GO BUY THE NAME llBCPffEE, HOME APPLIANCES Freezers, Refrigerators. Ranges. Water Heaters ALEXANDER'S APPLIANCES SOI Piedmont Avenue CROSSWORD PUZZLE ANSWERS nannanHnci .?nana csDaar! aaaa nnn nnnn ?can nnoan " w ? Ms I* ** >iftUM*TiiTBrr * ?QI9DDB ? ?? ?? a ?????? ????(!? nn ?? ?? oca naa ??? nana nrara nana ?nana aanan ????????? HIGHEST QUALITT . LOW PHI CES ? Used Cars and Trucks for sale. Our selections on the lot at Used Car Headquarters, VICTORY CHEVROLET CO., Phones 49 . A 419. Ju-21-tfn. Bargains! USED # Refrigerators # Oil Stores Pauline Store Phone 31 PORTABLE ELECTRIC AND ACETEYLENE WELDING AltO GENERAL MACHINE WOEXi latest equipment, prompt aer vice. KINGS MOUNTAIN MA CHINE WORKS, Inc., Gold . . n-7-tfn SEVERAL NEW GATE CITY hea vy chrome dinette suites for sale. One at $99.50, worth $120. Oth ers up to $129. MARGRACE , STORE, Phone 594. o-6. J_ ? V * ? STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS to arrange, in your home, for a ? STANLEY PARTY, or for ? STANLEY PRODUCTS. contact MR. & MRS. G. C. LOONEY 501 E. Xing Phone 255- W GUARANTEED UPHOLSTERING Prompt service and top quality ?^>rk. Free estimates. Free pick up and delivery service. T. ft W. Manufacturing Co., located at former Bennett Construct ion office (1st building on right on York Road). P. O. Box 669 day phone 414-J, night phone 432 J-2. a-29-tfn. CAMELLIAS ? New Shipment arrived, 2 to 3 feet: Glgantla, Elegans, Professor Sargeant, Kumasaka, Jarvis Red, Empress Cameo Pink, Snowdrift, Fancy Bolis, Chandelerl. FAISON PLANT NURSERY, 602 S. Wash ington St., Shelby, N. C. s-29-0-6 FOR SALE ?"Slightly used blue worsted Griffon suit in excel lent condition. 42 Coat, pants 37 waist, 31 1/2 length. Practi cally new. I outgrew it. T. A. POLLOCK, 310 E. King St., phone 222 -J. 's-29 o-6 TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE See HAYWOOD E. LYNCH, at Western Auto Store. Phones 92 or night 249. m-31-tfn. REPAIR SERVICE ? RADIO ? PHONOGRAPH ? TELEVISION Quality )'?i ? ; & Parts Bridges RADIO Service Ph. 625 Railroad At*. SHOES FOR SALE ? Unclaimed and used shoes for sale. FITE'S SHOE REPAIR SER. VICE, between A & P and Dix ie Home. s-15-tfn. City Service Station TELEPHONE 208 -SAT IT WITH FLOWERS" from ALLEN'S FLOWER SHOP We Telegraph Flowers Everywhere TeL 361 or 451-W-I E. King SL REALESTATE: Buymg and Sell ing. See me for your realty re quirements. B. D. 1RATTERREE, Phone 86-J. J-22-tfn. . I ALL TYPES High Quality SHOE REPAIR FITE'S SHOE REPAIR 241 Battleground Rd. Next to Dixie-Home FOR SALE ? Model "A" Ford pick-up truck. Good motor. Good tires. $150, See A. E. (Jim) Connor, 307 Gaston st., Phone 563-J. s-29-o-6-pd. BRIDGES RADIO SERVICE, loca ted rear of Tar Heel Finance Co, phone 625. m-31-tfn. OK USED CARS ? TRUCKS? for sale. We finance and Insure under the General Motors Ac ceptance Corp. plan. See Us To day! VICTORY CHEVROLET CO., Phones 49 * 419. ju-21-tfn. WANTED TO BUT ? 50 clean used can. KINGS MOUNTAIN MOTOR SALES, located be tween Joy A Dixie Theatres, Phone 650. Ju-21-tfn. 8TOWE RADIO SERVICE i~Gua7 aniteed radio and television ser vice. Sales and Service. All Work Guaranteed. Phone 393. ' s-2-tfn. No! No! LET US FIX THAT OLD WATCH There U probably many years of good oerrice in it ii repaired by an expert craftsman . f THEN AUTO FOR SALE ? 1941 Ford 2-door Super-DeLuxe. Good con dition. Hoyle Putnam, R. F. D. 1, Kings Mountain. o-6-l3-pd AVERAGE LOCAL WHOLESALE MAPKET QUOTATIONS (Corrected Oct 4, 1950) Eggs, Poultry yard ........ 51c Eggs, Pullet 44c Sweet Potatoes . .... S1.75 Hens (dressed & drawn) .... 39c Fryers (dressed & drawn) . . 48c Corn (White) S1.60 Corn (yellow) $1.60 Wheat S1.85 to $2.15 Oats 80c Barley S1.2S NOTARY ? LETTER WRITING - Notary- service, letter writing and public stenography. See MRS. BILLIE LOGAN, Notary > Public, at The Record Shop.| Phone 27. m-10-tfn. ? Contracting ? Repairs ? Quick Service ? ? * 'I ' * * Ben T. Goforth Phone 2811 Grover. N. C. LOST ? Two black cocker pup pies, six months old, from Kings Mountain National Park, Saturday, Sept. 30. Larger of two wearing red collar and ans wers to tony. Other named, Andy. Please return to Margar er Felton, at Park, or call Clo- \ ver 2838 collect. Reward. o-6-13-pd. SLABS FOR SALE $1100 PER LOAD We Deliver Biggest Load For Your Money Call or See Elmei Lumber Company Phone 54 LET US PAY YOUR HOSPI TAL BILLS. Join the Re serve Hospital Plan To day! Hospital and Surgery coverage for all accidents and sickness, maternity benefits. Complete cover age for Individuals and family group. Good at any hospital. Choose your own doctor. For' complete de tails write to A. C. Dellin ger, Rt. No. 2, Kings Mountain, N. C., or Call 118 for appointment. ??7-pd-tfn I ?* ' " hi I" ^ ".I ? . > ~ ? ' ?' "I FOR SALE ? Trombone and clar- ! lnet. Priced right. Excellent j condition. See JACK ARNETTE at Marlowe's Center Service. Phone 62. s-29-o-6. HET iT D S f f I? 'bring you r old hangers to us. We pay SO cents per 100 for clean metal , hanger* McC'TRDY CLEANERS -DYERS, Phone 257. a-19-tin. FOB SALE ? Boy's "Schwin" bl cycle. See Royace Riser, 100 Cleveland ave., Phone 163-W. o-6pd. rOR SALE ? 1936 Buick Sport Coupe. Good condition. 411 West Gold st. Mrs. Bill Souther. 0-6. Sand and Dirt HAULING Prompt Delivery Service HAZEL L. GILL 421 W. King St. or Call 425- W FOR SALE ? Several good used electric refrigerators for sale. One at $50 and two at $60 each. MARGRACE STORE, Phone 594. 0-6.' ? FOR SALE ? Small Roman Ea gle white enamel wood stove. Call 435 -M or see Mrs. D. B. Williams, Waco Road. s-22-29 0-6-pd. MEW PERFECTION ? One New Perfection 5 burner table top oil range for sale- Slightly us es, like brand new! Will take S95 for it (regular $159 value). MARGRACE STORE, Phone 594. o-6 10 MEN WANT E D from this area to train for jobs as ! OPERATOR ? AGENTS with Railroads. A lifetime opportu nity for a life-time Job. Approv ed for Veterans. Write Railroad Communications School, 104 East 8th St., Kansas City, Mis souri. 0-6-13. HIGHEST PRICES paid for scrap Iron and metal. Call J. C. CLARY, phone 41? 1 m-12-tfn. STOWE RADIO & TELEVISION 118 Mountain St Specilaizlng in TELEVISION REPAIRS and ADJUSTMENTS Phone 393 All Work Guaranteed FOR SALE ? '49 Chevrolet coupe. 14,000 miles, extra clean Phone 418- j. J. C. Clary, s-22-tfn. FOR SALE ? . baby buggy, teeter baby, play pen, bathinette. Phone 68-J. . 0-6 WANTED! advertisers to* list items no longer needed. Sell In these columns. Want Ads Pay! Phones 167 and 283. Kings Mountain Herald. JUST RECEIVED ? ? ~New Ship ment of QUAKER oil circulat ing heaters. All sizes. MAR GRACE STORE, Phone 594. o-6 FOR BEN T? 2 or 3 rooms with running water. Close in. Call 592-J. o-6-13 MOVING AND HAULING ? Rea sonable rates. Phone 453- W-3. James Morgan. o-13-n-l_pd. FOR SAL E ? Blond Cocker Spantels, 8 weeks old. AKC reg istered. Reasonable. See Dickie Tate, Wells St. o-6. FOR SAL E ? one space heat er, oil. 38,<JOO BTU. Cheap. See Dickie Tate, Wells st- 0-6. Uncle Sam Says far TOUR ladaM tevtafi Bonds," w?? imiSiii TktN acimpspsil demonstrate their M Anjcrlr* SsTtegs . During August, farm flocks In North Carolina produced 76 mil lion eggs. This was an increase of 8.6 percent over production dur ing the 8* mem onth last year. As of September 1, Tar Heel far mers were expected to produce an average yield of 36 bushels of corn per acre on their 1990 crop. ' This would be a new record. The Ugliest yield to date has been 36 bushels per acre, made In 1MB. nSIDWnv kjoah WeosTtrc.- 173s IMS OUR DEMOCRACY- kyM* Noah had a Word for it When Noak Webster., in lets, published the nnsr AMERICAN DICTIONARY, He <3 AVE POWER. AND AUTHORITY TO A COMMON LAN<5UA<Sr IN A COUNTRY WHOSE PEOPLE CAME FK0M A\ ANY {.A/VPS. MlS LEXICON WAS A SOURCE OF EDUCATION ANO A FORCE FOR NATIONAL UNITY. Noah Webster's work ? anp that of other scholars and EDUCATORS INSPIRED BY AMERICAN IDEALS ? MAS SEEN POTENT IN THE FUSION OF MANV RACES INTO A NATION THAT LEAXA/S AND TEACHES /TS OEMOCiACY IN A COMMON TONGUE. Negro News By Mis. Cannle Gordon 105 Carpenter Street Kings Mountain, N. C. -Turn in News Items at above address Davidson High School Members of the Davidson High ' School family have worked on a unit "The Road to Good Heal--'* th" that Is now on exhibit at the I Cleveland County fair that is be- ' ing held this week. We are sorry J that all work done could not be put on exhibit, but we did inclyde as much as possible from differ- f ent individuals. Thanks to every- ! one who worked to make this ex- r hi bit possible. We know that you' enjoyed working as much as our group did. . We are very gratefuly to Mrs. Cansler, Mrs. Myers and Mr. Pe thel for their efforts put forth in organizing our Girl Scout chorus. Mr. Pethel and Mrs. Myers have done excellent work with the . girls so far and hope to make ev* en more progress in the future. We hope the parents of our Senior i Scouts will please work hard to j help our Seniors get in uniform j before we are to make our first 1 appearance. Girl Scouts who are ! members of the chorus are: Grace Rhodes, Virginia Bess, Grace Boyd, Bobby Byers, Sarah L. Thombs, Annie Thombs, Inez RoSs, Peggy Byers, Norma Thombs, Phtllys Byers. Peggy Dawkins, Katherine Brown, Bet ty J. Brown, Kattye M. Cook, Ca therine Adams , Edith Wells Mae Lester, Hughes Geraldine Jenkins ' Mae F. H ckman, Pernelle Garvin t ?Thelma Burrls, Alberta Boyce and Delia Garvin. Our rehearsals are held on Tuesdays at 3;30 p.m. TO OUR PARENTS ? GUESS WHAT? Tuesday is the second Tuesday in the month. That is our regular P. T. A. meeting night. We hope that you will , start now and plan to attend 1 the meeting. We have _ lots of ' work to do, and it is going to take j the efforts of each of our parents and teachers in order to have a successful outcome. night., girlse nt . .. Olf-to-College Teachers College, Winston-Sa lem: Alice Mae Hay ward, Christ- ! ine Hayward, Janie Mae Crosby, Margaret Smith. , Livingston College,, Salisbury.: Hazel Butris, John L. Bfalock. Walter L. Hayward of Ft. Bragg is spending a 15 day leave at home. Club Meets The Twin Table Club met ati the home of Mrs. Wellmon Orr Friday night, Sept. 29. Eleven j members were present, one visi- 1 tor, Mrs. Frank Rhodes of Phila- ' delphia, Pa| The house was beau tifully arranged with late sum mer flowers. A four course dinner wa* served. A bowl of nuts was on each table. After dinner games were enjoyed. ? I There will be a State Rally the fifth Sunday night Oct. 29 at the Davidson high school, sportsored by St. Paul Methodist church. Ebenezer and Mt. Pleasant and *'?ras - alUNE Double Feat\ .uNGA DIN" with Cory Grant and Joan Fontaine "PANHANDLE TRAIL" A Bronco Buckaroo Southland N?wi and Cartoon Saturday, Oct. 7 Double Feature HELLS of CORONADO" with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans "KID DYNAMITE with The East Side Kids Cartoon . - - - - ' Monday and Tuesday October 9 & 10 v n r CTDPPT4' ft# A I# ?? O 1 nLL 1 with Farley Granger. Cathy O'Donnell. James Craig ttmwn ' ? Wednesday and Thursday October 11 ? 12 "BEYOND the PURPLE HILI *~ with Gone Autry and Jo Den*1? // . WfWi? Sr. Jhnvcs Baptist church of Bos ' senior City, Art. '/inn and Ml. Pis gab participating. " '*< .... ?. ?? > .j WSCS Meets The Women's Society of Chris tian Service met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Lottie Means. Worship service led by Mrs. D. S. Harkness. Topic, "Christ, the Light of the World". 'Those. presX ent were: Mesdames Mary. EH a . Roberts, Pearl Gouldlock, Hairy! Bryant, Catherine Atrrington, pai; i sy I>, Smith. Cannie Gordon. ? ? I October 1 the Youth of Gallilee j Method isl church had charge of [worship service, spon ored b> jMrs. Ruby Leo . Burr is. Pianist, ? Miss Lorain Adams. Pastor, Rev. j I D. S. Harkness. ! Tuesday, 'Oct . 3 at 7:30 p. m. the Women's Division of Christ Service met at the home of Mrs. Ruby L. Burris. Members present were .Mrs. Clyde Adams, Mrs. Samuel Adams, Mrs. ... Andrew Brown, Mrs. James Crosby, Mrs. Edward McClain, Mrs. Robert 'KINGS MOUNTAIN^ BESSEMlfe CITY /A DRIVE-IN THEATRE Located on Kings Mountain . I Bessemer City Highway, only | I 2 Miles from Kings Mountain. | 1 OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK FRL. S/VT- Oct. 6-7 . "DOWN DAKOTA WAY" Roy Rogers and Trigger 4 Shorts SUNDAY. Oct 8 "DAMNED DONT CRY" Joan Crawford -David Biian Shorts I MONDAY & TUESDAY "FIGHTING KENTUCKIAN" John Wayiie Shorts' Monday & Tuesday Nights Are FAMILY NIGHTS Adm. 50c per car WED. & THUR., Oct 11-12 "D I L L 1 N G E R" Lawrence T ierney Shorts FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 13 and 14 "LUST FOR GOLD" Glenn Ford-Ida Lupino 3 Shorts ADMISSION 40c ? 2 Shows Nightly ? ? FREE ADMISSION ? To Children Under 12 When accompanied by parents I -? nfirS C Lewis. Guvj?s fi>r tin' nigh1. a ore Mk Jordan Mitehem. Mrs. D. S. Haf knives A delicious <our.se was Served. A- prize was won by Mrs. Mitehem. President. Mr-). Mary Burria. The Hallelujah Gospel Singers of Winston-Salem will render a program Sunday Oct. 15 ai the. Davidson high school, sponsored by the \V. S. C. S. ol ft. Paul Me thod ist eh'urcb. Time 5 o'clock p. ,m. Admission 50 cents. Pit hi jo In vited, Misses Mary Lee Pope and M, V. James were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. June Adams Sun day. Oonstantan, an alloy of approx' imately 15 percent nickel and 55 percent copper* is so called be cause its electrical resistance re mains constant over a wide ran ge of temperature changes GASTONIA Drive-In Theatre Kings Mtn.-Gautonia Highway Box Office Open 6:1$ Show Begins 6:45 FRIDAY. Oct. 6 "Streets of San Francisco" . Cary,Gray "Cowboy and the Prizefighter" in color Red Ryder Cartoon ? SATURDAY. Oct. 7 "Colorado Territory" Joel McCrea-Virgi-aia Bruce ^ Cartoon and Comedy SUN.. MON? TUES.. October 8-9-10 "She Wore A Yellow - Ribbon" in color John Wayne- Joanne Dru John Agar News 4 Cartoon WED.. THUR.. Oct. 11-12 "BRIDE FOR SALE" Claudette Colbert Robert Young Cartoon FRIDAY. Oct. 13 "The Walking Hills" Randolph Scott-Ella Raiv.- r, Cartoon ? SATURDAY. Oct. 14 "The Beautiful Blond From Bashful Bend" in color Betty Grable < Cartoon Tex Ritter in a WESTERN MUSICAL This Is A Family Theatre All Children Under 12 ADMITTED FREE ? Shows Start At Dusk? .^unfire IMPERIAL THEATRE Kings Mountain. W. C. Phone 134 TODAY. FRIDAY. Oct. 6? ONE DAY ONLY Show Opens 1 1 a. m. ? Late Show 1 1 :30 p. m. 8 Beautiful Girls ? 8 Ace Funsters 60 ? Sexty Sassy Lassies ? 60 NEW SHOW DIRb'JT FROM PARIS, FRANCE ? " 1 ? ~ Boy?, It's Ficnch Sty ?! ADORABLE RLEEDE DUPREi W SWICTHtART OF THI * FOLLIES BERGfRf "PARISIENNE FOLLIES" wMfc LOTUS WHfG SENSATIONAL DANCES FROM THI ORIENT AND CAST C F SEXt V ' *. ? ' _ r^TTCTWrm^ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY? October -11?1 2?1 3 3 Big Days! First Run Speciall ?****?<< ? - ? **?* Mrst Run Speciall . IAMES STEWART TOKEN " urogram "BtJM^<^'LCar1ooa' - iticaxdo Coi a> lucsOAT ? Big Special In Technicolor "THE MAN on thft EIFFEL TOWER Francbot Ton*- Bnt?tM Meredith Comedy & Cartoon III Til lid - itefc ?? ? "

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