Pages Today Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kings Mountain. N. C.. Friday, March 30. 1951 ??????A MRflHHIDI AMONG politic ft I. CMHDATE8 ?" AboT0( toft to dfht on thnt of SjB 20 eoodldatM seeking the ei?ht offtofe tof t* flltod br TOton of the city on May 8. At toft Is O. T. Bay**. Sr~ candidate for mayor. Center 1* ?cotter T. Wright candidate for Ward 5 commissioner, and at right Is James W. (Bed) Laytocu candidate for Wand 1 commissioner. Hayes A nd Lay ton Put Hats In Ring TOUHNEY POSTPONED The bridge tournament sche duled to have begun Thursday evening at Kings ' Mountain Country Club ha a been tempo xarily postponed, Mrs. George Houser said Thursday morning. Further (announcement con cerning the tournament will be made in the near future. MEETING lUbrey Mauey phur Springs, ATTENDING Mr. and Mrs. re in White Si meeting of the American Cot ton Textile Manufacturers. The meeting began Thursday and continues through "Saturday. ? H ? IN HOSPITAL Ladd W. Hamrick, Sr... of Boiling Springs, former Kings Mountain citizen, is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham, where .lie is .receiving treat ment for diabetes. He, expects to return home over the week end. , ' OUT AGAIN W. S. Fulton. Sr., is up and at work agalo, following sever al weeks confinement to bed. Mr. Pulton suffered a heart at tack about four weeks ago. .Mil '??.'> (I| 1 1 in jo mtm- ' -> J. O, Plonk, Kings Mountain businessman, is a patient in Memorial ' Hospital. Charlotte, for a complete physical check-. iWf a complete physical check. & PARKING MONEY A total ?f *U& 04 In revenue was collected from the city's parking meters Wednesday ac cording to a report by Cltv Ctakl A. Crouse. '$? "BOOT" GRADUATE r<M|? L. Biddlx, seaman re eruit, U9N, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Biddlx of rot'.Ie X re cently completed recruit train ing at the Naval Training Cen ter, San Diego, Calif., and is now available for assignment to a Fleet unit or to one of the Naivy's schools, for specialized training. PAPEt drive paorrr A net profit of $124.95 from the last paper drive by the Ju nior Chamber of Commerce was reported yesterday by FaiJOn Barnes, president. Ail profits from ti>* club's paper drives are put into a Kings Mountain Recrpatlon Park Fund, which now totals H, 124.95. C; Two additional citizens filed notice of candidacy during the week for oity offices. Oliver T. Hayes, Sr., has offer ed for mayor, and James W. (Red) Layton has filed for Ward 1 commissioner. Mr. Hayes is seeking the office how held by Mayor J. E. Hern don, and also sought by Carl F. Mauney, George W. Allen and Garland E. Still. Mr. Layton is opposing Hunter R. Neteler, tooth of whom are Patter I he Will not seek re-election. A total of 20 candidates "are now in the race for six city and two school board offices. Only Dr. P. G. Padgett, candidate for tm Wipd *; school trusteeship, lacks opposition. .. ; ? Mr. Hayes, a partner in Hayes Grocery on Waco Road, is a for mer field auditor for the State Department of Revenue. He is a member of Central Methodist church and a Mason. Born ifl Lincoln county, he has been a resident of Kings Mountain since the aige of seven. He is the father of aeven children.' In e statement to the Herald, Mr. Hayes said he was Tunning to be a "fMll-tlme mayor," stating that he 'Would, if elected, devote a minimum of 40 hours weekly to the mayor's tasks. He continued: "I shall see that the other employees do the same. I do not advocate a clean sweep,, because there are some city em ployees who aire giving their bast to the pity. I do think there are some who are. dragging their feet .... I am sure there is some Waste In manpower and monies that could be eliminated without impairing the efficiency of op eration and would save several hundred dollars monthly for the taxpayers," Mr. Hayes said he would be glad to discuss his beliefs with any voter ait any time. Mr. Lfcyton, an employee of Nefoler MHts Pauline plant. Is a former star athlete at Kinr^ Mountain high school. He Is a native of Kings Mountain $nd is a member of the Lutheran chur ch. Mr. Laytort told the Herald he had always supported pro gressive Issues, tout added, 1 think it is fine to have new1 roads; sewn :,<-i isposei . and oth er improvements, but I think the old facilities should be put in first-class shape first" Mr. Layton came out strongly (Cont'd on page eight) Cash Sentence 5 To 7 Years L. D. Cash, Kings Mountain plumber, and William H. Stai nes. both charged with anon In connection with the burning of the Cash home here, were found guilty as changed in Cleveland Superior Court seven years, ,;'v: -V- " > ?: - Defense Attorneys entered , notice of appeal to the state Snprsme Const j&Wv >, -5 ?>; Lions Members Hear Gillette On Safety C. N. Glilette, retired represen tative of Frdehauf Trailer Com pany, urged driver caution as the only means of cutting the acci dent rate on highway, in an ad dress to member of the Lions clfcb Tuesday night. Mr. Gillette, pointing Out that more than 28,000 accidents Uj North Carolina resulted In prop-, erty loss of $63,000,000 last year, in addition to deaths, recommen-J ded "defensive" driving, slower speeds, and use of abrasive ma terials In road -building. "Though I favor motor vehicle' inspection," he said, "I recognize that 85 percent of the auto acci dent* result from driver errors." He said one -fourth of the na tions drivers, between the aces of 16 and 26, account for 56 per cent of the accidents. J! v "Safe-driving Is a famtly af fair," he said, "and parents should exert every influence to make careful drivers out of their children." 'cit He said driving Instruction should be Installed as ? regular course In all schools. TO TAKE Omc4 Hazel B. Bumgardner will take office as dOUhty commis sioner this weekend, and Way ne L. Ware will become a mem ber at the county board of school trustees Monday. Mr. Bumgardner was appointed District 2 commissioner by Clerk Of Court' E. A. Houser Tuesday. Mr. Ware won Demo cratic nomination as school trustee last spring. Also to take office Monday will be Hey wood Allen, who succeeds Sheriff Hugh A Lagan. In a special session Wednes day afternoon, the city board of commissioners 1) Voted to install a two-inch water line from the residence of W. S. Fulton, Jr., on Cleveland avenue to the six-inch main on Broad street, provided pipe is ob tainable; . 2) Authorized paving of Rose wood avenue with a 24-foot strip; 3) Discussed with J. Byron Kee ter, then deferred for legal opin ion, the March 13th damages to the Keeter home which occurred when a sewer line backed up and overflowed. J. W. Webster, who is building ] a home on Cleveland avenue, re quested the extension of the Cli veland avenue water line, and Drace M. Peeler asked the board for action on the Rosewood' av enue road -paving. Mr. Peeler pointed out that all abutting property owners had signed the necessary petition requesting im provement of the street, and had agreed to pay the pro-rata cost. Mr. Keeter said in inspection by him, .by members of the the city public works department and by A.-L. Ware, plumber, indicat ed that his lateral lines were clear and that the city was liable for the considerable damage done to his home during the night of Mareh 12-13. He was out-of-town and Mrs. Keeter, he said, had spent the night wkh her daughter. She returned home next morning to find the Keeter basement filled with sewage and much of the first floor of the home covered with . sediment * btecusoion centered On the rel ative heights of the Keeter sew age system with the Ridge -sheet manhole, plus a review, both by Mr. Keetei and City Administra tor, M, K. Fuller, of the examina tions Of the system conducted on the morning of March 13. Scoots To Gather Clothing Monday 4, i i . Kings Mountain Boy Scouts will collect clothing on Monday from 5 to 7 p. m. for shipment to less fortunate citizens overseas, and Scout officials have directed an appeal to all persons who have clothing to spare to ' have bundles ready for the pickup. Citizens who have clothing they may spare are asked to place bundles on the front steps of their homes on ,Monday from 5 to 7 p. m. " Clothing Is urgently needed In Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Israel, Jordan; Lebanon, Morrocco, the Fhlllippines and the D. P. Camps in Europe, H. C. Wilson, district Scput chairman, Mated.' " ? jSfx. >'>'.? ?' ? Clothing collected will be cleaited by Kings Mountain dry cleaners, free of charge, he said. The drive Is nation -wttle and cothing collected will be distri buted by American Council of Voluntary Agencies. Cancer Drive Dinner Monday Dr. ?. G. Padgett will be the speaker at a special dinner meet ing at the Woman's dub Monday at 7 p. m. launching the annual fund drive here for the American Cancer Society. The. meettng, which is open to the public, will alio feature a rilm, "Breast Self-Examirtatlon," ? Mrs. -J. H. Arthur, af OS chalfman of the urged all citizens wl attend tMe dinner to Board Approves line Extension, Street Requests vJHKliJSRfl . . PRINCIPALS IN HOSPITAL DEDICATION? Shown above are three of the men who will have principal roles in Saturday morning's exercises dedicating Kings Mountain hospital. At left Is V. S. Senator Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, who will make the principal address. W. K. Mauney, center, hospital trus tee and treasurer of the Kings Mountain unit will present Mr. Hoey- L. Arnold Kiser. now serving his second term as hospital trustee, will serve as toastmaster. Citf Officials Named The city board announced this week election officials for the May 8 voting. Listed below are the voting officials toy wards, with voting places in . parentheses. First-list ed election official In each ward ia the registrar, with the remain der judges. They are: Ward 1 (City Hall), C. L. Black, W. H. Jenkins antfC. E. Warlick. Ward 2 (City Hall), Mm. Hum es Houston, Arthur Cornwell and j Mrs. Ruth Thomasson. Ward 3 (Phenix Mill Store),! Mra Ruth Bowers, William Fet fcisoft Ward 4 (Kings Mountain Man ufacturing Company clubroom), C. P. Goforth, J. R. Roberts and H. ?|t Smith. ? .f ? ? Hp Ward 5 (Victory Chevrolet Company), Mra J. T. McGinn is, Jf., B. M. Ormand and J. C. Keller. 1 Registrars will be at: the poll- J ing paces for four consecutive Saturday beginning April 7. Un registered citizens who wish to vote must accomplish registra tion on one of these Saturdays.; Challenge Day will be Saturday, May 5. s Candidates have until five days preceding ?die election to file notice of candidacy. Throw ing out Sunday, this makes the| final filing day May 2. Bites Conducted For Mrs. Ware Funeral servic??^ for Mrs. who died \ Bethel Sunday ?^f sev T?*8day Wayne L. Ware, Sr., fc^who died! ?nonths, were held Tuesday MM at ? o'clock from- the at her home in Bethel section on Shelby road Sunday afternoon after *n illness ' eral morv< aiternoon home. . ? i ? ? jiji. ? io Boyce Memorial A. A. P, church, officiated, assisted fcy Rev. Ray Swink, pastor of El Bethel Methodist church. Burial was in El Bethel cemetery She was a member at Boyee Memorial A- RP. church and was the former Mike Jessie Black, daughter of the late T. C. arid Carrie Kerr Black. .Surviving are her husband, wayne L. Ware, prominent or* chardist; three step-children, Wayrfe L. Ware, Jr., Cameron Ware,' Miss Jeanne Ware, of Kings Mountain; three sisters, Miss flMtlove Black, Mr* J. T. Goforth *nd Mrs. I. 0. Patterson, aH of^'ph^gs Mountaliw \ ?:> 'i - Myers Hambrlght, Sal Morri*. Leonard >JMtthle, Boyd H*fr*l son, Jaspir W^re and Chan** it Ware served 1 as eitive pall Kiwanians To Fete Ladies On Thursday Annual ladies night program o I the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club will be held on Thursday night, April 5, ac 7 p. m., at the Masonic dining hall with Dr, Walter T. Nau, of Hickory, to de liver the address. Announcement of the program was made by Dr. J. P. Mauney, who is chairman of the arrange ments committee and who will serve as master of ceremonies. < Dr. 2?aUf head or the language department At Lenoir- Rhyne col ISge, will speak on the subject, ?*Off base English." * Music will be furnished by Miss Frances Summers, soloists, and Miss Virginia Summers, pi anists. Mr. Mauney also announced that the members of the Kings Mountain high school Key club will be invited to attend the an imal occasion at which the Ki wanians honor their wives. The Key club was organized by the Kiwanis club and Is affiliated with the ration high school boys club promoted by the. national Kiwanis organization. Other members of the arrange ments committee were E. W. Griffin, E. G. McClain, Faison Barnes and Oscar Myers. City Police Report Two Firms Entered Police reported yesterday that Beik'? Department Store and Vic tory Chevrolet' Company were en tered toy thieves sometime Wed nesday night. The culprits evidently were af ter department store loot, poXce theorized. The motor company was entered by breaking a win dow and * screw driver and ? crow bar were found missing. The front door to the depart ment store had been prized open. AT CBOWDE1T8 CHEEK Rev. W. L. Pressly, pastor of Boyce Memorial ARP church, is conducting a series of services this week at CroyderSs Creek ARP church. Jin his absence from his pulpit Sunday morn ing, Dr. R. C. Grler, president of Ersklne College, will speak to members of the church. Dr. Grler will diftcuss the history of the college and seminary at the 11 o'clock service. '?+?"? 1 1' i? i KIWANIS SPEAKER? Dr. Waiter T. Nau, of Hickory, will address members of the Kiwanls c?>tb and their wives at the annaal la dles night program of the organ isation to be held at the Masonic dining hall Thursday. April S. at 7 p. m. For A. C. Hoyle * : 7T " ; ? FuneraJ services were held at First Baptist church Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock lor Arthur C. Hoyle, 61, who died Friday morning at Shelby hospital after an illness of five week*. ? .! Rev. T. L. Cash well, Jr., of-! flclated, assisted by Rev. R E. Shelton, of narleyvllle, S. C. Burial was In Mountain Rest cemetery. Mr. Hoyle had been employed a* Mauney Mill for IT years. He was a member of First Baptist church. ? A . Survivors include his wife, Mrs Willie Florence Wright Hoyle, a son Gaither Hoyle, of Kings Mountain, three dauglters, Mrs. Lois Eargle, of Harleyvllle, S. C., and Misses Betty Sue and Myrtle Hoyle, Of the home; a brother, William Hoyle of Besse mer CKy; rind a sister, Mrs. Kos ste Wright, of Kings Mountain. M. E. Henson, G W. Legens, J. W. Walker, Rufus Mitehem, Paul Brigga and Carl Mauney served as active pall bearers. School Boards To Continue Talfa On Davidson-Compact Consolidation The county and city school boards will meet in joint sesrfon at Shelby Monday morning at 10 o'clock to consider Luther a pro poaal for seml-eonsolidatlon ofi Compact and DavkUon schools. The board will be laced with abdfc considerable objection from yaotna of Davidaon school and w*| eome objection from Com paot patnww* though the latter is lew stride, ' - -I 7 A. Oibson, principal of Dav idawt school, said that patrons oriels school met Wednesday nldit A total of 98 signed a rea olutkai stating that they oppos eventually come to Gold Mine and \ ?wtr^ard element!) to Compact from Vesrtble, sub it* ry schools. y?M far the two boards have dlecoeaed without any action thie proposal; consolidating Davidson Mgh ecbooi with Ofnpact high school, and com?lidat?* Gold Mine and VwrtJible school# with Davidson. 11m hoidi and school officials agree that better in stvuetkm could toe given at both places If th1a aeml consolidation were attMted ..>Vv J Net thee board, at the Joint meeting here laat week, indica ted that It would take final ac tion iWore fally attainting the yrstroa. of each achooft with the Hoey Te Speak At Dedication Progxam At Site Dedicatory exercises marking the completion of Kings Moun tain hospital will be held at the hospital Saturday morning, be ginning at 10 o'clock and with. Senator Cfc?de R. Hoey to deliver the principal address. Seats will be arranged in the parking area and the county hos pital board of trustees is urging all citizens to attend. Senator Hoey cancelled a pre vious engagement to he able to accept the invitation to Kings Mountain, L. Arnold Kiser said,, in making the announcement. Mr. Kiser will serve as toast master and W. K. Mauney, treas urer of the Kings Mountain hos pital, will present Mr. Hoey. The program will open with a half-hour concert by the Kings Mountain high school band. Bur lie Peeler, Jr., accompanied by The hospital board of trus tees and staff will hold open house at Kings Mountain hos pital Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock and on Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. AU citixezns are being urged to Inspect the new hospital. Mrs. N. F. McGllI, will sing the "Star Spangled Banner," and Rev. P. D. Patrick will give the Invocation. Following Mr. Hoey's address, W. Faison Barnes, will piesent former state Senator Lee B. Wea thers, who will turn over the new hospital's license to J. D. Elliott, chairman of the couptv hoard of kespHaltnntees.V ? Mr. Elliott wlii present the members of the hospital board, Robert L. Moser, county hospi tals administrator, will present members of the hospital staff, and Mr. Kiser will recognize spe cial guests. Group singing of "God ' Bless America" will close the dedication. The program will be broadcast over Station WOHS Sheby from 10:30 to 11 o'clock. In event of rain, the program wil be held at the high school auditorium. The hospital will open to re ceive patients Monday morning. Revival To Begin At Macedonia Sunday Revival services, In conjunction I with the Southern Baptist Corv I ference simultaneous "Crusade) ' for Christ," will begin at Mace donia Baptist church Sunday at the 7:30 p. m. service according to announcement by Rev, R, It, Hardin, pastor. Rev. D, W, Dlgh of Bethel chur ch She], by will condu,ct the ser vices which will be held each night neXt week including Sat* urday . The services are to end on Sun day, April 8, Fev. Hardin said. Ail services will be at 7:30 p. m. Johnny Johnson, of Spartan burg, S. C., will direct singing during the services. "Everyone is welcome to come worship with us," Rev. Hardin announced. Mis. Stewarts' Bites Friday , Mrs. Rachel Wilson Stewart, 31 Mtfdow of Robert Stewart, died Wednesday night at 11 p. m. at her tjome on route two after an illness, of threfe months. Funeral services will be held Friday morning at 11 o'clock at Antioch Baptist church near Gro ver. Rev. P. D, Patrick will offici ate and buHal will be in the church cemetery. Her husband died four years ago. Surviving are four children, Lawrence, Harvey, Joan and Pat my Mae Stewart; four brothers, Robert Wilson, at Clover, S. C., Frank Wilson, of Shelby, Monroe Wilson, of G rover, and Ira Wilson of Kings Creek, S. C.; five sisters, Mrs. Jeanette Wylie, of Kings Creek, S. C, Mrs. Mamie Moore, of Gro ver, and Mrs. Maevie Huff man, Mrs. Lucjt Chaney and Mrs. Lillian Coffey, all of Kings Moun tain. ^ AT CONVENTION Mrsi Helen Jenkins, owner of BUlle Ge/ie Beauty shop, wtil attend the International Beau ty convention Jn New York next week from Monday through Saturday. Mrs. Jenkins an nounced that she was attend ing* to study la feair styling and

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