Church CORINTH PRIMITIVE CHURCH Elder E. H. Simpson, Pastor W. Gold St. near Bridge* Airport Preaching services: First Sundays 2 p. m. Third Sundays 11 a. m. BEN'S MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Located one mile West of Margrace Mill Jim Painter, Pastor You are Invited to atteJid ser vices Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night. MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST CHtjRCR Rev. Floyd Hollar, Pastor Crowders Mountain Community Sunday? 10:00 Sunday school, Paul; Camp, Supt 11:00 Morning service. 7:30 Evening service. CHURCH OP GOD Corner of Parker and Oaston Rev. Frank Petrucelll, Paslcr Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Night service 7 p. m. Saturday night YPE 7 p. m. SECOND WESLEY AN METHODIST CHURCH Rev Y. H. Carter, Pastor 9:49 a. m. Sunday school. Wednesday: 7 p. it. Prayer meeting. 7:00 p. m. Evening worship. FJUtK GRACE CHURCH OP THE HAZARENE Rev. Clay Chllders. Paator Sunday school 10:00. Supt. Raymond Gregory. [ Morning worship 11:00. Young People's service < :30. Herman Ruff, president, Evangelistic service 7:30. Midweek prayer service Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Radio program: "Showers of Blessings," each Sunday morn* Ing at 9 a. m. over WGNC, Gas tonla. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH T. W. Fogleman, Pastor Morning service 11 a. m. Sunday school each Sunday ai 10, a. m. Lamar llerndon. Supt. ? ' . . - ' ' f ? " v,. - f Hill Ml ? Gieen Long On Looks, Comfort and Wear! Plentiful ? Tan Here they are! Smart Ben sible weather proofed jackets made to ke?p warmth in . ? . cold out, sturdy pop lin and gabardine, all wool lined. Keeter's Checks ace back by popular demand . . . appearing this season in a new solid setting. Jaunty Junior usee them in a ? * fitted jacket with solid coior trimmings ? . ? blend* them with a ?olid sheath skirt. Fashion bonus . . . the novelty hip pockets that emphasise the smaliness of your waist. In Mlron's pure worsted. Sisses 7 to 1 S. SSCSi As Advertised in SEVENTEEN Other Suits $19.95 to $5&50 Exclusive with an r's encore for check FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P. D. Patrick, Minister Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School. Harry Page, Supt. 11:00 Morning Worship. . . Sermon: "Communion Medita tion" ? Mr. Patrick. World-Wide Communion Sun day. 5:00 Jr. Youth Fellowship. 6:30 Presbyterian Youth Fel lowship Supper Meeting. 7:30 School of Home Missions. Classes for ajl ages. Monday: Circle No. 1 with Miss Carlyle Ware, 7:30. Circle No. 4 with Mrs. Haywood K. Lynch 8:00. , Circle No. 5 with Mrs. C. P. Go forth 3:30. Circle No. 6 with Mrs. Maynard Snow 8:00. 7:00 Boy Scouts, Troop I. Wednesday: ' Central group conference of Women of the Church of Kings Mountain Presbyterial at Presby terian church in Grover. Mrs. Paul Mauney, District Chairman, 6:30 Girl Scouts. 7:30 Adult Choir rehearsal. Thursday: 3:00 Brownies. MISSIONARY METHODIST . CHURCH Second Street, Cora Mill ? i Services | Rev. H. Spurgeon Scruggs Pastor Kings Mountain, N..C. Sunday ? ? | J. J. Sink, Supt. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's Society 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic 7:30 p. m. Thursday prayer meeting 7:30 P. m. FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Harry E. Crump, Pastor Saturday 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting. ! Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Ben Short, Supt Aasrt Supt Wecley Moss. Morning worship 11 a. m. 55 Ypung'fw&iai^lfe fliJU p.m I President: Mrs. U!a Croft. I Junior Society 6:30 p. m. Mrs' Myrtle Saunders president7 . Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Wednesday 7 p. m. prayer meet Ing. . I BOYCE MEMORIAL ARP CHURCH WilfJam L. Pressly, Minister Church School 10 a. m. Lewis Hovis, Supt. Morning service 11 a. to. We will celebrate the Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper at the morning service. Meetings in the afternoon: Elders and Deacons will have a Joint meeting at 3:30. * Woman"a Missionary Society will meet at 3:30. Intermediate Society will , meet at 6-^30. Young People will meet at 6:30. Meetings Wednesday: The Men's Club of the Church will meet Wednesday evening. Choir practice Wednesday ev ening. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH T. L. Cashwell, Jr.. Pastor Sunday: - - 9:45 a. m. Sunday SchOl. ? E. C. McClain, Supt. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Sermon by the Pastor 6:15 p. m. Baptist Training Un ion. W. B. Logan, Director. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship. Sermon by the Pastor. Monday: 3:30 p. m. W. M. S. General meeting. Tuesday: 7:30 p. m. Brotherhood barbe cue at the home of Mr, J. B. Kee ter. Wednesday: 6:00 p. m. Sunday School Coun cil and Covered dish supper. 7:00 p.'m. Prayer meeting. 7:45 p. m. Senior choir rehear sal. ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN ; CHURCH Saturday, Sept. 30 ? Junior Choir 10:30 a. m. Sunday, October 1? Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Church Service, Communion, 11 :00 a. m. The Luther Leagues 7:00 p. m. ?Monday, October 2nd. Cub Scouts 4:00 p, m. TueSday, Oct. 3? - Inter. Girl Scouts 4:00 p. m. - Wednesday/October 4 ? Senior Choir 7:30 p. m. Thursday, October 5 ? Girl Scout Choraliers 3:45 p. m. First Weslevan Methodist Sunday School WACO no AD OCTOBER IS RALLY MONTH Come and Bring a Friend OCTOBER 1st IS RALLY DAY Last Year 400 ? -This Year??? VISITING SPEAKER? ENOCH WELCH CHEROKEE INDIAN FROM CHEROKEE. N. C. A GOOD CLASS AND A CONSECRATED TEACHER FOR ALL WE'LL BE LOOKING FOR YOU Rambling Sketches Of Oak Giove News By Mrs. William Wright Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Phllbeck, and family had as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr. ?, ancl Mrs. Q. I V. Phllbeck and children, Barba ra and Lewis,> and Miss Geneva Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Davis of Gas tonia were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bell and children spent the weekend with Mrs. Bell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMillian of Bessemer City. Mr. an'' Mrs. Mcaroe Lovelace of Patterson Grove were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Beit Sunday. Miss Bettle Jean Champion was the Sunday guest of Miss Joan Ford. In the nfternooh Miss es Champion and Ford, Mr. Gene I Ware, Miss Margie Allen spent ' awhile >vith Mr. and Mrs. Sim Dye and Master Phillip Dye of Kings Mountain.. __________ ? ? Mrs. Ann McSwain was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bell and son Dennis spent the past week with Mr. Bell's parents, Mr. ' and J Mrs. Sam Bell. ?I Mr. and Mrs. William Wright ? spent Sunday in the home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. Stokes Wright and sons j Charles and Bill. Mrs. Stokes Wright and sons Charles and Bill and Mrs. Horace ' Bell spent awhile Monday after noon in the home of Mrs. Will McGill of the St. Luke communi ty, " ^Mr^and^Mrs. Rast us ^ Pi xo^^of Sunday aftei^joon \sqith their dau ghter, Mrs. Edgar Bell and fam ily. Mrs. Bell had the misfortune of breaking her leg Thursday af ternoon. She is resting as Well as can be expected, ' ' I By Way Of Mention By Lois Beatty Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Falls of New Jersey have returned home after spending the past week here with relatives. Mrs. E. D. Jennings of Charles ton spent the past week with her uncle, Mr. A. E. Cline. Miss Ann Costner spent the weekend in Cherryville. ? . Mr. E. W. Neal of Hickory spent the weekend with his mo ther, Mrs. E. W. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sprouse and baby spent Sunday in Gaff ney. Mrs. Elbert Payne had as her guests recently Mrs. O. V. Fuller and children of Belmont and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers and family, of Rock Hill. Mr. B. T. Brooks was called to Virginia Monday because Of the death of his uncle, Mr. Lacy Brooks. Miss Margaret Ruth Heath was a recent visitor in Gaffney. | Mr. and Mrs. TrOy Wright and children spent Sunday with the llatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Dave Smith of Lawndale. Mrs. Dorus Allen had as. her guests Sunday her neice. Mrs. John Sneed and farpily of Blacks burg. Mr. and Mrs. FYank Heath, Jr., of Gaffney are spending thit week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heath. Miss Blanche Smith of Gasto NOTICE or SALE Under and by virtue of the po wer of sale contained in a deed of trust given by George C. Hender son and wife, Bryte Henderson, to the undersigned as trustee for W. M. Gantt on the 6th day "of January, 1948; now on record in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in book 336 at page 149 to secure the payment of the indebtedness therein men tioned and default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of W. M Gantt, 1 will sell few cash at the court house door in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Mon day, October 23, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock, a. m., or wkhbi legal hours, the following described ? real estate: 1 BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of Piedmont Street in the Town of Kings Mountain, N. C., at the southeast corner of the Barber Shop building and runs thence S. 88 1/4 approximately 81 feet, more or leas, to ? stake oa the east side of Railroad Street; thence along the East margin of Railroad Street N. 38 E 16.9 feet to a stake; thence ? straight line tn an Eastern direction 71 feet, more or less, to a stake in West edge of Piedmont street; thence S. 2 1/2 E. 14 feet to the BEGIN NING corner, said lot including the brick building located ttiere on and known as the Barber Shop. This the 21st day of Septem- "< ber, 1950. B. S. NEILL, Trustee J. R. Davis, Arty. s-22-o-l3 nia and Mr. Guy Smith of Lawn dale were recent guests of their sister, Mrs. Troy Wright and fam ily. . ?. ? .... Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner ot Rock Hill spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Dorus Allen. Monel, a nickel -copper alloy, Ls used for general applications that require atough, high stren gth material such as in the hand ling of many acids, alkalies and brines. About 300 miles of 9 percent and 5 percent nickel tubing was installed during the past year by the petroleum industry to resist corrosion in condensate wells. - . . - ' \ SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD These Prices Also Apply Bessemei Citys New Dixie-Home Super Market Double Hed , A U.Mb OQC Jonathan Apples 3 n ? Cabbage . . . . 3 - 10e Yellow Onions . . 4 g 19e * *?? ? > [Dixie-Home Buys it Fresn Keeps it Fresh - and Then r...*PAMTKS it Veri-Best! Sweet Juicy California Crl?(? Golden Heart nr?nrfae 9 LI>* 2lC Celery 2 - "c Oranges .J PeasT.C:V"? ISc Yams . - 4 - 25c _ ? . 2 )bs. u. 8. NO 1 Irish Vresh Potatoes 10 - 35c * Bartlett Pears 33c Freeh F?ill-o-Mllk J OQ Cocoanuts .????? 10 Freshly Made With Noodle. 2 " - 79c Chicken Soup . . . 130 Cn66SC ? ? ? ? ^ Dixie-Home's Quslity Made Cdtta?eV;6h?ise ^26e=P^otato Salad . ^ ? _ ? ...... aaiu F reth Economical Standard Cut Gr^ Beans 2H?**c*n' Torsch'e Green and White Lima Beans M?2C'n ? Dixie-Home Quality MHd-Flavored Fresh Pint Jar een Dlx.emomC - ^ APP 35c Mayonnaise . 35c ? Dixie-Home Quality Fresh Salad g%?\ n Dressing . , 5 29< 65' Luscious Dixie-Home Qu*,lty_^ Peaches ? n? ^^?,r3iC fim w dikui' - Dessert Favor.te-Libb/s Crushed Q|il*? I Offl pineapple h?>c~27c rllre Lara . Fl?, for Bl?ult .?d ? 3-Lb Carton TRUE SOUTHERN HOSPITA11TY IS OU* RUIE fOR COU?TESY ixie ome Dlxle-Hpme Quality Orangeade 46Cx ^ 25c Cakes Bake Llflht With Swansdown Cake Flour 4001 39c Rose Royal Plain or SeH Rising Flour . - 15Lb ^ Babies Love Gerbers Strained Baby Food . . 3 27c Sunshine. Fresh Crisp Hi-Ho Crackers Lb "? 31c. Keeps Food Fresh? Wax Paper Cut-Rite . ????? *?n 21c Binlshes RefrlBerator ?dors 20 ioox. 1 ?jU Southern Gold Coloreo Borax . . ? ? Southern Gold Coloreo Margarine Peter Pan Creamy Rlon - Peanut Butter T 35c i (4 Lb. Sticks) Lb 33c Peter Pan Creamy Rich Peter Pan Fresh ?. - Afl Salted Peanuts7!." 29c Ready to Eat ? Castleberry*s Georgia Hash 'c 39 Healthful Swift s Strained Meats for Babies - 21 c BUY QUALITY-TENDER! Ready for the Pan, Disjointed Dressed Fryers . . . ^ 51? Selected Sliced Tender Beef Liver. 69? P(r?hy P.g Country ?tyl* QuaHty Tender U. 8. Good Boneleaa Top Sausage . 57e Round Steak 99c Quality Tendsi U. 8. Good Beef Large Tenoer Oreen Chuck Roast * 67c Jumbo Shrimp * Fine for Green )tk