50th Anniversary To Be Noted The following Invitations were issued this week: Tho children of Mr. and Mra. W. F. Styera request the pleasure or your company . at a celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of their marriage on Saturday, the. twenty first of October nineteen hundred and fifty seven 10 nine in ihe evening . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tate Mr. Bill Hiatte To Speak On Camellias Tho Kings Mountain Garden Club will hold its next meeting on Thursday evening, October 19, at the Woman's Club at 8 p. m. This will be an open meeting and anyone interested in camel lias is i'vited to hear Mr. Bill Hiatte. The Kings Mountain harden Club will not' meet on. Wednesday October 1 1 . Mrs. W. L. Pressly Soloist For Wedding Tho Rev. and Mrs. W. L'. Privwly and son, JamM Allen, will go to StatesviHe to attend the wedding of Mr. Pressly's niece, Miss Mabel Hamilton to Dr. John ('harlot Mc 6111. The wedding will be a formal ceremony Friday evening at the Kirst A. II. P. church In States- i vllle. Mrs. Press-ly will he soloist 1 for the Wedding. Circle No. 6 Met With Mrs. Snow Circle 6 of the Presbyterian church met Monday night with Mrs. Maynard Snow. Thirteen members were present and three new members welcomed Into the circle. Mrs. Snow taught the mission book. "Beside the Hearthstone;" A social hour was enjoyed af ter the program,- the members made flowers from kleenex which they plan to sell. Cake and coffee was served by the hostess. Macedonia's G. A.'s Meet In Scout Hut The Girls Auxiliary of Macedor ia Baptist church met Saturday morning at 9:30 in the Scout hut. ' The five girls presenting the program were Lois Ann Spake, Micky Lynn. Judy Barrett, Brenda" Moore and Carolyn Wright1. An article entitled, "Voices on the j Air" was presented by their lead er, Mrs. James Bolln. - - . i Mrs. H, E. Lynch . Circle Hostess Mrs. Haywood E. Lynch was hostess Monday night.tP circle I i of thf Presbyterian church at her ! home on Kid*:*' street. . Mrs. O. P. Lewis, chairman, pre- I sided. Mrs. Q. VV. Myers Rave the ; 3il>lt* l.'sson on Prayer. 'i f Mrs. Lewis gave the program on Foreign Missions after which I a social hour was enjoyed. Light j refreshmneis were served. Seven | members were prsent. Junior Club Honors Teachers The Junior Woman's club held their regular monthly meeting or\ Monday evening at the Wo man's club. Mrs. Sam Weir, Jr., Mrs. Franklin Limerick, Mrs. Hu bert Davidson and Miss Grace Davis were hostesses* This was the annual occasion to honor the new. teachers In the city school system and also the officers of the Senior Woman's club. The meeting room was attrac tively arranged with fall flowers and colored leaves, Upon arrival each guest was presented a min iature corsage. Supper was serv ed buffet style. The table was in keeping with the other autumn] decorations. V ? j Miss Lula Mae Teague and Mrs. W. B. Logan were in charge of the program for the evening. Miss Teague presented Mr. How ard Coble and Franklin Pethel who delighted the guests with several musical selections. A short business meeting was held following the conclusion of the program. Reports were heard from the Finance committee and the Membership committee. It was voted to have a membership drive in the month of November. The. November meeting Will be held at ihe Woman's club with -Miss Irene AUen and Mrs. D. W. Blanton as. hostesses. Leon Wolfe Is Wed In New Orleans Of interest in Kings Mountain was tfw wedding, Wednesday, September 20th, of Leon Wolfe and Miss Laura Relle of New Or* leans. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe visited his mother, Mrs. Nina Wolfe for several days last week. They were enroute from New Orleans to New York where they will make ihelr home. Mr. Wolfe represents L. L. Hod gkinson Ltd., Trinidad, British West Indes. EASY TERMS * 0/Vty/V0#G? fwed (/w ate tbue> feafimi ? ECONOMY BAFFLE provides longer fUm? travel. Result: Mure heat! ? GIANT VfcSTICAL HEAT EXCHANOfR has extra-large heating surface. ? LOW-DRAFT VAPORIZING BURNER gives hot, clean flame. ? ECONOMY DRAFT REOULATOt assure* uniform burning. ? SINGLE DIAL HEAT SELECTOR give# you finger-tip control over the (tow of oiL ? SURE-FLO TANK has cooauint-levet oil meter( There's a Norgm for every need/ ? See our cqmpUto itode. COOPER'S, Inc. The Good Place To Buy Furniture Phone 93 CIRCUl A riNG OIL HtATER FOR 4 ROOMS MODEL HUD-53 'own HtA? Mown aariA Personals Miss Peggy Baker is visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mauney In I New York City. ' -? Bob Baker Is visiting friends In Worchester, Mass., going especial ly <o attend a friend's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Fr^d Morirow of Gastonla visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cornwell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Wm. E. Alexander and child of Robbins have returned home after spending a f?!w days wLth Mrs. Rufus Plonk and fam ily. Mrs. F. H. Nolan of Franklin, N. C., ts visiting her daughter, Mis. J. H. Brendall and Rev. Mr. Bren (l. ili. Sunday guests of Mr. and' Mrs. E. T. Plott were her parents, Mr.| and Mrs. B. M. Welsh and broth er, Steve Welsh, and family of J Charlotte. Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell, James O'. Karrell, MrS. H. S. Blackmer and "Mm. Nell Patrick returned Mon day from Crescent Beach where | they spent several weeks. Miss Nancy Nickles, a member of the school faculty of Albemarle and Grady Jensen of Nashville, Tenn., were guests of Mrs. J. C. Nickles over the weekend. Mrs. Daisy Weaver has return ed to her home here after spend- j ing-a month. with Mr. and Mrs.' Hudson Avery, tl# latter her sis- j ter, in Dubaoh, La. She went es pecially \o be with Mrs. Avery) who recently underwent an op eration, but is now recovering ra pidly. Mrs. Avery is the former Miss Eva Payne of this city. j Two Are Hostesses For Circle Meeting Mrs. H. T. Fulton and Mrs O. 0. 1 Jackson were hostesses on Mon day afternoo- to circle 1 of Cen tral Methodist church entertain ing at the home of Mrs. Fulton. ' The meeting was opened with the song, "Take Time to be Holy," fol ' lowed with the scripture lesson 1 given by Mrs. Fulton. The program was given by Mrs. W. W Tolleson on "Healing Gifts He Lends." Mrs. Paul Hendricks, circle leader, presided during the bus iness. Plans were made for the month and other matters of busi ness discussed. Nineteen members were pres. ent. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. Margrace Club Elect Officers The Margrace Woman's Club met Friday night in the club house with a large attendance. Mrs. C. W. Falls called the meeting to order. Mrs. Jame.? Bo lln was In charge of the devo tional. During .the business session the following officers were elected: Mrs. C. W. Falls was re-elected president; vice-president, Mrs. Paul Mauney; secretary, Mrs. Clany Jones; treasurer, Mrs. A: S. Lynch; reporter, MM. James Bo lin. Refreshments wer6 served toy the hostesses, Mrs. Joe Foster, Mrs. Jim Medlln and Mrs. Grady Rhea. On Saturday night the club en tertained their husbands and the Park Grace teachers with a cov. ered dish supper. The well-filled tables were decorated with "beau tiful fall flowers. Attie Bostic Y. W. A. Met Monday Night The Attie Bostic Y| W. A. of the First Baptist church held Its reg ular meeting Monday night at 7 p. m. In the absence of the presi dent, Dot Tesseneer, membership ?chairman, presided. A report on State Missions was given, followed with the scripture lesson given by Betty Davis. Short sentence prayers were giv en by each member. A round ta ble discussion on "What the Il literate Should Read" was given by Mrs. W. B. Logan, Betty Hayes and Martha Cox. The next meeting will be held at the home of Betty Hayes on October 16. Martha Cox will have charge of the program. ? Mrs. Minnie Ware . Honored With Dinner Mrs. Minnie Ware celebrated, her 73rd birthday on Sunday, the occasion being marked toy a ga thering of friends and relatives at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Cornwell. Dinner was served buffet style from a beautifully decorated ta ble. A large birthday cake was used as a central decoration. A bountiful dinner was served to Mr. and- Mrs. W. E. Rudisell of near Cherryville, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Cody, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Se bettio. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Heav ner and son, Clegg, of near Crou se. Miss Norma Bart and Paul Ro berts of Charlotte, Mrs. Bob Mc Gill and Miss Margaret Cornwell. Mrs. Ware was the recipient of Many lovely gifts. The Corrvweil home was lavish ly decorated for the occasion with dahlias, zinnias and other cut fall flowers. We Have lust Installed NEW COTTON GIN MACHINERY at Ooi Gin We are now equipped with the latest Continental Gin Drying Equipment. These new facilities turn out CLEANER COTTON for better grades and better market prices. LET US DO ALL YOUR GINNING THIS YEAH! V ? . v ? - ... - ? v _ v *" ? We are equipped to haul your cottar to and from the gin. WE BUY COTTON AMD COTTON SEED and PAT HIGHEST MARKET PE1CES " .- c-/> . i ' /? ? V.. * ' ?*:? ' . ? . ' BRING OS TOUR 1950 CROPI ' V ' ,, : " r-X-M Kings Mountain Cotton Oil Company PHONE 124 ad i'-i : ? ?*y^ GIRL SCOUTS - .x ?; . v\' V/; Brownie Scout Troop ,23 met September 20 for our regular meeting. We met at the church as usual then went to the City Wa ter Works where Mr. Robert Wrl ght showed \w around and ex plained all about how the water is purified and how k is tested lor bacteria. This was really In teresting and I am sure we all profited a lot by the trip. Alter this we , played some games, had a short business meet ing, sang our Brownie song and went home. Betty Sue Kirby The elements most commonly used In the production of various alloy ?teete are Iron, carbon, nic kel, chromium, silicon, copper, manganese, . molybdenum and vanadium. Customers' /"1 Corner * i Packing your, order may sound like a little thing, but our trained employee* give it a lot of thdught. They know that it isn't right to place live pounds of flour on top of a quarter pound of hutter ... or to place soap next to cheese. The men and women of A&P will appreciate it if you will let them have any suggestions as to hoy they can make>a handier package for you to take home. Please write: (i Customer Relations Dept., A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue Ne* York 17. N. Y. HEAD Ann Page Foods On* of /lScP'i finest brands^ Ann fag* Creamy Smooth Peanut Butter 'S? 23c Stalk 8c Cauliflower . GOLDENHEART No. 3 CELERY YELLOW ONIONS? lb. 5c GREEN CABBAGE CABBAGEf-lb. .... 4c IDAHO BAKING POTATOES . . .. .. 6c BARTLETT PEARS? lb. 19c ? ? BUNCH dRISP CARROTS 31c Ann Page with Pork & Tom. Sauce Beans 16c?>z 11c Ann Page Spaghetti or Macaroni pSf. 10c Ann Page Salad ' ? Dressing _ Tar 29c Ann Page Cherry Preserves MO* 16c Can 10c "V\y v > 9 *\ Bonum APPLES Slbs. 39c Niblets Brand Corn Delmonte . Peaches.... Nc?nV432c Swift Prem lc? 52c Golden Maid Margarine---.-. pS ZSc Domestic Sardines ^ _ ycfnM 7c Early June ? . lona P^s N"c,r 13c Packer's Label Tomatoes - 2- ctJ Libby's Pineapple Juice - Delmonte Sliced ? Pineapple c?.n2 29c 25c 48-Oz. Can 1-Lb. 45c Mild AmcHcan Cheese Cheese > yod Spread Ched-O-Bit ? LL.", 75c Jane Parker Sugared Donuts pkT 19c Home Style or Sandwich Marvel Bread - li?f: 18c JANE PARKER V SPANISH BAB Cil It E . JANE PARKER JELLY DONUTS 7 ox. 19c JANE PARKER VANILLA - m* JANE PARKER - COCOANUT MARSHMALLOW Gold Layer Cake Macaioon Cap Cakes 19 ox. 49c ? 7ox- 25c I i Vel Pk? 28c Jergens M So. 8c Bar Oxydol ? M L?e Pk*. Sweetheart 9cl SOAP Bar. Personal Ivory r . . 6c ?oar yggay E2 12c Woodbury ?f 9c SOAP Bar Blu-White ... pk?. . i Armour '? Canned ?V. Meat* ? Tract - Chopped Nan's; 55c Chili Co# Carne y 34c Tallies 22c Vieiaa Sausage' - 21c OeviM jlaa <?? 18c FOOD STORES W llv*

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