H. Y. Belk AND HIS NEWS OF NEBO VALLEY Good morning, every one. 1 hope you are feeling fine this au tumn morning. The Fair over and you are not In Jail. People put fhis way are not rushiing to get *heir cotton picked. The boll wee. vil am done picked- most of it be fore it got to 'be a boll. They sure a. bad army. Sherman on his to the Sea, couldn't of beat the boll weevil. I feel for the farmers. I've been through it all. When I grew five-cent cotton the merchant got it all. Now its the weevil. You ask me Why that beef steak I bought from you was so <ougb?.Did it have horns, or was it the price that stuck me?. Oh for chewing hard, it made me Mweat like a mule. What a fight I had doing away with that old 85 <-ent steak. ' Mr John Stames informs me. he's going down to Atlanta to fish. Atlanta is no place to fish. They are looking for suckers wluat fiin already been caught. A lot <?l our folks are going to <tto wonders when they get strai ghtened out, but when will they get in that fix? One fellow told me he was fix ing to gel married, while anoth er genticimjn was trying t<> get nioney to get a divorce. No two GIVES FAST RELIEF when COLD MISERIES STRIKE ONE QUART eOLDE/V Gl/ERNSEV - ? '0 EGGS Pardon Her Pride / \V<Ve proud too, to !>e able lo tiring Y?>' wonderful-tasting OOLDEN GUERNSEY Milk. Every nuart you use, either in i ooUnii or a;) a mealtime and hotween-meal drink, has more i onergy-value titan ten egg*l Im tgine what that can mean to v.mr family nutrition program! important food. energy in a. pleasant, easv-to-take way . . . VIOLDI N QUEMNSEY Milk! TRY SOME OF OUR GOLDEN GUERNSEY CREAM TODAY! XX Heavy Whipping Cream, 1/2 Pt. ? 35c Coffee or Cereal Cream, Vst Pt- ? 20c Archdale Farms Phone 2405 SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD want the same thing. Lee Brown <tells me he's on a hike to Codiac, Alaska, to fish and hunt. What -an idea; All men are not fools. Obviously you ask me who's been fighting the Communists these past five years. Could tt ?have been Henry Wallace and our friend John L. Lewis? Heniy only had pig sent*. John L. had coal fever. By the way, If High Tax 'Em Harry takes an other crack up at the Marines, all won't be quiet and calm along the Potomac. If Mr. Truman keeps turning j down good men like Byrnes and Johnson^ he's going to, In my op- 1 ion, get things messed up in a j hell of a mess. All races of people worship ma ny Gods not all by any, means worship the only true and Living God. Worship involves -two things ? -the internal belief and the ex ternal act. We may transgress In our hearts by having wrong con ception of God and our fellow man When it comes to our courts it is a shame men and women must be put under oath and then more often swear lies, I've heard men j go up before the court and swear | lies and everyone In the court room knew it was a hideous He. Bui what could they do about it? Nothing. All great men those I mention, they had the natioji at heart- Six of our Presidents were veterans of the Civil War Grant, Hayes, f v.* 1 cjl A r th u r ' Be n j fti 1 *fl win, and McKinley. They run A merica without fear or favor. Who runs America today? You ask me something. [ can't answer. John Lewis runs thi' coal up. Truman .runs the taxes up, so you can buy the coal. That puts more -money in circulation. j The people, I believe of this country have better sense than j the officials who pretend to run the Government. They thought they would get socialized medl- j cine off on the people, and cause Dock to close up hrs shop. That didn't work, so they decided to draft the doctors. You Just can't beat our present day Government j when it comes to doing up things j brown on time. Aren't I right? Government costs money and the | more Government we have the j greater the cost. That's simple arl J PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Pre *ciipti<yu promptly and accurately at reasonable ?JTlces with the confidence >f your physician. Kings Mountain Drug Company THE REX ALL STORE Phones 41 ? 81 We Call For and Deliver " FIRE UP THE FURNACE... It's cool now and It will soon be cold, so better get youi furn ace in order and while you are doing that, think oi the extra fire hazards to your home. See us for your insurance needa for your home and furniture. Don't lose everything in a fire with out having protection. The Arthur Hay Agency ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE Phone 182 FOR RESULTS FEED Pinnacle Laying Mash We also manufacture: THESE PINNACLE FEEDS: I Starting Mash ? Hi-F.iergy Broiler Mash ? 167. Dairy Feed ? Pig Starter & Grower ? Big Hog Feed . t Mix Feed * . j&yi ~t'p. :,A Y our needs with regard to custom mixing will have oar most careful attention. We can furnish most any protein concentrate such as Fish Meal and Meat Meal. * ? ...... Ask Your Dealer < : -i X w KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. ' V/. ^ J * rhmetic. The happiest people are those who are governed the least. That's simple sense. Don't take me to be a fool, 'til you learn me better. I have seen many a winter come and go. Now, this coming winter will me rough with lots ot Ice and snow. So If you wish to beat the cold, buy plenty of coal. Take my word lor It. Don't wait <o get.your feul In ? do It now. La ter on tre price will go up and out of sight. Remember, a stitch in time save.* nine ? John L. will be on hand. Mm. Roosevelt, the good mixer in her column says she has dis covered a new hearing aid. What we want right now la a device to eliminate hearing unnecessary things such as mixing Social E-. quality with social rights at her get-together parties with the Ne groes and the whites. I hope Grtfndma Eleanor don't get so ex cited in this new war but what she can stay home In a time like; this and help o.ur President with* balancing the budget. Lets made no mistake. It is Socialism which lies at the end of the rainbow and the promising predominating col ors in the spectum before our vis ion is not the alluring colors. Its not that we are looking for but a sack of gold that every rainbow throws off at the end of the ev ening. When her shadows fall millions of people have been pro mised at the end of the rainbow. Nothing to do but hasten to the end and pick up this precious gold. But, alas, those who have ventured through fog and storm, find np end, or gold. This may .sound obvious to grown-ups. I was taught from a child that my fortune lay at the end of the rain bow, but I've never been able to reach that mighty gold. What we are mostly looking for is peaco and highest prosperity. ^ What In the name of common rteamaiilty are those JjUma. un .at Washington doirig'to speed peace and goodwill before all man kind? Why they fight each other Just to wo who will be boss of the bone yard. They got no boss. Oh. if we in a time like this only had rulers. Where, oh. where are we drifting today? Just the other day a friend of mine, a police chief, saw a 15 year old girl coming out of'a beer Joint. She had obviously been drunk. The Chief knew her peo ple. They were respected. He took th girl home. Just another exam ple how the homes are being ruin ed. But the rest of the story to me was even more significant. He expected the girl's mother to be upset, and she was but not in the way he had expected the mother to be. She was only upset because of the indignity he had inflicted on the girl. She told the Chief she was quite sure her daughter was able to take cafe of herself. That her girl never had done anything j wrong. Furthermore, she should have been allowed to look after her self. That helps lay the foun dation work for our present surge of teen-age trouble that is'filling: the court rooms of our nation to day* - .... Before we close todays session lets repeat what the Lord said? "If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themsel ves. and pray and seek my face, and turn from ?their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will heal their land. 2nd Chron. 7 The best proposition we could at this time be offered. We don't believe in the Bible or we would turn from our evil, ways and seek the Lord while He may be fOUnd, and save our young manhood from being kllle#all over, the world by this hell -demon called WAR. But we, you and me, _ will not accept the Divine Call. We rather see our sons and fathers killed. Unbelief i9 what's damn ing the world. If we believed I've quoted, we would seek His face and turn from^our evil ways, but we will never accept as a whole, as the Devil teaches us to do evil. We like It best because we .seek to do evil. I wish the Dev. Colorful Carnival Is Beginning In Mountains ASHEVILLE. ? Rangers patrol ling the Blue ' Ridge Parkway, mountain ? top scenic boulevard i connecting the Shenandoah and (the Great Smoky Mountain Na tional. Parks, report that fall col ors have already begun a fine show on the mountainsides at el evations of 4,000 feet and over. I Already the Sourwood, Dogwood, .Wild Cherry, and Red Maples 'have started to color vividly in 'the area between Balsam Gap and Mount Mitchell. Mountain Ash trees between Craven Gap and Mount Mitchell are now hea vy with clusters of brilliant red berries, and" Viburnum, a, low | shrub, has put on deep red leav es. . . ? ' , The color in this Asheville - Mt. j Mitchell district ofcthe Parkway | is expected to be at Its peak a- , round October 12. By October 5 the Maples, Black Gums, Dogwoods and some Oak trees will be rapidly reaching their height of color along a sec tion of the Parkway referred to as the Bluffs district, Just south , of the North Carolina - Virginia State line ? and especially where the .Parkway intersects with U. S. highway 21 near Sparta, N. C. and runs south to N. C-.' highway 18 at Laurel Springs. The Black Gums and Dogwoods in this area already are attractive and should hold their color for the next two weeks. ? ' Fall coloration along the entire opened portion of he Parkway should be good from about the first of October through the first week in November, and possibly^ a little later. In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park the height of the color season is usually from five days to a week behind most of the mountain area east of Ashe ville. Park Naturalist Arthur Stu pka has reported colors just be ginning to show and predicts a good color season, provided the weather remains reasonably dry. 11 woul*l die, but he's Immortal. The Lord will chain the old Devil one day soon. Then we will have peace on earth for a thousand years. I don't know where you and I will be when all that takes ; place, but Its sure because God said so. We can't lay all the blame on these warring nations We claim to be the most cultured nation on the earth. Why then, ; don't we teach our neighbors its i wrong to fight. They look to us I for bread, "clothes, and all kinds I of material thlnga Why don't we j 1 give them the bread of life. I | fear we haven't any to spare, t Pardon me If I'm wrong. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the po wer of sale contained in a deed of trust given by George C. Hender- j son and wife, Bryte Henderson, to ! the undersigned as trustee for W. M. Gantt on the 6th day of January, 1948; now oh record in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in book 336 at page 149 to secure the payment of the indebtedness therein men tioned and default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of W. M. Gantt, I will sell for cash at the court house door In Sh:4by, Cleveland [County, North Carolina, on Mon day, October 23, 1950, at 10:00 o'clock, a- m., or wkhin legal hours, the following described real estate: # , BEGINNING at a stake on the West side ol Piedmont Street in the Town of Kings Mountain, N. i C., at the southeast corner of the Barber Shop building and run* I thence S. 88 1/4 approximately 81 feet, more or lea* to a stake on the east aide of Railroad Street; ttience along the East margin of Railroad Street N. 38 E. 16.9 feet to a staker thence a straight line In an Eastern direction 71 feet, more or kn> to a stake In West edge of Piedmont street; thence S. 2 1/2 E. 14 feet to the BEGIN NING corner, said lot Including the brick building located there on and known as ' the Barber Shop. This the 21st day of Septem ber. 1950. B. S. NEILL, Trustee. - J. R. Davis, Atty. s-22 o-13 . In the past the best displays in the Park has been between the middle to the last of October. Present day industrial concen tration is causing premature roof destruction by discharge of ex cess quantities of corrosive fumes and acids into the atmosphere* Monel roofing -installations are giving a high standard of per formance as a replacement for the other types of roof construc tion. ANNUAL CHECK-UP PREVENTS V COSTLY REPAIRS Don't delay. Bring your watch in now for a good cleaning and oiling ... and FREE INSPEC TION. Necessary adjustments or minor repairs made now may save you costly repairs later. Our work is done by experts with finest materials . . . and guaranteed. DuraPower Mainsprings* here for ELGINS Only mainspriug in the world guaranteed nerer to break in serv ice. Available for most Elgin*. of "bUitoy' omUI. Patent pcoJinc %lnfl77tntnto*n.XC Kings Mountain's Leading Jewelers OVER 3000 NICKEL ALLOYS Did you know that today there are over 3,000 alloys containing nickel?. Nickel, when alloyed with other metals, produces . .alloys to stand white heat that would melt many other metals; alloys to resist the embrittling ac tion of sub-zero cold. ? alloys that make the most po werful magnets known; alloys no more magnetic than wood. ? alloys for thermostats that stretch with heat or shrink with cold; alloys to make fine watch parts that never change a mil lionth of an inch. ? alloys to handle destructive caustics and acids that dissolve rocks as if they were lumps of sugar; alloys to protect the deli cate purity of sensitive drugs. ? alloys with low electrical re sistance; alloys with high resis tance thta make electrical cook ing and heating practical. Ni-Hard is a nickel - chronium t white iron used in the m]nirig, I processing and pulverizing of in- ] dustrial minerals. Under severe conditions Ni-Hard outlast ordi nary cast ion 2 1/2 to 5 times. BIG SAVINGS on ROUND TRIP FARES You save an extra 10% or more each' way on every Greyhound Round-Trip ticket ! Ask about the big Fall Round-Up of alii kinds of trips, tours, special features! A nw IXAMPLM There art hundreds mere One- Round - Way Trip Charlotte S .70 S 1.30 Win.-Salem 2.45 4,45 Rich., Va. 8.65 12.00 Norfolk. Va. 7.35 13.25 Wash.. D. C.. 8.90 16.05 New York 12.95 23.35 Spartanb'q 1.00 1.80 Green., S. C. 1.70 3.10 Athens. Ga. 3.70 6.70 Gaines.. Ga. S3.95 7.15 Atlauta, Ga. 5.05 9.10 Bircr., Ala. 845 14.85 New Or- La. 12.85 23.15 Talla., Fla. 8.65 15.60 (Plus U. S. Tax) GREYHOON* TERMINAL Dial 5521, Shelby. N. C. greyhoun WHEN THE HOUSE IF OH SO NEfcT AND DAD COMES IN y WITH MUDDY FEET. ?-*??- ?W?U-*B?Ujr-O0 for CHEER WINE . . . and so will the kiddies. Stay on . the beam. Drink delicious, energising CHEER WINE daily! CHEERWI1SE is in tun ? tcith the American taste yif drink ? ^ (neerwine Keep a supply at home. Buy a 6-Bottle carton or ^ a case today I ALEX GOLF DBIVING RANGE OPEN FOR THE FALL SEASON *'? J.-'?*" -T*'?a ?: .*'** Vv>:. ' ! This cool weather makes it ideal for driving Dode Ranch for Kids Pony Rides . . Riding Instructions Located one mils from Kings Mountain on Gastonla Road OPEN EVERY NIGHT Job Printing # Phones 167 and 283

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