Population 7.206 15.000 VOL.62 NO. 51 Established 1889 LIBRARY TO BE CLOSED The Jacob S. Mauney Memo ria Library will be closed Mon day, Tuesday, and Wednesday and will open again Thursday, December 27. Announcement wai made by Mrs. Charles Dil * ling, librarian. ? SNOWS HOME Capt: , and Mrs. Maynard Snow and children, Ann and Linda, arrived tn Kings Moun tain Monday from Midwest City, Okla. Capt. Snow, on ac tive duty with the airforce, is to report for duty at Baston, Mass., shortly after January l8t. NO COURT MONDAY Regular weekly city record er's court session will not be held Monday, December 24, it was announced this week. Next session will be. held on Monday, December 31. KIWAN1S MEETING . Joe Dixon, business manager of Kings Mountain hospital, will address the Kings Moun tain Kiwanis club at its mM&. ing Thursday night at 6:45 at Masonic Dining Hall. The pro gram was arranged toy the committee on underprivileged children*" '* - , v Sat .*? torrkkamiki d city schools ulty member and assistant i mi ii w i iiflBt jMBMifnT' Davidson county man schedule ' ed to receive physical exami nation Friday to determine his fitness tot duty in the armed services. 10t TAGS SOLD . A total of 106 Kings M0&B& tain auto owners had purchas ed city license tags through Wednesday- noon, according to, report of Joe Hendrlck,. city clerk. The tags went on sale Monday. - ? ? CANDLEUGHT SERVICE A candlelight worship ser vice will be held at the Resur rection Lutheran church an Christmas Eve at 11:00 p. B. The young people of the Ohur ch plan a Christmas caroling at the church after the service. McGlLLS MOVE Dr. and Mr*. John C. McGlll have moved to the residence in Crescent Hill formerly occupi ed ly Mr. and Mrs. Art Welner. The McGills purchased the resi dence several weeks ago. The Wetaers have moved Into a new house recently constructed In Crescent Hill. Vvy ? The Sunday school ol Resurrec tion Lutheran church will preaert Its Christmas program Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. Recitations will be made by the younger children of the church at the bejfctnnlng of the program after which a pageant, "The Star Lighted Path", directed by Mrs. Mary Mitch am will toe pre sent *4. The cast of char acter* Include: narrator, Mrs. Clarence Plonk, Jr.;, angels, Mrs. Robert Whitesides, Mrs'. Bob Ltd better, Mrs. Gene Mrs. Betty Ramsey, Essie Marie Pos ter, Mary Ann Poster, Mrs. Dorvu Bennett; Naomi, Mrs. Wray Plonk; Rachel, Miss Anita Mc Oinnto; fi&ary, Mrs. E. R. Coter; Joseph, Guither Ledbetter; Shep hprds, Paul McGinnls, Jr., Gene Gladden, Sam Mltcham, David Plonk, Ronald Tlcnor; wise men, Ifal Plonk, Doms Bennett, Rufus Mltcham; Intermediate girl. Miss Jean -PJonk. ?? ' Following the pageant gifts will tw exchanged. -'0, i'-i SANTA AT BURLINGTON CHRISTMAS PARTT --Santa Clous Is shown above as he visited the annu al Pbraix Plant Burlington Mills. Inc., Christmas party for employees and their families held at Joy Theatre Sunday afternoon. Some 900 persons attended the party and old St. Nick gave out goodies to this' children. (Photo hy Carlisle Studio.) . ' <$> ? : Phenix Plant . Holds Annnal Yule Party A full house was on hand at Joy Theatre Sunday afternoon for the annual phenix^. Plants BurtiBKUnl milt, Inc., Christmas party (for employees and their families. The party was highlighted toy a visit from Old Saint NiCk him self. Door prizes were awarded adults and Christmas baskets were distributed to children 10 years of age and under.* Door prizes consisted of fiye large hams and four fruit cakes. Baskets contained oranges, tan gerines, apples, nuts, candy, puZ les, color books, -toy autos, toy cash register banks, horns, spelling and counting boards, "Fodini'" games and crayons. Ice cream was served to the more than 900 who attended. Joy Theatre distributed popcorn and two Christmas cartoons, a Christ mas short and a community sing were filmed. i ? Chief King replied, 1 don't fcai w.* ;J*npP i> V ifKB gSiftouKh the city boar<| met In special session Monday evening to heafltfc outline ef an -Mgl neerinjj survey, the fl] re depart ment prc*>lrm was not mention ed. Board member* and a ?jem ;hH> of the 000IaUney pUmplng 8tatlM?. 7) Pumping station discharge line, $27,000. * Breakdown on the water sys tem Improvements Include: 1) Construction on dam (to raise it by 23 feet and to provide additional reservoir water of 450 - 000,000 gallons) $116,000. 2) Filter plant addition, $162, 000. Cto double maximum daily capacity of 1,000.000 galons). The Olsen Company recom mends construction of sewage treatment plants to replace the current defective and over-load ed McGill and Ware tanks. Type recommended would utilize the separate sludge digestion, trip ling filter treatment process, which, Mr. Mengel said, proves much mdre economical to operate and is the most satisfactory type of plant for treating sewage with a high component of Industrial type sewage. He said this type costs from ten to twenty percent more in original outlay, but that the additional amount Is quickly repaid In 'ower operating cost and degree of treatment. The engineers rec ommend pumping the sewage now flowing into the Mauney tank Into the proposed Ware tank. Also recom mended is relocation downstream of both the McGill (4,000 feet) and Ware (2,000 feet) tank*. TO questions put by Mr. Keeter, Mayor Garland Still and board members concerning sufficiency of the city water supply to serve a proposed chemical plant of Foote Mineral Company, Mr. Mengel said he doubted the pre sent water supply would be suf ficient to furnish water In the Indicated desired amount*, even with the proposed Improvements. City Administrator M. K. Fuller, pointing out that Foote had not indicated, a need for filtered wa ter, asked the advisability of pumping raw water for that pur pose from Buffalo Creek. ' Mr. Mengel replied that he would be glad to Investigate and to make a report on that possibility. Mr. . Mengel emphasized the necessity for operation of a few age disposal system by trained personnel. He said disposal plant Continued Oh Page Eight Christmas Herald To Be Issued Monday The next issue of th* >i?a? Mountain Herald will appear Monday, rattier than the cus tomary date of Thursday, D# comner 17. The. policy of Christmas - week issue of the Herald has been customary for . ?evofal years and has proved popular with .readers and pa trons. in addition, it the Herald staff cat department to we a ?d holiday; ;v the pife&rlstatna* edition is enitiamlly Mjff>>y bwtjgiy: w ronvoy. .OMatew edition will be at 2 p. m. Hewn dead he Sunday at 2 p. ?. ttomiMr