? " ~r\ " _____ ^ - - Sport Shots BY CHARLES CARPENTER CHERRYVI^LE SERIES We've still been unable to com plete the history ol the Kings Mountain ? Cherryville high school football series but, as our efforts to complete the case his tory progress, we keep learning "things." Such learning tho' doesn't make the best of reading, as far as Mountaineer fans are concerned. Some of the facts are: Barring a Kings Mountain vic tory tn 1941 (no score available), Kings Mountain has not been a ble to as much as tie a Cherry ville team since 1934. Old-times contend that Kings Mountain has defeated Cherryvlll? in football, but no one has come up with the year or the score. Kings Mountain ^hasn't scored on the Ironmen since the 1945 Don Parker coached eleven lost 6- 19. Bill Cash Ion cracked over after passes to R. Smith and Dett mar (by Cashion) set the. tally up. Kings Mountain dropped a close game here in. 1944 in the first game played at "beautiful" City Stadium by a score of 6-7. A game scheduled for Shelby's field was rained out and was never played. The 1941 game was played at. Shelby, on neutral ground, be cause of the keen rivalry be tween the two teams (or should we say town's fans). No score a vailable. The 1945 game was also played at Shelby. . ?' In 1935 it was a close one ? Kings Mountain lost 12-13 in Coach Paul E. (Pete) Moss' first year. The 1950 coach of the Iron men, Hense Quinn, br-oke away for a "dteofflf ~T?T~ pulF Th^rryfffce" from behind late in the game. | Cherryvllle ?? 14 32 ?? 19 7 Not Sched. f 14 7 26 * * 13 6 In 1934, last year of Coach W. J. (Red) Fulkerson'u tenure, the Mountaineers notched a 6-6 tie. Jake Early scored the touchdown against the Jack Riser eleven. The year-by-year dope we have It: Kings Mt. Year 0 1949 0 1948 0 ' 1947 0 1946 6 1946 6 1944 No Team 1943 Not Sched. - 1942 ? 1941 6 1940 0 1939 0 1938 ? 1937 ? 1936 12 1935 6 1934 No earlier scores available, ? dd ? Jake Early arrived home this week from Minneapolis after the Millers dropped the semi.-flnal playoff series to Columbia, a team thta gave the pennant -win ning Minneapolis team a fit all [year. Jake had a grand-slam hi mer in the Sunday game of the Columbus series, hit around .250 for tho season, had around 40 runs batted i.i and hit 6 homers. Down with what he calls the "flu or cold or somethin' " this week, Jake is set to start Working next week, on a winter job. Jake com* mented that tie weather got coleason but the weather didn't "freeze" the Millers flag drive ... glancing through the files last week we