Whether you snack Or whether you dine Spark the occasion With delicious CHEERWINE The CHEERIeader "In Tune With Your Taste" O reetingA Santa's smiling countenance light*, up the world on this gay and festive Holiday. We Santa In wishing one and all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeat! Kings Mountain ? Bessemer City DRIVE-IN THEATRE Tbe greatest gift k given agaip et. Christmas Day; may this new Ydletide bring joy and taith abundant. 1 9 > i Harris Funeral Home SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD! /IIerr i 't/O :3&s i , PT ?V> * It J^ * fete -W-^ trw* r?MM) *SS ^Sccausc Christmas time is reserved for very special greetings? we want to take this opportunity to thank our many patrons for their continued friendship apd good-wilj . . . and add, too, in a great big measure? our sincere wishes that the spirit of the season may remain a lasting joy for you and yours throughout the coming New Year. 1 Elmer Lumber (Jompany, Inc. 'A. 1 1 I & ? ? 'I,-' i-Ji&Mt- "????* Lime Shortage Caused Failures 0! Some Crops The cause of vegetable crop failures in the Southeastern sec tion of Notth Carolina may be caused by a lack of lime, tests conducted by the North Carolina Experiment Station show. This is especially true on the darker soils, according to J. M. Jenkins, Jr., horticulture special is who conducted the tests at the Vegetable Research Laboratory near Wilmington. The tests showed that growers' should put on enough doiomitic limestone to bring the pH up to 6.0 or slightly higher, and that additional lime should be appli ed when the pH falls below 6.0 Jenkins suggests soil tests to de termine and keep a check on the acidity of the soil. During the spring of 1951 beets carrots, turnips, shallots, lettuce and spinach were planted qn the testing plots. There was a marked difference in the growth of these crops on the different plots. In the case of lettuce the plants turned yellow 'and died on pldts that received less than one ton qf lime per acre. On plots that received either two tons of lime or one ton ol basic slag per acre the lettuce grew nor mally but made very small heads. Where three tons of lime per acre had been applied the lettuce grew vigorously and produced large heads of good quality. Similar re sults were obtained with beets and spinach. Shallots and spinach made a , normal growth on plots that had received two to three tons of lime | per acre, A hard freeze Injured the plants severely and following . the freeze most of the s"pinach j died except on the plots that re ceived three tons of lime per acre. There the plants recovered and produced a satisfactory crop. There was practically . no dif ference in the growth of turnips , on the different plots. Carrots | made satisfactory yields and nor mal growth where either two or three tons of lime per acre was used. The State Department of Agri culture conducts a free soil test ing service to farmers. County agents and other county agricul tural workers assist farmers in collecting soli samples to be test ed. Marketing of farm products so far this year have been running 4 to 5 per cent higher than in 1951. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We Fill any Doctors' Pre scriptions promptly and accurately at reasonable prices with the confidence of your physician. Kings Mountain Drug Company THE REXALL STORE Phones 41 ? 81 We Call For and Deliver .WW" r .~V .? :: ???- *?';> ; ;??% - * > ?? ' '??'.* '?'????'??? TIME FOK CAROLS . . . Men, women and children from 1'rot estant churches blend their voices In carol singing before the blatitig Ynle log. This Christmas Eve custom 1s becoming In creasingly popular throughout the country. Allegorical Parades Mark Mexican Yule 1"*HE people In Mexico build elaborate floats for' allegorical .piirados during the holiday sea son! r . v ' ? .. : . i'or eight evenings before Christ mas there is a religious procession at the head of which the figures of Joseph and Mary are borne. On the "nii'ith evening entrance is perirjif.ed and a religious cere mony conducted about the straw filled manlier of the Babe Santa *Qegend Should (Be Cxplained, pAychologidt Says ??/?MULDREN ehjoy Santa Claus ^ more when they know what he really is," Duke University psy chologist Dr. Geiolo McHugh says. "Ku one enjoys finding out that ho has^ieon kept in the dark." savs the specialist in child psychology, .'"and children arc no exception." The real meaning of Santa Claus is the joy of giving, to make others happy, says Dr. McHugh, and no child should be deprived of this priyii-g-. Later parents have the difficult Job of explaining that there is no jolly old Christmas man. Dr. Mc Hugh points out. When the truth comes out the parent had placed himself in the position of being re sponsible for Santa's disappear ance. Santa should be a part of Christ mas, however. Dr. McHugh be lieves, but from the very begin ning. he should be trAtcd as a wonderful pretend game This method has proved successful with many children, the specialist suys, iiduding his own two young boys. Children, who love to make-be lieve, are perfectly capable of en joying Santa, rpindeer. chirr, neys and all, while knowing in their' hearts, when. they, stop t<> ask Ihenjsclvos, that he is a pretend pe.rso. he says. The chilli Who takes part in the Santa gart>e doesn't have to .'won der on- Chri in a.? ir.oniit-.g v? h\ Santa d:. in t hk?; him wi lt .-irtc.-gn to bfing ' the e\ pensive ^ < ->? < ;i]ut were' ordered troiji the North ?' >1e. the psyiholi ::ist points out The yoiuijj ?Ind.anapol:/- moll '''t who reei;rTtl> w i > '??? a ChriMti .ts, letter for her >.vi .'ir old soil jusf before her death m a:i .i i| !.. < . crash, had vvomK rful und> ?rstan'v ing,. Dr. MeHt.;:h savs. She ended her letter by k.;liing her little sou that "anyone who loves and gives, is real Sai-.ta " NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the First National Bank will be held in the lobby of the First National Bank, Kings Mountain, North Carolina, on Tuesday. Jan uary 13, 1953, at 4 p. m. This the 10th day of December 1952. L. E. ABBOTT, Cashier d-ll-J-1 True Christmas Spirit Is Found in Sharing C*OR a really satisfying and ? meaningful Christmas, share yours with the old and feeble, the ill ami shut-in. the bereaved whose ? sorrows >*ou might lighten. Unfortunately., all the (lurry and preparation associated with Christ mas are apt to ;riake parents as well as children overlook the real significance of the coming birth day of Christ. NOTICE OF CHANGING OF ZONING ORDINANCE Upon request for a change of the Zoning Ordinance on York Road, a public hearing will be had for all parties interested at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the City of Kings Mountain on Monday night, January 12,- 1953, at 7:30 p. m. to change from a residen tial district to a neighborhood trading area, the fallowing: BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of York Road, which stake Is 400 feet South from the intersection of King street and York Road and runs thence Sou th along York Road "05 feet; thence West 150 feet; thence North 105 feet; thence East 150 feet to the BEGINNING. All persons opposed to this change may appear before the Board of Commissioners on the above date. This the 17th day of December 1952. JOE HENDRICK, City Clerk. . d- 18-25. NOTICE OF SALE L'rtder and by \iriue of the po wer of sale contained in a deed of trust given by John J. Ray, single, to the undersigned as trustee for the Kings Mountain Building and Loan. Association. />n the 21st day of September. 1948. recorded in Uie -Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland. Couiv. ty in Book 342 at page 181. t<> se cure the payment <>t vhe. indebt edness therein mentioned- and default having be.en made in the payment of same ami- art the 're [quest of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association; ? I will sell for cash at the court 1 house door in" Shelby, Cleveland : County. NV>rt'h Carolina, on Mon< day. January in. 1953. a: 10:00 | o'clock .a. m., 'or - within legal i hours, the following desc ribed ' real estate: Situated in the Town of K'"gs Mountain, N. O., and BEGIN NING at a stake at the intersec tion of Parker and Dilling Mrcct.-. i and runs thence with Parker i streej East 115 feet to- a stake. Tillman Pearson's corner;- then j ce with his line South, 93' feet to a stake; thence West 115 feet to a stake in the edge of Dillir ? Street; thence with Dilling si. North 93 feet (o the BEGINNING This the 17th day of Decern ber, 1952. B. S NEILL, Trustee. Davis & White. Attorneys. d-18 ? -Jan S. eaAoriA V^riceXinoA May this Holiday Season blots your hoart with lovo, your mln?l with potico, and your life with happinocs. JIM'S FOOD STORE 324 N. Railroad Avenue Five Spot Parlayed Into Fine Farm When William Smith, Negro farmer of pitt.(\nihfy. \yas driven from his- South Carolina cotton farm by the hull weevil in he came to .North t'a'rolin.i with a little less than S5 in. his pbc; kcts. Today the farmer hate an 8.1 acre farm, a 20-cow. dairy bam; a tractor, pick-up truck, autcuno bile. two mules. a tobacco trans planter, and plows, 28 hogs. 20 shoals,. seven od 1m teachings have brought to all mankind. O > O (Day our hi-: arts be open this "Christmastime, to Mis message that * ? ... f by the jxnver of God's love alone can \vc be inspired to great deeds and wise action. J. M. McGinnis Betty Hughes MARGRACE STORE . i J. C. Caveny Grady McCarter i Luther Morrison Jimmy Caveny Martin Frederick