Pages Today Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS Population City Limits 7.193 inal tfotglfcidl Census 1856) Immediate Tradina Area 15.000 , (1945 Ration Board ????# VOL.62 NO. 12 March 23. 1951 Sixty- Second Y?j|tV ." ."?<* 1 ? " Local News Bulletins AT CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Peeler and Mrs. C. F. Thonrvasson attended the state convention of. the Carolina Lumber and Building Supply association held : at Ashevtlle Wednesday and Thursday. IJONS HtUSTXNO . . , C. N, Cfillette, associated with the North Carolina Motor Car riers association, of Raleigh, win address membete of the Kings Mountain Lions club at their regular meeting Tuesday evening at T o'clock at the Ma sonic Dining Hall, 1 ? " * * ?? '?? ? ? , DEACONS INSTALLED James Houser, Hubert Dav idsoh, Harry Page and Joe Neisler were ordained, as dea cons of First Presbyterian church at morninjg services on Sundayj^^g^^yT - OWHONOlilkbtt^'::-'r1 Billle Falls, and. Sue Seism, both of Kings Mountain, among Gardner ? Wefbb College students qualifying fbr the first semester honor roll. They av eraged 02 or above on the term's vrofc; ,'M ?? V"-: The wives of all Jaycees are urged to attend . the meeting which Is to be held with Mrs. Fred Wright, Jr., Monday, Mar ch 26, at 8 p. m. to organ tzez the Jayceettes of Kings Mountain, JTOKT BOUB Regular Friday afternoon story hour for children at Ja cob's. Mauney Memorial Li brary will begin at 4 o'clock. * Mrs. Frank Uasefy will serve as story teller and hostess. ?T. MATTHEWS Rev. Waltar T. Nay, Ph. D., of Lenoir -Rhyne college, Hkk servlcea atSt^fertthews Ld < theran church Friday at 2 p. m. Dr. Nau will also conduct.' the cuornlng services Easter Sunday. ' ' : NEW MANAGER *L. L. Withers, of Gastonia, has replaced Marvin A. Batter son as manager of Kings Mountain Motor Sales accord ing to announcement by F. C. Francum, Of Gastonja, owner. ; PARKING MONET A total of $156.60 in revenue wm coHected from the . cky * parking meters Wednesday ?c ?cording to- a report by City 'JCWrk S. A. Crouse. COMPLETES THAWING Seaman Apprentice Grady A. (Jack) Rhea, Jr., eon of Mr. and Mia. Grady A. Rhea, Sr., tap . completed boot training at Great Lake* Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, 111., and is expected to toe aasigned sea duty In the near future. -mm* hjckort I ! 5 '* : . ' i&W. Heal, son of Mm HML* ?n <1. Neal, recently has moved ? - '4? Hickory where he 4s serving ' ?S administrative asatetant of v- , Company H, 120th Infantry, N. v National Guard. Re h?d pre viously lived in New Bern fa where he wss eeejlstant super - . *rl?!r of the eastern district state highway safety division. Mr. Neal formerly lived in Hickory before transferred by tthe highway division to New Sent, mm ilium ? ?? ATTEND CONVENTION Audrey feyars, Charles Mau riey, Jack Still, and Phyllis .Ware, member* of the National Honor Society at King* Moun tain high school, attended the v^ - J North Carolina Chapter state convention at SaSSbury on March 1? and 17. The group ; ;K ?j*ervt?d on the state nominating ?orrmdttee. They wtie aercm panied by Mr*. W. T. ,W tit, StMfmBoards Talk ??3 mi-Consolidation Davidson May Be Grammar Unit Under Plan } .* Davidson high school would be consolidated with Compact High School, and in turn, ele mentary and primary students of Gold Mine and Vestibule schools, lafttell as some students in these grades In the Ebcnezer section (now attending Washington school), would come to David son. ? , It was quickly agreed that; nei ther * Compact nor Davidson plants are adequate for a com plete consolidation In Che Imme diate future, nor would be even If building funds available for both units were combined. The county board had received bids Tuesday on a six-roOm ad dition to the Compact plant, to gether with toilets, boiler room and coal roomt at about $49,000. The city board lo thinking In terms of $50,000 for Improve ments to Davidson school. Statement of County Superin tendent Horace Grlgg as to the ?Su qeed was quickly agreed upon, He said, "What we need is about $350,000 to $400y000 with which to purchase a. new site of sufflclent'slss, and ' Htnft tfeom the beginning to build an adev quate plant' to house both school populations.**'. -\y ^^th^two^bojirds fafcve^t^ necessary funds, K n"l"'ln(^W &7iW, Barnes a latter takes the oath of of flee as Cleveland County sheriff on Apqll 2. , George Allen Brolhei's Deputy Incoming sheriff Haywood Al len announced this week that his brother, George Allen, Kings Mountain city policeman, .would be his chief deputy. The new. sheriff takes office on Monday, April 2, and it is antic ipated that George Allen will be sworn In on the same day. Hay wood Allen will succeed Sheriff Hugh A. Logan, Jr. He was elec ted to a four-year term last No vember. jiggy George Allen has been a mem tttt of the oVty police force for the past 42 months. He was married In 1938 to the former Miss Beat kMjViUlams. They have one toshter, Kiwanians Honor Carolina Is leading 'fjii Southeast in all fields, and we must not slow the pace," L.l? Ray, official of the North Caroli na State college foundation, told Kings Mountain fanners at the annual Klwanls club Parmer's night banquet March 16. Kw, who delighted mi large audience with a rapid-fire series of humorous anecdotes, ex pertly" interwove facts and figu res on the progress of the %m te ?j*grlculture, business and In dustry during the past two dec ades, and further pictured North Carolina as a big horizon f&K growth In the future. ?\ He pointed out that North Car olina Is a well-balanced state, but added, That is all well and gqod. but I am interested In knowing the level at which we North OarqMf na, though a leader in the South the Mne In oompa r toon ^ other states of the nation. He said 25 percent of the North Carolina gross Income comes boat 75 peooent of the land, whereas textiles, the state's big gest Industry, employs one at persons, and has an annual payroll at 1500,000,000. .mmmmm ***o clatlon official, suggested that there ta considerable room -pji, expansion of the dairy industry, noting that North Carolina's con MRttyttton of daflry proAiMB Ulfefi*. ?> ' . (Cont'd on page eight) King* Mountain citizens wi)l decide on May 8 whether they wish to ?npow*r the city board of commissioners to devote park ing meter receipts for recreation al puifk?sea, according to term* of a M|K City Attorney J. B. Da vis drew Oris week for General Assembly action. ? ?> The tnessure has already been *ad to State Represent a - T. rails, H. carrying a tag, and the bill is ex pected to be passed by the Gen era! Aawnbly in the near future, 1t?e bfll Is die resiiit of action ~ d mote W or part of, the receipts for rasree \ Cont'd on page eight) ft ? 1 1 mmsw W. K. Mauney, Jr. Is Nominated Foi Jaycee Post W. K. Mauney, Jr., was named by the nominating committee to run for president of the 'Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce at the regular meet ing of the organization held at Masonic dining hall Tuesday night. \ . Fleete McCurdy, chairman of the nominating committee, read the report which also listed the following for offices: Ben Ballard, for first vice-pres ident. , Fred Wright, Jr., for second vice-president. Dr. L. T. Anderson, for secre tary. Dr. N. H. Reed, for treasurer. I. B. Goforth, Jr., Maynard Snow. J. C. Bridges and D. D. Saunders, for directors, v - Luco Falls, for sergeant-at arms (Jay-bird). Other members of the nomina ting committee were James (Bunk) Houser, Jacob Cooper, and W. S. Fulton, Jr. Nominations w til be open from the floor for all offices at the next two meetings of the club, with the election to take place on April 17. x Luco Falls, chairman of the ladies night committee, announ ced that the annual event, when officers for the new year are In stalled, will be held on May 1. President Faison Barnes, who presided, announced that the state convention will be held in Asheville on May 18 and 19. Mr. McCurdy, chairman of the program committee, Introduced Jim Felton, superintendent ot the Kings Mountain National Military park, Who showed slide films prepared by the National Park Service. : Directors of the club, meeting after the regular meeting, voted , vimpjuulw limp irorn me vrwwoo* ro Jaycees tfhere he was an out standing member, a vice-$weM dent in charge of new piojects. Bill Moss, who has bten an in active member, returned to active membership It was also an nounced. Honor Society In * very impressive program on March * in the high school auditorium, the Kings Mountain Chapter of .the National Honor Society inducted six Juniors, Johnny Kiser, Charles Mauney, Paul McGlnnls, Jr., Rachel Plonk, Jack Still, and Phyllis Ware. Ranee Henderson, president, told of the Honor Society's pur pose and of the requirements candidates must meet in order to become members. Gene Mauney spoke on schol arship. "To have wisdom we most gain an understanding of the tilings about 11s," he told the assembly. Valerie Baity followed W*h tr discussion of leadership. "The one wto fe leader la t faithful and truthful in ... tkm but he must also txjh be a follower," s?fcgeid? Louise Carpenter *?>.. ???? is the forgetting Of one's self and doing all he can for others .not because you have to but beosus* you want to." A'-y? "Character," Carl Cole said, "is what you are not what people think you are, and you alone make yourself what you are. There is nothing so kingly as kindness ;nothlng so royal as (Confd on page eight) Country Club Sets Bridge Tournament A four-week duplicate bridge tournament will be held at Kings Mountain Country club beginning Thursday, -March 29, and continuing for the following three Thursday nights, according to announcement by ttie organi zation's social oommktee. Play will continue on the three foHoWtag "Thursday nights ? I' April 5, 12 and 19 ? and will start at 7:45 p. m. each date. Sfra Kenneth Todd, of , nia, an accredited bridge touma- j ment nMwttw, will suj >e far WB m for the gnu nwSfw per night, th# tn ted, and members to : ? Edens , Neisler, Reynolds, Wright, u ? ~ ' t i . Barry Enter Race; 18 Now In Field FOUH or CANDIDATES FOB OFFICE? Shown above are four of the 18 candidates foe city offices. At top aw C. V. Bony. loft, and Paul Ledioid right, who, along with B. Hudson Bridges. or* cooking elec tion an Ward 4 commiuioD?it. Below toft is Hunter B. Nelsler, seek ing the position of Ward 1 oosnmissionsr, and. at right C. C. (Shorty) Bdens, who has entened the race fctf Ward 2 r. Cemetery Scene Of Annual Easter Sunrise Service Wt ' - i ? Kings Mountain will worship at its annual Easter Sunrise ser vice beginning Easter morning at ?:30. According to past custom, the Community -wide service, spon sored by the Kings Mountain Ministerial association,. wiH be held In Memorial Park of Moun tain Rest cemetery. Should the weather be inclement, the ser vice will be held at the Kings gggpntaln high school audKori D. Patrick, association and pastor of First church, will deliver til tBnswwidt Impossible If." The servlsiWNpl be preceded by a concert by the Kings Moun tain high school band, under the All ettimu driving their au to the eommanlty Sondse service at Mountain Best csmetery Sun day morning are requested to enter the cemetery ria Wiling street. Kings Mountain Bey its will be en hand to give directions. direction of Joe Hedden, and special music will be presented by the Kings Mountain Choral society, under the direction of B. S. Peeler, Jr. / Iw. Y. H. Carter, Second Wes leyan pastor, will give the invo cation, and fiev. Vance Daniel, pastor of Resurrection Lutheran church, will read Jhe Bible se lection, Rev. T. L. CaShweU. First Baptist pastor, win d?IhTr the Easter prayer, and Bev. Robert Hardin, pastor of Macedonia Bap tist church, will pronounce the benediction. - ^ J J, H. Brendall, Immediate i association, tions for the will high 8. R. flu s rf Hul of traffic di , ??, v. v. Ware, Buck Early. DouglaB flfuHcnder ' '1$# Wiley Blanton win cook break fast far band membem Hed Cross Fund Hearing $3,000 Kings Mountain'* 1951 Bed Crow (and campaign receipts climbed noticeably this week, the Thursday,, morning total reaching S&970.1S. Figaro* wese announced by Treasurer B. S. NeilL In tho week, the total Jump ed almost 9X000, wti h many re ports yet to b* received, and was ? n earing the ball way 1 ! mark. _Goal of the campaign Is S6. Fire Destroys Anderson - Home The home of Mr. mid Mm W. L. Anderson, who lived off the York highway jam inside South Carolina was completely destroy ed toy fire last Saturday (nom ine about 9 o'clock. ?? Furnishings were aleo destroy ed with the exception of a wash ing machine, cedar .chest and one hed. Cause of the blaze was not determined. The loss Wa* not covered by insurance. Plans Being Completed Fei Fonnal Hospital Opening Program M^rch 31 Dedicatory exercises marking the compk*lon of the new Kings Mountain hospital are being ar I ol Herald, to tm published date of H'ireh 30, will b? to ranged for Saturday morning, MM 81. to be followed two-day open house on both March 31 and April 1. .j'tBsTboepltal wil open to acceptance of patients on Mon , day, April 3. Robert Moser, county hospital administrator, was bitty this week completing details tot the special exercises tout was not y?* ready to 0ve fun details con cerning the program. The full King* Mountain hos pital staff will report tot duty on Monday morning, Match 36, to begin work In preparation for the opening. -TKaeph N. Dixon has been named business manager of the Kings Mountain unit and Miss Veto V. Covington superintendent of nurses. It had been hoped that U. S. Senator Clyde R. floey would be able to attend the 4rfk?toy ex ercises but he wired hospital of ficials Thursday that the press of business In Washington would prevent his attendance. No Office Going Begging; Four 3-Way Races Five additional citizens filed notice of candidacy during the past week for city offices. They included: For Ward 1 commissioner. Hunter R. Neisler. , For VVaxd 2 commissioner, C.C. (Shorty) Edens and Warren E Reynolds. For Ward 4 commissioner, C P Barry. _ For Ward 5 commissioner, Baxter T. Wright, Sr. The newly announced candi dates, added to the total of 13 who had previously filed, meant ifi 11:40 Thursday morning, la citizens were seeking the eight positions to be filled .by the vo ters on May 8. No office was going begging for lack of a candidate, and races were already assured for six of the eight positions. As yet, Mr Neisler has no opposition for Ward 1 commissioner, and Dr. P. G. Padgett is the only candidate for Ward 4 school trustee. Four of the eight races were fiLefu y t*ure* w?y affairs includ ing the race for mtfyor, sought by George W. Allen, Carl F. Maun wna J?or*ami E" Stl?- the race for Ward 2 commissioner, sought Jnrf w!d E--,DaVls' c- C. Edens and Warren E. Reynolds, Ward 4 commissioner, sought by B. r,dges* Incumbent, Paul and C. P. Barry, and HaT n ^"?1f8,lor'er. sought by r ^ard' lncu,T*>ent, Fieete R McCurdy and B. T. Wright In Ward 3, Oland R. Peareon ?? ?. NeHl as school trustee. The ?peculators were also still a??* ?*ven years. He is a member of the A SStT %?lon> ttl? Llon? c,ub and an elder of Bethany AJ?P ?hwch. m?. 'Cont'd on page eight) I j ? ' ml m CANDIDATE ? Warren E. Rey nolds, automobile dealer, liled notice of candidacy thU week (or Ward 2 commissioner. He U Op posing L. E. Davis and C* C. Edons. ' '* Senate Passes' Boaid Measure The North Carolina Senate passed Wednesday the ^bill ex panding the board of Cleveland County commissioners to five members and carving the coun ty Into words for primary voting purposes. ? ' ?Rep. B. T- Falls, Jr., told the Herald Thursday afternoon that the bill which he introduced and which had previously been pass ed by Che House of ^Represents tlves, would probably be ratified into law Friday. He said he would urge the Sec retary of State to speed a certifi ed copy of the act to the county clerk of court, v.-ho would then be able to appoint the two addi tional commissioners. Nominees of Democratic pre cinct committeemen are: District 2, Hazel B. Bumgardner, of Kings ? m tefei 3, Fttz- ? . ? iWndale. Clerk . of Court E. A. Houser has Indica ted that he will appoint theser nominees. Registration Books To Open April 7 Registration books lor the city* election will open on April 7 and unregistered citizens may register for four consecutive Sat urdays, according to terms of the city election laws Challenge Day will be observ ed on May 5, with the voting to, take place on Tuesday, May 8. Registrars will be at the poll ing places on the designated days from 7 a. in. to 7 p. m., but ;the law prescribes that, on elec tion day, the polls will open at 7 a. m. and close at 6 p. m. The city expects to announce the election officials next week. Ail voters wiH be eligible to cast their ballot for mayor ami five city commissioners. School board elections, however, are strictly the affairs of voters in the Individual wards. This year, school trustee* are to toe chosen in Wards 4 and 5. Cancer Fond ;| Drive To Begin r- ' A special dinner meeting win be held at the Woman's Club on April 2 launching the annual fund drive In Kings Mountain * for the American Cancer society. Announcement was made toy Mrs. J. H. Arthur, again serving as chairman of the campaign. Mrs. W. W. Tolleson is serving, as co-chairman. The April 2 dinner meeting will feature an address by a phy sician and a film, "Breast Self Examination." The meeting ist open to the public, and reserva tions for the dinner are being urged, nice of the dinner is one dollar, and persons wishing to attend should make reservations by calling Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. <5. W. Mafuney or Mrs. J. P. Mauney. | Quota for the campaign $750, same as In 1950. King* Mountain citizens over -subscribe > ed th? quota in 1930. HE -OPENS OFFICE i pr. Craig 8. Jones, Shelby surgeon, has re opened his Kings Mountain office in (to* Morrison Building. Dr. Joneft opened an office here test sum- . mer and announced that h? -? would perform general surgery ?t the Kings Mourttaln hospital when it opened. Dr. Jones' reg ular office hours here will ba from 2:30 to 4 p. m. on Tu?s- . day and Thursday afternoons.