5 Population City Limits . .. . . ... . . . . . . ... .'. . 7.206 Trading Area .. 15.000 (IMS Ration Board Figures) VOL.62 NO. 32 ____________ Sixty-Second Year Kings Mountain. N C? Friday. August 10, 1951 Established 1889 *j 2 Pases Today PRICE FIVE CENTS I Local News [Bulletins! KULENDER REUNION The annual Hullender Reun ion will be. held Sunday, Aug ust \2 at the John L. Foster homested. A picnic lunch will be served at 1:00 p. m. PARKING MONET A total of $160.98 was collec ted from the city's parking me ters Wednesday afternon ac cording to $ report by city trea sury officials. The "take" was for the week which ended on Wednesday. HAS OPERATION George F. Lattimore, secre tary - treasurer of Park Yarn Mills Company, underwent a minor operation at Memorial hospital, Charlotte, on August 2. His condition was reported good on Wednesday, though he is expected to be a patient at the hospital for another week to ten days. Z-RAT HERE The Cleveland County T-B Association X-Ray machine will be in Kings Mountain Thursday, August 16, and next Friday, August 17, to provide free chest X-Rays to citizens here. The unit will be located in front of Belks Department store. LEGION MEETS FRIDAY Regular August meeting of Otis D. Green Post 155, the American Legion, will be held at the Legion building on East Gold street, Friday night at 8 o'clock according to announ cement by Jacl^ Barker, adju tants A full turnout of mem bers is urged. BUSINESS SOLO Floyd Queen has purchased King Street Gulf Service from its former owners, Bruce (Mc % Daniel and Ertle Powers, ac cording to announcement by Mr. Queen Thursday, shortly after the transaction was con su mated. Mr. Queen said he would continue to operate the business under the same trade name. ATTEND COMMITTEE MEET . Mrs. J. N. Gamble, Mrs. P. G. Ratter ree and Mrs. Jack Gamble attended a coordinat ing committee meeting of the Charlotte Regional Blood Cen ter in Charlotte August 7. Plans for National Publicity to promote Blood Program were discussed. XIWANIS MEETING Members of the Kings Moun tain Kiwanls club were to hear addresses by Mr. and Mrs. Jan Hartman at their regular meet ing Thursday evening at 6:45 at (Masonic Dining Hall. Mr. Hartman, a native of Czecho slovakia, was Imprisoned at the Ill-famed Buchenwald pris on camp. Mrs. Hartman Is a native of France. LIONS nOGIAM Dr. W. P. Gerberdlng will be guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Kings Moun tain Lions Club Tuesday night at 7 o'clock at the Masonic Din ing hall. After the address by Dr. Gerberdlng, Kurt Webster, of Radio Station WBT, will make recordings for re-broad casts of interviews with club members. Announcement was made by OlUe Harris, pro grain chairman. - Merchants Fish Fry To Bo Monday Night All Slags Mountain ami business, professional and in dustrial men. as wall or mem bers Of the Merchants auodfl Hon, bar* been invited to at* tend a fish fry at Bridges Air lf?i lira nlftVl port Mcnacry nigai, ptyiniiiiiy at ItS p. m. W. FaWon Barnes, M*Tehcmt*' secretary. mode the announce ment and urged ereryono to i>ii>ud. "The purpose of the meet STm win Be able to provide ; in fee future." I ? Drama's Opening Performance Is Scheduled For September 21 Antiquities Group Sends $200 Donation Opening performance of "Then Conquer We Must," the histori cal drama concerning and com memorating the Battle of Kings Mountain, has been scheduled for September 21, according to announcement yesterday by the Kings Mountain Little Theatre, sponsor of the production. It was also announced by Sam Stallings, business manager of the production, that the North Carolina Society for the Preser vation of Antiquities has tender ed enthusiastic support of the production, both moral and fi nancial. Mr. Stallings reported receipt of the society's check for $200 from Mrs. Charles A. Can non, president Mrs. Cannon has informed the Little Theatre, Mr. Stallings said, that the society is most interest ed in the forthcoming produc tion. "We are naturally most pleas ed to receive the support of one of North Carol ina's most influ ential groups interested In his torical matters," Mr.. Stallings said, "and its support will mean a great deal in the success of the production. '?While many other contribu tions will be needed and requir ed," he continued, "the gift of the North Carolina Society for the Preservation of Antiquities gives the project a tremendous tojit''' - ? Rehearsals for the drama, to be produced on weekends at the amphitheatre of Kings Mountain Military Park, began last Friday and are progressing nicely, ac cording to the report of officials. Jimmy Spivey, Mrs. Fred Mc Daniel and Bob Osborne, the au thor are directing the produc tion. A1 Rolston is general man ager, Mrs. M. A. Ware, program director, Delbert Dixon, stage manager, Bert Chandler, techni cal director. Bill Melchir, light ing and sound director, Mrs. Au brey Mauney and Miss Emelyn Gillespie, music directors, Mrs. Bert Chandler, choreigraphy di rector, Mrs. P. G. Padgett, cos tume chairman, B. S. Peelqr, Jr., properties director, Mrs. Tennle McDaniel, make-up director, and Ed Smith, Jr., and W. Faison Barnes, publicity directors. TO GRADUATE MARS HILL. ? Wade Ryan McSwain, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. McSwain, Kings Moun tain, will be among the eleven students graduating at Mars Hill College at the close of . the summer term, Friday, August 10. At the informal graduation exercises, Dean R. M. Lee will present the students for gradu ation and President Hoyt Blackwell will speak briefly and award the diplomas. Those graduating this summer bring the total number of graduates of the College to 242 for the year. Red Cross Needs Stove For FamUy The Kings Mountain chapter. American Bed Cross, is In need of household furnishings . in order to make a family of five ? a mother and four children ? self-sufficient. Particularly needed is an oil cooking stove, Mrs. J. N. Gam ble, secretary, said yesterday. '?If we can obtain the stove and other needed furnishings,' we can set up this needy fami ly and thereby enable the mo ther to accept offered employ ment," Mrs. Gamble said. Persons having un-needed household furnishings are ask ed to call the Bed Cross office at City Hall. laycees Back Production The Junior Chamber of Com merce voted to co-endorse a note for as much as $2,500 with the Little Theatre and another civic group at regular meeting of the organization held at the Mason ic dining hall Tuesday night. Bob Osborne, author of the Little Theatre's current produc tion, Then Conquer We Must, a historical drama about the Bat tle of Kings Mountain, spoke to the group and enlisted the co operation of the Jaycees in the undertaking. The Jaycees voted to cooper ate with the Theatre group in the presentation, of Mr. Osborne's drama. Dick Cannady, new employee of First National Bank, was wel comed as a new member of the organization. President W. K. Mauney, Jr., presided. At a directors meeting after the regular meeting, plans were discussed to move the club's pa per storage shack. The shack has been located in rear of No veUte Venetian Blind Co. since last year's county fair where the organization operated a conces sion stand. The group , voted to attempt to sell the stand and if that effort failed, to move it. Firemen's Relief Fund Now $5*247-1 1 Kings Mountain's Firemen's Relief fund totaled $5,247.11 at June 30, according to report of Hunter Allen, treasurer. During the year, the only with drawal against the fund was $10, an expenditure for a bond premi um for the' treasurer. Receipts for the year totaled $879.24, Including $136.53 on earnings from previous invest ments, and $742.71 from the re lief fund's share in the fire In surance premium rebate of one half Of one percent. The fund Is adnvinistered by a five-man board which Includes, in addition to Mr. Allen, 3. H. Thomson, chairman, John B. Mauney, G. A. Bridges, and J. A. Neisler. . v. Tommy Bakei Set New Woild Mark fw let Speed In Western Contest j Pfc. Thomas P. Baker, Kings Mountain model plane champi on, will participate In the In ternational contests at Detroit, according to telegram from the War Department received here Thursday morning. Actually, Pfc. Baker, who re cently set a new world's, record for Jet speed, had left Kings Mountain Wednesday for West over Air Base, Mass., en route North Africa, but the army tele gram came Thursday morning and was expected to catch him in Massachusetts. The Detroit contests are stag ed visit them. We hope, however, that Kings Moun tain citizens will forward their gifts either to me or to Mrs. JT. N. Gamble, Bed Cross secretary, and that the goal will be reached by Saturday night." A total of $59 in additional contributions were acknowledg ed this week by Mr. Abbott. They include: 'Mrs. C. E. Neis ler, $25; Mrs. Mary B, Goforth, $10; L. L. Benson, Martin Har mon, Kings Mountain Drug Com pany, and A Friend, $5 each; and Mrs. H. T. Pulton, Sr., and Mrs. I. N. Gamble, $2 each. Work On Station To Start Soon, Official Says Queen City Coach Company expects to begin construction of a bus terminal on its West King Street lot during the last- week of August, J. H. Quattlebaum, the company's traffic manager, told members of the city board of commissioners. Saturday. The statement followed unan imous approval by the board of the architect's drawings for the terminal. The plans call for construction of a cinder block and brick ve neer building, measuring 30.3 feet wide and 67.5 feet deep. The front of the building will be 10 feet from the street, and the building will be constructed on the East side of the lot. An exit drive will separate the terminal from the ARP church . property occupied by the residence of Mrs. Jf. M. Garrison. Mr. Quattlebaum said all load ing will be done on the West side of the building. Outside plat form areas are to be of tile and concrete and driveways will be either concrete or asphalt. A long lunch counter will oc cupy the East side of the interi or and will be en suite with the 32 by 22 foot white waiting room at the front of the building and with the 15 by 22 colored wait ing room at the back of the building. Plans call >.o r four large rest rooms, a baggage room, and kitchen. Mr. Quattlebaum told the board he was presenting the fifth set of plans drawn for stations at Kings Mountain, Wadesboro, Red Springs and a number of other cities. "We have' tried to obtain a general plan that will keep the agent's operating costs low and J will be. suitable not only for Kings Mountain but for other ci ties of comparable size and traf fic," he stated. He said that first priority has been assigned to construction of the Kings Mountain station and added that he hoped to have work begun on clearing of the West King Street lot by next week. After survey of the plans. Mayor Garland Still asked for a. resolution approving the plans as presented, with the provision that the structure comply with city building requirements. Com missioner C. P. Barry made the motion, Commissioner Olland Pearson seconded and the vote was unanimous, with all mem bers present and voting. After call to order, Mr. Barry, had opened the meeting with' prayer. . ?? . ':?> m Sewer Survey To Begin Monday Work on an Engineering sur vey of the city's sewage dispo sal system and o f the city's wa ter distribution system, to be made by William C. Olsen Com-* pany of Raleigh, is scheduled to begin 'Monday. The Olsen Company notified Mayor Garland Still by letter early this week that it's engi neering party would be here t<* begin work on Monday. After the survey, the Olserv Company will make recommen* dations for rebuilding the sys tem or for building one consoli dated sewage disposal plant, if the latter proves feasible. The report is also to include recom mendations for future expansion of the city's water filtering fa cilities and extension of water and sewer lines. Estimate of costs wil also be furnished. Representative of the Olsenf Company, when discussing the survey proposal with the city board of commissioners, estima ted that the work would require three months. Cost of thQ survey to the city will be $2,500, accord ing to the contract agreement. Power To Be Oil , Briefly Sunday * City power will be off for a half-hour Sunday morning, from S:30 to 7 o'clock. Announcement was made by Hunter Allen, c^ty electrical superintendent. The cut-off period will en able the department to make miner repairs to the distribu tion system.