Population City Units . . . 7.206 Trading Area J 5.000 (1945 Batten Board Pigam) k\ Kings Mountain's RELIABLE Newspaper Kings Mountain, N. C.t Thursday, October 22, 1953 1 Sixty-Third Year Pages Today PRICE FIVE CENTS ARE ASKED TO CONSERVE WATER Local News Bulletins OATES ATHOME C. C. ('Bus) Oates was dis charged Wednesday from Kings Mountain hospital, ?where he has (been receiving treatment lor Injuries received in an accident several weeks agcx. AT CONVENTION Mn. and Mrs. J. Ollie Harris attended the National Funer al Association's annual con ference In session last week in Washington, D. C. Mr. Har ris is a member of the Board of Errfbalmers In the associa tion. ATTENDS SYNOD MEETING Mrs. Paul Mauney reported on Kings Mountain Presby tery's women's work at the meeting of the North Carolina Bynodical in two- day session at Winston ? Salem October 13-14. FILE ALARMS City firemen answered two calls last Thursday, according to report of Jim I.y brand, fire man, Wednesday morning. At 3:30 p. m. they extinguished a grass fire on 'Falls street, and at 10 p. m. an oil stove blaze in the Parton Apartments on W. King street. No damages were reported. -oard of commission W. K. Dickson report, made pub lic last week, in which the Char- 1 Iotte engineer purported to bring up-to-date a 1949 engineering sur vey of the city's water and sew age disposal facilities. The engineer recommended' ex- 1 penditure of $350,000 for increas ing the city's water capacity, both , fiito-ing and watershed < apacity. I $300, OCO for sewage disposal sys tem Improvements, Including $100,000 for the building of *1 high-rate filter type plant on Mc GUI creek, and $150,000 for a city recreation plant Mayor Bridges reported laat week ho *ad eceived approval on the d V^ bond isstf plana from the Local Governiw^.Com I iHlaelM. ? | I 'lJ ?? f ,* School Trustees Trying To Clear Property Snarl City school officials- were en deavoring to obtain a purchase agreement with Bright D. Rat terree for a portion of the Essie Weir Estate ? Ratferree property for a new Negro school elemen tary plant. Mr. Ratterree, who is executor of the Weir Estate, met with the board in regular monthly meeting at Central school Monday at 7:30 p. m. He told the board that he felt he had not been dealt with fairly on the matter and said he had never bc-??n told the description of the portion the board sought. He said that the first he knew ol condemnation action was "when I read about it in the pa per". Funds for the new building are being withheld in Raleigh by state board authorities until cer tification by the Kings Mountain board that the local unit holds title to all land in the new 12-plus acre site. Bids on the project were let by the board on August 25 and the state school board approved, on September 10, allocation of $70, 819.35 for the building. Mr. -Ratterree showed the board a petition signed by "all but two" property owners near the new site and objecting to the location of the school and pro posed athletic field. He also told the board that he could not sell any of the property "until his executorship ran out" and that Mayor G. A. Bridges and the City* of Kings Mountain had been given an option last August, on the entjre property. Mr. Ratterree telephoned after leaving the meeting and made an appointment for Wednesday mor ning with members of the board to visit the property sought for the school site. The board ' had passed a reso lution authorizing condemnation of the desired property at a spe cial meeting on October 15 and instructing Superintendent B. N. Barnes to retain D. Z. Newton, Shelby attorney, to handle the matter. The board passed a similar re solution authorizing condemna tion of the Tom Hunter property, also desired for the school site, Mr. Newton had been instruct ed to attempt to get an agree ment with Mr. Ratterree before legal proceedings are begun. Mr. Newton reported that Mr. Ratter ree said that he would "not take less than $4,000" for the proper ty. Mrs. ?. D. Herndon Leaves Society Post Mrs. P. D. Herndon, for the past five years Kings Mountain Herald society editor, has resign ed in order to spend the winter in Florida. Mrs. Herndon completed her duties with the Herald Wednes day, and left in the afternoon for Fort Lauderdale, where she will reside with a daughter, Miss Co ra Herndon. Miss Elizabeth Stewart, Herald staff member for tfc? past 15 months, has been named acting society editor and will be in full charge of the department. Miss Stewart, on several occasions during the absence of Mrs. Hern don, has handled acceptably the full work of the society depart ment, In addition to her other duties. Mrs. Herndon became Herald society editor, succeeding Mrs. C. C. (Bus) Oates, in October 1948. Icrfcees Ballot 334 For Consolidattaii Kings Mountain Jaycefta are solidly behind the proposal to consolidate the schools In Num ber 4 Township, a poll conducted at the meeting Tuesday iright In dicate*. With some 33 chib members present Tuesday, the result of a ?tt*w ballot poll was recorded "33 for, hone ag*'n*t i^The^club numbers some 30?dd THE OLD CORNER DRUGSTORE ? The above picture, retrieved recently from some debris at Bonnie Mill Store, is literally the old corner drugstore operated by Tom Kendrick on the site now owned and occupied by First National Bank. The Herald has made diligent effort to identify all of the persons in the picture and has checked and double-checked with a number of citizens. All have been identified except the young man wearing the cap at the extreme right. The trio of young ladies* left to right, are Mrs. Clara Carpenter Phillips, now of Gaffney, S. C., the late Mrs. Ferry Thomasi>on Meachem, and Mrs. Bess Thomasson Aberich. The gentleman around the next table, left to right, are Charlie Russell, at that time star salesman at Holt's Store which occupied the building now used by Belk's Men's Store, George Kendrick. then police chief and father of Mrs. Will Bird, Will Parker, bookkeeper at the Bonnie Mill, and W. G. Putnam, for many years a Kings Mountain jeweler. The moustached bareheaded gentleman between Mes srs. Russell and Kendrick has been identified as Adam Hord, brother of the late grocer William (Bill) Hord, and the soda jerker is Clyde Webb, now a Charlotte druggist Exact date of the picture, made by T. R. Shuford, of Gastonla, has not been determined, but it was made prior to the time the corner drugstore burned. The fancy kerosene lamps show that the picture pre-dates the coming of electricity to Kings Mountain. Note that adver tising displays feature Coca-Cola. Swamp Root, and Capudine, products still well-known today. The Herald is indebted to Robert Morrison, Bonnie Mill overseer, for lending the picture for newspa per reproduction. Throngs Attend 50th Floral Fair ? Mzs. Housei, Mis. McGill Cop Sweepstakes Winners in competition at the Kings Mountain Woman's club fiftieth, anniversary Floral Fair were announced yesterday as re cord crowds visited the Woman's Club building here. Mrs. George H. Houser won the sweepstakes prize for winning the most blue ribbons in the show. Mrs. J. L. McGill, last year's win ner, was runner-up. Mrff. J. H. Arthur won the sweepstake prize In the Horticul ture division. Mrs. Paul Hendricks was floral fair prize winner of the most out standing rose displayed !n the event. Sweepstake awards to win ners were given by Dellinger's and Grayson's jewelers and run ner-up awards presented by the A & P Food Store. David Carroll won prizes for the most outstanding specimen entered by a man. and for the most outstanding specimen in the show. H. L. Campbell was winner of the most outstanding arrange ment by a man. Laura Page won the award given by the Woman's club for the most outstanding entry by a Junior, 541 years old, and Polly Page won the prize for the most outstanding entry for a Junior girl, 12-16 years of age. Prizes were donated by the Wo man's Club, Dellinger's, Gray son's, Kincaid Machine Shop, Bes semer City, Marlowe's, Inc., H. G. Hastings Co., Jackson and Perkins Co.. and A&P Food store. Judges were Mrs. J. W. Ander son, Mrs. J. G, Barron, both of Rock Hill, S. Cv Mrs. Ennis Jack son, Mrs. Dean French, Mrs. Paul Kincaid, all of Gastonia, Mrs. Ceth Blanton, Mrs. Roger Laugh - ridge, Mrs. Ed Post, and Mrs. E. S. Bennett all of Shelby. The complete list of Individual Oontinusd On Pa?e Amnmcs William (Bill) Mrf>anl-1 has joined the staff of Harris Fun eral Home as an apprentice. A son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc Daniel, be is a JCorean veter and and a graduate of Geower hlgfi school^.; jfr