the affairs of the ULCA* He 1s currently a member of the? Board of Trustees of Lenoir Rhyne College at Hickory, N. C. For three years he has been a member of the Mission commit tee of the North Carolina Synod, and is a member of the council of St. Matthew's Lutheran church in Kings Mountain. Tn 1932 and 1933 he was the mayor of his. horr.c city. He 1s the past president of the Kiwanis Club, currently the treasurer of the Cleveland County Hospital, and a director of the Southern Combed Yarn Association. Mr. Mauney was educated In the Kings Mountain public schools, and was graduated from Lenoir- Rhyne college. Last year he received an honorary doctor of letters degree. He did post graduate wArk at the .University of South Carolina. This delegate is married to the former M1ft? Sarah Hoffman, arid Is the father of five sons.

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