Pages T oday PRICE FIVE CENTS KINGS MOUNTAIN GRADUATES? Graduation Mason Is under way and a number of Kings Mountain area students are among those receiving certificates of graduation and degrees. Among Kings Moun tain students graduating during the past week are. left to right. Miss Barbara Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matthews. Demauth Blanton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Blanton, and Miss Nan cy Plonk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Plonk. Miss Matthews and Mr. Blanton Wars graduated Monday from Mark Hill Junior College*, and Miss P onk was graduated Wednesday with the degree of Bachelor of Oratory from the Plonk School of Creative Arts, at AshefillHi^^^^^^^^^^^^ Local New* Bulletins jgggg >*?V* ~ TOATQNIP COmntNTlON .' Amoi* members of OtJ? D. ? Green Post 155, American Le gion, planning to attend the North Carolina Department .convention In Atfheville this weekend are Commander Paul Maiuiri, ,\<ijni->!;! Ben nett, til! f.'ollin:!, Led . -better, Jack Banker, John Glad den, and Hubeft \-i-: i.-idt^ . ' "i- - ? ? . ' : VOLttHT tSJMBOQGHT The Mountain Jay cettes ate asking -for epecial part-time duty at Kings Moun tain MMtwi rh<>. . able to . spare an^oapasldiral hour for T~: $fffirate asked to call Mrs. Maynard Snow at phone ' gfr-W: >r; * . Houston Blade, who will be graduate} next week tram Ca ed assistant tor 5 1 jfcjaflll education Wtt ? k I M .? 11, ? a etiMM ?]. He hSS'liifcbeen chosen fig sltion oh the <Hty of Rocking - ham's publi n tion staff and will report naxt Jttday to assume those duties, f * ; f;; . Kg fWBtv Bob Ledbettef, son of Mr. ' 'a Ofl JpWiTnriTWjiiih.Bttr r has assumed ; of..satoy.L:. ?nan at Plonk Brothers, it was announee^tftfe week. For the past two y^ars, Mr. Ledbetter law been a s?jisaiaaa in the men's clothing department at Sears, Roebuck k ConMQjr, ' Charlotte, His wife U the for mer Miss Janelle Smith. Mr. LedMtteir fiUa the vacancy ore ated several fiabtrtfce ago when Fred White entered the navy. REVIVAL, SERVICES Revival services will begin Wednesday evening at Grace Methodist ehuf&* with servic es continuing thrc *h June 17. The pastor, Rev. T. t Hager, will <do the preaching It was Wm announced that Rev. Kel ly Dixon will preach the ser Rev. W. O. Camp will con duct a week of revival services beginning Monday and contin uing through Saturday of next-* week; at Weatover Baptist church, according to announ cement hy the P*stor, Rev. B. H. Matthews. Services will #??>? gin at 7:30 p. m. ' ? - ? fj TO ATTEND SYNOD Rev. W. U Breaaly and M. L. Harmon will go to Xewlsburg. W. Va., next week to attend the annual meeting of the A. 8. f?. Synod,- representing Boycs Memorial AJLP. church. The session begins Tuesday r.ight_arafl cor/ttmu. through tfwmusson Property To Be Sold Saturday I I II ? II a Eleven Tracts Being Offered At Public Auction Eleven tracts, owned In whole or hi part by the Estate of J. B. Thomasson, will be sold at pub lic auction on Saturday morn ing beginning at 10 o'clock at the several sites. A. H. Patterson, commissioner, who Is conducting the sale In ac cordance with an order of the Superior Court, said the first tract to be sold will be the lot and (business building on Moun tain street formerly occupied by Baker Grocery. The sale will then continue at the several tracts. Attorney J. IL Davis will serve aa auctioneer. Other commercial Imildlngs to be sold at the auction Include two buildings on N. Piedmont ave., one occupied by Economy Cash Grocery, and the other by Gafffcey's Barber Shop. Sale of the properties will be subject to confirmation of the court Under the terms of ttie auc tion, Mr; Patterson said, bids will fee held open for 10 days, dur ing which time the trlds may be raised. In event a tract Is sold for leas than $500, the original bid must be raised a minimum of ten percent In event a tract la sold |or more than 5500, a hid must be raised a minimum of five percent Other properties to be sold in clude: - 1) The 40 x 60-foot vadant lot behind the <3. W. King Garage. 2) The 62 x 150-foot lot at the corner of King and Deal streets, occupied by a brick residence. The Thomasson Estate part-in te rests fa the following tracts are to be sold: 1) Several beet* of land lo cated on and around ttie moun tain which beam the same name as the city* Mr. Thomasson held one-third interest, with other e qual Shares owned tor the M. L. Plonk estate and J. O. Plonk. I 3| Mr. Thomasson 'b one-fourth interest fn the vacant lands ad joining the Burlington Mill Phe nix plant property and the Duke Power company sub -station property. Other three -fourths Is owned by J. O.- Plonk. 3) T*?e one-third Interest of Mr. Thomasson In several vacant lots in East Kings Mountain. Other equal owners are th? M. L. Plonk Estate and J. O. Plonk. The sale follows an action in the Superior Court brought by heirs of the late Mr. Thomasson against the administrator of the estate and the guardian of David Thomasson, minor. i The petitioners, heirs dt Mr. (Continued On Page Five) ! ?????"?& t ? I I IW * II n ? ? II ??*?>*! Bpdiiill Is Named Recreation Director Officials of Reasurrection Lu theran church "announced tills week that John Rudisill, princi pal of Bethware school, has ac cepted the position of director of the church's summer recrea tion program., ? ? ? . * Present plans call for launch ing the program on the' after noon of Monday, June 11, at 2 p. m. Activities Will include soft ?toll, volley ball, horseshoe pitch ing and other games. The pro gram will also lnclude\a Bible story-hour. . \ ,1 The recreation area provided is located north of Hawthorne ?Road. v Young Veteran Dies in Wreck ?TV" * ? t* Funeral rites for Willard Art is Cronan, 21-year-old Kings Moun tain army veteran killed in an automobile accident Tuesday, were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Oak View Baptist chinch on the York road. The pastor, Rev. C. E. Oxford, conducted the rites, assisted by Rev. Robert M. Hardin. Burial was made In the Church ceme tery. Prior to the service. <he body lay in state at the church for a ha If -hour. Hie fatal accident occurred in Charlotte about 5 o'clock in the morning. The car Cronan was driving went out of control, crashed Into a tree and over turned. He was the lone occupant of the car and was almost In stantly killed. K,: Cronan was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Artis Cronan, Sr. He had returned Mane tills month from a tour of duty with the army hi Germany and had received Ms honorable discharge last Friday. He was * former em ployee Of Frieda Manufacturing Company and Burlington Mill*' Fhenht plant. ' , Surviving are- Us parents and tike following brothers and sis ter*, all of whom reside in Kings Mountain: Herbert Cronan, Wood row Cronan, Eugene Cron an, Mrs. Charlie Sprouse and Miss Betty Cronan. . .. GIVEN NOTICES . Floyd Thornburg, member of the city electrical department, and Warren Ellison, police of goer, have been gtVen notices by the City that their services will not be requlred after June 30,1951. JAYCEE MEETING The regular Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting will be held at Masonic hall dining room' Tuesday rfght at 1 o' clock. Jgjgv Kings Mountain citizen# gave 71 pints of Mood at the 1??: vlult of the Bloodmobile, against ? quota of m pint^. "We *111 need lW pint*/* Mr*. Mauney m Id "This means about 300 to 323 potential donors are required. Alt person# ?re cheeked to acceptance as a A number of Kind Mountain Red Crasa officials are to attend -a meeetfng at ttve Charlotte Btood Center's regional coordinating committee in ChaMotU on Tues day. Work of ttXjpttBg will be^ future Bloodmotnle schedul JtffSS Joyce Bisei, Hazel Wright TopSpelleis Joyce Biser, tenth grade -stu dent at Kings Mountain high school, and Hazel Wright, eighth grade student of Central elemen tary school, are the winners of the First National Bank's city schools spelling contests for 1951. Announcement of the win* new was made toy school offi cials this week. Both will re ceive handsome med*ls at school commencement exercises Mon day night. It is th<i first ?ear of the con test which the bank expects to make an annual event to Im prove the spelling capabilities of Kings Mountain school students. Both contests were close, with the high school contest requlr ing three spelling tests. Spelling 50-word groups, five high school competitors spelled all 50 words correctly at the first contest. They were Joyce Biser, Juanita Gunnells, Carl Coke, Kelly- Wea ver and Alice Ford. After the sec ond 50-word contest, it was a tie between Joyce Biser and Jnanita Gunnells, with Miss Biser edging Miss Gunnells by .two words In the second* "spell -off". In the three contests, Miss Biser spelled correctly 147 words, with Miss .Gunnells spelling 145 correctly. in the elementary schools, Preliminary contests de termined grade winners. In the finals contest, 150 words were used, with Hazel Wright scoring first and Dixie Cline, alio an finishing second. Third place eighth grade Central student, went to Jerry MoCarter, West school seventh grader. Many of the competitors spelled correctly 140 of the 150 word*. Participating in the finale con test were: Eighth grade ? Hazel Wright, Central, Dixie CltaeA Central, Peggy Ford, Central, Jackie Payne, East. Seventh grade? Jeny MoCart er, West, Janell Bedsole, East, Shirley Mcintosh, Central, Jua - (Continued On Page Eight) i-H I Still in Office W. Fabson Barnes/ retiring judge of city recorder's court, in formed Mayor Gai land E. Still last Saturday that he would not he fired but would serve as judge until the expiration of his term on July 2. Judg Barnes wrote the Mayor: - "In accordance with our con versation yesterday relative to my purported dismissal by the City Board jta Judge of the Kings Mountain Recorder's Court, I wish to advise that it is my con sidered opinion that the Board's action 'was without authority of 'hrw. I was appointed to this po sition by the fo? ner City .Board under the aut}io?;ty of the Pub lic Local Laws of worth Carolina, Chapter 243, 1911, as amended toy Chapter 174, 1943. This statute dearly establishes the term of office for a period of two years ending on $he first Monday in July after each Municipal Elec tion. HO ?power of removal from ?mce is vssted In the City Board. Accordingly, I shal expect to ex ercise the duties of tfcis office un til the expiration of my term on July 2nd.'' Solicitor Jack White Is taklr* the same position as Judge Barnes. Both served in their of ficial capacities on Monday. ^AtowliiffreKreraai .lib! E J jjfllil! New Broom Sweeps City Hall Again; Crouse, Mrs. Kirby, Davis Lose Jobs Board Provides For Surveys In New Budget The city board of commission - \KlriHm ^ in aPecial session Monday night, authorized inclu 'f ,th<\ forthcoming 1951-52 budget funds for making an en "i?* ol ??'e sewage disposal and electrical distribu-l IJLIt 8y?*?ms, Ami authoriiezd in- j of^lfnt ? int? the P^Wlity service the city ?arbage Aiotion to insure a survey of j, 131)0881 ^tem and electrical distribution system during the firthcoming fiscal year was made by Commissioner James Layton, with Commission, er Lloyd E. Davis seconding. The vote was unanimous. on*th^?r Stili ,?pened discussion ti?e possibility or. contracting }f 3e r*movaI service, ex pending on the suggestion he made in his inaugural address. 18 costing the out tJ-t'T *?nuW1y? Porting out that the figure will grow as S?tC/^JnT8- He also noted ???t it will be necessary to pur 4 ?fe a new truck lor the service In the near future. Discussion Included questions' concerning previous ordinances on garbage collection, and City Administrator M. K. Fuller out lined several systems employed by other communities. He also reported that the city makes an effort to collect revise from the commercial areas daily and from; residential areas twice weekly. The Mayor said he felt the city could obtain * contract with a private operator tor less money th?51^ 1* now paying for the service, and. In turn, im prove the service. Motion to in. vestigate the possibility, with the aim to secure bids from pri vate individuals or firms, was made by Mr. Davis, with Mr. Layton seconding. The vote was unanimous. The board discussed, without the ?PHt-fee basis on inspections of construction, elec trical and plumbing installs- 1 ?ons. Several hoard members said they felt Inspection fees wiould go Into the city treasury and, that city employees should receive all their money from the city as Salary, or wages, alone. Action was deferred, pending (Continued On Page Eight) Black Recognized At Special Program Houston student ??? Kings Mountain, received! special recognition during the annusi Recognition Chapel ex held this week in the Ca tawte College Auditorium. Bec U ?n occasion m ??e purpose of pre ?wards to stu dents, who have been outstand ta| Jn ?ne or more fields . ?^ok ?weived a basketball ?^w?s recognized for be Whoa Who in Amerloan Colleges ??d Universities. NEW CITY CLERK AND ASSISTANT? Shown above at* Jo* McDcm ieL left and Oliver T. Hares, Sr. right who figured m changes made in city personnel on Monday night by the board of commissioner*. Mr. McDaniel was olevated to the eflie? ?l city clerk and treasurer and clerk of recorder's court, while Ki. Hayes was name* ftsslstant city clerk and treasurer. Mr. McDaniel will succeed S. A. Crouse. Mr. Hayes succeeds Mrs. Hay Kirby. High School Finals Program A nnounced Commencement Exercises Set For 65 Seniors Commencement exercises for 65 seniors begin Sunday evening at Kings Mountain high school. Rev. T. L. Cash well, Jr., pastor of the First Baptist church, will deliver the commencement ser mon on Sunday evening, and on Monday evening Rev. Lee F. Tut tie, pastor of Charlotte's First Methodist church, will deliver the commencement address. Both programs will be held at the high sdiool auditorium and will begin at 8 o'clock. On Sunday evening, Rev. W. L. Pressly will give the invocation, Rev. Vance Daniel will read the Scripture, and Rev. P. D. Patrick, president of the Ministerial As sociation, will present Mr. Cash well. Rev. W. F. Monroe will say the benediction. Special music will be rendered by the senior girl's ensemble and the mixed chorus. V On Monday evening, Rev. B. P. Austin will say the invocation and Rev. J. H. Brendall, Jr., will present Mr. Tuttle. Rowell Lane, high school principal, will pre sent diplomas, and Arnold W. Kincaid, ra airman of the city school board of trustees, will present awards and medals. Jack Bennett, president of the senior class, will present a gift from the graduating class to the school. The program will also include special music by Miss Barbara Ann Grantham and by the sen ior class mixed ensemble. Other class officers are Ranee Henderson, vice-president; Vale rie Beatty, secretary; and Betty Cash and Johr Warllek, co treasurers. The class mascots are Martha Beal and Tommy Dean. The class motto is "We build our future", the class flower is pink dogwood, and the class col ors are blue, and white. TO 5TH DIVISION Pvt. Paul E. Wright, US 53100549, of Kings Mountain, was transferred last week from Fort Jackson. His new address is: Battery "C", 47th AAA AW Bn., 2nd Inf. Regt., 5th Inf. Dlv., Irrdiantown Gaip Mil. Res., Pa Ho Pre-Induction Order For June The Cleveland County draft board has been notified that it will not receive an order to fur nish registrants for pre-lnduc tion examinations in June, Mra Clara Newman, clerk to the ?board, js?ld yesterday. . ? On June 12, (he board will bur nish five men for final induction Into the army. Mrs. Newman said the local board had no way to determine ?now many eligible registrants have taken, or are to take, the services aptitude tests for de ferment. On the basis of Cleve land county eligible^ securing application cards, she estimated that a large majority of the ell gables did makp apllcation for taking the tests. Becieation Head Will Speak Here Dr. Harold D. Meyer, chairman of the North Carolina recreation commission and University of North Carolina professor, will ad dress members of the Kings Mountain Recreation commis sion, members of the city board of commissioners and other spe cial guests at a luncheon at the Kings Mountain Country Club Monday at noon. ^ Dr. Meyer will discuss city rec reation programs and will make suggestions for formulating a city program. Announcement of the lunch eon was made by Mrs. Paul Mau ney, chairman of the city com mission. - Guard Company Soft For Overnight CPX The Kings Mountain National Guard company will take part in an overnight problem at Kings Mountain Battleground dver the weekend. Captain Humes Houston made the announcement. He said the problem would be the assembly of a rifle battalion in an area prior to an attack. Other 3rd Bn., 120th Inf., com panies to take psrt In the CPX are Morganton, Lincoln ton, Gas Ionia and Shelby Board Elevates McDaniel, Names Hayes, Harrill * * ? ? * ? . _ 'It ? Meeting in special session Monday night, the city board of commissioners completed elec tion of department heads as fol lows : 1) Joe McDaniel, clerk in the city office, was elected city clerk and treasurer and Clerk of re corder's court as an annual sal ary of $2,700, effective July 2, 1951. Commissioner C. P. Barry made the motion, Commission er B. T. Wright seconded andthe vote was unanimous. Mr. Mc Daniel will succeed S. A Crouse. 2) Oliver T. Hayes, Sr., candi date for mayor in the recent elec tion, was elected assistant city clerk and treasurer at an annual salary of $2,400, effective Imme diately. Commissioner Lloyd E. Davis made the motion, Com missioner Olland R. Pearson sec onded and the vote was unani mous. Mr. Hayes will suoceed Mrs. Ray Kirby. (Mrs. Kirby, like Mr. Crouse, will complete her duties on June 30. Hospitalized for several weeks, Mrs. Kirby re turned to work this week.) ) 3) E. A. Harrill wa^ elected city attorney at an annual sal ary of $600, the salary to include all fees, and judge of city re corder's court at an annual sal ary of $1,800. Mr. Harrill suc ceeds J. R. Davis as city attorney, effective immediately, and will succeed W. Faison Barnes as city Judge, effective July 2.*Comnvis sioner Pearson made the motion, Commissioner James Lay ton seconded an<d the vote was u nanimous. 4) Grady W. King, veteran fire chief, was re-elected to the same position at a salary of $300 an nually ana the board voted to authorize employment of three additional paid firemen. Com missioner B. T. Wrfght, Sr., made Phe motion, Commissioner Davis seconded and the vote was u nanimous. 5) J. Ollle Harris was re-elected to the non-paid position of ci vilian defense chairman. Com missioner Wright made thfe mo tion, Commissioner Davis sec onded and tfhe vote was unan imous. The five actions completed for the moment board action on per sonnel. Without formal action which has been customary in some past years, the board ac cepted the recommendation of City Administrator M. K. Fuller to retain L. C. Parsons as super intendent of public works. The board did not name a solicitor of city recorder's court, and it in dicated that none would be ap pointed. Opening the discussion on the personnel matters, Mayor Gar land E. Still said, "My sugges tion would be to relieve the pity clerk, the assistant clerk and the city attorney of their duties." The Mayor pointed out that Mr. McDaniel would accept the twin position of city clerk and. treasurer and court clerk for *2, 700, and added that he felt the board could obtain an assistant city clerk and treasurer for $2, 400 per year. "The current expense In salar ies of this office is $9,060 annu ally, and the proposed salary ex (Continued. On Page Eight) Huffstetler Named To All-Stcar Team Jim Huffstetler. of City, Kings Mountain American Legion junior bnsehnll out fielder in 1949 and 1950, has been selected to a position on the North Carolina All-Star boy* bass ball team. Huffstetler will compete a galnst bey* from South Caroli na In tbs eighth annual Caro linas All-Star game at Char lotte on Jun? 1? at Griffith Park. Earl Ruth, former recreation director hero and currently baseball and basketball coach at Catawba College. Is coach of the North Carolina aeam. Huffstetler Is to graduate Monday from Bessemer City high schooL where he played low ssasons of baitdl Be played fh? seasons of ju

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