The Kings Mountain Herald Established 1889 A weekly newspaper devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for the enlightenment, entertainment and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and its vicinity, published every Friday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Kings MountainfN. C., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1873 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Martin Harmon Editor-Publisher Charles T. Carpenter, Jr . . Sports, Circulation, News Mrs. P. D. Herndon Society Dorothy McCarter Advertising, News MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Eugene Matthews Horace Walker Ronald Moore Ivan Weaver* Paul Jackson Charles Odems (? ? Member of Armed Forces) TELEPHONE NUMBERS ? 167 or 283 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR? $2.50 SIX MONTHS? $1.40 THREE MONTHS? 75c BY MAIL ANYWHERE TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE ' Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. St. Luke 6:21. The Wright Matter The Herald presumes that the Wright sewage line Installation matter and the feelings of the Mayor regarding dis missal of some of the city's key employ ees will be on the agenda at Monday night's regular meeting of the city board. In 1950, one of the owners of the prop erty asked for a sewer line installation on Watterson street, in order that the houses in the Davidson Heights devel opment might be connected with the sewage disposal system, in lieu of de pendence on septic tanks. The request was granted. In 1951, the houses haa not been tapped in, the septic tanks were over-flowing, and the Davidson Heights owners demanded aid from the city. The 1951 demand did not jibe properly with the 1950 statement in which one of the owners said, "That's all we want." . On the other hand, some citizens con tend that the owners had a right to ask also for main lines on the three east west streets on which their houses are located, with the arrangement whereby two lines were installed over rights-of way behind the property insulting in one Jess line serving the same purpose. The Herald suspects that, as usual, there are two sides to the question and is anxious to hear the contentions of the several persons involved. The Herald would suggest to the Mayor that his propinquity for dismiss ing employees is somewhat disturbing to the average citizen, who does not take head-chopping lightly. The Herald ad mits that the variance in mathematics between the original figuring of the Wright installation costs and the state ment tendered calls for some explaining, which, we trust, will be forthcoming. Wayne L. Ware, member of the coun ty school board, commended the Herald recently for its editorial urging the cur tailment of the split term. He said he was in full agreement. And the Shelby. Daily Star has also spoken out strongly against continued use of the split term. The Star notes that Cleveland is one of# the few counties still practicing this system. Could 1951-52 be the last school year unblessed by the split terms in the county system? It would be a noble change. Last week's Herald survey on the city's textile operations, currently run ning on shorter-than-full schedules, re minded that in slump periods unemploy ment compensation payments come in mighty handy and that these are the strains the program was designed to al leviate. In periods of prosperity, few in dustries object to paying the unemploy ment compensation payroll tax. and, in fact, help their employees to file their clams in short-schedule periods. The program has been well-administered in this state, according to its design and its intent, if not in some others. While the actions of the Texas house wives, who are refusing to pay social se curity taxes to Uncle Sam, are not to be recommended, iuch actions were to be expected when the federal government invaded the domicile for broadening of its social security program. It appeared cheaper all along for the Congress to vote participation in the program to do .mestic help, without cost to the house wives and maids, and much more plea sant. It can be truly s^id that the Piedmont area is quite excited about the forth coming production of 4he historical drama "Then Conqaer We Must" at Kings Mountain National Military Park. The Herald wonders if the show of inter est in the form of the production might not have had some weight in the deci sion to assign a full-time historian to the Park. At any rate, plans for the pro duction are moving forward swiftly and fall attendance at the Park will surely break all records. The Honor System Added to the continuing and recent exposures of bribery of college basket ball stars comes the army's report of dismissing 90 cadets from the military academy for violation of the long-in vogue honor code. It made sports news because many of the 90 were football players, some out standing ones. There immediately followed a hue and cry concerning the matter, but, if the Herald knows the way of the services, there will be no change in the decision. The ousted cadets are out, period, with only some free schooling and bitter les sons to show for their time at West Point. The continuing developments are shocking the sports world and may do more to de-emphasize collegiate sports than all the codes could ever do. The scandals, for that is what they are, show again that the desire to win sometimes results in dishonest methods. Some of the news reports indicate that some people are inclined to make light of the West Point "incident," that others are inclined to think that the West Point honor code is exceptionally hard and unreal and in vogue only at the academy. That is not correct, for the University of North Carolina, the University of Virginia, and many other non-service schools have honor codes just as strict. Actually, honor codes should be in vo gue at all schools and should be rigidly enforced. If a young man fails to learn for him self a strict code of honor and honesty he will never learn it and will be of questionable value to his business and social acquaintances and to himself. The Shelby Legion Juniors have shocked their most ardent admirers this year by advancing to the state finals of the wonderful, never-a-dull-moment sport, Legion Junior Baseball. Their ar rival in the promised land came a year before it was anticipated, and resulted principally from a fortunate four victo ries over Kings Mountain's team in the first round, three of which were "lost" until the late innings, when Pop Sim mons' team snatched victory from de feat. Had Kings Mountain won two of the games,. it is possible that Shelby's eastern neighbors would have been in the same position. Our purpose, of course, is not to commiserate over the late-inning losses, not to condemn the umpires, but to congratulate Shelby on its fine showing. Coach Simmons, as did Coach Bradshaw here, brought his team along fast after a dismal exhibition sea son and early-season elimination play. Both he and his team deseWe the plau-, dits they are now receiving. The disquieting report of the army briefing officer who offered the opinion that the United States is faced in Korean peace negotiations with another River Elbe deal, n\ay or may not be true. The army may be taking that means of face saving in the event it is true, hardly nec essary since just about everyone knows it is virtually impossible to do business with a scoundrel. On the other hand, if the Korean peace feeler turns out to be a blind for another build-up, there will be strong public pressure to adopt the MacArthur suggestions for all-out smashing of the enemy regardless of the consequences. The Red Cross emergency apj^pal for disaster relief funds may well be suc cessfully completed by the time this note appears in print. If the fund has not been over-subscribed, all citizens would do well to pen a check to L. E. Abbott, chairman of the fund, or to Mrs. J. N. Gamble, secretary of the Red Cross. Giv ing a little money for such a purpose is an easy way to be a modern Good Sa maritan. 10 YEARS AGO Item8 ot news about Kings Mountain area people and mnti THIS WEEK taken from the 1941 files of the King* Mountain Herald. Mrs. L. C. Parsons was hostess to members of the Social Club and Invited guests on last Thurs day evening at her home on East King street. Mrs. Myron Rhyne entertained members of the1 Home Arts Club < and invited guests on last Wed nesday afternoon. The rooms were arranged with colorful flow| ers. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Fireman Palmer Fulton* Floyd Thornburg, and Clarence Smith of the Kings Mountain Fire de partment are attending the N. C. State Fireman's Cortventlon In Asheville. Paul Patrick, Jr., son of Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick, has com pleted a special six weeks course In the Chemical Explosive School at Duke University in Durham and has been appointed Govern ment Inspector under civil aer vice at the Hercules Power Plant at Radford, Va. . ? Jack Parsons, medical student at New York University, has been visiting his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. L. C. Parsons. MARTIN'S . MEDICINE By Martin Harmon Ingredients: bits of news, wisdom, humor, and comment. Direction Tal ge weekly, if possible, but avoid overdosage, Visiting Papers Everyone has heard of visit ing firemen, and, in a way, other newspaper.! which find their way Into the Herald of fice, compare to visiting fire men. ?-P Thus the medicinal depart ment is indebted this week to Loy Costner, who used to sell men's wear at Plonk's and hardware at Bridges', for a copy of the Mound City News Independent, where Loy has been working in a store for the past year. T-p Loy, Incidentally, sent more than his new hometown's ga zette, also enclosing the custo mary annual fee for the Her-, ald, with the remark that his subscription doesn't expire un til the last of August, but that he didn't want to miss a copy. Loy needn't have worried too much, for the Herald's policy isn't quite as sharp as the one the big dailies follow. With most of the dailies, it is expira tion date and out. The Herald tries to follow a more liberal policy, aproximatlng the insur ance folks' 30day grace period. T.p Loy also had a special re quest that required some dig ging in the files. He had mis placed his June 29 issue which noted that Pfc. Ray Cunning ham, of Kings Mountain, had been assigned to an Air Force school squadron at Northwest Missouri State college at Mary ville, Mo. Maryville is only 34 miles away from Mound City, and Loy means to look him up. ?-p i According to the flaghead information the Mound City News - Independent is quit.: an old paper. The issue I receiv ed was Vol. 71, No. 45, which indicator that the paper was established or is the successor to one established in 1880, which would make it nine years senior to the Herald. The issue we received is a sev en-column, eight-page paper, well-filled with local news, re porting an up-coming horse show, a Nazarene church tent meeting, and the birth of a baby. Loy pays the following tribute to the paper's report ing, "They usually give every item a write-up. If you drive around the block on Sunday they get it In the paper. If you'll notice on the front page, of this Issue, a lady was stung by a hornet and a boy had cut ? his foot . . . ? Our guess is the Mound City paper is pretty well read. Peo ple like to know what their neighbors are doing, of their successes and their misfortun es, and the reporting of small, seemingly minor incidents in life are the lifeblood ' of the weekly press. Just about every body can get the big stuff, but it's the little stuff that builds readership interest. ? Another visiting paper, which has been "visiting" on the medicinal desk for several weeks, was supplied by J. W. Webster, whoMound it as the "stuffing" behind some old pictures. It is a copy of the Boston Traveler under date of Christmas Eve 1898. ??P Thb Traveler of that date was not very similar to today** I Boston Traveler, but it was w j most interesting one. The !c?d story started off as- follows: "Editor Torrey E. Wardner of Ths Boot at* Traveler spent the night in Dedham Jail." Ed itor Wardner, the story contin ued, had had the nerve to state an opinion on a case in court, and the Judge had clap ped him in the jug. The story ' went on to say that Editor Wardner was going to find out whether the right of freedom of speech could be abridged. I wish we had the following is sues to find out for sure, bat our guess is that the editor won out. He had been Jailed for con tempt of court. : *-P People were stealing votes in elections in those days, too, or at least charged with it. One headline related: "Fraud in Prec. 1, Ward 19." There's noth ing new about family fights either. Another headline read: "Had His Wife Arrested. Free man Found Her With George Franklin. Held in So. Boston Court." Other items of interest included a notice by the Amer ican Bell Telephone Company that it was paying a dividend of $3 per share, plus an extra dividend of $1.90 per share, and a4 story Indicating that Russia was saying "no" then as she has been in recent years. In th^ 1896 instance, however, Russia was saying "no" to the representative of a group of financiers to a prof fered loan to the Russian gov ernment '?P y ' I never fail to ? impressed, when looking over an old pa per, with the fact that people never change. Their material well being does, and their phy sical^ facilities, but never the - Viewpoints of Other Editors ACROSS I ? Out at Print (ibbrtv ) 1 ? CitUcns of on* of th* British Isles 7 ? On* of th* continents (abbrev ) 1 ? Rm known a* "Th? Crossroad* of th? PadAc" 1 1? Land of the "midnight km" I J ? To revere ' IS ? Nam* often applied to poe of Europe's moat famous cities 1 7 ? First name of famous Persian poet II? Royal Military Academy (abbrev L ,20? Mild eaclamations of rebuke 22 ? More rational 14 ? Orating 15 ? Ancient Egyptian foddtii 3ft ? Mexican monetary unit 2 7 ? Exclamation* of tutprt? 30 ? Equality 32 ? Famoui district of London 34 ? To obstruct 36 ? Man's nickname Thb World of Our t 37 ? Continental nam* ?to- -Location v 41? To Incite 44 ? Virtuous 45-rTh* modern Hlspanla (poss) 41 ? Chemical symbol for fold 49 ? European city long known for its cheese (poaa.) 50? Thoroughfare (abbrev. ) DOWN t ? Exclamation of pain 2 ? Famous man-mad* waterway 1? "Yea" in Spain 4 ? Juice of ? fruit 5 ? Well-known Florldian city 6? South Latitude (abbrev ) 7 ? Type of trap-shooting (poaa ) ??American Anthology (abbrev) 10 ? Island group of the North Atlantitc I J? The great blood artery (pl ) 14 ? Pertaining to a Scan din? ; in country 16? Wo.Iu "battleground" IT ? Norwegian capital (poss.) 1 9 ? Parental nickname 21 ? Land bordering water 23 ? Shortened name of popular South Amer ican city ' ?' ' 24 ? Possessive pronoun 2$ ? Japan's main Island 29 ? At a distance II ? Greek city i 33r-Cer*al grains 34? To enist JS ? Smallest itate of the U S. (abbrev ) 36 ? South American rubber center J?? To giv* out 39 ? Small container* 41? U. S, "Cot State" ' (abbrev > 43 ? Name popularly applied to American soldier 44? Chemical symbol foe calcium 45? Man's nickname 46 ? Chemical symbol for Mmarnsm 47 ? Oodly person (abbe**.) 8m The Want Ad Section Fot This Week's Completed Puzzle CROSSWORD ? By A. C. Gordon LACKING IN LEADERSHIP Stanlhy Naws and Prrss The low point to which Re publican leadership in Congress has fallen was revealed last week when an effort was made to oust Secretary of State Dean Acheson from office by cutting off his salary. In most cases, an excellent way to remove a man from a position is to stop his salary, for few people care to work without remuneration. Of course, Mr. Acheson, a wealthy man, is not so. concerned about the pay which he receives for being Secretary of State. The move by the Republicans was defeated by a vote of 171 to 81, with many Republicans vo ting against the propsal. They said that Acheson should go, but they did not aprove of this method of driving him from of fice. ' ??' In the Republican party in the House as well as in the Senate are some very able leaders, but they have not been able to ob tain popular support. Therefore, they can wield no influence in places where It is sorely needed. Here In the South, most Repub licans are favorable to Taft, and yet it has been demonstrated time and again that he is not the sort of leader who can cap ture the large Independent vote in this country. For this reason, support of the Ohio senator by Southern Democrats simply means that they are . giving whatever . strength they possess to a leadership that is already bankrupt. Senator Lodge, Senator Salton stall, and Senator Duff are men who should wield more influence in high Republican circles, and ihey will When the rank and file of Republicans wake up to the fact that their only hope for a national resurgence, or come back, lies In such leadership.; JURY DUTY A NECESSITY Belmont Banner Every good citizen should be willing to serve on a jury, and we are satisfied that most of them would, were it not for the fact that the courts aire unusu ally very much unconcerned about other responsibilities which may rest upon a citizen. For some years, we have been urging a re-organization of the court system which would per mit a man to serve on a Jury for people themselves. It remains ,the one real tragedy of life that people can use their brians to master almost every thing material, yet not to mas ter the base impulses of the spirit, the emotions and the heart. '? Ml ?????? PRESCRIPTION ' SERVICE We Fill Of Doctor*' Pre NllplioU promptly awl accurately flit reasonable prices with the confidence of your phystctaBL . ? ? '9 . i ?"? ?' /*" '? Kings Mountain wug uompauy THE REXA1X STORE Phonw 41?81 We Call For and Deliver fV:-& a3? perhaps only a few hours during the court term and at a time that is convenient to him. A man who is called for jury duty often finds himself losing many hours and perhaps days. The courts sometimes drag out over several days, and Jurors are often not active except for a few hours. It is our thought that suffi cient number of Jurors should be called in order to allow a man to serve not over a few hours or a day, except in thej case of long trials. Jurors should^ also be allowed to express their wishes as to the days when they will serve. > As a rule, Judges are under worked about as much as any state officials, and with some consideration for the feelings and responsibilities of citizens called for Jury service, they can have better qualified juries and more interest in the cause of Justice. A cow owned by Ed Sims of near Waynesville has broken the North Carolina milk production record for Holsteins. The ani mal's H. I. R. record for 365 days shows production' of 21,521 pounds of milk and 679.8 pounds of butterfat. Reason totters at the plight Of our htro Willi ? Blight McCuidy Cleaners-Dyers Prompt Efficient Cash A Carry Service Phone 257 Paint If as spilled all * o'*f the place. You eon not see poor Witt*'* /ace/ While spreading paint upon the wall. Willie had. mischance, a faiU But it really isn't tragic Cause paint it cleaned away like magic 111