MRS* Pi IX HERNDON. Editor Phono 167 Senior Woman's Club Resume Meetings The initial fall meeting of the Senior Woman's Club was held Friday, September 15, at 7:30 p. m., in the club lounge. The entrance hall and lounge were beautifully decorated with fall flowers. In the absence of the chaplain, Mrs. L. L. Benson, Mrs. W. T. Weir served as chaplain. Mrs. Jacob Mauney, president presided. Minutes of the last meeting and, minutes of an ex ecutive board meeting September 14 were read and approved. The treasurer's report was given, A letter from an Italian" lady was read expressing her thanks to the club for the clothing sent her family. Mrs. E. W. Griffin. Floral Fair chairman, appointed committees to assit with the fair. An an I nouncement was made of the District meeting to be held Oc tober 11, in Cherryvllle. Mrs. Mauney urged that all who could attend please do so, and notify Mrs. G. W. Mauney by October 5, so that reservations might be made for the luncheon which will be $1.25 a plate. Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. C. A. Butterworlh -and Mrs. E. B. Eller be were appointed as a nominat ing committee, their report to he given at the February meeting. Mrs. Mauney asked that per I sons renting the club house be reminded by a posted notice not (o remove the club seal or pic tures from the walls. A committee. was appointed to make plans for the Youth Con servation projects. After adjournment refresh ments were served by the host esses Mesdames H. C. Mayes, M. H. Biser, Vernon Crosby, W. L. Pressly and W. W. Tolleson. FALL SPECIALS AT AMOS & SON . . . Calvert 100% Wool COAT SWEATERS LADIES CORDUROY SKIRTS Sizes 24-30 $4.98 Brown, Coral, Red New Fall Shades NYLON HOSE ^$tar?k*$!25 for 51-gauge. 15 denier 60-15 Nylons ... . SI. 59 Children's SOCKS 19c. 2)3 c, 35c 39c Bobby Sox & Fancy Tops Large Size NECK-TIES Solids and Designs 59c $5-95 Green. Gray. Maroon, Royal Blue OTHER LADIES' SWEATERS Button-Up S3.95 ? $4.95 Pullover $ CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Button-Up $1.49 ? $2.98 Pullover . . $1.98 ? $2.98 Assorted Colors OTHER SWEATERS . For Men and Boys at AMOS' Low Prices Amos & Son 413 N. Piedmont Telephone 325-W TELEVISION Here's Your Reserved Seat for the WORLD SERIES ! FIRST TRUE-FOCUS PICTURE in Television History No Blurt Ho Smear! PHILCO M Choose from many Models SHCIM EASY TERMS $ig/6 Picture $239.00 Plut Tax ami Warturfy 145 SQ. IN. SOWN See the Series, in your own home with this 16-irch TV value sensation! Philco Bal anced Beam picture brings new viewing enjoyment . . . no blur or smear. Super performance even in weak signal areas. Philco 1601. CALL for delivery In time for the.' First Game ! Furniture H?w , . .HBP mm Phone 59 i Mrs. W. W. Tolleson Fetes Bridge Club Mixed garden flowers were us ed in charming arrangements in the home of Mrs. W. W. Tolleson on Tuesday afternoon when she entertained the members of the Entre-Nous bridge club and on additional guest guest Mrs. J. C. McKlnney. . V A dessert course was served be tween progressions. When scores were tallied it was revealed Mrs. B. S. Neill held high score and Mrs. H. C. Mayes sec ond high each received lovely gifts Duplicate Club Meets With Mrs. Peeler Mrs. Drace M. Peele? was hos tess on Monday afternoon to members of the Duplicate Club, her home for "the occasion was charmingly decorated with zin nias and marigolds. During the progressions a des sert course was served. The hostess awarded score pri zes to iMrs. L. E. Abbott and Mrs. C. D. Blanton. Mrs: Carl Mauney was invited to play with the members. Surprise Dinner Given Betty Bonhara A surprise dinner was given Betty Bonham Sunday September 17, on her 18th birthday. The dining table was overlaid with a white linen cloth and beautifully decorated with pink fall flowers and a pink and white birthday cake. The dinner was served buffet style, after which records weer played. MS-* f lowing went on a sight-seeing trip: Misses 'Mackie" Carroll, Co leen Brooks, Anais Green and Betty Bonham. Birth Announcements Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Whetstine announce the birth of a son Wed nesday, September 20, Shelby hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowers an nounce the birth of a daughter, on Thursday, September 21, at the Garrison General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Cheshire an nounce the birth of a son, Grady Patterson, Friday September 22, Memorial hospital, Charlotte. Hens on U. S. farms laid 4.2 bil lion eggs during August. This was a new record for the month both in total number and in av erage production per layer. Social Calendar Friday 3.00 ? Fortnighters Club meets with Mrs. C. D. Blanton. I Monday 3:30 ? Circle No. 1 of Central Me thodist church meets with Mrs. H. T. Fulton with Mrs. O.. O. Jackson, co-hostess. . 3:30? Circle No. 5 of the Presby terian church meets with Mrs. C, P. Goforth. 7:30 ? Circle No. 1 meets with Miss Oarlyle Ware. * 7:30 ? Junior Woman's Club meets at the club house. This will be a dinner meet ing honoring the new teach ers and officers of the Sen ion Woman's Club. 8:00? Circle No. 4 of the Presby terian church meets with Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch. 8:00 ? Circle Nc. 6 of the Presby terian church meets with Mrs. Maynard Snow. \ Tuesday >3:30 ? The Home Arts Club meets with Mrs. Paul McGinnis. 7:30 ? The Girl Scout .workshop will be held in the Educa tional building of the First Baptist church. Thursday 3:30? The Thursday Afternoon Book Club meets with Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell. 8:00 ? Queen of Clubs meets with Mrs. Buddy Lackey at her home in Fallston. i Elizabeth Eshouse Td Wed Mr. Anthony Mr. and Mrs, Henry M Eshouse, of Kalamazoo, Mich., announced last week the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth Marie, to William Crawford Anthony. of Kalamazoo, son of Dr. and Mrs. James Edward Anthony. Sr., of Kings Mountain, The wedding will take place on November 18th at the Stetson Chapel, at Kaiamazzoo College. Miss Eshouse id a teacher in the Galesburg, Mich., public schools, having formerly held a teaching position in the Kalama zoo public schools. She was grad uated from Western Michigan college in 1946 with the degree of Bachelor of Science. She is also an accomplished pianist and or ganist and directs Beam, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har- J rill and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. j A. Harrill and daughter, Demeris. ! of Rock Hill, motored to Little Switzerland and Mt. Pisgah Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney leave Friday for Dip Moines, Iowa, to attend a meeting of the United Lutheran . .Church . .convention. While away they will also attend a National Brotherhood Gonven | don in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Lieut, and Mrs. J. D. Mercer and daughter, Peggy, of Colum bia, S. "C., were guests o. Mrs. Mercer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Plonk during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lackey, Jr., of Fallston were 1 spend the day guests of the Plonks on Sunday. District Meeting DAR Friday, October 6 A District meeting of tin* Son i ior Woman's club will be lieTd in fherryviile Wednesday, Oetobei 11. Mrs. Jacob Mauney, president onts. They returned to Kalamazoo on Thursday. of tlio UkmI vi.ub iirgrs ai) tru'ifi bers to ill lon?l arid to please ma !. * VV. Mavinoy, ph?>no l-l2v by < >et. 5. . The Rroup Wilf least' the club house at 0 : 30 a- rti. Tfa import h: ? tion 1 1 bo provided". 1 SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD TO AfcTlVE DUTY .iN?rj>. Charier. K. Wilson, soii of Mr. and Mrs. Mart in 'Wilson, has lxH>n called to actlvo duty in tho Marino t'orpit Kesorve. A 26- months vetoran of. World War II, Corp. Wilson .loft Sun od at U n ion National Bank in Charlotte FLEECE- E-DO\TN BLANKET a Certificate of SIZE 72 x 90 USE OUR EASY LAY-AWAY PLAN against Moth Damage for t 5 YEARS L zJl or lasting beauty, -warmth and service, select these new pastel shades of Desert Hose, Blue Sky, White Cloud, Canyon Red, Cactus Green, Yellow Sun, Terracotta and Green Gold. Dept. Location FAMOUS BEAUTIFUL WIDE RAYON SATIN BINDING - LARGE SIZE 72 * v to bung >cni ' rhe mil) thrilling lut! fuhionj IV fi'V to gun fashion Umt with thn RiveiSule Diamond Check ?nd tolid combination tbift a English is Chirm jt Crow The )?cke?. ? nettly highlighted it the coIUr, '% cuffs trtd pockets with the solid ? of the skirt So vunning in bUck V Of bto? ? n*.fh riiirulfi) ?mi ih?l wul riir *hr num . ev< itirMimji flattery ihts Fail, JunMH Jewgncd muh a r.fw 41 coat fullnei* f hit s . v> gay arwi li^h(hrxn/-tl. The idf-fahrk ivm high lighting ?he Mug]) >rr.4ff (nllat line, rah Kc Worn rinsed \<* tied to iui? yoif fjtuy Of fine Lmccr Verier tan in green, wine, taupe, copper Junto* sue* 7 to IV