population ,ww# !**? trt# ?-,*?<? ?v rAO.A JAYCEES PRESENT INFANT INCUBATOR ? Gift of an infant incubator, shown above, to the Kings Mountain hospital by th? Junior Chamber of Commerce was not made too soon, it turned o6t, as the greatly-needed piece of equipment was put Into use loss than ten days after announcement of the gift on January 5. Clyde Bess. Jrv Negro baby born prematurely on January 13, was the first Infant to use the appliance. The seven-mon ths baby weighed only two and one-half pounds when born and has been in the incubator since birth. The new appatttoi. described by hospital authorities as the finest available, may be op ; ? rated with or without oxygon. Pictured at the formal presentation of the appliance at the hos pital Tuesday are. left to ritjht Mrs. Carl Childers, superintendent of nurses, Grady K. Howard, ad ministrator, Jaycee President Paul Walker and C< D. Blanton, county hospital trustee. The Bess in. fant is pictured in the incubator. (Herald photo by Carlisle Studio.) local News I Bulletins A total of 584 Kings Moun tain motorists had purchased 1954 city auto license stickers through Wednesday, according to report of Joe Hendrlck, city cleifc. Fifty of the total were purchased this past week. The -tags" are priced at one dollar. TREASURE CHEST Anold Thompson won $37 in trade certificates at the week ly drawing last Thursday in the * Merchants Association treasure chest promotion. The drawing is again set for 3:30 p. m. Thursday in iront of Cooper's, Inc., with *he Jack pot at $372. DIXON SERVICE ; Students from Davidson Col lege will present the program at Dixon Presbyterian church Sunday as the church observes Youth Sundays Two of the stu dents Will torlng the message at the 4 o'clock worship ser vice hour, and a quartet will present special music. ? TO HEAR TS&N-jg|gjp The Entre Nous Teen-Age Club will present the program at Thursday night's meeting of the Kings Mcrmtain KlWanls .Im&'it-liras announced this week. Taking part will be Har old Jackson, president, Gary Ailr.'in, Toi;i,ii', Gelbert and {Jndfay. The club meets at Masonic Dining Hall at tf :40w - Net receipts .from the city's .parking meters lor the week ending Wednesday at noon $12586, as reported by In Ware of th4 city police tment An additional in dimes were removed meters and turned to the Match of Dimes Listing Deadline Pined day lor listiaf proper ties lor taxes Is Monday. The , uue to the fact of January comas - * ? ' ? ? ity nxx tiiiifi nal'tles of ei m. . . te list MM ?MMk Benefit Dance Will Be Held At Gym Saturday With contributions trickling in at a slow rate, Kings Mountain March of Dimes officials are counting on the youth of the community to de a major Job in helping increase the flow of funds to fight polio." Co-.Chalrman George 'Thomas son said Wednesday that consi derable steam is being put under the Saturday night benefit dance, scheduled for the high school gymnasium by the Entre Nous club, a high school teen-age group, which is listing the Kings Mountain Kiwanis club as co sponsor. . ?;$> A city-wide advancte ticket sale is being conducted and the re quest of the ticket salesmen isi "Buy a ticket whether you can come or not." Both round dancing and square dancing will be on the Saturday night program, which begins at 8 o'clock. Tickets may be obtain ted at Kings Mountain Drug Com pany and Bridges Hardware, it was announced. ' ji" Mr. Thomasson also reported that Foote Mineral" Company's $271.52 topped industrial employ, ees contributions to date, and that -the Mother's March, con ducted last Thursday night by the Junior Woman's club netted $156.22. On Tuesday night, dona tions by membtrs of the Kings Mountain Lions club added $31 to the till. . "We need those gifts badly," Mr. Thomasson Mid. ' Bus Term ina I Parki ng Area Being Surfaced Queen City Coach Company is installing dirtnage facilities pre paratory to hard -surfacing the parking area at the Kings Moun tain B?t? Terminal, 1>vT ?' '*?<* A. P. V/arlick, Kings Mountain contractor;, said Wednesday he had entered into a contract with the Que*jn City company, owner of the terminal, to Install drain tile and catch basins and to sur face the area with tar and gra vel. Mr. Warilck said, with good weather, the work could be com pleted in a week. The project was begun Monday. OBAtt rout City firemen answered one call during the P*?t week, ac cordlng to C. D. Ware, fire man. Tuesday afternoon at 4:45 firemen answered a call to extinguish * grass fire in * vacant lot on BenfteM road. DAVIDSON MAN ? Dr. Shaw Smith, director of student activ ities at Davidson College, will speak at 11 o'clock services Sun day morning at First Praebyterl m church as the church observes Youth Sunday. Dr. Smith will be accompanied by a student quar tet which will conduct the Men's Bible Class. UNION SERVICE FEB. 7 A union service has been scheduled for Sunday, Febru ary 7, at Resurrection Luther an church, It wa^ announced this week by 'Rev. W. L. Press ly, president of the Kings Mountain Ministerial associa tion. The service wi!1 be ? Scout Week service and will, also .atfv* as a gesture of wel come to the community to the Resurrection pastor, Rev. R. Douglas Fritz. Mr- Pressly said. .'It is possible that Kings Moun tain may have two n?W candl dates in the field during the coun ty's May Democratic primary e lectlon. They .are Jack White, attorney and jMdge of Kings Mountain Rf* corder's Court, who may seek the nomination iir the North Caro lina House of Representatives, and Joe Hendrick, city clerk, who may seek the nomination for eterk of court 1 ?.X V . If the Incumbents seek reflec tion, as la expected, Mr. White would oppose. Rap. R. T. Falls, Jr., and Mr. Hendrick would op pose Bmett A. Houser. . Other Kings Mountain dtiaena] fd to have their names on ballots this soring are Ol Ue Harris, incumbent eorpnor, and Haxel B. Bumgardner, Die ? . i \ . trlct 2 county commissioner. At.oitwy White said Wednes day that he had been considering the matter of opposing Rep Falls for several weeks, but had not reached a conclusion. He would make up his mind within the next "couple or weeks", he sahf. j Mr. Kendrick, who came to Kings Mountain from Shelby, was away from Kings Mountain Wednesday on a trip to Florida, city office employees said, and could not be reached for comment on his projected candidacy. Sev eral months ago Mr. Headrick ad mitted to some interest In seek ing the nomination for clerk of court, but later said hie didn't think he'd make the race. In the past two weeks, more than nor mal frequency. Report Shows 1953 Big Year For Home B &L Home Building & Loan Asso ciation stockholders held their thirtieth annual meeting Tuesday afternoon, heard reports of offi cers showing the association en joyed a highly prosperous year, and re-elected all directors. Immediately following the stockholders meeting, directors met and re-elecUed all officers and again named Davis & White as attorneys. Officers of the association ?re Dr. J. E. Anthony, president; G. A. Bridges and J. H. Thomson, vice-presidents; and A. H. Patter son, secretary - treasurer. Direc tors include the officers and I, G. Patterson, L. L. Alexander, J. B. Mauney, B. S. Peeler, and B. D. Ratterree. Home Building & Loan associa tion, during 1953, showed in creases in savings accounts of $173,112.28, in total assists of 5189,535.07, and in loans of $198, 133.32, Secretary - Treasurer Pat terson reported. At the end of the year, the as-" sociation loan total had reached 620, with the largest loan $17,165. During the year the association h^d made 229 loans totaling $465,140.78, including $218,893.33 for ntew construction, and $il8, 593.33 for purchases of real pro perty and other purposes. The association, at December 31, listed 1,443 savings accounts, and total reserves of $120,765.95. During 1953, additions to aSSOCia .tirtn wwtvm imnHptwi *17, 635.65. The association paid dividends to shareholders during 1953 of $38,088.46, and counted record to tal assets at the end of the year of $1,490,923.07. ; 'i in ? included first mortgage loans <o? $1*287,007^, At wetureTTBe ywHiirBr sociation listed cash of $101,7i9.-i 88, and owned U, S. Govefnment bonds worth $82,400. ? i ? ... . Tuesday Penalty Day On T53 Taxes Kings Mountain citizens have been rushing to pay 1953 city tax bills during the past three weeks, but $38,510.50 of the levy was still unpaid at noon Wednesday with penalty day nearing. Penalty of one percent will ap ply on all unpaid 1953 city tax bills Tuesday, February 2. The same schedule applies on county taxes. The last day for paying 1953 tax bills at net or par is Monday, it was pointed out by Clarence E. Carpenter, city tax supervisor. Mr. Carpenter urged that all citizens who havten't yet paid their ux bills attend to the mat ter prior to Tuesday. Through Wednesday noon, cltl zens had paid $87,575.68 into city coffers on the total 1953 tax bill of $126,0%.l8. The 1953 levy was thus 69.3 percent paid. The final few days before pen alty day Is customarily thte busi est of the whole year as respects tax payments, Mr. Carpenter hot ed, and said he thought this year would be no exception. Further penalties apply In March and In subsequent months for non-pa yrrfent. tO BOCK BILL 8111 Pack, Kings Mountain radio announcer sin?e WKMT went on the air, has Joined the staff of W1TC Rock Hill. & C. Mr. Pack assumed his new du ties Tuesday. ' . ? : -< Merchants T o Hold Banquet Monday ' ? ' ' ? ? ? ? RECEIVES DEGREE _ Second Lt Garland Everette Still, Jr., a bove. graduated from N. C. State College December 17. 1953, and on Saturday reported to Samp 8onAFB. Geneva. N. Y.. where be expects to spend two weeks be fore transfer to Columbus AFB. Miss., for duty. He received a batcbelor of science degree In agronomy and also a commission S.!ate R< ?" T- C. unit. Mr. Still attended Davidson Col lege for two Tears before enter He of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Still. Warren Reynolds Building Grocery A building permit was issued Tuesday to Wairbn E. Reynolds for construction of a one story building otf York road at an esti mated cost of $10,000. The new building, to be erected between E. King and E. Gold streets on York road, will be leas to H, G. Pete" Barklty when completed, Mr. Reynolds said yes terday. * Construction on the buildine was begun Tuesday, and it is ex pected to be completed within ap proximately 60 days, according 1? ^ ' **eyn?l<3s. Jt will be a 40 by 80 feet brick structure, with ample parking space to accom modate from 25 to 30 cars. Mr Reynolds also stated that Mr. IS!ey eXpects to occupy the building as soon as it Is complet Applications for two building J? were also - received by City Building Inspector J YV Webster on Tuesday. Kelly Dixon applied for permits to build a one story dwelling on Linwood road and a one story dwelling to oe located on Monroe avenue, fcach of the houses are to be built according to FHA requirements. YonlhT Nabbed On Theft Connt Three Kings Mountain youths were arrested by Officers Jack Stone and H. L. Gladden at their homes on Second street Monday afternoon in connection with a series of burglaries In Clover, S. 195^" nJ*ht ?* January 16, Jack Mu llina x. of Iredell coun ty, wW> was arrested prior to the Kings Mountain youths and also in connection with tfie S. C. bur ?Km"' Uu n?W in Leno,r Jail. Mulllnax has confessed that he to?c part in the burglaries and implicated the other boys, local police said. The three youths, Gene Grigg, 20, Jlmnyr Coleman, 19, and Har ?'d P**Z Coleman. 17, brothers, *re fighting extradition, and ex tradition procedure is now un \Vrway. Jack Mulllnax has waiv ed extradition. ^Harold Dean Coleman and Gene Grigg are now under pro batiort, according jo Martin Ware, Kings Mountain officer. The two youths were given a hearing in Kings Mountain Be cwdert Court September 21, 1953, for breaking and entering, and were bmind over to Superior change was re duced to^forceable trespass. The two youths .MM put on proba tion and prayer for judgment waa contlntied for three years. $3 000 bQ"d '0r W" Mt at Lenoir Group Will Feature Annual Event An bntertainment program r>f ?TSS 3fnd impersona,i?ns h? P ?' SOVen children of school at i arper Elementary school, at Lenoir, will be the en tertainment feature at the annu fj|nba"qu*t of the Kings Moun ^.1 . ^fchants association to be ?Sht at ,Ia" ?n M?nday J. C. Bridges, outgoing nresl. S?.'irwwhr,rlde ?? v airair which customarily at quet win aJfCity Cr,0Wd' The ban 2"*1*111 also mark the installa t on of new officers for the asso ciation year 1954-55. ? " fh^iS^cial prize Presentation for 1 . 8 wil1 ^ conducted rickets are now on sale at $2 each and President Bridges said kets ?*' qi?,e !,?r purchase of tic o'clock T^^ay mornlnK. at 10 o clock Tickets may be obtained fhv? m k Presidcnt Bridges or thte Merchants association office as&SSSSSBMKT nell ULU'^ neii, Lisa Kirk, Fran Warren Paul Winchell, Mel Blanc Rose' sa^rt a?h"ey/ and Julius La Ro er famou? and popular radio, screen, and television stars X5J, ??"nd, ?1?U 'JS Krap^ records. ' ^ Kings Mountain perform, anee win mark the 87th JertS appearance of the children during the past 20 months. The group of tpAt?'imp* ,"g the tWo teams, en p.if'" at cl"b meetings, schools, "u Teaeher Association faiTs ban^bts and otber af The two teams of youne ar tists, with seven making up a cfrarfvr a*j U?der the direction of r^tx ,nca'd. principal of imnf .1 Harppr school. They are under the sponsorship of the Bovs Optimist Charter Roll Still Open charter membership roll club ?s M?Unta,n Optimist 18 to be completed "in thp to XtTomw!e ?^w1epks"' according ZZ?mtny O*?*. temporary tha^th^i ? also announced that the first regular meeting of Caf/Th? h1H 1)6 heId ?t Corner Thursday at 6:30 p. m htero c?ub ^eing sponsored ha^rS ill? ,6 by ?Ptlrnist club, has not been formally organized ! . u . organizers hope to complete I DisSfT 8 ear,y next rnon,h- 1 uistrict Governor Hugh Gran. ?1hV.0^ Charlotte, along with oth er Charlotte Optimists and mem sStinff ^lnhfhShe'by committelR as 22! h Jl! organization of the afe. exPected to attend Thursday night's meeting. afSr "ani*1" W^n ^ a "dutch" rwnlmii i Kn?? reservation8 art> required. A business meeting will ter th? at C,ty Hal1 courtroom af. ter the supper gathering Mountain men Continued On Page Bioht ? . . _... . - MISSIONARIES ? Rev. and Mrs Marion P. Birch, missionaries to Africa, are conducting a four-day mission series at First Wesleyan Metbodist church. Services are at 7 o'clock each evening. Mission Series To Close Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Marion P. Birch, missionaries to Africa, arte con ducting a series of missionary services at First Wesleyan Meth- j odist hurch here this week with services to end Sunday night. j Announcement was made by the pastor. Rev. A. J. Argo, and thfe public is Invited to attend. Co lor slides and films are also to be shown at each of the services. Sermon topics for the remain ing four days of the series are: Thursday ? "Faith's Response To Work Among Women and Chjldren of Africa"; Friday ? -"faKh Vlotoriouo in Evangelism" and Sunday ? "Faith Conquers in Fcrfeign Missions." The couple will conduct a varie. ty program Saturday night. Na I tive language and native costume illustrations will be given, and a film entitled, "Yesudas the Out ea?f\ will be shown. "Healing of M'Vondo", a film taken from the , "American Mis sion to Lepefs" will bte shown on Thursday night and colored slides and movies will be shown at each j of the other services. * Rev. Mr. Birch will be guest | speaker at the District Youth Ral ly Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the church, and he will also spteak at both the Sunday morn jing regular church service and at I the Sunday night service. His Sunday night- sermon topic, is "Faith's Challenge to Future \ Missionaries." ? Services each evening are at 7 o'clock. Haidin Resigns At Macedonia Rev. R. L. Hardin, pastor of Macedonia Baptist church, has re signed, and will become pastor on February 14 of Berryhill Bap tist church in Mecklfcnburg coun ty. Announcement of Mr. Hardin's resignation was made Sunday at morning church services. Rev. Mr. Hardin has served as pastor I of the Macedonia church for over I three years. lie came to Kings Mountain from Race Path Bap tist church in Rutherford county. Thfe Hardins expect to move from Kings Mountain the second week of February. BUILDING FUND DAY Building Fund Day will be Observed on Sunday at Boyee Memorial ARP church at 11 o'clock services, It was an nounced this week by John L. McGlll, chalfman of the build ing fund committee. Capacity Crowd At Shelby Tuesday Heaz Manney Twins In Conceit A virtual capacity crowd esti mated at 1,000 persona packed the Shelby high school auditori um Tuesday evening to hear Er nest and Miles Mauney, Kings Mountain's twin duo- pianists, in a presentation of the Cleveland County Community Concert as sociation. The artists showed technical ability for playing delicate runs and trills aa well as powerful chorda. They both played with a beautiful singing tone and de monstrated understanding of all types of mualc. t Among the more brilliant com positions were the 'Romance and the Tarantelle, from "Suite No. 2, Op. 11T' by Rachmaninoff and the Xoncerto Pathetique" by \*bxt. The Romance has a gor geous melody and the Taran telle shows "Rachmaninoff's Russian interpretation of the barbaric dance form which had Its origin in a dance once believ ed to be the cure from the dead ly sting of the tarantulla." In the Llsza number, the twins displayed the extreme virtuosity necessary for this dramatic com position. The most unusal numbers were "Perpetual Motion" by Von Weber in which both performers played exactly the same notes at precisely the same time end th? Two Etude* In Q flat" ma J or by Chopin which were play ed simultaneously on the two pianoa. The program opened with the "?Chorale Prelude: Sleepers Wake" by Bach (art. W.<S. W^iit. . Continued On Page Sigh* Ware Reports Claims Totals For Past Month While there are more people than Jobs in Kings Mountain to day, the economic situation is not disastrous nor anywhere it, /figures of thp Kings Mountain , -branch of the North Carolina Employment Service show. Though the Employment Ser vice office on Cherokee street is about the busiest public place in the city, there existed on Wed nesday morning only four "spot points," which is Employment Service lingo for industries with more than 20 current layoffs. At "spot points," officials visit the plants to take work claims from " the furloughed workers. The four "spot .points" Wed nesday were listed by Franklin Ware, manager of the Employ ment Service as: 1) Bonnie Cottofi Mills, with about 100 employees, which has been closed due to lack of orders and to make machinery instal lations. W. K. Mauney, Bonnie official, said the Bonnie would resume operations Monday on a three- day Week basis. 2) Consolidated Textiles, Infl., normally listing a payroll of 285 and operating since Christ mas on a week-on, week-off schedule. 3) Slater Manufacturing Com pany, with a peak employment figure of 60, which closed for an announced four wee^s due to lack of orders. 4) Kings Mountain Manufac turing Company, normally em ploying 115. which has operated only two weeks sine? December 1, due to lack of orders. In addition to the four, the Kings Mountain office estimates it handles about 70 percent of the claims for Frieda Manufac turing Company.' at Crowder's Mountain, which normally em ployed aibout 150 persons before I it was closed in October and subsequently sold to Carlton Mills, Inc., of Chenyville. Some lay-offs were reported in smaller scale at other points, but they were not great in number. Kerns Brothers, trucking firm normally employing about 65, laid off 15 employees Monday. Street rumors had plated the layoffs at much higher figures. Clyde Kerns said he hoped the , - layoffs would prove to be "sea sonal." Keeping Employment Service offici?'s busy were the claim filings of Kings Mountain work ers, who, via the Unemployment Compensation program, receive ? unemployment benefits, based on earnings during thte previous year. Mr. Ware said the average check for Ki"^s Mountain clai mants h, between $18 and $24 for Continued On Page Eight Ted Ledlozd Opens New Finn Formal opining of Kings Moun tain Farm Center will be observ ed Saturday at the. new firm, lo cated at 231 South Battleground avenue, next to A & P Store. Ted Ledford* owner of the busi ness, made the announcement and said that free baby chicks would be given away as long as the sup ply lasts, to adults visiting the store Saturday. The new firm will offer a full line of Purina feeds, as well as other farm supplies, Mr. Ledford ?aid. Mr. Dedford, well-known resi dent of route two, has been ware housing Purina product* at his , home for the past six months. "We invite everyone to visit our new store on Saturday or at any other time," Mr. Ledford said. "We are very pleased to of fer Purina feeds to poultry and livestock farmers of this area." Gerberding Retains To Pulpit Sunday Dr. W. P. Gerberdlng, pastor of St. Matthew's L u t he r a n church, will return to his pulpit Sunday, following two weeks ab sence due to injuries received In l an automobile accident Dr. Gerbferding will discuss for. elgn missions In his Sunday ser mon, marking the annual Epip hany appeal. In a sermon also scheduled for broadcast over Sta tion WKMT. At Sunday School, It was an nounced, two recorded talks, ac companied by pictures, one on Ja pan and the other on India, will be re-played.

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