% \ ?' ?' _ ? ,'v ? The Kings Monntain Herald Ettobilshwl 1889 A weekly newspaper devoted to the promotion of the general welfare and published for the enlightenment, entertainment and benefit of the citizens of Kings Mountain and Its vicinity, published every Thursday by the Herald Publishing House. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Kings Mountain, N. C., under Act of Congress of MarffSJL J873 /" Mrs. P. D. Herndon . .. .... . .Society Miss Elizabeth Stewart Advertising, News MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Eugene Matthews Horace Walker David Weathers Ivan Weaver* Charles Miller Paul Jackson (?Member of Armed Forces) TELEPHONE NUMBERS? 167 or 283 SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR? $2.50 SIX MONTHS? $1.40 THREE MONTHS? 75c BY MAIL ANYWHERE TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die. Proverb a 15:10. Bond Votes Again The General Assembly, which will not go down in history as one of the greatest North Carolina has known, finally pass ed its bond issue measures. One of them provides that the citi zens will vote on a $50 million school construction bond issue, and on a $22 million mental institution bond issue. The other measure provided for issu ance of a $14.5 million bond issue, with out vote, for construction at other state institutions. Some think the Assembly got it exactly backwards. The big need, these think, is for school and mental institu tion expansior and improvement. They think t he state buildings t colleges, etc.) could wait two -years. Thus the citizens are not offered the opportunity to vote on the one least likely to succeed. They will contest at the polls over the other two. Kings Mountain received something in excess of $80,000 from the last $50 million school bond issue, voted in 1949. It is not a large amount/but it would be that much toward the great building needs in evidence here. The mental in stitutions are crowded and it is unthink able that any state as wealthy as North Carolina should have to maintain a waiting list for entrance to these insti tutions. . Both these issues will have a great amount of popular support., in spite of the financial distaste involved in putting the state, just a few years ago owing nothing, further into debt. Another Winner The Kings Mountain school band came home from Greensboro last week with another rating of "superior", high est attainable, and therefore the chief aim of musicians throughout the state. The "superior" rating puts the Kings Mountain .musicians in rather ratified atmosphere, for not too many individ uals or organizations can attain this sought-after status. Moulding a musical organization is no easy task, for either the moulders or the musicians themselves. Hours of pa tient work are invested, to the point that all sometimes wonder weather the hard work is justified. After the deed, the answer is a very plain affirmative. Congratulations are in order to Direc tor Joe Hedden, Assistant H. H. Haass, and the individual members of the band. A good band is a tradition here and it is a fine tradition to continue. Saturday is the final day to register for the forthcoming city election. Those at all in doubt about whether they are registered should have their registrars check the pollbooks. It always happens. Someone comes up to the polls and finds himself unregistered. And it will happen on May 12. too. Our congratulations to Jerry King, the newly elected master councillor of the Shelby Order of the Demolay, and to Susan Moss and Ann Mobley Dilling, who will represent Kings Mountain high school at annual Girls' State. A best bow to Dr. Nathan II. Reed, who has been appointed a member of the county welfare board. 10 YEARS AGO Items of news about Kings Mountain area people and events THIS WEEK taken from the 1943 files ol the Kings Mountain Herald. The only race in the city elec tion to be held Tuesday is in Ward 4 as the other four candidates for City Council" and the two for the School Board are uncontested. Ward 1; For council, W, K. Mau ney. Ward 2, M. A. Ware; for School Hoard; Charles Thomas son. Ward 3; L. W. Hamrick, for School Board; C. G. White. Ward 4, Charles S. Williams, W. M. Gantt; Ward 5, J. II. Thomson. Sotifil Anil Personal Miss Sarah Bess Ledford of Shelby, and Jack Ormand of Kings Mouhtnin and Traverser's Rest, S. C. were united In marri age in a pretty ceremony Friday afternoon at five o'clock in the First Baptist Church in Shelby. In a ceremony characterized by charm and simplicity. Miss Doro thy Plonk of this place became the bride of Robert Edward Lew is. Jr., of Lumberton, N. C, on Easter Sunday afternoon at four o'clock in Central Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Sanders of route 2, announce the marriage of their daughter, Sara Ruby to Yates W. Connor on August 7, 1942, at Chester, S. C. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney and Mrs. Haywood Lynch are representing the Senior Woman's Club at the meeting of the Federation In High Point this week. Pvt. James Everhart of Will Rogers Field Is on a weeks visit at his home here. Mrs. Jl. D. Goforth if, on a buy ing trip to New York City for Myers Dress Shoppe. Mr. and Mrs. Ertle Power* and baby son spent the Easter holi days with relatives In Lumberton. Pvt. Sam Hamrlck ot Camp Howe, Texas spent last week with his wife. Doubling, The Rule Among those letting out painful cries as a result of the new tax valuations just received from the county are un doubtedly a few who have justifiable complaints. None is perfect, and Cole Layer-Trumble would fall in the same category. However, the big portion of those us ing the weeping towel are professionals at the business of claiming to pay too much of the tax burden, be it local, state, or federal, In truth, 99 percent of these claims will not stand up under close scrutiny. ? For instance, one fellow was exorcised badly the other night. His house, he said, was doubled at $7,200, which was much too much, and particularly since so-and-so's house, much more valuable, was only $6,000, A check of the figures revealed the complainant's house listed at $5,200, and the fortunate neighbor's at $8,600. Some slight variance in the actual figures, eh, what? Generally speaking, a person, busi ness firm, or other property owner who doesn't find his valuation figure doubled is in good shape, and should be for forthcoming years. In the past, he's un doubtedly been paying more than his part. Still another fellow was complaining of paying a total of $157 in county and city taxes last year. That's no great amount when it is considered he has two youngsters in school, and gets some other benefits, too, out of the two gov ernment entities. Time will take care of the revaluation complaints, but the county commission ers will probably find their lot easier if they hold strictly to the recommenda tions of the appraising firm, after the promised re-checks on complaints. If the county commissioners arbitrarily take the bull by the horn and begin making cuts at random, they'll be in a mess. Everybody will have license to yell, and loudly, and they probably will. The point of the whole business was to adopt a yardstick, applicable to all. Meantime, citizens should remember that doubling of the old valuation is quite general* Telephone rates go up again, an un pleasant thought at a time when many people are predicting economic disaster, if it doesn't come tomorrow, will certain ly arrive day-after-tomorrow. The tele phone bill has jumped considerably since the good old days, and everytime it jumps Uncle Sam gets an added piece of change via the excise tax. The GOP in Congress would make a lot of friends if this tax on a necessity of living were removed during their term in control. Attendance was extra good at the city schools' art exhibit last week, and so were the "oh's" and "ah's". Many people who attended were quite surprised to learn what their youngsters had learned in the field of art and crafts. The schools are doing a good job, and they would do an even better job with the proper aid from the parents. Not much is being said about the city manager election, at least from the pro ponents' side. Unless some steam is put under the "for" side, it is going to be defeated. MARTIN'S MEDICINE By Martin Harmon Ingredient*: bit ? of newa, wiadom, humor, and comment. Direction a: Take weekly, if possible, but avoid over dotage. Straw Hat Day Friday has been decreed as Straw Hat Day in Kings Moun tain, by the president ot the Kings Mountain Merchants as sociation, J. C. Bridges, and all good males of the community should not let the day pass without visiting the.r haber dasher and donning a new model. ??h-d The above recommendation goes for J. C. himself and other bareheads who have never be come addicted to the habit of wearing a hat. Being an avid member of the Loyal Order of Hat Wearers, I must do all In my power to expand the mem bership. s-h- Others $ I 2.50, $19.50 WARD'S SEED & FEED STOHE Cherokee St. Phone 396 TURF BUILDER This complete grass food assures richer color and thicker growth. Economical because a little goes so far. Box, feeds 2500 sq ft -$1.95 Bag, feeds 1 1,000 sq ft ? $6.45 4'XD ? Clean granular particles quickly broadcast by hand ot with Scotfs Spreader . . . kills weed) without harm to desirable grasses. Cost is small . . . Destroy coarse weeds on 100 x 110 it with $4.65 bag. Box treats 250 0 sq f> $1.75 C. E. Wa rilck Insurance Agency OQMPlEfE INSURANCE cover agf. > i w - - ... V fl I ? 1 H . ??. : . / V ? ? . . ' For a lawn of distinction, try the famous , Scotts beauty plan . . . tURF BUILDER to bring out color and health . * . Scoffs Weed Controls to banish ugly weeds. There'* nothing Hke having our dependable insurance service. Ib trouble, faced with the loss of your ham-* and everything In It. I That's a time when yen don't want to bare questions about your insurance protection. Ton want to know that your Insurance is dependable know taat your Agent has given your insurance the constant attention that makes for adequate, up-to-date protection. Whoa your Insurance affairs are In our hands, yon ARE ready for trouble. If dieaste* strikes and yon nood a helpful friend in a hurry yt>u can be sure you're %5Sm$i* . * -v* % -W " ?