Kings Mountain's RELIABLE Newspaper ?' . V* k. V-I/-V V: y~'? ?/''*> ' .? ? ' ' ' '"' ? * ' *'* Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, January 14, 1954 Established 1889 Population City Limits 7.206 Trading Aim 15.000 (IMS Ration Ibad Ftgaiw) Sixty-Third Year ? '? 14 ? .. Pages ; Today | ? PRICE FIVE CENTS Local Mem Bulletins _ TAG sales +i!rI1C? t^2. city auto license io* 1954 have Ibeen sold ? totol ^^aS.t week( making " S J.?-', ?}$ auto "censes f his year> accord ci^ET* of *? ?"? Vr.?r^tT0N DTC home v"y Commissioner W. S. Ful ^ j?'88 to arrive home >Vednesd?y afternoon follow eUiy at D"1" hospital, Durham, for treat tTon 1 0t an asthmatlc condi GRASS FIRES *.fI?einen answered three 2rtthfo^?!$ ^st week' ac cording to Ted Gamfole, fire man. Thursday evening a grass fire was extinguished at the ?J W. K. Mauney, Jr.. and Saturday afternoon, two other grass fires were exting uished, one at the residence of ' I;il-?,rper,ner' the other In a vacant lot on Shelby road. REVENUE AGENT t??I?pre2entatlve ffom the In win h? .?evenu?, Department will be here at City Hall Feb ruary 12 to aid area citizens in iim g4. tax" returns- He will be i in Shelby at the Rev Hai *??* the Posto?ice ]T ^ ^"m fl-'To until 22?l!ipink Unt11 'March 15. v here are from 9:30 until *?ou p. m. _ kiwanis program ?rtSjfeft Hamrlck, Jr., Shelby H^g^c leader and businessman, ? ilfP^^^^her. of the. ? ^ rren of Dimes campaign. The .program w*s arranged ty fchatles fleisler. _ i*i?0OET TEAM uJiln ?uff8teUer and John H. l^wis have been named as co- - chairmen in change of arrnng-/ ing a program for the annual *anqu?t, ? the Kings Moun tain Merchants association. noiw scheduled for February l at Masonic Dining Hal], it was announced this week. TO CONVENTION *y. T< pJott' Kings Mountain 'I-fLni ~ announced that he will attend the national housing convention in 'Chicago January ^17-22 and that he will , a'W go to Minneapolis, Minn., the main Offices Ji the Lithium Coijx, of America . He expects to return February 1. Shelby Surgeons OpenOffice Here Dr. John W. Harbison and Dr Avery W. McMurry, Shelby sur geons, announced they woijld o pen on Monday an office in Kings Mountain. -urgeoiu said they h*e rented and are renovating the basement apartment of - the Geoj^e W. Alien home at 401 E. wl11 *** patients aLSSI y appo'ltment on ??th are meirtbers of the a*. . . r 1)001 KHigs Moun hospital and Shelby hospi Gaston Hoad Job Cash On Barrel, Grantham Says W. G. Grantham, city commis sioncr in charge of streets, de nle? *?at ^e cltj- has done any unauthorised or Illegal road _ Crantham acknowledged a charge appearing in a Herald i\euto the editor last week in StniC?. nHe^Mayor Garlan'd E. Still suggested that the citv was working out-of-city roads IS? pePP J* questionable repute. Mr. Grantham said the job he the former mayor re renred to was one completed in December for which the city re ffiwf ?" December 18 $43856 rrorfi a man who lives In Gaston the city limits. Mr. Grantham said the citv i?. for the Use of its road machine at $12.50 per hour, for $3.50 per hour, and for itl?^LVnd truck orators P** houi each. "This was according to a on> v'ouf'y adopted policy by this administration to do fee-bass wortc when the macWner^ and ^?TcSaSllat"e'" Mr' <=?"" "We would be glad to do the Howtvpr ^i1 or anyone else. S"no',?''deo.J?T' te"aef " Bank To Install "Walk-up" Cage First National Bank will unvteil sometime this month a "walk up" window to enable patrons to ash checks and obtain change Spoilt entering the maid lobby, ?SE^^3i XoSEKi* ^?ats for h2Lv2rS?Jr,fr'J*"d WrEX#*?* k Justification In looking forward to the year 1964 j?,* i no# ^ our country and its leadters". ^ iishert P|^SiKentiir?POrt Wa* Pub* annSl ^ bank'8 ??y-third t0 "tockholders. distrtbuted just prior to Tues holderTwh* of stock tnr, tv.ii ? *?#** ?? direc iKuS%5X the fitockholdbrs' Sffi?' lrector1' ^-elected all L rt tiieJ>ank Dr MauiJl ? ?? A- bridges, W. K. STO M Mauney, B. S. neu|. ?. M. Neisler P R ??nm ,?d M. A. Wm Sun" Summers, pre. ? ? u- s- NrtU, executive vice nrMM*"!' ** fauney, vice president; L. e. Abbott vi?*. u2"OT"'i JMoe. ?"?'"?K cashier; "?.? ?? 4f- ww'uirs DrMUMteJp' ?' ' b,nk *lK>ul<' <* with ti* MMoSrS ??% p.!.' ? 1^|*> to maintain the economic welfare and foster thp wWch^flL?1 the fcrea which >tf funds are derived The J32S2?" f?f ^1? P?,,cy ^" hee" ^ ?rea? of the J>a?Ks business and certainlv has ?5L5? influence on the economic progress of the area we serve." . *^8umaifi reported that the Si?? oh#cWn? accJurS and ?0 saving* accounts for peo or *n <*? vunvcrnim xne Wllll-up win dow, President Summers said, "We hope to unveil another First National convenience sometime In January. A "walk-up" window wfll be Installed which will ten able patrons to cash checks and make change .Without having to enter the lobby. This will be ee ? ii t nil V ? m> Ira mm - n mm * -- mm m ^ Sa- S? ? fltncr dwk* ing hours." The bank closed 1953 with as sets of $4,274,596.65. Roperts Ave Invited On Air Rifle Damage I Cithens having "air rifle" ' trouble are being asked k| Mayor Olst A. Bridges *?' re- . port tW- dill Jealties Jfl eitv potfeet Young Democrats Name Jack White 1 Township Group Organized Friday At Rally Here Jack White, Kings Mountain attorney and judge of city recor- 1 der*8 court, was elected chairman of Number 4 Township Young Democrats at an organization barbecue last Friday night. Other officers elected by ac clamation along with Mr. Whltte were: Bob Cox, vice-chairman; Harold Phillips, second vice chairman; Clavon Kelly, secre tary; and George Thomasson, treasurer. K. C. Morrison made the re port of the nominating commit tee, which also included David Saunders, and it was unanimous ly accepted by the estimated 85 persons present. The group heard a short ad dress by Horacfe Kornegay, state Young Democratic president, and voted to hold regular dinner meet ings on fifth Tuesdays. Chairman White explained the purpose of the organization is to "build a better community by not limlncr thp Rpnnhllpans get fleet. ed". Short remarks were made by State Rep. B. T. Falls, Jr., and by Senator Robert Morgan, and numerous county officials were recognized, Including Corpnor Ol Ue Harris, Clerk of Court E. A. i Houser, Auditor Max Hamrlek, Sheriff Haywood Allen, and glster of Deeds Dan Moore. President Kornegay said the state organization hoped to hold at least three state-wide rallies during the year and hoped to bring Adlal Stevenson, 1952 Democratic presidential candi date, to North Carolina for one of. them. Chairman White appointed George Thomasson to head a constitution committee, named Harold Phillips program chair man, W, K. Mauney, Jr., mem befship chairman, and Martin Haxmort, publicity chairman. Mayor Urges Bond Support Mayor Glee A. Bridges, in a personal letter to Kings Moun tain citizens also carrying the en dorsement of all city commis sioners, asked a favorable vote on the three proposed bond is sues ?t Saturday's election. In the letter, We outlined the need for the 9000,000 expenditures and promised that "every dollar you vote will be accounted for and spent as economically and wisely as possible. Text of tM? letter follows: "This coming Saturday, Janu ary 16th, your Mayor and City Council urgently request that you go to the polls and exercise the one privilege you have by voting the Issue as you see it Your vote will determine whether you want the City to go forward or back ward. "The first issue is a water bond vote which we feel Is a must. We have ]ust gone through a hectic season. Your Mayor and Council have spent many hours trying to KMp water flowing Into thfe city laka. At the present the lake la just holding its own. Still about 7 feet low. If ytm vote favorable (for this Issue then we will endea vor to get water from othter sour ces so that our supply will be ade quate as well as inviing /w er industries who may desire to move to Kings Mountain. "The second issue Is a sewer bond vote. The Mc&ill septic tank much overloaded and must be enlarged. Numerous families are idthont sewer. We promise to ^IV# sewer first to thosP who haVr Waited the longest, where at all ive these geroan B g(XHl nelgfh this issue fo dan enjoy thdm (*? ? i HPhlrtl. ^jrtnot^ least^ Is the fv-<| LOST LIVES W- CpL Silly above, and Pfc. Ralph J. Whet stlne, or* pmwntd to be dtod by the Department of tbe Army, according to meaaages received by their families this week. The two Kings Mountain men hare been missing in action in Korea for three years. They entered the army together. Owen, Whetstinel Presumed Dead The Department of the Army has notified two Kings Mountain area families thai their sons, re ported missing in action in Ko- j rea, are "presumed to be dead." Cpl. Billy Owen and Pfc. Ralph J. Whetstlne enlisted in the . Army together at Fort Jackson. S. C. December 17, 1950. Both havte been reported missing lor over three years, members of their families said Monday morn Irig. In a letter dated December 31 to Mrs. Emmie Owen Benfleid, resident of street here, the Department of the Army said that Cpl. Billy Owen, 22, report ed missing in action in Korea since July 27, 1950, waa "believed to he dead." ? ; -Cpl. Owen was stationed on Okinawa before his unit waa sent to Korea. A letter dated July 15, 1950, was the last communication Mrs. Benlield had from her son. A telegram from the War De partment received January 2 by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whetstlne, resident of Lackey street Hi verified that Ralph J. Whetstlne, 23, reported mleeing in action In Korea since December 2, 1950, was "btttvod to be dead." Pfc. Whetstlne waa stationed In California before his unit, the Second Infantry Division, waa sent to Korea. Gene Whetstlne, brother of the Klnga Mountain sol/?!^r said he received a letter In November of 1980, a month before Pic. Whetstlne %ras Re ported missing In action. Both soldiers attended Kings Mountain high school before en tering the service. . , Pfc. Whtotetlne is4i brother of Gene, Johnny, Henry, a Ad Fktfd Whetstlne, all o? Kings Mountain and Mrs. J. R. Van Dyke, Mr*. Howard Leigh. Miae Mnrjorte Whetstlne, and Mrs. John Hand. aU of Kings Mountain. - , Cpl. Owen is a brother of C. j H. Owen of Klnga Mountain. RvjyjOv ' > ?" " ? *"? ' ' .4 ' ?J Wei 1 1 ^ H^llender^nd Gene added to the Hunter Funeial Heie Saturday At 3 O'clock Funeral services for Mrs. Cora Dllling Hunter, 81, Kings Moun tain native and daughter of a pioneer citizen and founder of the city, will be held Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock at Boyce Memorial ARP church. The rites will be conducted by Rev. W. L. Pressly, the pastor, and by Rev. P. D. Patrick, pastor of First Presbyterian church. In terment will be made in Moun tain Rest cemetery. Mrs. Hunter succumbed at thte home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Thompson, of Tampa, Fla., Monday morning at 6 o'clock. She had been in ill health for several years and death was attributed to a complication of illnesses. Born in Kings Mountain in Oc- j tober 1872, Mrs. Hunter was the j daughter of the late Capt. Freno Dllling, textile pioneer and lead ing citizen, and his wife Sara Falls Dilling. Mrs. Hunter was a citizen of Kings Mountain for the greater part of her life. She took a prominent part In tho civic life of the community and was quitfe active in the work of Boyce Me morial ARP church. At her death, she was a member of the Tampa First Presbyterian church. Mrs Hunter left Kings Moun tain in 1935 and had lived in Tarn pa for the past 11 years. She last had visited in Kings Mountain in 1948. Mrs. Hunter resided for many years at the home on N. Piedmont avenue now owned by Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Myers, whlrh they purchased from Mrs. Hunter Several years ago. - Surviving, in addition to her daughter, Mrs. Nina Hunter Thompson, is one granddaughter, Mis^ Anne Thompson, of Wash ington, D. C. *. King* Mountain ? artea pieces and nephews of Mrs. Hunter are Mrs. B. W. Gillespie, Charles C. Dllling, Percy F. Dllling, Mrs. Joe Grimes, Mrs. Buck Hardin, of Shelby, and Mrs. R. A. Jackson, of Clover, S. C. In Kings Mountain, the Thomp son family will be at the home of Mrs. W. S. Dilling, Mrs. Hunter's sister-in-law. The body is expected to arrive here Friday morning and will be at Harris Funeral Home until the funeral rites on Saturday. Four Are Elected To Lutheran Board Four members were elected to the church council at a congrega* tional mefetlng of St. Matthew's Lutheran church on Sunday. Those elected were Dr. R. N. Baker, Ray Cline, Dan Finger, and Dr. W. L. Mauney. W. K. Mauney, Sr., wac elected as the church's delegate to an nual meeting of Synod, and F. R. Summers was elected alternate. Mauney Addresses Cameron Body Aubrey Mauney, Kings Moun tain textile manufacturer, spoke to meirtbers of the Cameron, S. C., Lutheran church on Tuesday night. Mr. Mauney told of his recent trip to South American mission fields of the church. Ma and Mrs. Mauney were fuests of the pastor, Rev. W. H. tender, formerly of Kings Mountain. Commissioners In Busy Session FIRE CHIEF? J. Pat Tignor. well known barber and veteran mem ber of the city's volunteer fire department was appointed city lire chief by the board of city commissioners last Thursday. He succeeds the late Grady W. King. Dr. Gerberding Injured In Wreck Dr. W. P. Gerberding, pastor of St. Matthew's Lutheran church, was painfully injured Monday afternoon,, when his Dodge auto was struck broadside by another auto at the intersec tion of King and Gaston streets. The other car was driven .by liynwnM. "Parker, Sr., ofSbefby; a Negro minister. ? Investigating officers reported 6oth vehicles badly damaged and not driveable. Dr. Gerberding was reported improving satisfactorily by Kings Mountain hospital officials Wed nesday. A second set of X-rays revealed he had sustained several broken ribs. In addition he suf fered painful bruises of the hip and legs. Rev. Parker was not hospitaliz ed. The accident occurred about 11:30 Monday morning, and the wreck report showed both vehi cles proceeding at slow speed. Auto Value Drop May Cut listings City and county tax listing was continuing at a brisk pace Wed nesday. However, Clarence Carpenter, city tax lister, said the consider able drop in automobile valua tions during the past year would have a tendency to offset new property valuations added. Autos are listed bjr the dealers wholesale "blue book". . Many, many more persons will have i o list before the Job is done, and again the listing officials, Mr. Carpenter, and Conrad Hughes, are urging Immediate attention to the listing chore. "It's already too late to list early," they noted. "Soon long lines and waits will be the order of the day." 1^ MDtawW? Underway; "Operation Roadblock Scheduled ' King* Mountain's annual ap peal for dime* to fight polio got into full aWim *Ms week, with pm Eastern Star to operate a downtown booth on Saturday and the Jaycees to cbnduct "Opefa tlon Roadblock" on Sunday after noon. atthfiTr Thomasson, Kings Mountain attorney, and Charles Nelaler, local cotton warehouse man, are serving as co-chairmen for the March of Dimes drive. Motorists will be Invited to make donations at a roadblock At East King street and Cleviv land avenule Sunday afternoon. Jayceea will he Working In con function With law enforcement of ficers on the project, Which net tad *500 tot th# drive last year. 1 Dimes deposited in the ritv's parting meters wlU go to the r*mp?Hfn against infantile para lysis. Stickers have be*tl posted on the muter*, which give no parking time for dimes. n * Hie Jtmkrr W'l. Mian's dub will ronriuct a "Mo ther's March on Polio" on next Thursday (January 21). Mrs. Denver King wlU fete in charge of pfroject, which will be con ducted between 7 and 8 p, m. with the start to be signalled by blow- , Ing of mill whistles. Persons may ( also Phone No. 720 during the time of the march and someone ! will be sent for their contribu tion. ? ?Hush Hamrick, Jr., of Shelby, I la to talk to the Kiyranis club on Thursday about the fight against polio. Mrs. Roberta Wylie, of Gastonia Orthopedic hospital, spoke to the Lions club last I Thursday night. \ - Meantime, the eight commit ters announced last week have been at Work but no pitellminary reports have befctj turned In, Chairman Thomasson said. "We Hope everyone will dig deeply into their pockets tnr funds far-fh!t worthy cana*. We must meat our goal of 15.000", hte 'mtL - . ,V ' Board Approves | Plan To Employ Negro Policeman The city 'board of commission ers held a busy, though largely routine session last Thursday. In principal actions, it ap proved the recommendation of the volunteer fire department by appointing J. Pat Tignor chief, and named other department of ficers s-iggested by the Firemen, authorized employment of Q Ne gro policeman at $40 per week, and accepted tentatively the low bid of Burns and Spangler, of Shelby, for curb-and-gutter and sidewalk installations from Wat terSi^istreet to Kings Mountain hospitair-PheHow trtrfwas $18, 701.20, more than $2,000 under the next lowest bidder. The bid was approved by the board, sub ject to approval toy the State Highway and Public Works Com mission, which is defraying the cost of the curb-and-gutter work. The fire department met with the commissioners and Mayor Bridges invited the firemen to back their new chief or "get out." Chief Tignor succeeds the late Grady W. Kinc. Tne board also appMVM tflc' ommendation of the firemen, as presented by Neal Crissom, for a $300 expenditure for uniforms, but delayed for study other rec ommendations advanced by the firemen to raise the pay scale of the regular firemen to equal that of the policemen, to relieve the regular firemen of general Jani torial duties, and to leave the fire department car in the hands of the fire department. In other actions the city:' 1) Agreed to accept deeds to streets in the realty development of Mrs. C. F. Stowe on Cherry ,'ville Road. 2) Authorized the city clerk to handle the books and funds of the city parks and recreation commission. 3) Approved a contract with R S. Dickson & Company, of Char lotte, for certain work in connec tion with the city's efforts to ob tain natural gas. 4) Tabled the request of Ted Ledford for a loading zone in front of his Battleground avenue establishment. 5) Tabled request of R. C. Ganttr outside city limits power customer, for relief from the 20 percent differential charged non resident customers. 6) Authorized contract with Neal and Jasper Rice for pur chase of scrap salvage from city dump for $25 per month. .7) Accepted street-paving pe titions for a portion of West Ridge street, provided the peti tlons are In order; for Mauney avenue, provided all sewer taps must be made before paving work begins; and for Oriental avenue, from the Sadie Loop west, provided the petition is in order. 8) Voted to purchase a chlorl nator for the water plant from Wallace A Tlernaw, of Charlotte, for $1,829. It was the lone bid. 9) Discussed without action the acceptance of a deed for Sims street. City Attorney J. R. Davis explained that only about 35 feet would be available, and ?Mayor Bridges objected that the city is not allowed to accept less than 40 feet as a street. 10) Took no action on a re quest from Helen's Beauty Shop for two-hour parking meters in front of her business establish ment on Piedmont avenue. 11) Adopted ? standardized ?ewer tap and ordered complian ce by all plumbers operating in the city. 12) Approved provisionally a recommendation of City Clerk Jbe Hendrlek to separate the city clerk'* office and the utilities department business office. Mr H end rick was instructed to report hja plans to the board. 13) Discussed 'without actfon a complaint which Commissioner Harold Phillips said he was passing on ??ncefhh*g hourly rated employees. Mr. Phillip*) fald several employees Were complaining qf loss of pay due to cut 1A the work, week. ' - ' - ? rrr* heads lodge Rufus Eugene Fite, Kings Mountain shoe repairman, has been elected recently matter of Gaston Lodge 263, A. P, * a. , >'M., at Dallss. Voting To Decide Recreation Tax. Three Issues \ Kings Mountain citizens will go to the polls Saturday to de termine whether the city shall borrow up to $600,000 for public improvements, and whether the city shall be authorized to collect a five-cent tax for operating a recreational program. While the prediction Is for a light vote, based on past bond election totals, city officials are urging a large turnotjt. Mayor Glee A. Bridges said Wednesday he would be dissatis fied with a light vote, even If It is preponderantly in favor of the issues. "It still wouldn't be Indi cative of what the people think about it, or want, if only a small number of voters take the trou ble of voicing their opinions.'* Mayor Bridges commented. The citizens will answer "yes" |or "no" to four questions as fol Bond Election Facts Day of election: Saturday, January 16. Eligible voters: all register ed citizens of Kings Mountain. Questions: to determine whe ther city shall issue up to $600, 000 in bonds, and whether the city shall be authorized to levy . a tax of five cents per $100 valuation for recreational op erations. Polls open: 6:30 a. m. Polls close: 6:30 p. m. Voting places: the city's five ward voting places. lows: 1) Shall thle city issue $250, 000 in bonds for iipprovlng the water system? 2) Shall the city issue $200,000 in bonds for making Improve ments to the sewage disposal sys tem? 3) Shall the city Issue $150,000 In bonds for use In building re creational facilities? 4) Shall the city be authorized to lbvy an annual tax, up to five cents per $J0Q valuation, for ope rating a recreational system arid program? Mayor Bridges estimates that the bonds, if issued, would mean about 35 cents to 40 cents per $100 valuation on the tax rate, predicating his estimate on thte issuance of 30-year bonds. Citizens may vote "yes" or "no" on any of the questions. It is possible to approve one, and D oppose thf others, or vice vc> , taa. Each question will stand on its own. The voting will bte conducted at the five city voting precinct^ between the hours of 6:30 a. tqal and 6:30 p. m. . Following are the polling pla ces and election officials: x \ Ward 1 at City Hall fire sta tlon, C. L. Black, registrar, M. 1* Harmon, and Mrs. Lloyd Houser, judges. . Ward 2 at City Hall courtroom, Mrs. H. R. Parton, registrar, Mrs, |L. C. Parsons and S. A. Crouae, Judges. Ward 3 at Phtenlx Store, Mrs. Ruth Bowers, registrar, H. R Murray and Rochel Connor, Judges. Ward 4 at Kings Mountain Manufacturing Company club room, Paul Ledford,' registrar, E. O. White and George White, Judges. ' -I Ward 5 at Victory Chevrolet Company, Mrs. J. T. McGinn Is, Jr., registrar, J. C. Keller and W. D. Weaver, judges. McSwain Heads Moirtonia Club Annual meeting of stockhold ers of Lake Montonla Club, Inc. was held at City Hall courtroom Tuesday at 8 p. m? with a heated debate on the club's rulies and regulations the highlight of the event Around 25 stockholders were present and most of them Joined in the rules debate, which lasted ! ovter an hour and one^alf hut resulted In no formal action being taken.' yj Mew. officers for the coming Kiar were elected, with Dorus C. cSwalri of Gastonia being nam ed to the nresidpncy succeeding Howard Whlsnant, also of Gas tonia. Mr. McSwain is a forrrter president of the club. Other officers elected were Dr. f> R. Lewis, re-elected to the vkse nresidencv h> a close contest wtth \Tioid- Kiser; Harrv E, Page, "'wii"! secretary - treasurer, and Bill Todd, of Gastonia. eiec^cd - secr*>tnrv - treawtwr On Pag* Bight

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