City Limits 7.206 Trading Area ..... 1 5.000 (1845 Batloa Board Figure*) ' ? ? -j l?" Kings Mountain's RELIABLE Newspaper VOL. 62 NO. 28 | O 1*1*# Today PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News Bulletins BREAKS HIP S. S. Weir, well-known Kings Mountain citizen and former postmaster, suffered a broken ?hip (Monday night when he slipped and fell at hi* home on Grover Road. TO FAB EAST Lt. Robert Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox, is on 30 day leave preparatory to re porting for duty in Califorta, preparatory to transfer to Ja pan. Lt and Mrs. Cox have ?been visiting his parents here. SOFTBALL ALL-STAR The Men's Softball league all-star game was to he play ed at City Stadium last night (Wednesday) with leading Craftspun to meet the pick of the rest of the loop. ON LEAVE Pfc. James Stagg. Chanute Air Force Base, Illinois, and son of Mrs. Cora Stagg of route 1, York Road, Is home on a 37 day leave 'before reporting to Camp Stoneman, Calif., to a wait overseas assignment. Pfc. Stagg says he expects to be as signed duties in the Far East. COURT OF HONOR Boy Scout Court of Honor and Scout Leader's Roundtaible will beheld Thursday night at .7:30 at City Hall. Merit badge and rank application' blanks should be mailed or delivered to C. D. Ware, at Harris Funer al Home. DISCHARGED Sgt. William V. Prince, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Prince, has received an honorable dis charge from the Air Force, aft er serving for four years, in cluding duty In Japan and Ko rea. Sgt. Prince received his charge at Shaw Field, S. C. X-RAY UNIT The Mobile X-Ray Unit will be in Kings Mountain Tues day, Wednesday, and Thurs day, July 15, 16, and 17. On Tuesday and Thursday the hours will be from 10-12 In the morning and 1-4 in the af ternoon, and on Wednesday, from 10-12 only. AT BOARD METING Ollie Harris. Kings Moun tain mortician, has been in Ra leigh this week for the annual meeting of the North Carolina State Board of Emibalmers. The board gives examinations preparatory to the licensing oi embalmers. Mr.. Harris was re cently appointed to the board for a five-year term. BIBLE. STUDY There will be a Bible Study conducted tby Stefhen Morriset.t of Gardner-Webb college at (Macedonia Baptist church be ginning next Tuesday night 15th, going through Friday night the 18th, and (back lor final service Sunday night the 20th. He will be teaching the symbols of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, and iwill have a miniature model of the Tabernacle Showing its con struction and different parts of the Tabernacle. Everyone is invited to attend these services. NO MORNING SERVICE No 11 o'clock service will be held at Boyce Memorial ARP church Sunday morning, due to the absence at the pastor, Rev. W. L. Pressly, Who Is at tending a summer theological institute at Princeton, N. J. ? Sabbath school will ibe held a* usual, beglnlng at 10 o'clock. Bethware School WU1 Open Inly 21 Both ware school will open for an eight-week summer term on July 21, according to announcement yesterday by . John RudlsilL principal. Opening ol Grorer school, which also customarily follows ? the split-term policy, is indef inite. principal W. P. Powell said Wednesday. Mr. Powell said that the cur rent polio ^oaantiM is the principal lactor in the pending dsrtsion of the Gcoeer school committee, of which f. B. El . lis Is chairman. ' . Savings Account Dividends Top mm Here Kings Mountain financial in- i stitutions have paid out semi j annual dividends on savings ac- 1 counts totaling $31,073.72, ac cording to reports this week from the several institutions. . Home Building & Loan asso ciation, Secretary ? Treasurer A. H. Patterson reported, paid out a total of $15,317.76, divided as fol lows: on full-paid shares, $8, 865.16; on optional savings shar es, $5,012.60; on Installment jshaies, $1,440. Kings Mountain Building & Loan association dividends to taled $10,743.10, John P. Lackey, assistant secretary, reported, di vided as follows: on full-paid shares, $5,539.03; on optional savings shares, $3,391.03; on ma tured Shares, $1,440; and on withdrawn installment stock, $373.04. L. E. Abbott, cashier and vice president of First National Bank, reported savings account divi dends totaling $5,012.86. In ad ! dition, Mr. Abbott said, the bank , ! holds some $13,000 in Christmas savings club deposits which will be paid out to. club members a about December 1. ? ?' i Young Wuennenberg Takes To The Air A Kings Mountain youngster holds the record of being the i youngest Eastern Airline's pas : senger of 1952. . , Reed Frank Wuennenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudi Wuennen berg, arrived in Charlotte on Saturday after a flight from Philadelphia." Pa., with his mo ther and brother, Eric. , j Young Wuennenberg was born at Osteepathiq hospital, Phila delphia, on June 24. Mrs. Wuen-| nenberg had been visiting with ' relatives in Philadelphia since that date. The Wuenhenbergs reside on SheLby road and he is office manager at Foote Mineral Com pany's Kings Mountain plant. Mis. Miller Rites Held Wednesday Funeral services for Mrs. Su sie Gurfn Miller, 71. 202 Walker street, were conducted Wednes day at 4 p. m.'Trom Central Me thodist church. Rev. J. W. Phil lips and Rev. T. J, Peterson offi ciated. Burial was in Mountain Rest cemetery. Mrs. Miller, who died at 12.55 Tuesday morning was the wife of the late Sidney E. Miller, who died in 1943. She was in ill heal th for over a year. Surviving are four sons, George -Miller of Blacksburg, S- C., and ?Roy, and. Hughlen Miller, all ot Kings Mountain; two daughters, Miss Ltllle Miller and Mrs. Mary Wells, of Kings Mountain: one brother, J. M. Gunn of Blacks burg, S. C., one sister, Mrs. Min nie Crow of Joanna, S. C.; seven grandchildren; and one great grandchild. Blind Citizen Gets Leaky Roof Replaced A Kings Mountain blind citi zen has a new roof on his home, through the efforts of the Kings Mountain Lions club and a ?friendly neighbor. ' Materials for the re-roofing Job were furnished Walter Eng land by the Lions club, and the installation work was done by J. D. Martin. Aid to the blind is one of the principal activities of the Lions International. Hambright Reunion Set For July 20th The annual HambrJght reun. ion will be held at Antioch Bap tist church, near Grover, on Sun day, July 20, according to an nouncement this week by OUle Harris, secretary of tbe clan. A good program la being ar ranged, Mr. Harris said, and all members of the dan are being urged to attend, with their fam ilies. Picnic dinner vritl be aerv ved. H "'v i\ Ernst & Ernst Withdraws Bid City Ended Year $12,696 "In Black" The City of .Kings Mountain operated "in the black" by $12,696 during the fiscal year which closed June 30, City Administrator M. J. Fuller told the city board of commission ? ers Monday. Cash balances at the close of the fiscal year totaled $82. 703.17. Mr. Fuller told the board, divided as follows: cemetery fund, $16,398.11; wa ter and light meter deposits, $19,318.50; pre-paid taxes, $31, 263.33; privilege license pre payments $3,026.87; and sur plus, $12^96.3G. Mr. Fuller said the city's bonded indebtedness at the end of the fiscal sear was $253,000. . Harris Legion's "Most Valuable" ? ? ? ? ? % Ollie Harris, Jr., first baseman, was chosen by his teammates as most valuable player on the 1952 Legion Junior entry and Don Mc Carter, catcher, was chosen run ner-up Tuesday night, as the Kings Mountain Lions club en tertained team members. Gifts were presented both players as well as to Coach Jack Sink. Brief talks werp made by W. L. Plonk, Lions program chairman, who welcomed the team, by Paul Mauney, athletic officer of Otis D. Green Post 155, by Coach Sink, who presented team members, and by Charles T. Carpenter, Jr., member of the post athletic com mittee. Each encouraged additional support for the forthcoming Le gion teams with the prediction that the continuance of the pro gram would result in better teams, and Mr. Carpenter invited the club to consider sponsorship of a team in a proposed league for boys between the ages of 12 and 15. Coach Sink praised the team for its hard work and said he felt "one or two breaks" would havp meant the difference be tween a losing and winning sea son. Prior to the program, C. P. Barry, club treasurer, gave a fi nancial report for the year end ing in June, the r port showing an active and prjs] '.-r6us year. Grace Revival Starts Sunday Rev. C. C. Benton, of Central Avenue Methodist church, of Charlotte, will conduct revival services beginning Sunday morn ing at Grace Methodist church here, according to announcement by the pastor, Rev. B. W. Lefler. Services will be held each even ing at 7:45, continuing through Sunr.ay, July 20, this service to be featured by the annual Homecom ing Day program, with dinner on the grounds and Inspirational singing in thfe afternoon by the Davis Trio and by the men's chorus of Temple Baptist church, of Gastonia. Bethware Club Sets Barbecue The Bethware Progressive club, in meeting July 5, set July 15 as the deadline for advertising in the fifth annual Bethware Fair catalog and set August 20 as the da^e it will entertain advertisers and guests at the annual pre Fair barbecue. Menzell Phifer was named chairman of the barbecue com mittee, and members are John Rudisill and Charles Thorn burg Business firms desiring catalog advertising should call Lewis Ho vis, at Community Implement A Supply Company, or John Rudt sill. Finn Reports Two Accounts Out-of-Balance The argument over who shall audit the city's (books took a new twist over the weekend, when Ernst & Ernst, of Winston-Salem, withdrew their $675 contract proposal. Stating that "our accountant .... found that the City's books were apparently not in balance, that-the taxes arid utilities re ceivable were not in agreement with the controlling accounts, and that in many respects the records were not in such good condition as we had been lead to believe . . . H. R. Borthwick, resident partner, withdrew the bid but said the firm would be glad to discuss the audit matter with the board. The letter was addressed to (Mayor Garland Still, and dupli cates were sent to J. R. Davisi city attorriey, and to the Local Government commission at Ral eigh. Attorney Davis advanced the matter at the special meeting of the board of commissioners on Monday afternoon and the board voted unanimously to invite an Ernst & Ernst representative to discuss the audit with the board at the regular meeting on ; the forthcoming Monday night! At torney Davis also suggested that the Ernst & Ernst firm was not being proper in making such statements prior to the actual audit, and he also suggested that the press ignore the letter until the audit was made and the re port filed. Joe Hendrick, city clerk, said that several entries on both tax es and utiltities had not been made from .the daily records to the general ledger and that this accounted for the failure of the accounts to balance. The audit argument originally began at the regular June meet ing, when Mayor Still, and Com missioners Lay ton and Pearson suggested ret net ion of Ernst & Ernst, (which conducted the audit last year. Commissioners WriJr and Da vit complained of the hign fee charged by the Winston -Salem firm, and City Administrator M. K. Fuller submitted a contract proposal from George H. Emery & Company, of Statesvllle, . to conduct the audit for $430. The Emery firm, prior to last year, conducted the audit for several years. The argument was tem porarily fettled when the board voted to ask bids for the annual auditing job. Bids notice was placed for June 26 .publication, but Mayor Still, Commissioners Layton and Pearson, at a special meeting the previous afternoon, not at tended by the other commission ers, voted t? accept the $675 con tract proposal of Ernst & Ernst. Following this meeting, and on behalf of the absent com mlssloneni, City Attorney Davis protested the legality of the special meeting to the Local Government commission, charg ing that a quorum was not pres ent. Dave Robinson, of Ernst & Ernst, here at month's end to aid In closing the books, was called home by his firm until the quorum argument cduld toe Continued on page twelve V % - ? ? * Commissioner Suits Not Yet Calendared f# ? - Whether or n6t the criminal suits against several city com missioners would bo tried in the July 21 term of Cleveland County Superior Court was still unan swered Wednesday morning. E. A. Houser, clerk of Superior Court, said that Solicitor Jim Farthing, of Lenoir, had not yet visited Shelby to calendar the docket. Under regular legal procedure, Mr. Houser said, criminal suits are automatically docketed until tried, but the solicitor calendars the docket. True bills were returned again st Commissioners Wright, Barry and Davis on allegations of can celling a debt of the city, and against Commissioner Lloyd Da vis, on allegations that he un lawfully traded with himself. Masons To Honor C. T. Cornwell Clarence T. Cornwell, member of Fairview Lodge No. 338, A. F. & A. M., will be honored at the stated communication of the lodge Monday night on the com pletion of 50 years of continuous Masonic membership. Mr. Cornwell will receive the Veterans Emblem, in recognition of his 50 years of Masonic ser vice,. from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, and the presen tation will be made by Herbert M. Foy. Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of North Caro lina. The communication, will also be the occasion of the official visit of 37th District Deputy Grand Master John F?oyd. Postal Receipts Show Big Increase Postal receipts at Kings Moun tain postoffice jumped consid erably during the first six mon ths of 1952. according to a report this week by Ceorge Hord,- assis tant postmaster. Mr. Hord reported total re ceipts during the six months ending June 30 of $23,671.94, as compared with receipts during the same period last year of $20,819.01. Mr. Hord credited the increase to a. much pre ' r volume of out going mail. said increased postal rates on some types of mail had been off-set "by restric tions on parcel post mailings. Keeter Buys Stock O! Remnant Shop J. B. Keeter, of Keeter's, Inc., said this week he had pi'.*-~has ed the inventory Of the Remnant Shop operated for the past sev eral years by J. E. Herndon. The Remnant Shop is now clo sed, preparatory to a special sales event, Mr. Keeter said. He added that he would not utilize the Battleground avenue now occupied by the Remnant Shop. SUCCEEDS PHILLIPS Rev. C. Wesley Lovin. son of a former Kings Mountain min ister, was' elected president of the Shady Grove Camp meet ing association, succeeding Rev. J. w. Phillips, pastor of First Wesleyan Methodist churdi, at the anual summer camp meeting at Colfax last week. Rev. Carl Lovin, father of Rev.. Wesley Lovin, is r. for mer pastor of First Wesleyan Methodist church. Tentative County Tax Rate $1.10 The Cleveland County Board of Commissioners has adopted tena tively a $963,740.51 budget for the fiscal year 1952-53 and has tena tively set the county-Wide tax rate at $1.10 per $100 valuation. The tax rate is increased by six' cents per $100 valuation over the rate for 1951-52. Kings Mountain school district citizens however, will actually pay only three cents more per $100 valuation than they paid in 1951. Not levied this year was a three-cent Kings Mountain school district tax for debt service. Citizens who live in the King* Mountain school district will pay at' the rate of $1-30 per $100 valu ation, including the general coun ty-wide rate, plus the special 20 cent school district tax. Of the total tax le>fy. half is earmarked for the school system, including current expense of $205,350, capital expenditures of $230,000, and $104,513.25 for debt service. > Five cents of the tax levy is for completion of the county wide property revaluation pro gram and is not expected to be levied for the 1953-54 fiscal year. Other appropriations include: General fund, $146,900, which compares with $141,300 last year. Poo* tund, $40,000 as compared with $44,000 last year. Old Age assistance $10,800 as | compared with $24,000 last year. Aid to Dependent children, $27,- > 000 as compared with $16,000 last | year. Aid to blind, $3,752 as compared with $3,700 last year. Hospital $30,000 as compared with $27,500 last year. , Health department, $26,170 as compared with $45l000 last year. County agent, $17,390 as com pared with $15,500 last year. Welfarp administration, $25,906 as compared with .$2-', 491 last year. C&unty accountant, $5,500 same as last year. ldget Sets Up es Stieet Matters Get Attention In Budget Talk ; Principal discussion on the city's 1952-53 budget at Monday afternoon's baard of commissio ner meeting centered on the street department. It resulted in unanimous deci sion of the board to invite im mediate bids on the purchase of I a street rolling machine, on sur facing of about three miles of city streets already approved for paving, and for a dump truck. It also brought a discussion on the question of collection of street -paving assessments. To questions from Commissioners Pearson and Layton concerning assessments for the paving of East Gold street. City Administrator M. K. Fuller said that this street, paved by the state highway department, hnd been paved without a peti tion by the property owners and that an assessment would not be collectible. City Attorney J. R. Davis agreed. In other actions, the board: 1) Voted to accept a bid of Burroughs Addipg Machine com pany for the purchase of a billing machine for the city office at $2,932. . 2) Agreed to invite the county health officer, Dr. 2. P Mitchell, to meet with the board for a dis cussion of sanitation problems, af ter the board had discussed in formally enforcement of laws to prevent the growing of hogs %vithin the city limits. 3) Voted refunds to Elsie Bridges, on . over payment of a taxbfll. 4) Authorized establishment of a separate bank account for tax money and water receipt *. Mr. Fuller reported io the board that the City street mileage report was ready for filing with the state highway commission and showed a total of 33.83 miles of City streets, up about 4.5 miles over the report filed last year. Filing of the report is pre requi site to the city's receiving Powell Bill street aid money. The board first voted 1 to 1 i Mr. Pearson dissenting) to re duce the outside-city liniits power rate differential to 10 percent, from 20 percent, but there was additional discussion and the ac tion was rescinded, pending a check of rate effects on out-of cify customers. HOMECOMING Members of Bethlehem Bap tist church have set Sunday, July 20, as homecoming day. Lunch will be served on the church grounds at noon and a musical program has been ar ranged for the afternoon, Clyde Randall in charge. IN LEAD ROLE Sam Greenp, of Mooresboro, nephew of Mrs. W. W.. South er, of Kings Mountain, has received much praise from critics for his portrayal of the leading male role in "Horn in the West," Boone historical drama. AT KEETER'S Mrs. Jim Medlln has a.-.sum-, ed duties with Keeter's De partment Store, as alterater re placing Mrs. S. O. Kirby who requested leave of absence. DIEsl^SaENTALLY ? Her' man C. Tate, Jr.. Kings Mountain native, was accidentally killed on Okinawa July 2, when a rifle accidentally discharged in his barracks. He had been schcivted to return to the United States on July 10. Pvt. H. C. Tate Dies In Okinawa Pvt. Herman C. Tate, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, H. Tate, of Gaston ia, former residents of Kin^s Mountain, died in Okina wa of accidental gun shot wounds on July 2 according to word received ?'?y his parents from the Department of the Ar my. last week . He was scheduled to return to the United States on July 10, eight days before the fatal acco dent. Pvt. Tate was sitting pn the outside of his barracks "when a gun was accidentally discharged ou the inside and the missle passed through the wall striking him, according to the report. Pvt. Tate entered service July 11, 1949. He was stationed at Ft. Jackson for seven months, and Texas -for five months. He' went to Okinawa in June, 1950. Pvt. Tate was 20 years old on April' 25. He -is the nephew of. Mr. and Mrs. 11. CI. Tate and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Tate, of Kings Mountain. Funeral .arrangements will he announced later. Mrs. Darracott's Father Succumbs Funeral services for Benjamin Franklin Manning, 74, resident of Calhoun Falls, S, C., and father of Mrs. J. G. Darracott of Kings MountalPi were conducted Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Methodist church, Calhoun Falls, S. C. Rev. M. M,. Brooks, pastor of the church officiated and inter ment was in the church cemetery at Latimer, S. C. Mr. Manning died of a heart attack Thursday night, at 8 p. m. His wife,v Mrs. Rebecca Hill Manning, passed a way 10 years ago. Survivors in addition to Mrs. | Darracott include: three sons, D C. Manning of Miami, Fla., Mar shall Manning of Savannah, Ga.; E. M. Manning of Calhoun Falls, S. C.; three daughters, Mrs. Alice Jones of Spartanburg, S. -C.; Mrs Dora Frye, Greenville, S. C.; Mrs, W. L. Ganrvble of Calhoun Falls, S. C. Also surviving are fifteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Falls Seeks Damages | From Foote Mineral Civil suit, seeking to obtain $3,000 in alleged damages, was filed In Cleveland Superior Court Wednesday morning . against Foote Mineral Company by Mr. and Mrs. Gilly Falls, Jr. The complaint, as filed by Da vis and White, Kings Mountain attorneys, alleges that blasting operations by Hie Foote Compa ny has damaged the Falls home, on the Old Battleground Road, In the amount of damages sought. More Revenue Is Expected Foi New Year The City of Kings Mountain anticipates the expenditure of a record amount of money during the fiscal year 1952-53, the bud get tentatively adopted Monday afternoon at a special meeting of the board of commissioners setting up for spending $480, 517. 72. The record budget, if finally a? dopted as expected near the end of July, is approximately $97,000 higher than the budget adopted for the 1951-52 fiscal year, though only $63,000 over the an^ount ac tually expended during the re cent fiscal year. The budget was tentatively a dopted in a two-hour-plus session, with little detailed discussion of the several items and department - breakdowns. The tax rate hud been previous ly tentatively set at $1.S0 per $100 valuation, and no further action was taken on it, though Mayor Garland Still and Commis sioner James I.ayton said they though it should' be pared. Expenditures According to The tentative bud get. biggest increases in proposed expenditures for the year are be ing earmarked for the street de partment, the Water and sewer department, and the light and power department. The street department appro priation, $92,475.95. is more than doubled ovei actual expenditures of the previous year, and the wa ter and sewer department expen ditures are budgeted at $58,111.57, up about $9,000 over last year. Light and power department ex penditures are budgeted at $122. 150, up $14,000. part of the in crease to pay ior a larger antici pated power bill brought about by expected increased consump tion, part to employ an additional electrician to implement the line changes recommended bv Max Miller, tthc Greensboro cngir. rr who surveyed the city's power ? flistrlbution system. Other departments' are budget ed for about the same expendi tures as in previous years, though the capital outlay purchases an ticipated are about $10,000 under the total spent during. 195253. In cluded in t.he $17,231.20 capital outlay ' ppropri^Mon is a $3,1)00 item for repairs and improve ments- to city jail. City Adminis trator M. K. Fuller, in explaining the budget breakdowns, said the county health department is de manding that improvements be made in the Jail sanitary facili Continued on page twelve Goforth Portrait Fund Now $228 . Contributions to the Lottie Goforth Portrait Fund increas ed by S85 this week, according to report of Dr. O. P. Lewis, treasurer of the fund. Total through Wednesday noon was *228. Funds ore being sought to provide a portrait of the late benefactress of Kings Moun tain Hospital for hanging at the hospital. Miss Goforth be queathed her entire estate tot the building of a hospital here, and these funds, in excess of $33,000, have been utilized in the recently > completed Lot tie Goforth Memorial Wing. Checks should be drawn to the Lottte Goforth Portrait Fund and mailed to D>. Lewis. , The funds to date: ? . Previously acknowledged $143 J. E. Herndon 10 H. R. Noisier 10 J. B. Keeter 10 Dr. W. L. Mauney 10 Otis Falls 10 G. H. Mauney 5 L. E. Abbott S J. C. Bridges 5 H. R. Hunnicutt 5 Glee E. Bridges 5 Dr. D. M. Morrison S A Contributor 4 Dickie Tate 1 Total $228

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