'Population City Limits 7.193 (Final Unofficial Census 1950) Immediate Trading Area 15.000 (1945 Ration Board Figures) VOL.61 NO. 45 Sixty-First Year Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday. November 17, 1950 Established 1889 . ?>. . : PRICE FIVE CENTS Christmas Opening Plans Announced Local News Bulletins NEW MANAGER HERE Marvin Patterson, of Gaston i-a began duties last week as manager of Kings Mountain Motor Sales according to an nouncement by F. M. Francum, of Gastonia, owner. Mr. Patter won was transferred from the Gastonia firm also owncl by Mr. J?;ancum. LEGION SUPPER A boneless perch fish supper will be served members of Otis D. Green Post 155, the Ameri can Legion, on Saturday night from 6:30 to 9 p. m. at the Le gion Building on East Gold street according to announce ment by James Bennett, adju tant, : ELECTED TO OFFICE Miss Kathleen Dettmar, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dett mar, of Kings Mountain, Ima Deen elected secretary - treas urer of the ^tudent body of. Ringling Art school at Sarsata, Fla., according to information received here. Miss Dettmar been a student at the school for t he past three years. JAYCEE MEETING Regular meeting of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will he held at the Woman|s Club Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. The meeting has been scheduted as a "Get-It Off-YouT-Chest" session, ac cording to W. Faison Barnes, president. Members will be asked to make suggestions for club projects and activities. PARKING MONEY A total of $150.96 in revenue was collected from the city's parking meters for the week which ended at noon Wednes day according to a report by City Clerk S. A. Crouse. AT GRAYSON'S Mrs. Fred Dixon and Mrs. Haiellne Black, of Cherryville, have Joined the sales staff of Grayson's Jewelry, it was an nounced this week. Both will be with the firm through the Christmas shopping season. ARP BREAKFAST Annual Thanksgiving Day services will be held at Boyce Memorial ARP church at 7:30 on Thanksgiving morning in the church auditorium. Following the services, the annual Thanksgiving breakfast will be served in the educational build Ins <*t 8 o'clock. 'Hopping Jaycees Schedule Paper Pick-Up The Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will con duct 1*8 next waste paper pick up on December 3rd, according to action this week by the organi zation's board of directors. The directors also set Tuesday, December 19th, .for a Bosses' Night banquet, and discussed plans for presentation of the Sec ortd Annual Jaycee Minstrel. The Minstrel has been tenta tively scheduled for the month of February. At the recent paper pick-up by the organization, the Jaycees col lected some 15,000 pounds of waste paper. Proceeds from sale of the waste paper are used by the Jaycees for worthy projects. The Bosses' Night banquet will be the first for the Kings Moun tain organization, though it, is an annual event for many Jaycee organizations m other cities. At this meeting, Jaycee members will invite their employers as guests. ? ' , - J November 30th j Parade Plans -M Near Completion Pl^ns for the city's annual Christmas opening celebration, scheduled for the afternoon of November 30th, were reported virtually complete this week by W. Faison Barnes, secretary of the Kings Mountain Merchants Association. Principal feature of the event will bo a paradethrough the city streets, with old Santa Clus him self the star attraction, and In cluding five floats, at least four school bands, units of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the National Guard. Also to participate again this year will be the Jack and| Jill Kindergarten class, a most popular entry last year. The five floats to be entered in the parade will include entri es toy Burlington Mills, Queen City Coach Company, a religious theme float by a group of Kings Mountain churches, one 'by Brid ges & Hamrick, and a Santa Claus float . The line of inarch will be an nounced hext week. Mr. Barnes said that the Mer chants Association has invested some $400 for additional street decorations this year. The new Christmas - season decorations are permanent ? type plastic street light designs, which in clude Old English lanterns, San ta Claus faces, stars and bells. He said thedecorations arethree dimenslonal and are especially effective. The city electrical department will hang the designs and install Christmas street lights in time for the annual opening parade. They will 'be turned on for the first time on the night of Novem ber 30th. - Bands which will participate in the parade will be the high school bands of Kings Mountain, GaKonia, Lincolnton, Shelby and possibly Cherryville. Members of the Merchants As sociation committee in charge of arrangements for the parade are Mafrlott Phifer, chairman, E. C. McClain and T. W. Grayson. The parade will begin at 5 p. m. on the afternoon of Novem ber 30th, and merchants plan to observe longer hours on that day, remaining open until 7:30 p. m. "We expect this year's Christ mas opening parade to toe about the best ever," Mr, Barnes said. Dr. Reed Returns Frem Raleigh Meet Dr. Nathan Reed of Kings Mountain returned Wednesday from Raleigh where he attended the Second Annual N. C. State College Occupational Vision Con gTess, sponsored Jointly toy State college and the N. C. Optometric society. The congress program centered around improvement of vision and toetter understanding of vis ual handicaps in industry, edu cation, and various occupations, wKh emphasis on research pro jects in these fields now under way at State College. Some 150 delegates including industrial personnel officials, members of *he ophthanmric profession, edu cators and psychologists attended from all parts of the state. Senator Hoey Flays Fedeial Encroachment Senator Clyde R. Hoey, just re elected to his second term as U. S. Senator, spoke to Kings Moun tain civic club members and tea chers Thursday, November 9th, and took the occasion to state his opposition to public power. Inferentially, therefore, the Shelby senator and former gov ernor, took issue with Governor W. Kerr Scott, who. recently, has been charging North Carolina's power companies with being too slow in expanding their facilities. Senator Hoey denied that North Carolina's power companies are failing to serve the public ade quately, declaring, "I am against government functions where they are unneeded and where private enterprise can provide the facil ities." He cited the amount of taxes paid by the power companies, in support of government on all lev els, and criticized policy of the Interior Department in two North Carolina instances. He said that, during his term as governor, A iuminum Company of America j wanted to touild what is now the government- built Fontana Dam and with plans to builjl a forty - milliorv dollar aluminum plant near the dam. The government prevented the project on the grounds that the stream was "navigable." He also pointed to government' efforts to prevent the building of the Buggs Island dam by the In terior Department. This company is ready to build the dam, he said but the government says, in ef fect, "No. you can't build it; we want to build it ourselves in five years." "When I oppose public power," Mr. Hoey said, "I am not favoring 'the interests,' but the people of America." , Mr. Hoey said he is not pessi mistic over the outlook for Amer ica, in spite of the hugh national debt and in spite of the warj clouds. He also praised the action of the United States in aiding ' other nations and in entering the Korean fighting. there were two choices for world leadership. It was either the hu manitarian United States, or to talitarian Russia," he said. "I do not think the United Na tions has failed," he continued. "It has done much good, and it will do more good." I Concluding on an optimistic note,' he reminded tl\6 audience of the familiar saying, "The ! darkest hour is just before dawn. I have hope that the threat of war will be removed." Some 250 persons heard Mr. Hoey. Kiwanls President Hugh Ballard presided, and B. N. Bar nes presented Mr. Hoey. Girl Scoot Fund Report Is Made First reports on the Girl Scout fund campaign in Kings Moun tain, showed contributions of $288.50, Chairman John L. McGill reported Thursday. Mr. McGill said the reports are Incomplete, with several solicit ing committees yet to complete! their work. Goal of the campaign is $1,100. Chairman McGill urged all per sons to give as liberally as possi ble to the fund, which is used in supporting the Girl Scout organi zation and in the expansion of its activities. HwimI Sale Of Christmas Seals Will Begin Monday; Goal 59,000 Annual sale of Christmas seals and bonds for the benefit of the Cleveland County Tuberculosis association will begin in Kings Mountain and throughoat the county on Monday. ' Announcement of the start of the annual campaign, with a county quota of 99,000, was made by J. G. Darracott, wf?o <js serving chairman of the campaign in the Rings Mountain area. Of the total collected, 80 per cent remains in Cleveland coun ty for use in fighting tuberculo- j sis. The remaining amount goes to state association^ ? Big portion of tha money Is used for the operation of the; county's mobile T-B X-Ray unit, owned jointly by the county and i the T-B Association. Cost of a I years'? operation of the unit is a bout 96,000. The unit, presented by Kings Mountain and Shelby laycees in 1948, makes free X-Rays of coun ty citizens and the aim U to X ray every citizen tn the county over 13 years of age at least once annually. - During the first year of opera ?ion, 18,000 chest X-Rays were made, resulting inttiedlscovcry of 29 cases of tuberculosis, dis covery of more than 100 lung scars, Indicating the persons had tuberculosis at one tima and should be very careful in protect ing themselves, and numerous cases of enlarged hearts. One man was found <o have a tumor of the lung, which would . have cost him hi? m'c. After medical treatment, he is low getting a long quite well. Other functions of the associa tion are educational programs in the county's schools, industrial firms, and for other groups. The X-Rays unit Is operated by Mrs. B. M iarrett, secretary of the Tuberculosis association, and by ? Mrs. J. L. Rayroer, registered nurse with the county health de partment , Indigent persons who cannot pay for treatment are cared for by the association. "I feel that most Kings Moun tain people are quite familiar with the good work >eirig done by theaasociatton in preventing disease,". Mr. Darraoott said, "and I am confident that Kings Mountain, as usual, will do its part to ami re the success of the financial campaign." ?. ' ? Group Demands That Gamers Provide Terminal Bus operators, members of the city board of comlssioners and in terested citizens talked about a Kings Mountain bus terminal for two hours last Friday morning in the presence of Utilities Com missioner Edward H, McMahan. At the end of the session, the situation was about where it be gan, with Kings Mountain citi zens pressing the companies to provide .terminal facilities, and with the companies pledging ef forts to investigate every possi ble means of providing these fa cilities. There were not, however, any concrete pledges that the opera tors would produce a terminal and |he city board of commis sioners indicated informally that it would file a formal petition be fore the Utilities Commsission, asking that body to order fur nishing of a terminal he:e, if the companies do not report progress within 30 to 60 day. In fact, City Commissioner Hal Ward made a motion to file such a petition within 30 days, if the companies hadn't produced evi dence of action, but the motion was not acted upon when other board members agreed to give the companies a little more time. Mayor J. E. Herndon later men tioned "60 days" in referring to the time the city would possibly allow. . ... >. The informal hearing, presid ed over by Utilities Commissioner McMahan, re-hashed previous discussions between the city board and the bus company oper ators in reference to providing a terminal for Kings Mountain. City Attorney J. R. Davis out lined the previous efforts of the city to obtain action by the oper ators, pointed to the inconvenien - ces caused by lack of a terminal, as well as the danger to passen gers and pedestrians when buses unload on heavily-traveled high ways. "We don't want anything par ticularly elaborate, but we <Io want a bus station," Mr. Davis said. ' . He also added that he knew of other bus companies which would be interested in building a station if franchises for Inter city operation could be obtained. "However," he added, "the city has no complaint with the oper ation of Queen City Coach Com pany or Atlantic Greyhound, ex cept the lack of a terminal." J. H. Quattlebaum, of Queen City, did most of the talking for the bus operators. He declared, "We have been trying unsuccess fully to work out a solution to this problem, but we have not pigeon-holed the project." He proceeded to paint a gloomy picture of bus company opera tions, stating that revenues have been constantly dropping and declaring that figures proved the companies could not pay any more for bus terminal operation than 10 percent of gross reven ues. He added that Queen City revenues from Kings Mountain declined by 25 percent in 1949 under 1948, and, after consulting with Fred Titlow, Greyhound re presentative, reported gross rev enues for 1949 from Kings Moun tain at $34,000. Commissioner McMahan *up poitBd the 10-percent contention of Mr. Quattlebaum. He explain ed that under the law, the com mission has the authority to see that adequate facilities are pro vlded, in keeping with gross rev enues, and he expressed the o pinioa that the commission would order the companies to furnish some kind of facilities, should a formal petition be sou ght. "Our experience, however, is that "problems such as this can be worked out, in nine cases of ten, through Informal hearings such as this, and without neces sity of formal action," he con cluded. -To a question as to responsibil ity for providing terminal facill ties by Carl F. Mauney, Mr. -Mc Mahan responded thst ft is the responsibility of Ithe operators. Mr. Quattlebaum declared that ML'?Miapany would "consider the proposition and sign a 10 year lease with anyone who will develope or improve a pice of property suitable for a bus sta tton." In general, tempers were con tained at the hearing, though the citiaens group bridle! once or twice. Principal heat was gener ated when Mr. Quattlebaum In ferred that the city hadn't been overly cooperative in helping the operators to work out the prob jpp^.citJilK OflB instance where (Cont'd on page eight) &&&&.'& >a Citizens, Operators Discuss Bus Station - TO HEAR GARBER ? Members of Centtol Methodist church of Kings Mountain will join with other MethodiBts of Cleveland County in worshipping at Cen- j tral Methodist church of Shelby Sunday evening at 7:30. when Bishop Paul N. Garber, who pre sides over the Geneva, Switzer land, area, of the church, gives a report on work in that area. Bish op Garber recently returned to tho United States. Mountaineeis j In Finale Friday A journey to Lincolnton on Frl day night is scheduled to round out the 1950 Kings Mountain high school football schedule. I Kickoff is set for- 7:30 p. m. on the Lincolnton high school field. | The Mountaineers will take a 3-4-2 record into the game and will be shooting to equal last sea son's .500 percentage. In 1949 the | Mountaineers won 5 and lost 5. Lincolnton, on the other hand, will be shooting to better .500. The Wolves' record to date for 1950 reads 4-4-1. Lincolnton did not play last Friday but met Lenoir Western (AA) Conference champs, at Lin colnton Tuesday riight bowing 26 to 0. So the Wolves, although favor ed by around three touchdowns on comparative scores, will go into the game Friday night with only two days of practice and one of rest. Lincolnton has defeated Mt. Holly, Cherryville (19-0) and Shelby (7-6), lost to Forest City 13 to 7 and tied Newton -Conover 12-12. Kings Mountain defeated Forest City 7-2, tied Cherryville 0-0 and lost to Mount Holly 13 I to 6 and Shelby 20-13. Lincolnton has also posted a 7-0 win over Morganton and lost to Lenoir, Belmont (18-6) and Hickory (12-6)< Newton ? Conover, a team Lin colnton tied 12-all, dumped mighty Belmont from the loop's undefeated ranks by 19-0 last week. The Wolves have been hamper ed by Injuries all Reason. Back Dave Rudisill was hurt in the Belmont tfray but went against Lenoir Tuesday. He works with a highly-rated set of backs includ ing Jack Benfield, whp has been hampered with an injured leg, Shufortf, Heavener, Jimmy Car penter and Taylor, a standout on offense and a pass - defense wiz ard from his Tight halfback spot. Key linemen include Les and Bill Eaker, tackles, Max Free man, center, Elmor^, tackle. War ren Stamey and Broome guards I and Max Saunders, end. Most players are veterans of the 1949 team. Kings Mountain dumped Lin colnton here last year 12 tp 6. Six Kings Mountain seniors will be playing their last high I school football, They are Block - |lng Back Jim Cobb, Wlngback Billy Shytle, Tackle Jack Crouch, End Raymond Goforth, End Steve Jones and Fullback Walter Grlf Hn. Club Stockholders WU1 Moot Tuesday Annual meeting of stockhold ! ers of the Kings Mountain Coun i try Club, Inc., will be held at the I club Tuesday night at 7 o'clock, ' beginning with a Dutch supper t The business session at the 'annual meeting wlil include re ?ports Of officers and committee i chairmen and election of direc | tor* for the comin gyear. The stockholders will elect 12 'directors, including a minimum | of three currently on the board ? nd a minimum of three new di rector*. Members of the nomina ting committee are George W. Mauney, chairman, Claude Ham. bright and Drace M. Peelet. Members unable to attend have *>een asked to designate ?ome ?ther member as a proxy. December 6th Induction Call For 35 Is Received '1/11 '-five Cleveland county mcii will be ^ent to the army On December 6th. The selective gcrvioe board an nounced this week that it had re iceived an induction cali for that date. On Monday, ID men were sent to Charlotte for p re-Induction physical examinations, but un official reports indicated that on ly about 25 of. the group wore found physically fit for army duty. Among the pre induction group receiving examinations Monday were 11 Kings Mountain area men: They were: KIber; Ernest Wright, William Pinkney' Early, Joshua Gist, Bobby Jean Lawson, Edward William Humphries, Al phonso Patterson, and Herbert Dale Dixon, David Conlies Allen, all of- Kings Mountain, and Blaine Godfrey, Jr.', John Henry Sharp and John Henry Dawkins, ? allofGrover. Three men failed to report Monday for the trip to Charlotte and the selective service board is seeking information as to .their whereabout. - They are Clarence i Webber, Jr., Otis Tome^, and Thomas Henry Sanders. The December 6th induction call will be the first since early in November when nine men were sent for induction. Decern- j ber pro-induction examination quotaa have not yet been rcceiv* ed. City May Open Its Own Garage : The city board of commission ers tentatively agreed Wednes i day to employ a mechanic to I handle the city's- auto and truck : repairs. i The board will utilize the prop | erty and garage building on City street formerly owned by Krank Hamrlck. Figures complied by City Ad ministrator M. K. Fuller showed the city expenditures for auto and truck upkcif (labor and parts) as follows: 1948-49 ? $5, 3<M.(U; 19-19 50? $4,892.31. The report showed expenditures for tho first four months of the cur rent fiscal year at $2,502.36. According to the report, and ba sed on estimated expenditures this year, Mr. Fuller estimated possible savings to the city, by employment of its own mechanic, at $1,903.11. The board approved provission ally petitions signed by property owners -on the streets for im provements to Baker Street and Myers Street, the approval pend ing a check of deeds to determine whether proper deeds for the streets had been received by the city. -The board also accepted deeds for property for streets from Trus tees of Temple Baptist church (for five feet on N. Cansler street) from W. A. Han ion and wife, (for 60-feet, N. Cansler street), and from W. B. Barber and wife (40-feet, extension of Sims street.) The board deferred acceptance of deeds from W. S. Fulton and wife and from Mrs. Margaret ; Bennett for conveyance of prop erty for extension of E. Ridge street. The board discussed, without action, need for revamping of the city's power distribution system, and instructed City Administra tor Fuller to Investigate fully costs of putting a new more po werful engine in the city's Ford firo truck. Commissioners Name Harris Defense Head CITY DEFENSE HEAD ? J. Ol lie Harris has been named by the city board of commissioners to serve as chairman of the city's' 1 civil defense organization. Church Permit Tops Week's List | I A building permit was Issued by the city last week to First Presbyterian church for construc tion of an eight-room manse and 1 afive-room Sunday School build- j ing addition. The old manse, located next to the church on Fast King street, was torn down last Friday and ! work is underway on the new structure on thesame location. The old structure was probably one of the oldest buildings in the city, Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor, re ports. He said that some of the timbers were 32 feet long. The pew Sunday School addl- [ ! Hon will consist of a large meet- ' ; ing hall and four classrooms arid is to be the aeene of church ac tivities, including the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. P. M; Neisler, Sr., Is cnairman of the manse building committee | and Harry Page heads the Sun- j day School addition building ; committee. Permits were also issued by ; the city to William Ledbetter, lor j new roof to residence, $100, and to James Watkins, for addition ! of a room to dwelling, $500. Fletcher Home Is Demolished By Fire , % ' The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Fletcher on Grace street was completely demolished by fire Tuesday morning. City firemen answered the a larm at 9 o'clock and found the roof falling in on arrival. ? j Cause of the lire was thought to have been a defective oil cook ing stove. Only occupant of the house at the time thefire was discovered was a young girl, who had returned to bed after cooking breakfast. She awakened to lind the house in flames. Firemen fought theblaze for about 90 minutes and were able to prevent nearby houses from catching fire. Thw house was re ported partilally covered, by in surance. Tournament Bridge At Shelby Club A Tournament Bridge will be held at the Cleveland Country Club 1n Shelby on Tuesday night at 7:30 under sponsorship of the Shelby Spinster's Ckib, it was announced this week. Admission will t>e $1.00 pet player, and tickets are on sale at Loy's Men's Shop, Suttle's Drug Store, and Lee's Home and Office Sup!y In Shelby. Church Services, Turkey Dinners, Holiday To Feature Thanksgiving Kings Mountain citizens were getting ready for Thanksgiving this week. ^ Grocers are featuring turkeys for weekend and early-next- week sale, and are anticipating the us ual extra vuylng for Thanksgiv* lng dinners. The Thanksgiving program for I Kings Mountain, thus far, is a j quiet one. Majority of retail stores will j be closed for the day, and it will bea holiday weekend for the school children who will not have to answer school bells from Wed nesday afternoon uptH the fol lowing Monday. A turkey dinner will feature the ? Wednesday menus of all schools In the city system. The postoffice and most offices will be closed for the day, as will the First National Bank and oth er financial institutions. Majority of churches will hold special Thanksgiving cervices, beginning on Wednesday even-j ing, and Boyce Memorial ARP church will hold its annual Thanksgiving breakfast, with the men of the church serving as: host for a family breakfast, foi-j lowing early morning Thanks- j giving services. The day's football menu is var tually limited to theanniial Le- j noir Jlhyne . Catawba tussle at Salisbury. This game customarily attracts considerable attendance from Kings Mountain. All Kings Mountain retail stor es will beopen for the full day on November 22nd, suspending the Wednesday half-holidays. The change will be In time for last-minute Thanksgiving din. ner shoppers to get their ingred ients. Civil Defense Organization To Be Formed J. Ollle Harris, Kings Moun tain mortician and county coro ner; was appointed chairman of civil defense In Kings Mountain by the city board of commission ers Wednesday. The board thus followed action of the state and of many other cities In the state and throughout the nation in launching a civil defense organization, designed to handle emergency situations which might arise. Specifically, the civil defense, movement has been the result of evidence that Russia has the atom bomb and the strained in ternational situation. However, the civil defense organization is to be set up 10 handle any kind of community disaster. As civil defense chairman, Mf. Harris will correlate activities of various groups. . In general, the civilian defense plan of opera tion utilize.' existing organiza tions for en ergency work, such as municipal police and fire de partments, emergency ambulan ce teams, the American Bed Cross, -the National Guard, and other agencies. r The city board of commission- / ers discussed the set-up at its Wednesday meeting, and made plans to invite E. Z. Jones, state civilian defense head, to come here for discussions of the oper ation. At the meeting, M. K. Fuller, city administrator, pointed out that cities on the West Coast and some on the Eastern seaboard have long ago set up civilian de fense organizations. ( .... Mr. Harris, a former command er of Otis D. Green Post 155, A merican Legion, is a veteran of World War H, having served > some 30 months in the army and for 16 months as a staff sergeant in the 65th Field Hospital In France and Germany. His work with this unit won for him the bronze star. ? Seventeen Cases Completed In Court Some seventeen recorder's court cases were disposed of dur ing last week according to a study of court records. Regular weekly session of the court was held at City Hall Monday after-' noon with Judge W. Faison Barnes presiding. Joseph Ervin Davis was found guilty of illegal possession of 23 gallons of whiskey and was or dered to pay a fine of $250 and costs. : Sam Jackson appealed a case in which he was found guilty of carrying a concealed weapon and Illegal possession and was or dered to pay a fine of $200 and costs, to be on good behavior for two years, to not violate the laws of the state for two years and to close his business. Jackson oper ates a cafe on Cansler street. Case against Coffard Lee Stew art, charging him with driving drunk, was transferred to county recorders court at his request for trial by jury. Cecil Eugene McLees, of And erson, S. C., forfeited $25 bond on a speeding charge. Robert Eugene Herndon paid a fine of $10 and costs for speed ing . Algie B Ian ton was sent to Jail for 60 days on two counts of pub lie drunkenness. Six defendants were convicted on charges of public drunken ness. Austin Barrett and Estell Blan ton were each taxed with costs and prayer for Judgment wag continued on warrants charging them with assault and cases a- ? gainst J. L. Barrett and Annie Ro^ berts Barrett charging them with assault were each nolle prosse<l with leave. ' . Stores To Be Open All Day Wednesdays Kin?* Mountain retail stores wll! be open all day next Wed nesday, the past Wednesday being the last half- holiday for local retail firms until Decem ber 27th. The merchants customarily suspend the mid-week half holidcry during the Thanksgiv ing ? Christmas shopping sea ton. Tho merchants will be closed ne?t Thursday, however, in ob servance of the annual Thanksalvln? holiday.

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