Population City limits 7.206 Trading Area 15.000 (lMS Batlon Board Figure*) VOL.63 NO. 6 Sixty-Second Year Pages Established 1889 PRICE FIVE CENTS Kings Mountain. N. C.. Thursday. February 7. 1952 || Local News Bulletins OPS TEAM Eugene Morrison, of the OPS consumer goods section, will be at the Kings Mountain v Merchants associatipn office i Monday afternoon. He will be * available to answer questions by local businessmen con ? s. cerning OPS regulations. LIONS MEETING Regular meeting of the Kings Mountain Lions club will be held Tuesday night at 7 o'clock at Masonic Lodge Hall. The program will be a quiz pro gram, with prizes for the win ners. Dan Huffstetler is handl ing arrangements for the pro gram. ATTENDS MEETING Mrs. Ruth Gamble, Execu tive secretary of the Kings (Mountain Red Cross Chapter, * attended the Regional Blood Committee meeting Tuesday at Covenant Presbyterian church in Charlotte. 1,034 BUT TAGS A total of 1,034 vehicle own-, ers had purchased city auto tags Wednesday morning. Citi zens who have not purchased the tags are liable to citation to court ahd consequent fines, Joe McDaniel, Jr., assistant city clerk, said In making the announcement. ATTEND MEETING Rev. W. L. Pressiy, chairman of the local Red Cross Chapter* and Fred Plonk, chairman of the 1952 fund drive, attended ' a meeting of the District American Red Cross at Ashe ville, Monday, January 28. ATTEND MEETING Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Fuller * ' spent the weekend in Pine ? hurst, where Mr. Fuller attend ed the city managers' meeting of the North Carolina League of Municipalities. . ~ LAKE MONTONIA Annual stockholder's meet ing of Lake Montonia Club will be held at City Hall in "Kings Mountain on Tuesday, March 4, according to announ cement hy President Dorus C. MciSwain. ? COMPLETES COURSE Pfc. Bill Payne has success fully completed a course of in struction at 1 Embry Riddle School of Aviation and is now stationed at Luke AJr Force Base, Phoenix, Arizona. Sawyer's Roadblock Stops Negro Speqaer State Highway Patrolman W. D. (fillU Sawyer stopped a run away speedster here early Satur day night with a roadblock of V some 15 prlvate cars. Clifford Jones, Negro about 26 years old, of McLain, Ni ?., was arrested by the local officer and charged with reckless driving, falling to stop for a siren, speed ing 90 miles per hour and carry ing a concealed weapon. He was driving a 1940 Mercury convert! He was tried in Cleveland County recorder's court in Shel by Monday and failed to pay a r\. fine at $150 and costs and was sent to jail , for three months, Patrolman Sawyer said. Hie roadblock was set up a bout 8 p. m. Juat west of the Junction of West .Mountain street and the Shelby highway a few yards outside the city li mits. Patrolman Dellinger of Shel by had Jumped Jones in Moores booro and chased him to Shelby at 100 miles per hour. OlfKer Sawyer raid that Patrolmafc Dellinger radioed him to stop - the man and he Immediately set up the roadblock: J ones was carrying a .38 cali bre Japanese pistol when arrest two Are Injured In Wreck Saturday Mrs. Dorothy Jonas And Miss 1*11* Clark were hospitalized Saturday due to injuries receiv ed in an automobile col.lslan at <he intersection of Llnfwood Road and Church street. "^H?e accident occurred . imm can driven by H. D. Wilson and Mrs. Elsie fisher Dixon collided. Mrs. Dixon was given first aid treatment at King* Mountain hospital but was not admitted. Mrs. Jonas and Mian Clark re ceived gainful head and leg ??t?. They were discharged from ft " MWttt a i n hospital W.d / SkUesday alternoon. . % J- Ben I ears were badly damag jk i&j** ' gfe -? 3 bL;./;- k ' JLs '& 1 .? M HEAD SCOUT FUND DRIVE? Charlie Connor, left, and Bruce Thor bum, right Will serve as co-chairmen o! the annual financial cam palgn for Kings Mountain district Boy Scouts. The fund drive be gins Monday, with a goal of S1.750. , Thorburn Head Scout Drive ? i - ? f. n Campaign Starts Monday To Baise $1,750 For Scouts ?? ?* C'.arles Connor, Kings Moun tain insurance salesman, and Bruce Thorbucn, . Burlington Mills personnel manager, will serve as co-chairman of the an nual Kings Mountain district Boy Scouts financial campaign. Announcement was made toy Ollie Harris, acting chairman of the district. BOY SCOUT SERVICE Th? annual union service in honor Of Kiaas Mountain Boy Scouts will be held at First Presbyterian church Sunday night at 7:30. Her .T. L. Cash* well, Jr., will preach the ser mon. Boy Scouts will attend in uniform. , Goal of the fund campaign is $1,750. Plans call for conducting the campaign foeginning Monday. Funds are used to promote Scouting in the Kings Mountain area arid Piedmont council, of which the Kings Mountain dis trict is an affiliate. "We anticipate a successful campaign," Mr. Harris said. "Kings Mountain people havje been liberally supporting the Boy Scouts for years. They are aware of its benefits in building good citizenship." lanuory Postoflice Receipts Show Hike Postal receipts at Kings Moun tain postoffice took a big jump in January over January 1951, according to report yesterday by George Herd, assistant postmas ter. , . Mr. fiord reported total re ceipts at $5,463.86, compared to receipts of $4,036.39 in January 1951. He said the big jump was due in part to large stamp and stamped envelope purchases made toy a few business firms not a regular monthly occur rence. ' Another factor v/as large deposit for postage meter ma chlpe use toy another firm. PARKING MONET A total of $149.93 was collec ted from the City's parking meters for the week ending Wednesday, according to an announcement of City Clerk, Joe Hendrick. / I 175 Rose Plants Are Now Available ? The city's Li ring Beautified tion committee reported Tues day arrival of a new shipment of 115 roso plants, which it is now offering for sale and are available for delivery on Feb ruary 14. Citizens who wish to pur chase plants should call Mrs. Huhter Neisler, phone 549-J, or Mrs. Sam Davis, phone 391 -J, and place their orders. The. roses are Paul's Scarlet climbers and sell for 75 cents per. plant F. R. Summers, treasurer of the project also avuoanced this week that he U maMn# a report on prior sales of roees and urged salesmen who have not turned in their money to date to do so as soon as posssl ble. Airman Owensby Says GI's "OK" <'As far as us CI's are concern ed, we are being well taken care of. I can't, say for the front lines, but things could be much worse than they are here. In fact, we are prepared for them when they feel like they want to come." Thus epl. David H. Owensby, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Owens by, Route 1, Grover, writes from Korea, where he is stationed with an air group at Suwon. He has been serving in Korea since October. Cpl. Owensby, like many Air Force men, has respect for the Russian Mtg fighters, but says they don't cpme off too well in air battles with United Scates flyers. The difference, he writes, is "gut?." He also reports a sup porting incident, when a couple of Mlgs took a dive at an Amer ican plane. The U, S. plane dipped, and, In the process the two Mlgs cracked up. Cpl. Owensby, 22, /is one of three brothers now in the armed forces ? all in different bran ches. The others are Wc. Clyde Lamar Owensby, 25, army, Fort Benning, Ca.. and Paul M. Owensby, .19, SA, in the n navy aboard the USS Comstock (LSD 19). The Owentfbys formerly lived in Kings Mountain. Cpl. Owensby left the United States,- in August and was sta Continued on page 5 _ : ? : - i* " Foote Mineral Anniversary Brochure Features Kings Mountain Operations Rings Mountain's Foote Min eral company plant is the lead lng feature of Foote's 75th annl versary edition of "Foote Prints," semi-annual technical publica tion of Foote Mineral Coimpany. The issue, hrndsomely print ed in brochure toon, with a two color coyer, uses an airpUne photograph of Its Kings Moun tain plartt on the cover, and de votes its first four pages to pic tures and detailed copy ouuln ing Its Kings Mountain opera tions. The publication calls Kings Mountain "one of the finest sources of lithium" and describ es Its Kings Mountain property as "the largest known deposits of lithium ? bearing spodumene in tfee Western Hemisphere." Other pictures show the several Klnfl Mountain operations wheeeby spodumene ore is pre pared for rtiipment to Foote's Exton, Fa., plant for further pro cesslng. The brochure relates the story eft Foote's success in developing the technology of lithium, a 25 year research job. Lithium, lightest of metals, Is now used la lubricants, ceramics, air-condi tioning systems and as a substi tute -for scarce lead in manufac turing television sets. Lithium and its related chem ical compounds get a wide vari ety of uses. Lithium hydride is used as the source of hydrogen in inflating nJbfcer life rafts. The modern submarine uses lithium hydorxlde in storage batteries and to absorb carbon dioxide. Lithium ateferate is a component of face powder. ? Other sections of the brochure picture the Exton plant, the foote research laboratory at ?MWyn, Pa., and biographical in formation on Dr. A. E. Foote, 1846-95, founder of the company. Police Confiscate Post Slot Machines Action Follows l Investigation Of Robber; City police confiscated four slot machines from the Ameri can Legion Building Sunday morning, the confiscation result ing from police investigation of a robbery of the Legion Build ing. It was the second time slot machines have been seized at the Legion Building. On the first occasion, i*?,t summer, the Le gion. reclaimed the slot .machin es after Judge ? Faison Barnes ruled in city court that the seiz ure warrant had been improper ly drawn. Paul Byers, manager of the Le gion Building, ' was arrested Monday morning on charges of "operating slot machines" ? and was freed under bond of $1,000. The trial is docketed for trial in city recorder's cou^t on Monday, February 11. Aocording to statements by city, police, A. L. (Leek) Ware, well - known plumber, called the police station early . Sunday morning to report "someone's robbing the Legion building." Officers Ed Martin ana B. F. Sessions' handled the investiga tion detail and reported they saw a person running away from the building on their arrival. How ever, the person eluded them. The bfflcejs found the Legion Building looted of cigars, chew ing gum and miscellaneous sim ilar items. In addition, metal cases which house the slot ma chines had been broken open, and one of the machines had been looted of Its money. The thief, or thieves, had entered from a window on the front side. The officers returned to pick up Officer J. O. Thomson, the department fingerprint expert/ who plied his trade. Next morning, about 9:30, Of ficer Thompson obtained a war rant for confiscation of the slot machines and they were hauled to City: Hall, where they now re pose in the hallway, awaiting disposition by the court. Police say they are interrogat ing several suspects on the rob bery case. Honor Society Inducts Two Kings -Mountain High School's National Honor Society chapter inducted the final five per cent of the graduating class into the chapter bn January 31, Charles Mauney, president, presiding .over the induction. Paul McGinnis, vice-president of the society, introduced, the speaker for the. event, Rabble Je rone Mark of Temple Emanuel, Gastonia. Rabbi Mark chose as his topic, "The RJght Choice." The members of the chapter discussed the four principles on which the society is based. Paul McGinnis discussed Scholarship, Rachel Plonk. character; Phyllis Ware,, leadership; and Johnny Kiser, service. Jack Still discuis ed the emblem and colon of the society. Phyllis Ware read the names from the scroll- of all for mer members. The two new members, Katy Jones and Jonsie White, were tapped by Johnny Kiser and Rachel Plonk. After being escorted to the stage, the new members were given an unlight ed candle. They signed their names on the scroll, on which 122 former members had signed since the chapter was chartered in 1937. The new members took the oath of the National Honor Society after lighting their can dles from the flaming torch. After this ceremony, a trio, Charles Mauney, Johnny Kiser, Jack Still, sang '<! Would Be True." The tnenybers of the National Honor Society, after being nom inated In the upper thirl of the iftjtafc are approved by secret ballot of members of tne socie ty and the faculty. ATTKIfDS CONVENTION Mrs. George Morrow of An sells Beauty 8hoppe left Sunday for High Point to at .tend a coaventMR tfet n. C. Hairdressers and Co?yneColo the Sheraton Hotel, February 3-4-5. Miss Beaate Bumgardner and MM. Hoyle Mabry of Cent .ral Beauty Shoppe attended Monday. MILITARY BURIAL Military burial for Prt Dan B. Lail, who was killed In action In Korea on November 8, 1951. will be con ducted at Btthtohnn Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. He was the son of Mr. and Mr*. C. W. Lall of King*; Mountain. Services Sunday For Pvt. Lall Pvt. Dan B. Lail, 22, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lail of the Bethlehem community, will be accorded military burial honors at services Sunday afternoon at 3xo'clock at Bethelehem Bfiptist church. Rev. T. W. Foglerman, Rev. Kenneth Hollifleld and Rev. W. G. Camp will c"tciate and buri al will be In the ch\ reh ceme tery. Military honors will be accor ded by a firing squad from Fort' Bragg arid servicemen from the Bethlehem community who are now stationed at Ft. Bra?g W'U serve as pallbearers. Pvt. Lail, well - known young man in this section of Cleveland County, was killed in action in Korea by enemy shell frag, ments on November 8, 1951. six days after joining a front lin.e rifle unit. Co. C. 19th Infantry regiment.. Young Lail enlisted in the ar my on January 19, 1951, and un derwent basic training iit Ft. Bragg. He had landed in Korea on October 16, 1951. He was a member of Bethle hem Baptist church and gradu ated from Grover high school in 1949. He was formerly employed by Margrace Mills here and as sisted his father in farming be fore joining the service. The body is to arrive in Kings Mountain Thursday morning. Surviving:, In addition to his parents, are a brother, Pvt. Jack A. Lail, of Ft. Bragg, and a sister, Phyllis Lail, of the home. Tax Collections Show Big Jump The city's 1951 tax levy is 83.3 percent paid, as a result of hea vy tax payments last week prior to February 2, date a one per cent penalty applied for no payment. At the close of business Jan< uary 28, only two-thirds of the levy had been paid. ' Reports yesterday by City Clerk Joe Hendrick, showed that city tax payers had paid into city coffers. $90,980.52, against the total levy of $109,182.47. . A large portion of the pay ments were made on the final four days before the penalty ap plied.- Payments during these days were $17,1X4.63. The a mount paid on the levy during the month of January was $25, 643.26. Mr. Hendrick reminded that additional penalties apply for succeeding months after Febru ary on unpaid tax bills, Hie ad A dltional penalty Is one-half of one per cent per month. Local Students Beta Club Oificcrz Two Kings Mountalri students In the high school department of Plonk School of Creative Arts, of Asheville, are charter members and officers of a. newly - formed chapter of the National Beta club, high school honor society. Nan Jean Gantt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gantt, is president of the organization, and Shirley Hooser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Houser, its secretary -treasure*. The oath-taking ceremonies were pictured in a recent edition of the Asheville Citizen .Times. Scouters Told Scout Program Builds Nation 'Through your efforts In work with the youth, the coming gene ration is going to make a better America tomorrow," Rev. Harlan Harris, pastor of Shelby First Baptist church, told some 200 persons at the annual Kings Mountain Boy Scout district han quet Tuesday night at the Ma sonic dining hall. ."There is a call . today for heroism", a call for an. honest faith and a call for service. I know of no greater Organization than the Boy Scouts in training you for the life ahead," Rev. Har ris told the assembled Scouts arid Cub Scouts of the district. "A good Scout, one that lives by the Scout Law, is a good Christian," the Roscberg, Oregon native and forme? football play, er at Wheaton College, continu ed. , . Rev. Harris* message high, lighted the annual affair. He was introduced by Ollie Harris, acting district chairman. The Junior Chamber of. Com merce was host for the occasion and W. K. Mauney, Jr.. club pres. ident, welcomed the group. Laney Dettmar led the salute to the flag and Rev. J. 'W. Phillips gave the invocation. President Mauney presided over a short Jaycee business meeting and announced that a change, in the club's by-laws would cOmc up for approval at the next meeting, on February 19. He announced a nominating committee composed of Faison Barnes, Fleete McCurdy, Bill Ful. ton and Bert Chandler. Four new merribers were wel comed into the club by Jack White. Thtfy are Kenneth Morri son, Harold Phillips, Jake Rey nolds and Charles Wilson. Chairman Harris Introduced the troops and their leaders with nine of the 11 troops In the disv trict represented. Mr. Harris also introduced members and leaders of two Cub Scout packs, Eagle Scouts, Silver Beaver Award Winner H. C. W'lsOn and others. Officers for the coming year were then introduced. They are Bert Chandler, vice-chairman; Dr. Nathan Reed, secrctary-treas surer; Rev. Phillips, organization and extension chairman; Jack HUllender, leadership and train ing chairman; Charles Connor and Bruce Thornburn, co-Chair men of ?finance; Dr. P. G. Pad gett, health and safety; C. C. Edens arid 'Fred W. PlOnk, camp ing and activities; and J. .H. Pat terson, relationship. Rev. W. P. Gerberding pro. nounced the benediction; Mrs. I. B; Goforth, Sr.. served a delicious roast pork dinner. Graveside Rites Held For Infant ... Graveside rites for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lowrance, Piedmont avenue, were held at Mountain Rest cemetery Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, with the Rev. J. E. Walker, of Cherryvllie, conduc ting. The child lived only 45 minu tes after its btrth Monday morn ing. Blood Collection Citizens 144 Pints Via Bloodmobile TO PREACH HERE ? Rev. Peter) J. Dexnis, associate director of! evangelism in the United Luth- ' eran church in America, will conduct a week's preaching mis sion at Resurrection Lutheran church beginning February 17. Church Schedules Special Services Rev. Peter J. Dexnis, associate director of evangelism in the United Lutheran church, will conduct a preaching mission here at Resurrection Lutheran church beginning February 17, it was announced this week. The preaching mission will in clude, preaching services, song services and teaching periods. The Series will start with Sun day morning services, February 17, and continue through Feb_ ruary 22, with evening services at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Dexnis was educated at Temple University and was graduated from the Eastern Bap ' tist Theological seminary in 1939. He then enrolled as a grad uate student in the Lutheran Seminary, Mt. Airy, Pa., and, in 1941, was ordained in the Minis ter! am of Pennsylvania^ He served as assistant pastor of one of the largest Lutheran parishes, Messiah Church and Tabernacle, Philadelphia, Pa., and later Was paster of Messiah Lutheran church, WJllkeS'Barre, Pa. . ' Shock Neai-Fatali To Giover Man | ? Dean M<*Craw, 24, electrician [at Minette Mills at Grover, had a | narrow escape from death last I Friday in an accident af the plant.'' | McCraw, While working on a machine, received a 550-volt shock from two open wires. He was administered oxygen from the- breathing apparatus carried in the Harris Funeral Home ambulance, plus . artifici al respiration. After he revived, he was admitted at Kings Moun tain hospital and. discharged the following day, TV. P, D. Padgett, attending physician, credited the quick ad ministration of oxygen with saving McCraw's life. Kings Mountain sot", itself a hew record last Friday by dona ting 141 pints of blood via the Rod Cross Bloodmobile on Its first visit here this year. The total collected exceeded by 31 pints the highest previous total collected for any one visit and was only six pints short of the goal of 150 pints. The Bloodmobile set up for op eration at the Woman's Club and had a steady stream of do-' nor "customers'* from 11 o'clock the opening hour, untlj closing- ' time at 5 p. m. and past. Several donors were turned down for one physical reason or another, or the quota would have been been made. The successful collection brought a statement of apprecia tion from T. L. Cashwell, Jr.. chairman of the Kings Mountain Red Cross chapter's blood pro gram. who said, "It was a very excellent response to a most , Worthy, and most-needed appeal. On behalf of the Red cross chap - ? ter, and personally, I ' wish to state appreciation to each donor and all others who gave their time and energy In making the collection the most successful Kings Mountain has had." Advance work in securing don? ors was done, by civic and church groups. The high school Key Club obtained 35 donors and the Temple Baptist church 25 donors, Mr. Cashwell said. Other groups also participated, > The 144 citizens who gave a ?pint of blood last Friday were: Mrs, Mae Neal Houser. John H. Lewis. Edgar E. Marlowe. . ; John H. Beam. > David M. Neiil. Mrs. Ethel H. Falls. *? Leonard Bennett. " , - Paul Edward Ware. R'owell Lane. Mrs. RoWell Lane. , Frank Morrow White. Pauline Bridges. Mrs. Lois Cook. William A. Pryor. Charles E. Blalock. .Ray H. Patterson. Billie E. Allen. Mrs;~ Viola White... Jasper Wilson. David E, Smuth. Thelma R.ay Humphries Frances Edens. , James Harold Coggins. Marilyn Ellis. Mrs Frances Ramsey. Don ? Id Lee Parker. . ' ?A. t E. Weiner. ' r Phyllis Cheshire. John A. Cheshire, Jr. ? Edwin J. Moore. Arnold W. Kincaid, Dr. O. IP, Lewis. George 3. Hull. George H. Houser. Halbert Rlshard Webb, Charles Dewltt Ware. *? Garrison A. Ware. Furman Wilson. Cicero H. Falls. Pansy D. Falls. Peggy A. Mauney. Wilbur G. Smith. Robert O. Hord. Mildred Ballard. Floye Oates. Martha Goforth. Haskell D. Wilson. Nathan H. Reed. John Lackey. Continued on page five Baud To Display Neislei-Woven Plastic, Product Of "Fiddling" "We fiddle with a lot of things," says C. E. Neisler, pres-, ident of Neisler Mills, Inc. A recent and continuing pro duct of this "fiddling", or ex perimenting,' Is jacquard-woven plastic which is now available at the end point of its usage and being shown oh several Items of furniture this weekend at Balrd Furniture. Dan Huffstetler, Baird mana ger, said he will display and of fer for sale on his floor Friday sofa beds, platform rockers and T-V chairs which are covered In Nelsler-woven Jacquard plastic. Neisler has been experiment ing with plastic ? fot several months, first with the closer woven plastics commonly used for seat covers, latec with the looser-woven upholstery ? type plastics. * r i v The upholstery" fabrics are roore porous and are less respon sive to temperature changes. They don't get as cold in winter, npr as hot in summer, as the or dinary plastics, they have the other plsstic advantages: resis ance to stain, mildew proof, ness and washafbllity. ' Neisler buys pigment . dyed plastic yarn, then weaves it into upholstery-type plastic. One of the principal problems in weaving plastic ysrn, Mi". Neisler relates, is to eliminate static, commonly known by auto owners who use plastic seat* co vers, and which, In a weaving operation, builds., up to a -very large amount of static. To pre " vent static "shocks" when a per son sits down on a new plastic Covered sofa, Neisler nses a sta tic eliminator, treat!*? ??' yarn with a pa^e. The yar is run through water and "dried on;" Otherwise, weaving plastic yam causes about the normal technical production difficulties as occasioned In switching to other type yarn, other than cot ton. "But people have been weav> ing and coloring cotton and wool for a long time," Mr. Neisler re marked. "Perhaps In a 100 years we'll be able to handle all the new yarns as easily as cotton." Another sample of Neisler ??fiddling" was strewn across a chair. It had a cotton backing, but, on top, was a puffed fabric made of rayon. I* appeared ideal for a child's teddy bed;. ' Actually, the fabric was made for a work glove manufacturer. The fabric'is resistant to the ray ages of emery wheel attacks, and enables a man working a refund a machine shop, garage, or other businesses where the emery wheel is used, can work without fear of slicing his fing ers with emery wheel cuts and burns. 1 v"\ 7" .\o -Xi ?' * '' ?" * f' ' ? / ? .?'-1 ' . I * ?, . Board To Discuss Survey On Gas Report of Barnard & Burk, en gineers, who have compiled a survey on the feasibility of the city's installing a natural gas distribution system, will 'be a - morvg the items of business up for discussion at the regular February meeting of the city board of commissioners Monday night at 7:30. Copies of the survey report were received this week, but were In the hands of city offici als for study and were not im mediately available. However, A. S. Ha/l, representative of the engineering firm, said a few days prior to receipt of the re port that the potential demand for natural gas here is "highly favorable,'^ Other business at the meeting will include presentation of reg ular monthly reports and other routine business, M. K. Puller, city administrator, said Wed* nesday.

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