The Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 A weekly newspaper devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for the enlightenment, entertainment and benefit of the citizen* of King* Mountain and its vicinity, published every Friday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second -*lasa matter at the postoffloe at Kinga Mountain, N. C-, under Act ot Congress of March 3, 1873. Editorial Department Harmon * Editor- Publisher Charles T. Carpenter, Jr Sports, Circulation, News MlS. P. D, Hern don Society * Mechanical Department Eugene Matthews Horace Walker Ivan Weaver Paul Jackson Charles Odema TELEPHONES: Society. 167; Other. 283 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE OOTC YEAR? $2.00 SIX MONTHS ? $1.10 THREE MONTHS? .60 TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Woe unto you. scribes and Pharisees, hypOcritesI For ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of law. judgment, mercy, and faith; these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other un done. St.Matthew 23:23. School Discipline The unfortunate and most regrettable incident at Davidson school, whereby young Jonny Wells was accidentally hit in the eye and subsequently lost it has caused much talk and criticism among .parents af the community about the gen eral subject of disciplining childen at school. While the Wells accident was used as a prime example, there appeared to bo in the discussions an underlying com plaint regarding corporal punishment' at ? the white schools, usually accompanied by exclamations againft} the practice. ? The modern age is somewhat differ ent from that of years ago, when the fe rule and hickory switch were as much a part of a teacher's equipment as the blue-back speller. Today, it seems, par ents feel that the exhuberance, deviltry and general disposition of the young to "cut up" can be contained by reasoning with the children. Older folk recall that the reasoning powers ot a good switch was considera ble and likely to last longer than mere ' talk. There are few, too, who can't re member plenty of instances when they escaped punishment at schooJ even though deserving it. Needless to say, there is such a tiling as over-doing the matter. And. too, there have been instances when a youngster was punished in error, and when a tea cher momentarily let his temper get the best of him. Neither situations are to be recommended. There is also currently in the newspapers a story of a Brevard principal being under fire following an instance of slapping a pupil. " Slapping is not to be condoned, and use of a leather belt may not be the best means, but complete elimination of the peach tree or hickory switch wouldn't be the best either. Discipline is at least 80 per cent of the problem of imparting knowledge at the secondary level. And the Herald believes that modern day parents would do much to lessen the necessity for at-school dis ciplining if they would adopt the old rule of "a switching at school means an other when you get home." Tighter Credit The Federal Reserve board has plac ed further restriction on credit and. did it without warning. In turn, there have been wails from some groups, not heard when the first restrictions were invoked, indicating that the new ones may have the desired effect of cutting sales of consumer g6ods, at least temporarily, and thereby halting the inflationary trend that has marked the economy since June 25. Perhaps the restrictions arc a little too drastic,' but time will tell, and, if they are, they will be relaxed. Meantime, it appears that. the. average consumer should immediately open a savings account at the nearest bank, building and loan, or other savings in stitution. Down payments will have to be larger before purchases can be made, and Just about everybody knows that a wallet or purse is no place to accumu late money. Somehow, money has a ha bit of getting spent, if it is too available. . Attend the concert of the Kings Moun tain Choral society Tuesday night. The group has been working hard for the concert, and it will prove an enjoyable one. It's quite hard to find better enter tainment than singing. Pageant Plans Kings Mountain area citizens are keenly interested in the plans of York County citizens- to present a pageant at Kings Mountain National Military Park, commemorating the 170-year-old event which did more than any other, perhaps, in gaining freedom for this nation. It has been remarked many times, that New England or other parts of the nation, with a prize in the area like Kings Mountain park, would have long ago been capitalizing on it as a tourist attraction. Perhaps the pageant is the answer. Obviously, the success of the dramas at Manteo and at Cherokee, as well as the pageant at Williamsburg, Va., has been one of the motivating influences on the York county group. It has alrea dy caused some to remark that the pag eant fad might be overdone. However, that is to be doubted. Amer icans have an abiding interest in his tory and they like to travel. There is little reason to believe that Kings Moun tain, with its exciting background, .could not be as attractive as the others, and perhaps more attractive. ' Kings Mountain citizens are wishing their South Caroline neighbors well in this project and they are hoping, too, that among the by-products of a suc cessful venture would be the erection of a hotel, inn, motor court, or other tra veler's resting place in Kings Mountain. Balance Sheet The city's balance sheet at June 30 revealed in exact figures what most peo ple already knew: that the city's finan cial condition is strong, with a not-too large debt and with assets considerably in excess of money owed. It also reminded that the city Is in need of some basic improvements, par ticularly in the sewerage disposal and water line extension departments. At last week's board meeting, the commissioners discussed again the se werage problem ? a matter that has been on the agenda of several successive administrations. Twice the voters have turned down bond issues aimed at cor recting the situation, and both times, hindsight reveals, they made a serious mistake. Construction costs have advan ced continously. It Is old hash, but the Herald must remind again that it is hardly fair to collect city taxes from a citizen and still force him to install a septic tank. The city's balance sheet looks very acceptable on paper, but, as is often the case, figures do not tell the full story. Register for the forthcoming general election Saturday, if you have not pre viously registered. The right to vote is the cornerstone of the democratic pro cess, for it is by this means that good men are voted into office, and, perhaps more important, the means by which blackguards iire voted out. A ^ener in terest. in government would result in the election of better men. The city school board has some mon ey available for physical improvements and it would seem that some of this mon eq could be used to great advantage in installing a heating plant at Davidson school. The school is heated by eleven stoves, which cannot supply the most desirable heat in the world and which in addition, create a fire hazard. 10 - - ' - I YEARS AGO Items of news taken from the 1940 filet of the THIS WEEK Kings Mountain Herald. A total of about 1396 men bet ween the ages of 21 and 36 mar ched to the registration places h?e yesterday as America star ted- ganhering manpower to build up national defense. This ?is the number that had registered at 8:40 last night. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mids Mitchell Williams was hostess at a mast delightful bridge party entertaining at her home on Saturday evening. Miss Sara Lee Haxili was hos tess at a chop-suey supper at the home of her parents on Kast King $treet Saturday evening at 6:30. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hill Put man announce the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Jane, to Sergeant William Henry Jacobs, on October the eleventh, nineteen hundred and torty at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. W. T. Weir assisted be her mother, Mrs. Ellerbe, was hos ? on the Durham Road. As we en tered. the lady remarked, "I suppose you're married." I re plied that we should look mar rjed enough, and she laughed E "i!, d,dnt know "h?"* that This tickled the women: Itl ^ 9<>od. as they could ?ee themselves looking 20 a gain instead of ?ome years old. er. But I reminded them that they could have had the at> pearance of elder maids. h-n-e Game Notes: Though sitting n the Carolina side, there were several stray Baptists in the vicinity, and, while thev were reasonably quiet most of th#T COuWn t con tain themselves at the finale * ordlnarily the end of a game marks the start of a mad rush for the gates, but folk in our area stopped to see anoth ?t battle, the on* for tb? goal Poets. The Wake Forest .?? Porters virtually had the ?to?l 22? ,aUin? before the de Z hai>P*ning. and. white drlrn>#r* ***** P"b"? ad drees announcer with savina ? J* ?? Ca">Una students to th* pottL it didn t look that way to M ^?defender, didn't start massfng very much until the nnnouneer hemm his -? r? e e o ZZTZZ la **f *?m 'oa! Poet fight and It's not tn* saf est pastUme in the world . . . ?Ot within nodding di*. the Frank CROSS f? ORD ? ? ? By A. C. Hordon ACROSS I ? To perceive wrongly 11 ? Further. remoter 1 2 ? Compin diiertior* 14 ? Is situated I S ? Latih connective 1 6 ? A itandard o( perfection 17 ? Chemical symbol fot lAnf^him 1 Hi? Bone IV- Erft>!ihg hofie 20 ? Language peculiar to a'peupTe ' 12? Part of jt t ridge/ 2 J? Puft ot verb to V?ir'r. 2 4? A distinctive 2 6 Re'l.ncs 2 1 ? Be ho! J 29 ? Beaut ?.in?.e step J I? Spanish Affuinat:ve M 3 V?Hurtior 35~rGhftnii a) symbol let certiMsi 36 ? To icfjft Cmcral Intercut A fragrant oleore^trt 40? A kind of fruit dis tilled into k drink 4 1 ? Like - 4 > ? Feminine suffix 4 J ? Something that serves as it symbol 4 % ? Indefinite Article 4 S; ? Bough 47 ? Comparative suffix 4 8 To declare openly 50 ? ?*.hing 5l~3t.?t* of \htn?ng ' trt )lli:infty * HOW N I ? -A number -'One ui Homer* gr.-a t i-t'iv stone* rcniiwrr n'-hreyia* ! ir.n for s?'nt" ? - Va? i-ition ??! the prefix ,>?*; ; ? ?? ??-? . t -vo thirtgs of a kind %*tbbffV ) 9 ? Suffe?s patiently 1 0? Want 1 3 ? That m?y be grouped - or i^regated 18 ? -State ot ^bemg left out 11 ? Spamth affirmative 21 ?Pronoun 2 2 ? Abbreviated af'.crnooi. 2 1 -^iv >siye pronoi.ri 2b n?r! i abbrevf) , iR ! miheral ' J ?? A kit/ i ? .i ft? h ? i > -i i . (?? : k - -i ?? .IV' -*! >i ; ? .-iji ii. < 4 o ? T ivcr.n 4S ~M,in s n* knafrie 4V*??V?i Dei- "ti iet?t fK v *.?s* }' " See The Want Ad Section For This Week's Completed Puule Other Editor's Viewpoints LET FREEDOM SPEAK (Christian Science Monitor) Many Americans by now are acquainted with the purpose of the Crusade for Freedom being conducted by the National Com mittee for . a Free Europe. Large numbers have signed the Free dom Scrolls, which will be taken to Berlin at the dedication of a bell there which will ring for a free Europe. But there is another phase of the Freedom Crusade which needs backing .with more than the stroke of a pen. This is fi nancial support for the new broadcasting station in West Germany, Radio Free Europe, and for expansion of its facilities into a network whose broadcasts will carry the story of freedom through the Iron Curtain. This is not mere duplication of the "Voice of America!" programs, since there is need for a type of active propaganda programs which come more properly and more convincingly from a pri vately financed organization of citizens than from a government organ. Led by Gen. Lucius D. Clay and including a foster of family coming out of the game, and passed Dare HeilL Charlie Neisler, Dick Webb and John ny Klser driving in . . also spot ted Dr. Bob Baker with a pretty girl at a distance In the stands and chatted going in with Mayor and Mrs. Carlysle Isley, of Burlington . . . visited briefly with Mr. and Mrs. Jones Pharr in Charlotte on the re turn trip and stopped for sup per at the new Howard John son restaurant on Wilkinson Boulevard . . . it was packed and Jammed, but the wait was worth it . . . the place is spark ling clean and the food excel lent . . . Mayor Victor Shaw of Charlotte heads a local corpo ration which operates the place under the famous Johnson name . . . this place shouldn't hurt the mayor's vote-getting ability . . . h-n-e I don't know whether it had any connection with the Satur day afternoon business or not but the Baptist church In Cha pel Hill was filled to ever flowing Sunday morning. And ray spies report that Baptists here turned out in force (or Sunday morning services, tee. distinguished Americans, with regional and state Committees throughout the nation, the Na tional Committee for a Free Eu rope offer", a very tangible op portunity to crusade for freedom. OCTOBER WEATHER i< Bladen Journal) One does not necessarily have to possess the qualifications for writing poetry to have poetry in the. heart at this' delightful mon th of the year, when the blue of the sky is reflected in the blue of the weather. . To us October is the best mon th of the year, the queen of mon ths, as it were, a season like a benediction said in the calm of the evening, after the heat and press of the day, and a blazing sunset lights the western horizon. Every leaf in the forest . has donned its most becoming Jiue, and forms a veritable array of scarlet and gold against the pur ple haze of the evening. - It Is the season of harvest. Corn hangs heavy from the yel low stalks, peanut stacks fill many a field, surret apples hang heavy, ready to fall, goldenrod bedecks the highway.*- I The first fires of the fall are lighted in October, and families gather around the cheering warmth and glow, and there is calm reflection and Joyful fel lowship. October is the month of mem ories ? of appreciation for the fine harvest garnered ? a time of revaluation of things done and good accomplished. During this month, October, 1950, men from the nations of the world are working hard to form a tapestry. of world-wide peace ? such a perfect tapestry as that which October has laid over the fields and woods. May succcess crown their efforts, so that men everywhere may learn to appre ciate the beauties of nature, the glories of God's firmament, and the "peace that passeth all un derstanding." Dr. L. T. Anderson* ; Chiropraclor j 'Xi-.-' . '.1'" TELLS YOU WHY HE SMOKES ONLY CAMELS Bulletin Issued On Growing Lawns Up-to-date information on lawns is contained in a new State College Extension Service bulletin issued this week. Writ ten by John H. Harris, extension horticultural specialist, and Dou glas S. Chamblee, research agro nomist, the 16-page pamphlet gives advice on fertilizing, seed ing and managing lawns. Single copies of the publica tion ? Circular No. 292, "Carolina Lawns" ? are free on request, and can be had from either the coun ty farm agent or the home de monstration agent. Copies may also be obtained *by writing to tho Agricultural Editor, State College Station, Raleigh. Harris and Chamblee give a list of lawn grasses recommend* ed for various zones in North Car olina. The grasses, all of which are described, include common Bermuda, and manlla grass. The authors also offer detailed suggestions on preparation of land, fertilization, seeding, wa tering and mowing. They give WALL TILE ? Pittsburgh Interlock ? Wilson Lockback No less than 28 colors to choose froml NOVEUTE Venetian Blind Co. York Rd. special Instructions on overfeed ing with Italian ryegrass for win ter lawn. * COMFORT, CONVENIENCE # Maytag Washers # Westinghouse Products # Electric Ranges f Refrigerators 9 Myers Pumps # Plumbing Installations Logan Supply Co. Phone 317- W Cleveland Ave. LAND SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st At 2HW P. M. P. D. HERNDON PROPERTY NOW I. LEE DOVER PROPERTY Located 11/4 miles North from Kings Mountain, on Waco Paved Highway. A bout 30 acres in line lots, fronting about 1200 feet on highway. Drive out and see some of the finest home sites in Cleve land County. This will be a great gath r ering of home seekers, investors and speculators. Don't fail to attend this Auction. $Sill In Cash to be given a way. Don't forget the date SATURDAY. OCTOBER 21st? 2 P. M. Free? S50.00 IN CASH-FREE ^ !/t;' .? \ , i * ?< ' -*v ?vV.'/v'' ? vj&frv8 -.W ' r ? ? ' '' GOOD MUSIC EAS7 liLL Carolina Auction Company faHihwry, North Carolina