5f /(<<< ft/ % Mm. P. 0. Hemdon, editor Mrs. W. B. Thorburn Fetes Town And Country Club Mrs. Bruce Thorburn was hos tess to members of the Town and Country Garden Club Thursday night, entertaining at the Coun try ciub; ... Flower arrangements were brought by Mrs. Herman Camp bell and Mrs. J. G. EJarraeott Mrs. Campbell displayed mixed late summer flowers, and Mrs. Darracott, purple asters. During the business, presided over by the, president, Mrs. Jacob Mauney, several club projects were discussed. Two ol the mem bers who were celebrating a birth day were remembered with gift? of potted plants. Mrs. W. M. Moorehead gave a most timely program on "Bulbs and their Soli Preparation." A dessert course was served at the close of the meeting. t Mrs. M. L. Harmon Entertains Boole Club ? v A delightful meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Book Club was held last week with Mrs. M. L. Harmon as hostess. Numerous arrangements of gladioli were useJ Ououghout the home. Mrs. M. L. Plonk, program lea der, presented Flem Mauney, who in a very delightful way told of his trip to the Scout Jamboree in California. Miss Jean Arthur rendered an enjoyable piano solo. A Special guests of the hostess Included Miss Edith Arthur of Greensboro, house guest of Mrs. J. H. Arthur, Mrs. George Patterson of Gastonla, Mrs. Will Bird, Mrs. Troy Carpenter, Mrs. Rufus Plonk, Mrs. Paul Mauney, Mrs. W. T. Weir, Mrs. Paul Mc Glnnis and Miss Elizabeth An thony. Party refreshments were serv ed at the close Of the meeting. Presbyterian Circle Met With Miss Helen Hay Circle No. 2 of the Presbyteri an church met Monday night with Miss Helen Hay. Mrs. O. W. Myers, led the group in an Inspiring devotional period, reading the Fifth Chapter of Mark and basing her remarks on "Jesus, the Savior of All." "Extending Our Church Throughout the South" was very ably discussed by Mrs. Hunter Nelsler. Some points of "Chal lenge to Women" were read by Mrs. P. D. Herndon. During the business, Mrs. Ja mes Rollins and Mrs. James Web ster were appointed to represent the circle as a visiting committee. Mrs. O. W. Myers and Mrs. Web ster will have charge of the Nur sery Sunday, September 20; Mrs. ?A C. Delllnger and Mrs. Bruce Thorburn Sunday, September 27.. Azalea Garden Club Held Thursday Meet Azalea Garden club members met Thursday with Mrs. Boyce Gault as hostess at her home on Deal street. The meeting, first of the fail season, was devoted to social and business sessions. Miss Diana Gamble, club presi dent, presided over the business session. Late summer and fail flowers were used by teams for arrangements. Potted plants and summer and fall flowers decorated the home. Mrs. Gault was assisted in serv ing a refreshment plate with iced drinks. Hi-Lo Bridge Club Met With The Joe Heddens Colorful bowls of zinnias and dish gardens added a festive air to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hedden Friday night when their guests were members of the Hi Lo Bridge Club and two addition al guests, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Howard. At the conclusion of the bridge progressions high score prizes were awarded Mrs. D, F. Hord, Jr., and Jack White. A pretty s&lad plate with dainty accessories was served when cards were laid aside. Mrs. Tolly Shuford Hostess To Duplicate Bridge Club Members of the Duplicate Bridge Club were guests of Mrs. Tolly Shulord at her home ^Mon day at 2:45 for an afternoon of the club game and delightful en tertainment. As the guests arrived, they found their places at several ta bles set up In the. party rooms, decorated with roses and bloom ing African violets. Following several progressions, covers were laid and the hostess served a sa lad course with tea. Several more games of dupli cate bridge were enjoyed. When tallies were added, Mrs. Howard Jackson proved to be the recei pient of the top award with Mrs. Paul Neialer runner up for se cond award. 'Besides the club members the party group included Mrs. C. T. Carpenter, Jr., Mrs. H. S. Black mer, Mrs. J. W. Crdsland. and Mrs Bruce Thorburn. Fractional Point Bridge Winners At Country Club Winners in the fractional point duplicate bridge game played Thursday night in the Country Club are as follows: North-South ? first, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis ; second, Mrs. W. K. Mauney, Jr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson; third, Mr. and Mrs. George Houser. East-West ? first, Mrs. Hayne Blackmer and Mrs. Hugh Or mand; second, Mrs. Amos Dean and Mrs. Jacob Cooper; third, Mrs. W. L. Ramseur and Mrs. G. F. Lattimore. The fractional point game Sep tember 17th will be the last game of the series now In play. PERSONALS Miss Bobbie Barrett left Tues day to enter the Freshman class at High Point college. Little Lydia Jane Anthony, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony Is home from the [Charlotte Memorial hospital. " Mrs. C. C. Edens, Misses Naomi and Frances Edens and Bobby Edens left Sunday for a two weeks visit to Lakewood and Den ver, Colorado, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Edens. Mrs. George H. Mauney enter ed Charlotte Memorial hospital Monday for an operation and treatment. Miss Suzanne Shutt, a junior at Ohio State University, Columbus, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Shutt. Thane Griffin of Delaware, Ohio, Is also a guest in the Shutt home this week. Pvt. and Mrs. Henry Nelsler of Camp Pickett, VA. are spending a furlough with their parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neisler. Pvt. Ralph Northcutt of Camp Jackson was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelsler. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Short and Miss Glenda S troupe spent the weekend in Rock Hill and Great Falls, S. C., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Davidson i accompanied their daughter, Do lores Davidson, to Guilford col- i lege Sunday, where she will re- , sume her studies. The Davidsons ; and their guests, Mrs. Neida At kins and Miss Neredia E. Jaen, enjoyed a picnic dinner at Guil ford military park. Margrace Woman's Club Met Friday In Club House Mrs. C. W. Falls presided over the meeting of the Margraee Wo- : man's Club which met Friday evening In the club house. Color ful fall flowers were attractively used in the club room. An Inspiring devotional was given by Mrs. Haskell Wilson, chaplain. Mrs. Floyd Gates gave a report on cards sent to the sick of the community. Reports were given by the secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Carl Gantt and Mrs. Joe Foster. Mrs. Roy Spake, Mrs. Has kell Wilson and Mrs. Roy Mulll nax were appointed as a nomi nating committee In selecting new club officers. A very Interesting program of games and contests had been ar ranged by Mrs. Broadas Moss. Prizes were awarded Mesdames Roy Mullinax, Forrest Weaver and Buddy Medlln. The hostesses, Mesdames John Cloninger, Haskell Wilson, Ja mes Bolin and Blllie Sue Blalock, served tastey refreshments of as sorted sandwiches, cake garnish ed with pineapple, cherries and ice cream with iced tea. In Kings Mountain You Will Find -Gloria Swanson" and Boffi Regulars and Half-Sizes At \ Prices From $10.95 to $16.95 ?* \ r v. . ' ?*"' - * at l^r ., // v - , Rtv ? '? ?* ? "?* ? ! -j?> m 1 - 'K-.-/ '? t'i ? V ?-... ' -fa; ? vl: > Mrs. H. R. Neisler Entertains Kings Mountain Garden Club The September meeting qt the Kings Mountain Garden Club was .held last Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Hunter Neisler. Members Joined their new presldent,?Mrs. H. C. Mayes in welcoming Mrs. Wm. L. Mau ney as a new member. Mrs. Carl Mauney presented a most delightful and informative program on "Bulbs". At the conclusion of the busi ness meeting, Mrs> Neisler served fruit punch and sandwiches, pass ing a large silver tray of assort ed sweets. The blue ribbon of- the month was awarded to Mrs. Howard Jackson's arranpement "Indian Summer". Open Gate Garden Club Meets With Mrs. Crouch The mtmbers of the Open Gate Garden Club met for the first meeting of the fall at the home of Mrs. E. H. Crouch on Wednes day afternoon, September 9. Mrs. George Allen was co-hostess. Beautiful floral arrangements throughout the home made a love ly setting to rthe meeting. Eight een members were present. Upon arrival, the hostess invit ed the members into the dining room lor refreshments. The din ing table, covered with a white cut-work cloth, had an outstand ing arrangement of lavender as ters with baby's breath in a cry stal antique epergne at one end. Delicious sandwiches, cookies, nuts and other dainties were serv ed from the buffet. After the .social hour, Mrs. Clauae Hambright, president, called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved. Attractive yearbooks, compiled by Mrs. Nathan Reed and Mrs. Sam Stallings, were distributed to the members. Names were presented for the election of a new member to be voted on at the October meeting. The president gave a re port of the State Garden Club meeting which she ?>ttended at Wrightsville Beach in August. She also announced the district meeting to be held in Statesville on October 30 and the Garden school to be held in Charlotte September 22-24. In regard to a request lor contributions to the Elizabethan Garden, the club de cided to postpone action until a later date. It was announced that forty Garden Club calendars had been ordered to be sold by mem bers. Mrs. Hambright announced that the arrangement selected for the club to make for the Floral Fair was "Autumn Colors Using Garden Flowers Only". A "Model Mite" project, was presented by Mrs. Clyde Kerns. The committee on Conservation and Beautifica tlon was asked to Investigate the matter further and report at the next meeting. Interesting flower arrange ments of '.rysantnemums, dah lias, and zinnias were brought by Mrs. D. E. Tate, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Crouch, and Mrs. C. E. Cash. Spe cimens of roses and zinnias Were brought by the members. Mrs. W. M. Ggntt, program lea der, gave a most informative pro gram on "Cutting and Preparing Materials for Dried Arrange ments." She discussed the met hods of drying flowers by air, sand, borax, and glycerin. Mrs. Gantt illustrated her . talks with a wide variety of flowers she had dried. Miss Marion Arthur Fetes Methodist Circle No. 8 Miss Marion Arthur entertain ed members of Circle 8 of Cen tral Methodist church Monday night for their September meet- . lng. | The Bible study was given by Miss Margaret Cornwell and Mrs. I. B. Goforth, Jr. presented an interesting program using as , her theme, "A Sower Went For- , th". Several matters of circle inter est were discussed during the business presided over by Mrs. P. L. Shore, leader. During the social period, re freshments were served. David L. Mauney Wins Tsp Rank Thursday Night David L. Mauney, Troop2 Kings Mountain Boy Scout, was present ed the Eagle Bronze Palpi, high est award in scouting, at Boy Scout Court of Honor here Thursday. James Allen Pressly was a Warded the Life rank. Four area scouts advanced to the Tenderfoot and Second Class ranks. Tommy Ballard, Ronnie Hamrick, and WJ'lie Pittman, all members of Troop 8, advanced to the tenderfoot rank and Paul Hamrick, Troop 8, advanced to the second class rating. Merit badges were tUtesented as follows; \\ * Basketry ? Tommy Goforth, Troop 8, and Gary Blanton, Troop 1. Campl"g ? Flem Mauney, Troop 1. ?' Citizertship in the Nation ? James A Pressly, Troop 1. Citizenship in the Home ? Ja mes A. Pressly, Troop 1; David L. Mauney and Hubert Whitaker, Troop 2. Citizenship in the.Community* Hubert Whitaker, Troop 2. Cycling ? Dan Payne, Troop 12. Fishing ? Edward Ledford and Dan Payne, Troop 12. Home Repairs - ? Benny Sylves ter, Troop 1; Gilbert Brazell, De rik Smith, Donald Roper, James Hamrick and James Roper, all of Troop 8; and Jimmy Blanton of Troop 2. Scholarship ? Erwin Hillard tfouser, Troop 2. Swimming ? Mike McKee, Troop 2; Gerald Thomasson, Troop 3; and Billy Staggs and Tony Golns, both of Troop 13. Troop 8 won the banner. About one-eighth of all crop production in the United States depends totally or in part on irri gation. COOPER'S 1 1 I ' I 1 I ' I 1 I > | 1 I 1 lJ SIZES to heat every home! Prices to Fit Every Purse! It's true! You can own a genuine QUAKEB for th?in you'd expect to pay for an ordinai-v .>?; : Only QUAKER olTors you boll> automatic draft ykil u . ? your heater work perfectly i'euaidless of chifnocv coiuiifion and automatic heat circulation thai turns on ?hi:i ??o\u invitei is warm, turns oft by itself -when your heater cools down. See those marvelous features that are exclu sive with QUAKER Come in today for a demonstration. f I .?*. .. ^ kS"?-f If r t ilk. ? ? 1 MODEL 3010 ? MAKE THE MAGIC DEMON STRATION YOURSELF I See hew YOU ran SAVE FUEll Cooper's, Inc. Cash If You Have It? Credit If You Need It S. Railroad Ave. Phone 93 SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD! VALUES GALORE KR*CH*W i nu* t\H*t First COLD TABLET tot 1. H?lp maintain n>slst?nc? to further, serious Illness? 7. Whllt giving, fast rtiWf from miwrios of colds in any QDa family Sif yQC EXPELLO , (6. 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And. as befits an order of this impor tance, your prescription receives the immediate and undivided attention of. a registered pharmacist who uses the finest quality ingredients in compounding your medicine with painstaking care and profession al skill. KING5 hOUNTKlNl TME ; ? STORE DRUG COMPANY PHON E 4 1 & 8 1 TM E CITY'S MODERN STORE

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