m\ Population City Limits . . . 7.206 Trading Area 15.000 (IMS Ration Board riguraa) Kings Mountain's BE LIABLE Newspaper P age s T o da y VOL 62 NO 52 Established 1889 Kings Mountain, N. C., Tuesday, December 23, 1952 Sixty-Second Year PRICE FIVE CENTS Local News Bulletins KIWANIS HOUDAY The Kings Mountain Kiwan is club will not meet again un til its regularly scheduled ses sion of January 8. The club will not meet on the Christ mas and New Year's holidays, it has been announced. TAX LISTING Annual tax listing will begin Friday, January,2, according to announcement by Clarence E. Carpenter, city tax lister, and Conrad Hughes, Number 4 Township tax lister. BniMil Holds Annual Party Annual Phenix children's Christmas party was held Sunday at 2 o'clock at Joy Theatre with some 1,00? employee* ol the Kings Mountain Burlington Mills, Inc., plant, and their children at tending. Main feature of the program was the arrival of Santa Claus with treats for the children. Each treat consisted of a color book,' a box of crayons, a fire truck, tin ker toys, a horn, a top, a bag of nuts, a fishing game, three oran ges, three tangerines and three apples. Everyone was given a bag of popcorn on arrival at the theatre and Win no- i of door prizes were Esper Weoer, Ha^el Parrish and Jack Gaddy, who were awarded hams, and Jim Connor, Edward Grindle, Theodore Byers, Noah Crocker, Lillie Rush, Warren Smith, Edna Putnam and Charles Childers, fruit cakes. Rev.. C. L. Grant, pastor of Grace Methodist church, offered, prayer,. Superintendent J. T. La-.j them gave the welcome and Paul Howard introduced guests; Bruce j Thorburn had charge of the pro- , gram. > Movie cartoons were shown ,ne?tt, followed by the arrival of Santa. After the prize drawings, Old St. Nick gave the children treats as they were leaving the building. 14)00 Attended Ciaftspun Party A crowd which virtually filled Central school auditorium Sun day afternoon attended the Christmas party for its employ ee* given by Craftspun Yarns, Inc. Treats were distributed to all children, refreshments were serv ed, and an entertainment pro gram was presented. H. O. (Toby) Wllliarr.o served as master of ceremonies, and mu sic was furnlshed'by the Rhythm Kings. Manlpo Harris, magician formerly with Rlngllng Brothers circus, gave a performance and Pete Fredericks, of Gastonla, gave a tap-dancing routine. The attendance was estimated At 1,000 persons. CMzeiu Reminded Oi Anti-Hog Low Thomas W. Strickland, of the Cleveland County Health depart ment, reminded Kings Mountain v dtlzens of the new city sanitation ordinance, enacted several mon ths ago, calling particular atten tion to the prohibition against maintaining hogs within the city limits. .-v.; - rJf ? %-j Mr. Strickland suggested that persons effected by the ordinance not replace herds now being WB~, .? ' i ' ?.? j j He said the county health do ? pertinent will en fore the ordl ? nance. r City Employees Honoi Parsons, Veteran "Boss" Almost 100 persons attended a testimonial dinner at the Wo mans club house last Friday night honoring L. C. Parsons, who resigns as city superinten dent of public works January 1 after over 33, years service. The dinner was aranged by the city board of commissioners and all members were present, along with most city employees and their wives and many so cial guests. Mrs. Parsons was present as were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parsons, of Lumberton, and Mrs. Ivan ?Rosenthal, of New York. Rev.. W. P. Gerberdlng gav the invocation and dinner was ser ved buffet style. Mayor G. E. Still presented a plaque to iMr. Parsons on behalf of the city. The large, beautiful plaque read: "L. C. Parsons, Superinten dent of Public Works of the City of Kings Mountain, 1952, In Rec ognition of 33 years of Faihful. and Devoted Service to the City of Kings Mountain, G. E, Still, Mayor, Commissioners James Layton Lloyd Davis, O. it Pear son, C. P. Barry, B. T. Wright. Sr." Commissioner James Layton served as master of ceremonies and presented, many guests who paid tribute to Mr. Parsons and his long city service. Rev. P. D. Patrick, speaking before the plaque presentation, said, "it is wonderful this fine spirit in which you are honoring one who has so faithfully sei , ed the city. With his many duties, he has kept his faith with his church. lie has served so faith fully, so earnestly and so ably." Commissioner Layton also pre sented Rev." and Mrs. Gerberding and Rev- and Mrs.- J. W. Phillips. After the presentation, Mr. Parsons told the board ihat he thought they had dorie a good Job and said, "Tidwell art! Charlie Fulton Were with me i ?and they've done a good job. I used to think I could please ev erybody but I soon found our differently," .. Doins* a little reminiscencing. Mr. Tidwell spoke up and said "Mr. Parsons told me 'when i first started working with him. When anybody gets on you. bite your tongue.' I almost bit mine off. I've worked for him a long time and he's treated everybody right.",. Commissioner Wright praised Mr. Parson's work and took the occasion to inquire about a stool he hatf remembered seeing Mr. Parsons carry around many years ago. "That wasn't to sit on, it was an insulated stool I had to .stand on to change the car bon In the street lamps of that day," Mr. Parsons answered. Commissioner Barry gave a i Continued On Page Ten I. D. Lynn Bites Held Snnday Funeral cervices for John ' D. Lynn, 69, resident of Lackey St., were conducted Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock from Temple Baptist Church. Rev. David jNL Morris and W. F. Monroe officiated and burial was in Mountain Rest cemetery ; Mr. Lynn died in Kings Moun* tain hospital FYlday morning at 11:30. Death was attributed to a heart attack suffered Thursday. He had been tn declining health for two jrean. A native of Gaston county, he was the son of the Jate'Wff. and Mrs. Calvin Lynn. Mr. Lynn was a membet atul deacon emeritus o< ? * ' rhuroh. He was of Maumry : his wife, Mrs Lynn, and two | ? _ of Gastonla and, Robert Lynn of Kings Mountiln. Deacons of Temple Baptist chureH sarvwA us pallbearers. ' \ ' ; t PARSONS PRESENTED PLAQUE AT TESTIMONIAL DINNER FRIDAY ? Shown abovt receiving a plaque from Mayor Garland E. Still is L. C. Parsons, who was honored at a testimonial dinner last Friday night at the Womans Club. Mr. Parsons, superintendent ol public works, retires January 1 alter 33 years service. Pictured are, left to right. Commissioner OUand Pearson, Mr. Parsons, Com missioner C. P. Barry, Commissioner B. T. Wright, Sr., Mayor SUll, Commissioner Lloyd E. Davis and Commissioner James G. Layton, who served as master of ceremonies at ft* event. (Herald photo by Carlisle Studio.) Churches Continue Special Services Yule Programs Are Scheduled To Christmas ! ? Special Christmas season son ? ices at th ? community',* churches hefjan over the weekend and will continue through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day'. ? Among the special services announced by churches of Kings Mountain is a Christmas pro gram at Bethlqhem church on Tuesday evening at 7:30. in Scripture, song and verse. It is presented under the direction of "Max Blackburn. chorister, and Mrs. Juanita Warren, organist. On Wednesday night at seven o'clock, a special program will be given at First Church of the Nazarene. At 11 . o'clock on Christmas Eve, St. Matthew's Lutheran church will present its tradition al midnight musical service, fea turing anthems by two choirs, under the direction of Mrs. Au brey Mauney, solos iby. Miss Cla ra Plonk and Miss Frances Sum mers and brief Christmas mes sage, entitled "Bethlehem" by the pastor, Rav. W. P. Genber; ding. Also at 11 o'clock Resurrection Lutheran church will hold a Candlelight program with a ca roling service to follow at mid . night. ? On Christmas morning, the an nual Christmas morning service w|Jl foe held at First Presbyteri an church, with th& pastor, Rev. 'V. D.i Patrick, bringing the ser mon on the topic "Christmas Is lor Remembering/' The musical program, directed by Mrs. Rhea Barber, will include a solo |>y Miss Frances Summers. ? - CLOSE WEDNESDAY ; Y. Jaccfc Mauney Memorial Li brary will be cloaed on W$d ncjday, December 23 through Saturday, December 2 f, Ac cording to announcement by Mrs. Charles Dil ling, librarian. The library wlD again rtopeh onJHonday December ?, abe Phenix Supervisors Party Held Saturday ... ? ? 1 i Annual Phenix Plant. Burliftg- 1 ton Mills, Inc., supervisors anil j office personnel Christmas party i was held at Masonic .(lining hall Saturday . night with 34 persons! attending. Tables were decorated with car nations, greenery and candles. Brass bud vases and two red carnations were* given as favors to the ladles present. Superintendent John Lathem I welcomed the group and dinner | was served by ladies of Grace Methodist church. The group sang Christmas ca rols and played bingo. Walter J. Keeter^ Jr., who was recently transferred to Flint Plant, Gastonia, was presented a gift. Members of the Phenix square dance team gave a demonstration and the group joined in a square dance. BANK HOLIDAYS v*The First National Bank will be closed both Chrisima> Day and Friday, December 26, in observance of legal banking holidays. The hank will also ' be closed on New Year's Day.. Fire Wipes Out All Belongings Of Local Family A disastrous fire Monday morn ing at 8:45 o'clock at Loom -To X Mill villiage ousted two families and almost completely demolish ed the two-story frame house. Mr. and Mrs. Paxil I^Jorman and family of four small children lost, all -possessions in the blaze. Mr! and Mrs. Robert Moss and family, who also lived in the house, man aged to save ir.ii.sf of their belong ings. // No one was injured in i he two hour fire. Damage to the dwell Friends and neighbors of the Normans are requesting gifts of furniture and clothing for the family, destituted by Mon day's fire. " Floyd Payne, owner of Phe nix Store, said that he would bo glad to accept gifts on be half of the family, who have gone back to Rock Hill at pres ent. All household belongings were destroyed by the fire and the family needs everything ? clothing, bedding, furniture, etc, i The four children are: five year ? old boy; three-year-old girl; two-year-old boy, and a live-months-old baby. ing was estimated at $2,000 by Fire Chief Grady King. The fire resulted when a kero sene stove exploded, firemen said. - The Normans had recently moved here from Rock Hill, S. C. Continued On Pxge Five Christmas And it came to pass in those daj/s that there t vent out a de cree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor ot Syria. And all went to be taxed, every - one into hi* own city. And Joseph alwo went up from Galilee, out of the city of Naza reth into Judaea, unto the city of ?*?- * * which is coiled Bethlehem; house and Mary, hit es great with Story By swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch, %ox>er their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the (,ord came upon them, and the glory of the I*ard shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shdll be to all people. For unto you i? bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the I^ord. And thii shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrap ped in twaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of heaven ? J- , ? - -? ? ? ?* St, Luke .3 ly boats praising Ood and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good Will toward men. And it came to pass, as thfi ant/els were gone away from them info hearken, the shepherds said one to another, I^et w* now go even unto Bethlehem, and see thi$ thing which is come to pass, whifh the Lord hath made known I unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe tying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them con cerning this child. a And all that Ka4 heard it won dered at thote things wMch were told them by the Shepherd*. i Industrial Holiday Plans Vary; Gift-Buying Brisk Two Shopping Days Remain; Stocks Good Kings Mountain . stores were jammed Monday with last minute Christmas shoppers, and it appealed! that Tuesday and Wednesday, the last two chopping days ho (ore Christmas, would, find retail salespeople hard pressed to handle all their cus tomers. Saturday was a busy day, too. but merchants thought that after noon traffic was cut by the cold, rainy weather. They anticipated the Saturday stay-at-homes would be out before Christmas Day. Stocks were going down., but still well-laden with plenty of Christmas-type merchandise, and majority of merchants said they Would be able to supply most Christmas gift wants. Toy merchants Were still able to show good selections. All Kings Mountain merchants will be opeiv later Tuesday night and on Christmas Eve, with ma jority following the' recommend ed schedule of the Kings Moun tain Merchants association, vvhkh calls for Saturday hours through Christmas Eve. The stores will be closed for two days, on Thursday and Fri day, re opening for business on Salurday morning. They will resume next Wednes day afternoon the customary mid week half-holiday. and will alsp. observe New Year's Day as a hol iday. Rites Wednesday For L. J. McGill Fun oral services for L. J. (Jimmy i McGlIt, 3f>, of Dorches. (er, Mass., son of W, J, McGill. now of Sharon, S, C., and the latr1 Mrs. Zuha Pursley McGill, will he held Wednesday morning in Dorchester. Mr. McGill, a Kings Mountain hfttive and a resident of this com munity for many years, died at ?12:05 Sunday morning at Veter ans Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. He was suffering from Hodkins di sease and his condition has been serious for the past several weeks. He had become seriously] ill in August. A veteran of World War II, he had served in the Air Force. Surviving are; his wife and three children, two boys and a girl. Also surviving are h?# father, a sister, Mrs. Nelson Pittinger, of Union Bridge, Md., and a brother, W. J. McGill, of Albany, Ga. Today's Herald Last Before New Year 'S3 Today's Herald is the regu lar Christmas week issue of I the paper which is anuually advanced to appear Just prior to Christmas Day. It contains a large volumo of Christmas greetings frcm the merchants of the commJn i ity who are using its colrmns to wish to all the people ( I the j Kings Mountain area a most joyous Christinas season. In addition, there are last-'ainute gilt suggestions (rom a num ber of firmi.' The Herald will close at noon Tuesday and will re-oj?en Mon day morning, December 29. The next edition will appear on regular schedule New Yeat's Day. i Postal Peak Reported Past Last Wednesday was peak mailing day at Kings Mountain postofflce, according to report of Oeorge Hord. assistant postmas ter. who ?sald 19.838 cancellations wore recorded by the mailing ma chine- j In addition, parrel post hand. | cancellations meant thai more than 20.000 pieces of outgoing mail were handled on that day. Cancellation figures began to ilrop steadily on the following day, and these were the totals [reported: Thursday, If), NS4 cancellations; | "'Friday. 3 4, (^cancellations, i Saturday,- 12.902 cancellation's. [ Sunday. 3.325 cancellation*. Average daily cancellations ap proximate rvitfHi pieces. Though the total was still Well .above 'the average daily, mailings of Kings Mountain area citizens. Mr. I. ford thought the peak had passed and that lo. al .postal clerks would be handling a diminishing volume of mail in the final days before Christmas. Incoming mail was still heavy Monday, with' packages covering up much available space in the posmffice and with mail boxes and pouches heavily laden with the remains of the annual Christ mas greet ing crop. The postofflce will close on Christmas day and the following day. December 26. will be a semi holiday. There will be no rural mail. delivery on December .2(5, but city deliveries will be made and a window will be open. No money order service will be available on December 26. The postofflce also closes on N?*w Year's Day. Mrs. Harmon's Aunt Dies; Rites Tuesday f Unocal rites for Mrs. Rosa White Gray, 87, great aunt of Mrs. Martin Harmon, will bp held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at Lanford Mortuary in Woodruff, S C. Mrs. Gray, an Invalid for the past six years, died early Sunday j I evening at the home of her niece, Mrs. H, K. James, where she ! had made 'her home for many years. She was the widow of, Walter Gray, %nd a native of Drake's Branch, Virginia. She was a for mer teacher for many, years in . the Virginia public schools. Interment vvill he made in ' Woodruff. TAG SALES Sale of 1953 ta?s totaled 249 Monday afternoon, according to report from the city clerk's office. Tags must be purchas ed by February 1, 1953, and [ ' price of the tax Is one dollar. , Seveial Firms Paying Bonuses To Employees Kings Mountain citizens wore ; huslly preparing for the Christ I mas holiday Monday, | For some, the holiday had al ready >b?gun. as some textile firtns suspended operations with Inst weeks schedules. For others, the .holiday will bejrin Wednes day morning, or Wednesday ev - ening. But virtually everyone will get into the act. Hardly anyone would fail to get some freedom from regularly scheduled tasks. | There were also Christmas, bonuses for employees of some firm*. Among industxial firms reporting payment of Christmas season gifts this year were Kings Mountain Manufacturing Com pany. Mauney Mills, Bonnie Mills, r Mauney Hosiery Company, Inc., ; Sadie Cotton Mills, and Craftspun I Yarns. Inc., in addition to Bur lington Mills, which announced its Christmas plans last week. Christinas, bonus payments at. I Kings Mountain Manufacturing j Company, Bonnie Mill, Mauney Mill, and Sadie Mill approximat ed two per cent of annual wages. Kings Mountain Manufacturing Company will suspend operations Tuesday, resuming regular sche dules on Monday. The other three firms are taking a full week's holiday. Mauney Hosiery Company, Inc., is also paying a Christmas bonds, based on two percent of wages. Which W. K. Mauney, Jr., general manager, said would total in ex j-?-ess of 5W 000_ This firm will lie 'closed from Tuesday night to t.Mond.ij morning, j Craftspun Yarns, Inc., will com j plele pre- Christmas schedules' | Wednesday morning and resume operations Sunday .evening at 10 - o'clock. Craftspun is giving cm ] plpyees a Christmas gift approxi mating a day's pay and totaling Continued On I'fifte Ten i laycees Urge More Food Gifts Tuesday is the last flay to help make Christmas merrier for Kings Mountain's neediest fam ilies ? Huy a Can, Leave a Can!", officials of the Kings Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce reminded citizens yesterday. Jaycees are again promoting the food collection project so that all citizens may share their Christmas with others. "When you're grocery shop ping Tuesday, remember the needy. Purchase several staple items and leave them in the boxes at the stort*. We will flee that your gift Is distributed to a needy family," J T. iMcGinnis, club vice president urged. President Joe Hedden has call ed a special meeting of ttie club for Tuesday night at 7:30 p. m., at Plonk Motor Company. Pood collected from the project, plus additional items purchased by the organization, will be prepar ed and delivered to a list of needy families submitted by iRed Cross chapter officials, only city welfare agency. V st Kings Mountafn grocery firms are cooperating with' the Jaycees on the food collection project and many report only a small number of Items collected to data. The Jaycees first sponsored the project last year, when a goodly quantity of food was col lected and distributed.

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